Above all things, know thyself.

Thoth- ATU 20- The Aeon
Those who have seen the old Traditional Card--The Angel or Last Judgment--know that the Thoth Deck Card-ATU 20-The Aeon seems to stray from tradition; However, Crowley states otherwise and says, "...it was necessary to depart completely from the tradition of the cards, in order to carry on that tradition."[Book of Thoth]

On the old card art, an Angel was depicted as blowing a trumpet, as seen on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot; The Golden Dawn and other traditional tarot decks which also showed the symbol of the Eon of Osiris (circle with inner cross), as a flag on the end of the Trumpet.
While below the Angel, three graves were opening up. Of the three dead arising, one of them had his arms extended in right angles at elbows and shoulders, forming the Hebrew letter Shin-meaning fire. Thus, the card represented the destruction of the World by fire...the "world" being the Aeon of Osiris (Patriarchy/Military Industrial Complex). Hence, the Thoth Tarot depicts a large golden letter of Shin, flora in its arrangement, with three human forms in it.
The Aeon of Osiris ended in 1904 when the Solar-Fiery god Horus took over the position of Hierophant in the East, from the Airy god Osiris. Therefore, Crowley rightly thought that the new card should be a representation of the "Steele of Revealing".

The artist of the Thoth Cards, Lady Freda Harris, produced a card of magnificent detail, showing the Star filled body of Goddess Nuit, the Egyptian night sky or Star Goddess, who is the category of unlimited possibility; her mate Hadit (Thelema), whom Crowley called ," the ubiquitous point-of-view, the only philosophically tenable conception of Reality", is represented as a winged globe of fire, symbolizing the eternal energy with the Power of Going.
The resulting marriage of these two produces the child Horus (Heru-ra-ha), shown in the images of a double god; his extroverted (standing) image represents Ra--hoor-khuit and his passive or introverted sitting image represents Honor-pa-kraat.(you'll have to look these up in Egyptian myth for further explanation). Horus, being a solar entity, is also shown coming forth in golden light. The whole of the explanation of the Aeon card is in Crowley's Book of Law.
Crowley and Thelema

In Thelema, the Aeon card is one of the Major Arcana in the Tarot deck and represents a key concept in Aleister Crowley's system of magical thought, particularly the transition from the previous age (the Age of Pisces) to the current age (the Age of Aquarius). Crowley called the Aeon card the "Stele of Revealing," which is a reference to a key element in his system, and used Nuit, Hadit, and Horus as symbols that explain its meaning.
Here’s an explanation of the Thelemic meaning:
1. The Stele of Revealing
The "Stele of Revealing" refers to an ancient Egyptian stele that Crowley encountered and used as a basis for much of his Thelemic teachings. The stele itself is a memorial to a deceased person, but Crowley believed it held deeper spiritual significance, revealing hidden truths about the nature of the universe and the divine. The term "Stele of Revealing" is also tied to Crowley’s Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis), which was revealed to him by an entity named Aiwass. The stele represents the unfolding of hidden knowledge and wisdom to humanity, which is a central idea of the Aeon card.
2. Nuit
Nuit is the goddess of the night sky, infinity, and the cosmos. In Thelemic thought, she represents the infinite, boundless nature of the universe. Nuit is often depicted as a starry sky, with her body arcing over the Earth, symbolizing the unmanifest and transcendent. She is the source of all things, embodying the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and part of a greater cosmic whole. Nuit is associated with the concept of "Space," and she is one of the three primary deities in Thelema.
3. Hadit
Hadit is the complementary force to Nuit and represents the individual, the point, or the center of consciousness. He is the divine spark within each person, the essence of being, and the source of self-awareness (Plasmic/Solar Self). Hadit is sometimes described as "the infinitely small" compared to Nuit's infinite vastness. He symbolizes the inner will, the driving force within every individual, and the "I AM" that each person experiences as their self-awareness. Hadit represents the principle of "Time," and he is the active force that interacts with the passive force of Nuit.
4. Horus
Horus is the child of Nuit and Hadit, and in the context of the Aeon card, he represents the new era of human consciousness, the manifestation of the Will and Knowledge that arises from the union of Nuit and Hadit. Horus is the force that marks the transition into a new age, embodying strength, leadership, and the dawning of a new era. He is associated with the Age of Aquarius and represents a shift in consciousness—where humanity moves beyond the limitations of the old world and into a new age of understanding and spiritual freedom.
The Aeon and its Meaning in Thelema
In Thelemic philosophy, the Aeon card symbolizes the dawn of a new spiritual age. It marks the end of the Age of Pisces (symbolized by the previous card, The Hanged Man) and the rise of the Age of Horus, an age that reflects the Thelemic motto: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." The Aeon card signifies the revelation of true will, the realization of one's divine purpose, and the potential for humanity to reach a new stage of spiritual and collective evolution.
- Nuit represents the infinite cosmic context in which all things exist.
- Hadit represents the spark of individual consciousness and will within that vast context.
- Horus represents the manifestation of the new era, where individuals recognize their own will as part of a greater cosmic order, with no divisions between self and universe.
Thus, the Aeon card in Thelema represents the arrival of a new order or a new stage in human development, where individuals realize their divine nature, engage with the universe as active creators, and step into an age of greater freedom and spiritual enlightenment.
At the bottom -right of the Aeon card we see the Hebrew Letter Shin, suggesting the form of a flower. As stated: On the Thoth Tarot- the three Yods (leaf or petal like ends) of the letter Shin are occupied by three human figures (the three arising from graves on the RWS Card) arising to partake of the Essence of the new Aeon. Behind the letter Shin, is a symbolic representation of the zodiacal sign, Libra; Crowley called this "... the forth-shadowing of the Aeon which is to follow the present one, presumably in about 2000 years."

