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The Tarot of Eli, LLC- Court Cards: Dreams of Gaia Tarot-12 of Water-The Counsellor & Thoth Tarot- Prince of Cups

Western hermetic qabalah, Tantric, alchemical, astrological, and numerical Tarot Card Comparisons.

November 4, 2019

dreams of Gaia tarot- XII-the counsellor

The Dreams of Gaia Tarot- 12 of Water-The Counsellor, represents one who is an elder, advisor, wiseman or wisewoman, whom the King or Queen calls upon to discuss their feelings regarding a situation. In the Thoth Tarot, this one represents the Son of the King and Queen. However, in the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, this represents a person and/or personality of someone who is trusted, and known as a caring, compassionate person who only interrupts their intent listening, to ask a clarifying question.

The counsellor personality is noted for their objective advice; not giving instruction, but rather presenting alternatives and insight that will help the seeker understand the thoughts and feelings that are clouding their judgment; Helps one see through the tempest of their own emotions, to a more objective alternative. Without judging the one counselled, this one looks through the eyes of others while offering only empathy and compassion along with the opportunity to understand the emotions at play. The counsellor personality always seems to ask the proper questions that aid people in reaching their own conclusions about what is right for themselves, or in proceeding from the inner blockage of the inner emotional storm.

The Dreams of Gaia Tarot presentation of this counsellor personage is a "ondine" and/or Water Spirit who is of the Oceans, much like the Polynesian Ocean and hula goddess Laka-sister to Pelé the Volcano Goddess. I am not sure why the 2 whales are shown with a bright star fish; However, the ancients around the world used whales as the symbols of ;

"the belly of a giantess, of a Goddess, of a sea monster, symbolizing the chthonian womb, cosmic night, the realm of the dead". [Eliade, 64] Hence, a symbol of resurrection and rebirth, just like biblical Jonah's 3 days in the belly of a whale.

When the 12 of Water is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • A time of questions and mixed emotions.
  • Look beyond the words to the emotions.
  • Mixed or confused emotions.
  • Listen and hear.
  • Seek objective counsel.
  • An emotionally complex situation.
  • A lack of sympathy.
  • An opportunity for understanding.
  • Be receptive not rejecting.
  • Are feelings preventing a solution?

All 4 Tarot Princes are dependent on the Union of the King and Queen. Unless set in motion by the Royal couple, the Prince’s power is illusionary.

Thoth-prince of cups

The Thoth Prince of Cups is known in the Mysteries, as the Prince of the Chariot of the Waters, Prince and Emperor of the Nymphs and Undines, as he represents the last Decan of Libra and the first two Decans of Scorpio.

He is Specific Air of Primal Water.

If you have studied Western Qabalah or Jewish Kabbalah, you may know the Yod Heh Vau Heh formula*, which is also shown in the Prince of Cups. Here we see the water Lotus and the cup that is issuing a serpent. The Serpent represents Chokmah, the Yod Force and in this card, it has the fiery unsettling qualities of Scorpio. The cup (and Lotus), is Heh, and encloses the Yod serpent; a Victorian way to show phallus and womb and/or the King and Queen in Union and the final Heh as the princess/water.

The Prince, as Vau, carries out the activities of Yod and Heh combined, here then is Water (Unconsciousness/intuition). The Eagle drawing the Chariot, is the Kerubic symbol for Water (also the highest symbol of Scorpio). And as we know, if we've swam in a river, the Eagle also suggests that the calm appearance of water, may hold violent and fiery energy-currents beneath the surface, Thus, in the Prince of Cups, Water suggests the Universal Unconscious which bears dynamic energy. Hence, what activity we can expect from the Prince of cups personality is on one hand, elastic, volatile and hydrostatic equilibrium; on the other hand, the catalytic faculty and energy of steam which is shown in the Tarot card as wings of tenuous vapor, sprouting from his back that is also suggesting a spiritual sense of vaporization. Therefore, he represents the Tempestuous emotions of the God Tempest(*** See the god Tempest explanation by clicking on Riordan link.).


The Tetragrammaton: YHVH/Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh

The Qabalah (Western spelling) focuses on the nature of Deity and the relationship between Deity, the world, and humanity. It is considered ancient transmitted doctrine, but also emphasizes personal experience. While Kabbalistic (Eastern spelling) Judaism never ceases belief in strict monotheism--the ultimate Oneness of Deity--that monotheism is integrated with the belief that the One Deity has a number of different persons, attributes, or emanations shown as the Qabalistic Tree of Life.

In addition to perceiving Deity to be a complementary duality of feminine and masculine, Qabalah also perceives Deity to be a family of Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter. Both Father and Son are aspects of the Lord; and both Mother and Daughter are aspects of the Shekhinah (1).

  1. The Shekinah & The Qabalah – David Rankine

    Nov 28, 2011 · Additionally, the Shekinah is the feminine divine who is in a dynamic polarity with the masculine divine, resulting in creation and change. As such, she is both the Greater Shekinah who unites with God, and the Lesser or Exiled Shekinah who is the soul of the earth itself.

