
The Starman Tarot- 6 of Cups
I am in wonder of life.
The Starman Tarot- 6 of Cups, according to Davide De Angelis, the author and artist, :" The 6 of cups depicts a woman swathed in graffiti, wearing a tribal patterned cat suit. She reaches out to catch a golden star floating elegantly in the air. A tiny girl stand patiently on the floor to also catch a star, mirroring the image in the painting above her. The shadow of a young boy joyfully leaping to seize a star is cast across the wall. There is a gilded luxurious framed picture of another woman hung on the purple wall of the gallery. Surprisingly she is dressed in black rags, obviously impoverished by life."
I couldn't describe the union of innocence and wisdom any better than that. When we are young we are innocent, to the difficulties of life, and extremely fragile, but experience breeds wisdom and tensile strength to those who bare the scars of ignorance. Innocence and wisdom is the goal, not innocence and ignorance. Wisdom comes from correcting error, in judgment and in life. Here, the Starman Tarot Card speaks to those of us who are still reaching for the pristine beauty of our star, no matter how tarnished by life we are. We know that the beauty and wonder of the golden child is still available to us ; us who have traveled so far, wearing the tattered veils of illusion, and the scars of great loss. Yet, when we correct the errors of delusion branded upon our souls by our culture's "pleasure-pain" training, and indoctrination's lashes of unworthiness, we can still see the shinning star, no matter how dimmed by pain filled "I"s.
It is still time to wonder and reach for the highest Self-ideal. For ignorance has stuck me, ignorance has tried to enslave me, ignorance has tried to destroy my heart, but I kept the dream of I AM, reaching for knowledge and wisdom has cleansed my wounds and has shown me the miracle of myself. Yes, we are champions, those who keep the innocence with in their wisdom; those who laugh while weeping are champions who know that they maybe hurt, but they aren't dead yet and wounds heal. Champions are heavily scared beings who know there is something more "out there" and keep striving to be more than the slave to those who control definition. The Divine doesn't create what it doesn't want. Instead of saying to the Divine Creative "Why is this happening to me", the Hero, says, " Why do you, the immortal want to be a mortal me?" and goes on a journey of "Above all things, Know thy self." A journey of Self discovery. No matter the opinion of the man made world, the Divine creates exactly what it wants, and it wants to be me/you. That is indeed a wonder. Wisdom states I AM Me, because I am supposed to be me and that the authority that created me is most wonderful and mysterious.
The Hero wishes to see what the Divine sees and will climb every mountain in his/her way, hoping to see that star of enlightenment that will expand their "i" sight and explain why someone who is omnipresent, omnipotent and eternal, wishes to be someone so fragile as my self. Wisdom has taught me that the Divine Creative needs me, so that it can be intimate with its most beloved----Creation. Only those who don't fear fragility know intimacy, because they know that I can be hurt, but by god I would rather be hurt and heal, than not reach out in love and risk loss. To know thyself, is to know the Divine and the Wonder that created you to be.....you. Transformation demands change, so loss is a universal constant, as well as gaining after loss, for I Am Me... is also a Universal constant. The pleasure of being you, is felt when one discovers the Sun of Self, it is a pleasure that runs deeply through all creation, and cannot be removed by any means. Such pleasure shows me that all creation is just for the pleasure of being. "I Will Be" shouts the Divine, and I am being which fulfills the Divine's wish. I have learned, that being me pleases the Divine.
[From the Sepher Yetzirah and the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom:]
In Kether is the Radix of a Golden Glory and thence is there a pure, primitive and sparkling, gleaming golden yellow which is reflected into Tiphareth. This is the first reflected Triad complete. And the sphere of its operation is that of Shemesh, the Solar Light, and bestoweth Life, Light and Brilliancy in metallic matter, and it rideth the sphere of action and of the Sun. And YHVH
Eloah va-Daath is a God of Knowledge and Wisdom, ruling over the Light of the Universe; and its Archangel is Raphael, the Prince of Brightness, Beauty and Life. And the Name of the Order of Angels is Melechim that is Kings or Angelic Kings, who are also called the Order of Virtues, Angels and Rulers.

The Thoth 6 of Cups is the Lord of Pleasure. Here the Sun is in Scorpio the Angels of the Decan are Nelokhiel and Yeyayel.

Thoth- 6 of cups-pleasure

The influence of the Solar Logos-Tiphareth, in the Mental World known to Qabalist as Briah.
Already we know that Tiphareth in Atziluth (Beauty in Pure Spirit) means Victory after effort, shown as the 6 of Wands, thus we see the 6 of Cups as Tiphareth in the Watery World, (Mental World) as the beginnings of Pleasure.

Noted to be a sign of discrimination, magnetism and hidden qualities, Scorpio, in the 6 of Cups, is like activated Water by Solar influx. Here, Scorpio revels in the Sun, and is likened to a Fertile, warm, fruitful Sea--a Spa of Life generating qualities. Being a Sun in Scorpio, and a Scorpio Natal, and having a Moon in Cancer, my inner self is a bright pleasure to my Watery World. Bacchus revels in my halls of hearth and heart as I live this card in a daily Glow of Bright Pleasure...thus I have no need to seek it-----I am it! And pleasure is a state of daily being me.
Of course, Scorpio may sting where the Will directs; However, when the Will resides in Beauty-Tiphareth, Love is the Willful view of life and the scorpion's sting is reserved for those who would demean and profane life with vial actions. So as the Sun activates the Forces of Scorpio, gain or pleasure commences. Implied, without assurance, is that pleasure and gain will build as shown by the partially filled cups that leave room for more experiences as pleasure is in experiencing Self- as sensual flesh-Now.

Pleasure, being the natural title of this card, is not that of the mundane pleasures of the pain fleeing populace, but of the highest sense as the "adorable fire"; implying well-being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain but with ease and satisfaction. Yet it does emphatically represent the fulfillment of Sexual Will, as shown by the ruling Sephiroth, Tiphareth, sign of Scorpio, Planet Sun, and element of Water. A communion of fertile forces, that makes all life possible. The person who experiences this card in sensual being, knows this as the sexual ecstasy of the Solar Logos that blazes as a Sun in the "Sexual Chakra" or Swadhisthana chakra...the orgasmic ecstasy that never stops. This is the state of the Highest of Sexual possibility, as in the union of Zeus Christos and the Mari, or of the Simon and the Helen, even of the Shakti and Shiva...where one knows God is Sex (Sex is 6 in Latin and sexen in Egyptian, denoting copulation). The perfect Pleasure of the synchronicity of communion, where the female and male blend as one Shining Star of Intelligent Vital Life Force. Interested students, should begin studying Tantric practices.
When the 6 of Cups-Pleasure, is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is experiencing emotional pleasure, in a period of 6 weeks or 6 months of giving to and receiving pleasure form others.
- A period of innocence and taking great pleasure in one's childlike qualities.
- They may be experiencing an orgasmic rush of feelings, a wave of ecstasy that even sad feelings being actively expressed, feel good in release.
- The querent may also be experiencing sweet memories of the past, as past efforts bring present rewards.
- The querent's sexual sun is fully shinning, producing a summer crop of pleasure throughout the body.
If ill defined:
- Emotional imprisonment in childhood.
- Flight from reality.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.
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