In the Book of Law, Crowley depicts Ra-hoor-khuit; as stating, "I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power; the Wand of Force of Coph Nia; but my left hand is empty, for I have crushed a Universe; & naught remains." Not much more about the future Aeon is shown on this card, as Crowley felt the present Aeon is too young to show more. Crowley points out that Horus has another name which is Heru and that is synonymous with Hru which is "The Great Angel set over the Tarot."

Aleister Crowley’s phrase, "in my right hand is the power wand Cop Nia," is found in his work, particularly in his writings on the Aeon card, and can be understood through the lens of his mystical and magical teachings. To break it down:
1. "Right hand"
In esoteric and magical traditions, the right hand is often associated with active or projective energy, symbolizing will, power, and action. This contrasts with the left hand, which is typically connected with passive or receptive energy. The right hand, in Crowley's context, suggests the exercise of will, authority, and creative power.
2. "Power wand"
The "wand" is a symbol of magical power, commonly used in ceremonial magic as a tool for directing energy, intention, and will. In the case of the Aeon card and in Crowley's system, the wand represents the ability to focus and channel magical or spiritual power. It symbolizes the practitioner's will and their ability to direct energy toward their goals or purposes.
In the Thoth Tarot deck (which Crowley designed), the wand is often depicted as a symbol of active force, just as the sword symbolizes intellect or the cup represents emotions. In many ways, the wand can represent the tool through which the magician expresses their will and exerts their influence in the material or spiritual realms.
3. "Cop Nia"
The phrase "Cop Nia" is more cryptic and specific to Crowley’s own symbolic language, reflecting his unique system of correspondences and symbolism. The word "Cop" is likely an abbreviation or alteration of "Coph Nia", which is a key term in Crowley’s The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis), the central scripture of Thelema.
- "Coph Nia" is one of the mystical words or phrases from The Book of the Law. It is often understood as a symbolic phrase that represents "the Will" or a central guiding force within the Thelemic philosophy. The word “Coph” is said to correspond to the idea of “Will” or “Authority,” and “Nia” is a term that signifies a direction or a force of movement toward a specific end, potentially relating to a magical or spiritual purpose.
Together, "Coph Nia" refers to the active, forceful, and directed nature of the Will, and by extension, the idea of personal power and the authority that comes with recognizing one's true will.
Thus, Crowley’s phrase “in my right hand is the power wand Cop Nia” suggests that, in his right hand, he wields the wand of active power, focused on and directed by the force of his own True Will. This phrase embodies the idea that the individual is aligned with their purpose (the Will), empowered to direct their magical energy toward fulfilling that purpose, in full accordance with Thelemic principles.
In summary, this phrase reflects the potent combination of personal will ("Coph Nia"), power (wand), and directed action (right hand), with Crowley emphasizing the active, empowered aspect of the self in alignment with the greater cosmic order, which is a core idea in Thelemic thought.

