
tarot of the old path-nine of pentacles
The Thoth Tarot- 9 of Disks is called Gain and is comparable to the Nine of Pentacles of the Tarot of the Old Path.
The Nine of Pentacles shows an extravagantly dressed woman holding a pentacle in her lap.
Her head-dress is horned representing the "Old Goddess" of the pagan past. Her ermine trimmed green garment denotes wealth and the ruling element of this card, Earth.
Around her neck is a a necklace of eight pentacles.
The primary meaning of this card seems to be the attainment of wealth, bringing luxury, comfort, and material well-being.

thoth- 9 of disks-gain
The Thoth Tarot- 9 of Disks (Pentacles in Golden Dawn, Tarot of the Old Path, and Ryder-Waite decks) is called Lord of Material Gain, or Gain for short.
The Planet is Venus and Virgo is the astrological sign. The Angels of the Decan are: Hazayel and Aldiah.
This card is Yesod in Assiah and/or the influence of Yesod in the Material World.

Yesod, meaning foundation, in the material world this influence is very favorable for amassing things, but with Venus in Virgo, there is a lack of overt feelings accompanying this great efficiency. This efficient amassing of material things is shown by the design complexity of Crowley's and Harris's 9 of Disks. As he states in his book of Thoth, "The Disks are arranged as an equilateral triangle of three, apex upwards, close together; and surrounded at some distance by a ring, six larger disks in the form of a hexagram. This signifies the multiplication of the original established Word by the mingling of good luck and management." Which says it all for this card.
The 6 coin like disks, have planetary signs and represent the Sephira of Binah, Chokmah, (upper 2) and Hod, Netzach and Yesod (lower 3) and the 3 central disks, are symbolic of the union of Tiphareth, Geburah and Chessed, which boils down to "Spirit, Mind and Body". Interestingly, Geburah-severity is part of this "good luck and management", which may indicate that often severe events lead to later gain.

When the 9 of Disks-Gain or The Nine of Pentacles, is thrown during a reading it implies:
- Inheritance and/or material gain, sometimes within 9 weeks or 9 months or the querent is experiencing it now for those time periods.
- A certain amount of Integrity, skill and talent has produced material gain and a sense of accomplishment.
- This is a purely material gain card, where talent and skill have come together in either a beginning stage of material gain or a good flowing gain on into wealth.
If ill defined by accompanying cards:
It could mean a lack of discipline in material matters and the failure that comes with it.
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