
tarot of the old path-two of rods
The Thoth Tarot-2 of Wands (2 of Rods) is called Dominion, giving clues to the subtle forces. The Tarot of the Old Path has not named their small cards (Minor Arcana) leaving the pictures and knowledge of the reader to do the work.
The Two of Rods in the Tarot of the Old Path, shows a tall athletic young man, dressed in fiery colors, ambling along on a pair of stilts that have sprouting leaves. Rods represent the alchemical element of fire, as does his clothing, and it represents the Vital or Fertile Life Force element as suggested by his stilts sprouting leaves. He is concentrating on careful steps, and along with this tall hat, suggesting one who is capable of deep thought and meditation. The suggestion of a dominant-self-confident personality is the major theme of this card.
From the Golden Dawn Texts:
The four Deuces symbolize the Powers of the King and Queen; first uniting and initiating the Force, but before the Prince and Princess are thoroughly brought into action. Therefore, do they imply the initiation and fecundation of a thing.

To reiterate: the key to all systems, as well as, the Universal Pattern is the only Reality, Qabalists know this "Real" as the Second Sephiroth- Chokmah (Wisdom) who is called "Will to Force", on the Tree of Life. Kether who is the 0 is not or "no-thing", and thus it is not reality but rather an uncertainty of "I Will Be"; being hasn't been figured out yet. Wisdom begins in Chokmah, where The One Mind begins by acknowledging existence...I AM! When we cause our reality, it is a effect of our beliefs and opinions, of our self-identity of I AM, which is a Will-to Force perspective into reality. So, I often call Chokmah the Real...for it is not of us, but it is the "Will to Force" being before us and Chokmah's domain is that of the Dark Fire, the Un reflected light. Our beginning is in Dark Fiery, Chokmah, the idea of us, and the Will to Force all begin there, in the Quantum and/or "other side of the mirror". Thus, we are really of the Universal Collective Unconscious, but manifest individually, as self-aware Yods (hands of God). Therefore, we meditate or dream ourselves into will-forced existence. This was further explained in my many blogs. For now, we know Chokmah (Sephira #2) to be Will To Force, and Binah, his mate (Sephira #3) is called Will to Form. Chokmah begins the Fiery Force of Spirit that "seeds" the beginning of Souls, that form in Binah's Understanding.

thoth- 2 of wands-dominion
THE 2 OF WANDS-DOMINION: Also called the Lord of Dominion whose zodiacal attribution is Mars in Aries. Here Mars is at Full Martial Power. The Angels of the Decan are Vehooel and Deneyal.

This Thoth Card represents Chokmah influencing the World of Pure Spirit known as Atziluth.
Again, we are trying to explain the unexplainable which is the Supernal Triangle of Quantum Uncertainty. This second Sephiroth is Pure will, without need of result, it is just "Willed Force". To many people, willed force is impossible to realize for most of us exercise will to reach goals by force. We don't realize that Will is the Power behind Spirit, and E-motion, the Spiraling of Energy into motions that build self-aware dimensions of I AM, that the Qabalists call the "Sephiroth". So, before frequencies are stimulated into being, there was Will to Force, the beginning of Emotional Force and then Will to Form. The Union of Will to Force and Will to Form creates Being and/or I Am Me.

To some Being is some established form, but in fact, Being to a Qabalist is an "immortal state of Conscious Energy". Most of us know that form has a beginning and an end, it is measurable and is called an entity. This makes us, the inheritors of the Universal Collective Unconscious, a Being (Soul) who creates entity (Avatar), as it identifies itself as a Me, using the Paradigm of Psyche. Hence, here In Chokmah is Beginning. The First Beginning--The All Father God who has no form until She- Great Mother-Binah "wills him to Form". Here in the 2 of Wands is that joining of the 2 states of Will That is "He" and "She", Will to Force and Will to Form and in the center is the square of matter, where we form as entity. Here Kether, the first-self is named in Hebrew as Eheieh- "I Will Be" -and therefore, Self is confidently forcing form into being by Willing itself to be. Self, is therefore, In-Form-Action.
This is Power to Be, in an unbridled state, for Mars is exalted in Aries, as the fiery Mars rules the fiery sign Aries. Here Fire, i.e. Spirit is pure Primal, and brilliant, warm, and bright but not yet reflected in a mirror of matter.

The Dorjes, Tibetan symbols for Thunderbolts (Feminine Tibetan Angels on one end, controlling the thunderbolts of force), are shown crossed on the Thoth card, emphasizing the power and harmony of this card. Will to Force and Will to From are in balance here. Hence, The Dominion of Spirit has become a domain of willed forces and forms. From now on we know the Male Force of Will is Will to Force, and the Female Force of Will is Will to Form.

As Stated, The Astrological signs on the 2 of Wands are of Mars and Aries. There is no lust of result in this Pure Will, made of the harmony of "He" and "She" aspects of the One. There is no "battle of the sexes" where one wishes to rule the relationship over the other. There is only the Union of Wisdom and Understanding, a figure 8 (often shown on its side) made from 0, a 2 of One, that gives birth to Knowledge and all creation. Here, Energy is initiating a current of Force, which Spiral of Energy from which all spiral frequencies of conscious energy come into self-awareness.
When the word Harmony is mentioned, one often thinks of peace and quiet bliss, but this is the harmonic of Violent Destructive Force that initiated the "Big Bang", totally without resistance in and of itself but destructive none the less, as that is the First Motion of Creation. A Singularity exploded "outward" to form the building blocks of our Universe, and according to quantum physics, there are still Big Bangs "banging" away, building the multi-verse. Here Mars in Aries represents the Powerful Gathering of Force of deconstruction for reconstruction. A gathering of Will to Force and Will to Form. The Dominion of the Fiery Will to Force and Watery Will to Form.
When the 2 of Wands-Dominion, or Two of Rods is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is experiencing the will to move forward in a new direction. From a place of undaunted will, of full power, and balanced dominion.
- Contemplating innovative ideas without lust of results.
- What once was unfocused energy is now becoming clear and polarized.
- Affirming a new self-identity.
- A partnership of two powers, opposite yet reflecting each other.
- Self confidence that only comes from affirming and approving of oneself.
- A sense of accomplishment without any feeling of satisfaction.
- Power exercised through strength of Will.
- Is Self-confident Ruler of their Domain
When the 2 of Rods or 2 of Wands is reversed or ill-defined:
- Restraint caused by others.
- Loss of self-confidence.
- Resentment and resulting loss of interest.
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