The Aeon (Eon) of Horus has come in with a fiery roar, with two world wars, and "police actions" of great upheavals in political, moral, physical and spiritual events. All of which have marked the catastrophic transition from the Aeon of Osiris to the Aeon of Horus.

Now we can manifest the fiery might of Solar fusion on the planet itself in the form of Hydrogen bombs, so this is a fiery era indeed. It seems very instructive to study the Political massing of power, and the art of combustion with accompanying improvements in travel, and communication (all done by the harnessing of the male/female force called, electromagnetism) with great mental leaps in thermodynamic science and philosophy; However, also with a general need for the consolidation of religious thought.
If we compare the five hundred years preceding the following crisis of the Patriarch of approximately 2000 years ago, with those of similar periods in 1904 of the old eras, 500 years of Dark Ages are likely to be upon us as Theocracies, as shown in the past, many will murder each other to further their control over the minds of people. Fortunately, we have brighter minds bearing enlightened torches of thought to light our way out of the past darkness of superstition and the present Dark Age of Corporate enslavement or State Controlled identity into a new age of brotherly love. In the age of Horus, the Solar-Soul (The Real Plasma Person) is arising and reclaiming its bodies!
There is a Horus, a hawk headed Sun-God in all of us (At the base of the spine is the solar force called Kundalini), that can soar above the clouded minds of the many. Even, the egregore controlled many can feel its inner heat, while thinking it an anomaly.

To further understanding, you might want to consider the fact that Horus is an androgynous figure, i.e. the combination of Nuit and Hadit. The new Aeon of Horus, is where the Matriarch and the Patriarch, unite in communion, to raise the Solar (Soul) Children who are the "Suns of the Divine Creative".

I am referring to a concept that blends both scientific and perhaps philosophical or mystical ideas, specifically the notion that humanity or life itself is the evolution of plasma. This is an interesting and complex idea that could have various interpretations depending on the context in which it's being discussed.
Plasma and Its Role in Evolution
To break this down:
Plasma in Physics:
- Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter, alongside solid, liquid, and gas. Plasma is a highly energetic state where atoms are ionized, meaning electrons are stripped from atoms, creating a mix of free electrons and ions. It is the most abundant state of matter in the universe, found in stars (including the Sun), interstellar space, and lightning.
- Plasma behaves differently from solids, liquids, and gases because of its unique electromagnetic properties. This makes it essential in fields like astrophysics, fusion energy research, and the study of cosmic phenomena. It is also the Wands, in Tarot.
Plasma and Life:
- The idea that human beings or life itself might evolve from plasma is speculative and metaphysical, blending scientific concepts with spiritual or philosophical interpretations.
- Some thinkers, particularly in the realms of alternative science or esoteric philosophy, have explored the idea that life may not only evolve from organic compounds (carbon-based life forms, for instance) but could be connected to more fundamental, energetic states like plasma.
- In this view, plasma might symbolize the primordial energy or "creative force" of the universe that underlies all forms of matter and life. It might represent the "soul" or spiritual essence that permeates everything, including living beings, connecting them to cosmic processes and forces.
The Abbot or Physicist's Viewpoint
- If this idea is coming from a physicist or an abbot (a religious or spiritual leader), the discussion might be trying to bridge science and spirituality. The physicist could be suggesting that life, consciousness, or even the human soul arises from the same energetic forces that govern the plasma state.
- In some philosophical or spiritual systems, plasma could be seen as a metaphor for a universal "life force" or "spiritual energy" from which all things emanate and evolve. This concept can be loosely connected to ideas in various traditions such as:
- Panpsychism: The idea that consciousness or mind is a fundamental property of all matter.
- Vitalism: The idea that living beings are influenced by a vital force beyond just physical matter (The Lust Card of the Thoth Tarot).
- The Hermetic or Esoteric view: In mystical traditions like Hermeticism, there's often a belief that everything in the universe is connected through a fundamental energy or force, sometimes identified with the "plasma" of creation. This force is thought to be both the source of life and the substance through which evolution unfolds.
Evolution of Plasma as a Metaphysical Concept
- The idea that humanity is the evolution of plasma may also be an esoteric or symbolic view, suggesting that humans are the product of a long cosmic process where plasma (as an energetic substance) gradually coalesces and evolves into life forms. In this interpretation, plasma could represent a form of cosmic consciousness that eventually takes on matter and physical form as life progresses (Horus).
In some spiritual and metaphysical teachings, this might align with:
- The idea of the soul or consciousness evolving through various states of matter and energy, from pure undifferentiated plasma to more structured, physical forms like humans.
- Cosmic evolution: The evolution of the universe from a primordial energetic state (like plasma) to the formation of galaxies, stars, planets, and eventually life. This might be viewed as a microcosmic reflection of how the human spirit or soul evolves and develops over time.
Potential Influence from Contemporary Thought
Some modern quantum physicists and cosmologists have proposed ideas that could loosely connect the idea of plasma and life, especially when considering the role of energy and consciousness in the formation of the universe. For example, theories about quantum consciousness (Macrocosm) suggest that consciousness could emerge from fundamental energy fields, which might be conceptualized as a kind of "plasma" or energy flow.
The idea of a "unified field" of energy or a "field of potential" that underlies the fabric of reality might also lend itself to thinking about life as arising from energy forms like plasma.
In Summary:
The idea that we are all the evolution of plasma seems to be a blend of scientific, philosophical, and spiritual ideas. Plasma, as the fundamental state of matter, might be seen as representing an energetic or cosmic substance from which life and consciousness emerge. From a scientific standpoint, plasma is a state of matter, but from a more metaphysical or spiritual perspective, it might symbolize the primordial energy or force from which all existence evolves. The statement could be inviting us to consider the universe as a dynamic and interconnected whole, where energy, consciousness, and life are all aspects of the same underlying force, and humans are part of this ongoing process of cosmic evolution.