Among the names of the Hebrew God in the Bible is Yahweh--YHVH in Hebrew. These four letters are referred to as the Tetragrammaton. Each letter came to represent in Kabbalistic theology a distinct familial aspect of Deity: Y (Yod) representing Deity as Father; H (Heh) representing Deity as Mother; V (Vau) representing Deity as Son; and the second H (Heh) representing Deity as Daughter. This Tetrad is not unlike the Canaanite-Hebrew Tetrad of El-Asherah-Baal-Astarte.

Father Yod and Mother Heh are considered inseparable in permanent embrace (Tibetan Yab Yum-meaning goddess /god face to face), and filled with great unceasing mutual love for each other. According to the Zohar:

"The Father and the Mother, since they are found in union all the time and are never hidden or separated from each other, are called 'Companions.'... And they find satisfaction in permanent union."

Son Vau and Daughter Heh are considered both siblings and consorts. They have both a passionate and contentious relationship with each other. Both are given numerous names and attributes. Son Vau is considered to be Sky, and Daughter Heh is considered to be Earth. Son Vau is also commonly called the King. Daughter Heh is also called Night, Moon, Sea, and the Matronit.

Son Vau and Daughter Heh are thought to have wedded and embraced nightly in Solomon's Temple. Cherubim (Angels of Love) were born from Their embrace. With the destruction of the Temple, Son Vau is believed to have withdrawn into Heaven (the 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth/Beauty), while Daughter Heh is believed to have accompanied the Hebrews into exile.

Kabbalists believe that humans can impact the Divine Couple. When Israel sins against Yahweh, it is believed to cause a quarrel and separation between Son Vau and Daughter Heh. Separation weakens Son Vau, who cannot act without Daughter Heh. They are hoped to be reunited on the Day of Atonement (At-One-Ment).

Similarly, an unloving or adulterous human relationship is believed to cause the Divine Couple to quarrel. Conversely, a loving relationship between human spouses is believed to help reconcile Divine Son Vau and Daughter Heh. Pious Jews pray, do good deeds, and have sacred union with their spouses to help bring about the reunification of Son Vau and Daughter Heh, which will restore peace and order in the world.

[Primary Source: R. Patai, The Hebrew Goddess (1990). See also C. Matthews, Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom (1991); T. Schipflinger, Sophia-Maria (1998); G. Scholem, On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead (1991); G. Scholem, Kabbalah (1974); G. Scholem, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (1965).]

Scorpio is noted as being the most mysterious/occult and emotionally powerful of zodiacal signs, making this card very complicated in its Water imagery. The Lotus is sacred to Water/Goddess/Emotion. The calm and stagnant Lake beneath the Prince, is shown being disturbed by heavy rain; Rain being the volatile expression of Vapor that has become clouds and/or heavy emotions. The reason the lake/unconscious is shown stagnant, is because of the Alchemical secret process of putrefaction which is also symbolized by the scorpion (not shown because it is secret), the other two processes of Scorpio are shown as the Serpent and the Eagle. Sexual force and Higher Motion, in that order. Stagnant water, is also old emotions of the past that haven't been reexamined and changed by the process of Wisdom gained through experience. Hence, one is putrefying as they are not living in "yesterdays" and not the now.

By assigning the astrological sign of Pisces to this card, implies gentleness, understanding, kindness and hyper-sensitivity. The Tarot Prince of Cups Archetypal personality is the core of a personality born between October 13th to November 12th. It can be man or woman, as the sexes of the Princes and Princesses are not physical, but rather "aspects"and/or actions of the One Mind.

tarot personality birth wheel

As I've said before: The Princes also represent the coming and going of an event or person.

In the case of the Prince of Cups, the morality or moral characteristic of such a person is implied as:

  • Subtlety, secret violence and craft.
  • Being also an artist in all his ways, he would be intensely secret.
  •  The calm and imperturbable surface he displays mask his most intense passion.
  •  He accepts only external influences that aid him in his secret designs. 
  •  His conscience is not that of an ordinary person, for it is of a more impersonal nature, making him suspect and distrusted by acquaintances.
  • He is perfectly ruthless and inspires fear in those that distrust him.
  • His abilities are immense, going beyond ordinary senses in to realms of the subtle. He is, however, fluid and being volatile as well, does not care to work in harness.

As far as personal events go, the Prince of Cups represents for the querent:

  • A personal process of the quiet inner aspect of the male principle where self-reflection, inner meditative peace and awareness are being experienced by the querent (The person the reading is for).
  • The event of Mind is turned towards deep feelings and artistic visions with the necessary passion to do them but with the secrecy that may prevent it.
  •  A personal even where one becomes completely involved in emotional sensation, psychic awareness and spiritual awareness. All of which they now  have in abundance.

Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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