
dreams of Gaia tarot- VII of earth
The Dreams of Gaia Tarot-7 of Earth, represents the need to nurture and maintain a connection between Spirit, Mind, Body and the world around you. In other words, ground, integrate and connect.
Grounding, integrating and connecting, doesn't need a faith in the Divine. Rather, a knowledge of the energetic connection of the One Energy in all things. A connection that can be seen, felt and understood in the cycles of life and nature while also understanding how they affect you. The daily stress of the man-made world, rushing around in the "rat race" to get things done, often makes us react in irritable ways. We become reactive, less adaptable, inflexible and stressed out about the changes going on within us and around us. When this happens, we often feel alone and disconnected. This disconnection may not seem obvious, but take for instance this statement as you are struck in a slow moving traffic trying to get to work or an important appointment on time:"Damn this traffic, I hate it!" This shows disconnection with your fellow man; Simply because you are in a car, on the same road; Hence, you are Traffic! And you just damned and hated yourself.

Therefore, the 7 of Earth, represents the need to reconnect with nature, and also the need to address areas of potential stress in your life before they become a real problem. It is time to meditate, calm your breath, and relax your toes, feet, legs, stomach, chest , neck and shoulders. You can do this just by sitting in a chair and think about that area of the body, and feel it relax. Take slow deep breaths from the diaphragm and then wiggle your toes, and relax them, tense your calves and then release them, do the same for the thighs, tense the stomach, then release the tension, do this up the entire body, and feel the stress melt away. Just this easy meditation will do a lot for stress relief and will still the mind. Doing this in a park, or meadow, near water or just on a patch of grass, even has more of effect, as your magnetic field then links up with earth's and your chakra's (energy wheels in the body) open up and the feeling of stress just naturally flows away. Hence, the posture of the fertile green man of earth image on the Dreams of Gaia-7 of Earth. It also helps to remember, you are Life, not seeking one.
When the 7 of Earth card is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- Get out into nature.
- Let Gaia heal you.
- Connection between Self and the World.
- All is connected and has influence.
- Address the stress.
- Meditate and still your mind.
- Put down the tech toys.
- Time to physically interact and connect.

7-of Disks: Failure.
Physical failure, labor thwarted, and everything is sunk in sloth.
The 7 of Disks indicates a pause in the garden of financial, health, and physical relationships. This is also fear of failure and fear of success which is generated by negative past experiences and stresses in the present. Many know that to fear is to constrict energy and to obfuscate the direction it is being sent which builds up until there is a violent release. Fear is a creativity gone against the motion of the fearful. Our fear of discomfort, is our worst enemy here.
Take a long look at this Thoth card. Its astrological sign is Saturn in Taurus. The planet Saturn is symbolic of constricted, restricted and/or the feeling of limited energy; its metal is lead. Taurus is representative of productivity and achievement. The two together tell us that our productivity and achievement are being restricted and limited by our fear, stress and/or fear of failure. This aspect of Saturn and Taurus can also be seen in the coins.
- The helmet symbol is Saturn and the Bull is Taurus. Predicting a feeling of failure that interferes with our financial situation. The Helmet is also a symbol of a conscious constriction of which fear is indicative of.
- The 7 of Disks card also indicates a loss of capacity to inspire ourselves or others. Yet there are contradictory meanings here since this is a pause in the force of our creativity, this could also be just waiting for the fruition of our efforts and is a time of repose and waiting for results. Seeds of new growth are being planted here, in the spoilage of the past and the querent may be waiting for a better and more rewarding path to be discovered.

Fear is constricted energy focused on a point of I Am...I Am is our inherited God Voice within our Self. It declares the direction of our energy such as, I Am sad, I Am happy, I Am poor or I AM wealthy and many emotions. Emotion is Energy-In-Motion, and if restricted, your body tightens up to hold lit within, until it escapes in a catastrophic way. This energy, in us, around us, and as us, must flow freely; a feeling we call "happiness", for one to be a trinity of health, and/or a harmony of Spirit, Mind and Body.

In the infinite realm of possibilities, I AM is the foundation of all creation and creation is a restriction of energy to form a "point in time". Which we are! Since you have been given the God-like freedom to declare yourself any way you like...repeating concepts of failure tell your Greater Self that you demand failure as an expression of your likeness! Hence, it will be produced. Knowing this, it is recommended that for the next 7 weeks or 7 months that your repeat declarations of wealth and health. How about; "I Am The Will . I Am the Way. I Am the Wealth and I own the Day!” Say this at least 7 times a day for 7 weeks or 7 Months. It will make the day a creation instead of a threat. I've been doing it now for the past 10 years and my days flow in a joyous dance of discovery. I highly recommend that you remember yourself as a Magic Sorcerer from the Source of all Creation who has been given the power of emotional (energy-in-motion) focus to create your energetic reality. This is a great power---use it gratefully! Netzach, the 7th Sephiroth, means Victory over the elements.
To reiterate: Feelings, instinct, and undifferentiated Group Mind, are attributed to the Sphere of Netzach.

Here, Netzach is in Assiah, influencing the Material World. The planet and sign of the Seven of Disks-Failure, are Saturn in Taurus. The Angels of the Decan are Herochiel and Mitzrael.
Saturn in Taurus brings disappointment, often because of a great deal of work that brings little reward.
There are sixteen of the geomantic figures (See AC's book, 777 or "The Hand Book of Geomancy" Equinox Vol. I, No.2). The Seven of Disks is in the shape of the geomantic figure Rubeus, which is the one of putrefaction, a menacing symbol.
If you are a student of Alchemy, putrefaction is noted as a necessary process of chemical transformation, before purification can be produced. Thus the atmosphere of the card implies blight, cultivation is spoiled. The suggestion is bad money.
The Seven of Disks, Failure, is also called. The Lord of Success unfulfilled and rightly so, as it is about physical failure and non-success.

When the 7 of Disks -Failure, is thrown during a reading, implied is:
- A fear of failure with finances, health and relationships. However, 7 in Netzach is a weak event, and deregulation of the element of earth, so soon the querent's project will be completed if determined to "keep on" and ignoring the feelings of never finishing the task.
- The Determination to release this fear of failure should go on for within 7 weeks or 7 months. However, this determination must be hard fought, for there is a tendency to abandon labor, and allowing everything to sink in a mire of sloth.
- Yet again, putrefaction is before the transformation of purification, so this is the point where the "lowest fallen becomes the highest exalted".
- The implication of this card, is that you shall succeed if you don't listen to the thoughts of failure that are tempting your brain. Push harder, you'll soon succeed.
- In the next 7 weeks or 7 months, the more rewarding path will be discovered and the period of waiting is over, or you will have to confront your fear of failure in the next 7 weeks or 7 months in order to plant anew and reap a more generous harvest in your future.
- It is time to move through old fears and self-defeating thoughts of past failures whether they have been experienced in the past 7 weeks, 7 months or when you were 7 years old.
If ill defined by surrounding cards, 7 of Disks implies:
- Deep rooted blockages.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010