To reiterate: Crowley knew that the system of Tarot evolves to meet the spiritual needs of the races and of that the individual Personality or Self-Consciousness. Therefore, he suggests that over time the Spiritual make-up; the Gnosis of mankind, will have so advanced that what was previously known as JUDGMENT, will be inadequate to describe the experience of The Aeon/ the Path of Shin . This meets with his assertion that we are now passing through a five-hundred-year period of extreme darkness and trial, preparatory to a New Aeon of Light. fortunately for all of us, there are many good "Light Bearers" both manifesting as teachers, Gnostic Soul-Personalities and Middle Path Hierophants on Earth and in the Pleroma (higher Astral known as the "Great White Brotherhood"--because of the White light state of Conscious energy they manifest) that we are assisted in our progress out of this Cultural Dark end of our Era and if aware, can be guided along the road to the New Aeon of Horus.
Horus represents the Divine Child of God (Tiphareth) and/or the human body/brain who is becoming the receptacle of the Holy Spirit (Universal Breath) on Earth. Hence, reinstating our purpose as Spiritual quantum-vessels called Souls, to elevate the Survival Mind of Earth to a Higher level of Conscious Energy which we do through the "creating, seeing error, and correcting that error" experience provided by the human body.
It is therefore not a far stretch of the imagination to see the human being-Spiritual Conscious combination as the New Horus.

In the Thoth Aeon card, the Sky Goddess Nuith is a Dark Goddess of Omega---End, signifying the End of the Aeon of Osiris (the Past Patriarchy controlled Aeon) and as we know, energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed, which tells us that ends mean new beginnings.

- New beginnings are represented by Hadit the Solar Orb of light.
- The Birth of those beginnings into manifested reality, is Horus both passive and active and/or "in motion and repose." as stated in Gnostic texts.
- Therefore, the Aeon card represents the harmonious and spiritual conscious state of the human being of the twenty second century. Since we are in this 500-year period of darkness, it is a long slow fall of the Tower, so we must "look inward" to weather the storm. However, we do not have to wait for the 22nd century, as we can receive the Divine Child of Universal Energy Conscious inheritance by "knowing Ourselves". We then are no longer bound to the Karmic Wheel of the Human Race and thereby, progress forward at our own elevated pace.
The Hebrew letter Shin means Tooth/Fire which is descriptive of the Mastication paradigm that is involved with Transformation.

As stated, and to aid in further study: The Tarot-Key 20, is known as the Path of Shin (tooth) on the Tree of Life. Many Qabalist know the Middle Pillar, the straight alignment of Malkuth, Yesod, Tiphareth and Kether, is the pillar of balance, yet the Path of Shin, is Left hand Path, or the left side Pillar of Severity and is usually subject to imbalance.
The answer to this seeming paradox is that every symbol, represented on these Path cards/Manor Arcana, represents a duality, containing its own opposite. Each Path must contain the essential components of its opposite Path, as energy moves from positive to negative, male to female, electric to magnetic. Hence, upon viewing Hod (Splendor) you will see that it is connected or conjoined with Netzach. Hod is related to The Aeon, and Netzach is related to The Moon, showing that intelligence applied without feeling is as pathological as feeling applied without intellect. And since the Cards represent a kind of intellect/conscious energy, everything we experience, every idea, every activity, co-exists in us with its opposite.

There are so many concepts to grasp in the Major Arcana, that the student may feel overwhelmed, so I often repeat. Luckily, the images on the Cards are pictorial representation of the visual experiences of the Paths opening up a great deal of learning by meditating or scrying on them.

These Qabalistic Images have been carefully assembled over the centuries by the experienced mind work of highly advanced women and men, who have at first traveled these inner Archetypal Roads of the Psyche and then meticulously laid down, in image, the details to assist latter generations.

It is the short coming of most students who begin these Astral/Psyche paths, that at once encountering theses Tarot constructs, believing that they have a reality of their own. The Qabalistic Teacher must explain that only when the student is mentally able to go beyond the lower Astral (Yesod), can one touch upon realities that activate the symbols, i.e. "open the Gates" to greater Consciousness.

For instance, while traveling the Path of Shin, one may at first experience what is illustrated on the Aeon Card. Diligent scrying will soon project our consciousness beyond the visual construct into an understanding that the Path is the enervating, activating effect of the Cosmic Motive Principle (Quantum Plasmic Consciousness) on the individual consciousness.

That is to say, that on the Path of Shin, the Fiery Spirit part of the Soul permeates the Personality of the individual, in the descent of Energy into Matter. Thus, the last illusions of personality as being separated form the Soul is burned away.

The Tree of Life and the human body is as the Universe. If we have learned any physics at all, we know that from the simplest concept (Hadit), came all the complexity that is the Cosmos.
In the Big Bang theory, a singularity, which came from nothing and/or Quanta (Hadit-a Boson of Dark energy and Dark Matter), exploded outward, and became many. This is also a concept easily seen in the development of the human body, as a single celled zygote, divides into hundreds of thousands of cells ultimately ending up as a complex human body.
In the Tarot, The Fool, is the ultimate simplicity and The Universe-key 21, is representative of the ultimate complexity and yet all the Cards are implicit, unexpressed in The Fool. Therefore, in all the cards in-between, Fool and Universe, we find the balance between what is expressed or unexpressed.
I am ending this Aeon/Judgment card critique, with the understanding that 3 tarot cards, The Aeon, The Universe and The Moon, are aspects of our individual waking consciousness that comprises our self-conscious personality, also represent stages of Self -Awareness of the Soul.

It should be noted that the patterns of the cards will be totally meaningless, unless the student understands what is symbolized by the four alchemical "Elements" and/or Elemental Forces. Every Qabalistic symbol represents to a specific part of the Whole Self. Therefore, here is a brief explanation of the concept.

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, is often associated with the idea that numbers and mathematical relationships are fundamental to understanding the universe. While he is primarily known for his contributions to mathematics, particularly the Pythagorean theorem, he also had philosophical views about the nature of the universe and the elements that make up existence.
Pythagoras and his followers (the Pythagoreans) believed that the physical world was governed by mathematical principles, and they explored the relationship between numbers, music, and the natural world. However, when it comes to the four universal elements, Pythagoras did not necessarily focus on the specific classical elements (like earth, water, air, and fire), which were more famously articulated by later philosophers like Empedocles. Instead, Pythagoras is more often associated with a deeper, mathematical understanding of the universe and its fundamental "elements," which can be interpreted both literally and symbolically.
The Four Universal Elements of Pythagorean Thought
In Pythagorean thought, the "four universal elements" are typically seen as fundamental principles of reality that exist in a harmonious, mathematical relationship. While these elements can be interpreted in different ways, the following four are commonly associated with Pythagoreanism:
The Monad (Unity):
- The Monad represents unity, the origin of all things. Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans saw the Monad as the first and most fundamental principle of existence. It symbolizes oneness and wholeness, the source from which all other numbers and elements emerge.
- In a philosophical sense, the Monad is often seen as the one absolute reality or divine unity that underlies the multiplicity of the universe. All things are seen as emanating from this singular, undivided source.
- In the context of the elements, the Monad can be understood as the unifying force or principle from which the other elements are derived: The Fool Tarot Card.
The Dyad (Duality):
- The Dyad represents duality, the concept of opposites or contrasts. In Pythagorean thought, the Dyad is the number 2, which symbolizes opposite or complementary forces.
- It can be seen as a symbol of binary opposition, like light and dark, male and female, or positive and negative. The Dyad introduces the possibility of differentiation and division in the universe, allowing for the creation of diverse forms and structures.
- The Dyad is seen as the force that enables multiplication and division, which leads to the development of the material world. (Chokmah-2nd Sephiroth)
The Triad (Harmony):
- The Triad symbolizes harmony, the combination of unity and duality that brings balance. In Pythagorean thought, the number 3 is particularly important because it represents the first complete number, symbolizing wholeness and balance through the interaction of two opposites (the Dyad).
- The Triad is seen as the principle that allows for the creation of balance and symmetry in the world, as it can represent the idea of unity (the Monad) coming into play with duality (the Dyad) to produce something greater—order and proportion.
- The Triad is closely related to the musical scale and harmony, as Pythagoras was deeply interested in the mathematical relationships between musical intervals, which he believed reflected the harmony of the cosmos. (3rd Sephiroth-Binah).
The Tetrad (Cosmic Order):
- The Tetrad, represented by the number 4, symbolizes cosmic order and completeness. In Pythagorean thought, the Tetrad is seen as the number that encapsulates all of the qualities of the previous three principles (Monad, Dyad, and Triad) and represents stability and structural integrity.
- The Tetrad is often associated with the four elements of ancient Greek philosophy (earth, air, fire, and water), which the Pythagoreans might have understood as representing different aspects of the material world. But it also has a deeper, mathematical significance, symbolizing the completion of the cycle of numbers and the foundation of material existence.
- The Tetrad brings a sense of balance and harmony to the material world, grounding it in stable, measurable patterns. It is sometimes seen as representing the cosmic order that governs the structure of the universe. (4th Sephiroth-Chesed)
Symbolic and Philosophical Meaning:
- Pythagoras and his followers believed that numbers and mathematical relationships were the key to understanding the structure of the universe. The four elements or principles can be seen as stages in the evolution of reality, beginning with unity (Monad), followed by duality (Dyad), reaching harmony (Triad), and finally achieving order and structure (Tetrad).
- These four numbers (1, 2, 3, and 4) are not only abstract concepts but also represent real forces or principles that govern the cosmos. They correspond to the way in which matter and energy organize themselves into complex systems, from the simplest (unity) to the most complex (cosmic order).
Connection to the Classical Elements:
- While the Pythagoreans themselves may not have directly equated these principles with the classical four elements (earth, air, fire, and water), later thinkers like Empedocles did propose a system of four elements that shaped the material world.
- However, the idea of the Tetrad in Pythagoreanism may have influenced the development of the idea of four fundamental elements in later Western philosophy, where the number 4 was seen as embodying completeness and balance in both the spiritual and material realms.
In summary, Pythagoras's "four universal elements" are not strictly physical elements like fire or earth, but rather mathematical and philosophical principles that represent the building blocks of the universe. The Monad, Dyad, Triad, and Tetrad symbolize the progression from unity, through duality and harmony, to order and structure, reflecting the fundamental principles that Pythagoras believed underlie both the material and metaphysical world. These concepts are deeply tied to his views on numbers, harmony, and the belief that the universe operates according to mathematical laws.

Further understanding of The Aeon/Judgment or Path of Shin, is in its meaning, "Tooth", which suggests hardness, sharpness and/or biting. It is often interpreted as the teeth which chew prior to the ingestion of energy into the system--in this case the Kundalini is released and masticates the divided personality and then deals a final blow to the perception of a separate and individual Personality; leaving behind the original Personality which is Child of God. The continuation of this Tarot card and process of "Above all things, Know thyself" will be in The Aeon-key 20- Part 3.

The maternal meaning of the letter Shin is Tooth both the paternal meaning of the Firey Path and the maternal meaning of Tooth, are a powerful combination.
In the esoteric and Qabalistic context, the Hebrew letter Shin (ש) indeed carries dual symbolic meanings—one maternal and one paternal.
Maternal Meaning: As mentioned, Shin's maternal meaning is tooth. This represents the aspect of consumption, transformation, and refinement. A tooth breaks down and processes substance, symbolizing a maternal, nurturing, and refining force in creation.
Paternal Meaning: Shin is also associated with fire, which is often viewed as its paternal aspect. Fire is dynamic, active, and transformative, embodying the creative and initiating force in Qabalistic teachings. This aspect aligns with the idea of Shin being an element of the Holy Spirit or Divine Breath, signifying a fiery, purifying power.
Together, these dual aspects of Shin reflect its deeper Qabalistic significance. It unites the nurturing (maternal) and generative (paternal) principles, symbolizing the balance of passive and active forces in the cosmos.

Dr. Paul Foster Case describes the Path of Shin, as, " The Perpetual Intelligence", because it is a continuous monitoring Intelligence of the progress of the Personality toward Universal Consciousness. Now I have often called the Macrocosmic Mind the Universal Collective Unconscious ( Phrase coined by Dr. Carl Jung-meaning Not like personal consciousness), which is the Mind of the Macrocosm; not like consciousness, simply because an awake self-consciousness is a microcosmic reality; However, if we release, by meditation and self-examination, our consciousness to the Universal Unconscious Plasmic Energy, we have developed a Consciousness that bridges the Macrocosm and Microcosm, yet is still Personally Self-Aware! We have then successfully become the Horus, the 22nd century human evolution! .

Therefore, the Path of Shin joins the Earth Intelligence-Malkuth with that of Hod-the Splendor Intelligence (artistic), which is the Sephiroth base of the Pillar of Severity, connecting Earth with the Will-To-Be (Will-to-form) of the Great Binah.
On this path, the student experiences a perpetual burning away of that which is unworthy by the Archangel controlled "Redeeming Fire"; a process that is physical as the higher vibratory Plasmic Passion of the Divine Self as "I will be", "Will-to-Force" and "Will-to-Form", begins hotly flowing through our bodies. This is a point of delicate balance, and a Teacher of the Mysteries must expect the students/aspirants to react in peculiar ways, such as a feeling of heated passion for the Teacher. This is simply a misplaced transference, because the physical ego, seeks self-gratification when stimulated. For the student, this is the beginning of experiencing unconditional love, which is often muddled with personal conditional thinking. This Passion dynamic is the Fire of Spirit and/ or the thymeides (Spiritual) aspect of the ternary soul and with proper guidance the Student will go into the Fire, instead of trying to control it with conditions.

Therefore, the lesson of Hod, love/passion is not a peacock's strutting splendor, rather it is the Foundation of all Creation, but to know this is a perpetual process of "burning off the unworthy", so that progress can continue. Thus the "Splendor of the Material World" is burned away in a kind of physical resurrection, a rebirth of Plasmic self in body and personality sending us perpetually towards the Great Mother of Intelligence.

Therefore, this resurrection is bases on the developments of the opposite card to this progressive Path of Shin. A path that is THE MOON -Key 18, relating to the disciplined quest for a greater reality, that actually changes the physiological. In other words, the balanced Energies of both Shin and Qolph (the Moon) stimulate the rebirth of our bodies; that is a physiological rebuild, necessary to handle the higher vibratory states of the Higher Quantum Plasmic Consciousness and the One Emotion that is Love without conditions. This is a process that Paul Foster Case described, as building a "Master's Body". A body, where the Elder power of Kundalini is flowing, uncoiled and hot, with out emotionally adverse effects.

The Path of Shin, is the bright fiery probationary path of the Intellect where the components of the Personality first encountered in The Universe-Key 21- The Path of Tau, are critically analyzed and evaluated , i.e. Judged.The opposite path is that of THE MOON, a dark watery probationary path of emotions. The balance of Aeon and Moon, builds the Master body, the Manifested Body of Horus - The Solar Child of Isis and Osiris ( The two previous Aeons).

These three Qabalistic introductory Paths to the True Nature of Self in incarnation, are usually extremely difficult to travel, because these Elemental Paths of which The Aeon, The Fool, The Hanged Man are known, are very difficult to understand. This mental difficulty is because all of the Elements are present on each Path, in either repressed or expressed form. For example, the pattern of Maternal letters (form producing intelligence) as stated in the Qabalistic book, Sepher Yetzirah, that Air (Gases) produces Water which produces Fire which we know to be true by studying physics. THE FOOL-0, is pure Air. THE HANGED MAN-KEY 12, is Air acted upon by Water, and THE AEON Key- 20, is Air and Water acted upon by Fire within the human body. It pays to note, that the human body is the Golden Crucible of Spiritual/metaphysical Alchemy.

On the Path of Shin, the Consciousness (Water) is activated by the Dynamic Principle (Fire) in the presence of equilibrating Spiritual Aspect of the Soul (Air) with in the physical vehicle (Earth), all of which produces a balance of intelligence forces in the individual necessary for total understanding of the Personality structure and its relationship to the Greater Self.

The Path of Shin in the Qabalistic Tree of Life is connected to Hod (Glory) and Malkuth (Kingdom),.
Understanding the Path of Shin:
- Hod (Glory):
- Hod is the sephira on the left side of the Tree of Life, associated with intellect, reason, communication, and understanding. It represents the rational mind, where abstract concepts and ideas are processed and analyzed. It is the sphere of the lower intellect, a bridge between the higher spiritual spheres (like Tiphareth) and the material world (Malkuth).
- Malkuth (Kingdom):
- Malkuth is the final sephira on the Tree of Life, representing the material world, the physical realm, and earthly existence. It is where all of the divine emanations come into manifestation in physical form.
- The Path of Shin:
- The Path of Shin connects Hod and Malkuth, symbolizing the path through which intellectual understanding and knowledge (Hod) manifest in the material world (Malkuth). This path can be seen as the channel through which spiritual understanding descends into earthly expression.
- The letter Shin (ש), associated with this path, is linked to the element of fire and the idea of transformation or spiritual illumination. The Path of Shin represents how divine, intellectual, and spiritual energy is translated into the physical and material world, leading to the refinement and purification of matter and earthly existence through wisdom.
The Tarot Correspondence:
The Path of Shin corresponds to the Aeon card (Card XX) in the Thoth Tarot. As mentioned, this card represents transformation, revelation, and cosmic change, and it marks a significant spiritual awakening and the revelation of divine light into the material world.
In this context, the Aeon card corresponds to the letter Shin because it reflects the fiery, transformative energy of spiritual enlightenment being brought into the material realm, aligning with the Path of Shin's symbolism.
Recap and Clarification:
- The Path of Shin correctly connects Hod and Malkuth..
- This path is associated with the descent of divine intellect and spiritual energy into the material world, making the connection between understanding and earthly manifestation.
- Shin as a letter represents fire, spirit, and transformation, and the Aeon card symbolizes the awakening and transformative process that the Path of Shin brings into the material world.
When the Aeon card is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is usually experiencing a period of final decisions, Judgment, and determination of a issue without appeal on its plane where the querent is accepting the results of their decisions.
- The querent is experiencing a natural progression of growth and maturation, where personal perceptions are dissolving to be replaced by a deeper understanding; a resurrection into a new stage of consciousness.
- Spiritual truth is burning away, the falsehood of a man-made identity.
- The birth of a "new Self" arising out of the destruction of the old self.
- Change of position, renewal, and outcome.
- .Awakening of Strong desires.
- The Aeon means a final decision, Judgment and Sentence.
- A matter determined without appeal on this material plane
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