
rider-waite-smith-four of pentacles
The Rider-Waite- Smith-Four of Pentacles card, sticks to the mundane divination meaning of the Four of Pentacles which comes from the position of the Sun in Capricorn. Here light and warmth insure material success; but nothing beyond the moment. Waite's illustrates this condition of assured material gain and earthly power completed, but nothing beyond. The powerful ruling personage is firmly placed, grasping a pentacle firmly to his chest, feet planted on other pentacles and one above his head, showing rule on the plane of matter, and a certain amount of possessiveness. Here he is the fortress that protects the city behind, law and order supported by eternal vigilance, but nothing beyond.

On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Chesed, the 4th Sephiroth-Mercy, is the architect under the direction of the Supernal (upper triangle on the Tree of Life). Hence, Chesed is the one whose intelligence externalizes the combined potencies of the upper Trinity. Chesed is the administrator of manifestation and the laws there of.

Thoth-4 of disks-power
The Thoth 4 of Disks (Pentacles in Rider-Waite-Smith decks) is the most complete expression of the grounded Chesed-forces. This card shows the influence of Chesed in the material world, or the World of Assiah as our material world is called in the Qabalah.

The Four of Disks -Power, is also called the Lord of Earthly Power. The Angels of the Decan are Keveqiah and Mendial. The planet is the Sun and here it is in Capricorn.
The Thoth illustration of the 4 of Disks suggests a fortress implying law and order maintained by undaunted vigilance.
The Disks themselves, are square implying that revolving or motion, is opposite to this card; However, another form of Chesed is in the Key/Atu 13 card of the Major Arcana, and it is the Death of stability, so that revolution can continue, 1+3=4, so the number of Chesed lays hidden in gematria (Qabalistic numerology), however not the action as the engineer of manifestation has the power to reorganize creation through a process we call deconstruction or Death.

The 4 square disks each contain one of the symbols for the four elements and the walls are strong and seemingly immobile. Yet we have the Sun reborn in Capricorn so new powerful activity is present, and is best shown as the Dancing Skeleton of key 13. What also hints at underlying power in the 4 of disks Tarot Card is the orange-yellow color of the card, an aggressive combination of the influences of Mars and Sun.
Like the eye of a hurricane, The 4 of Disks is the "Dead Center" of the Engineer of All Manifestation (Chesed). Here at the center, everything looks quite and stable , but violent activity is making it so and soon, that stability will "fly to the winds". Capricorn is the center "where the Sun turns Northward." So the turning is happening in what looks to be stable.
When the Four/4 of Disks or Pentacles is thrown during a reading the querent:
- Is owning their own personal energy, physical potency and vitality. The very act of which proceeds change.
- Is experiencing a feeling of holding on tightly to what one has, emotionally or physically.
- Is experiencing the enfoldment of Power. Here the Ability to Do Work (Power) is unfettered and the engineer is active.
- The querent is taking solid steps towards creating material security in the physical world.
- Is experiencing the axiom of the 4, "nothing ventured nothing gain". Holding to tightly to what you have, and not taking risks of change.
If ill defined by surrounding cards (Thoth) or reversed (Rider-Waite-Smith), it implies:
- Is experiencing a blockage of creative thought due to avarice, or excessive devotion to material things.
- Compulsivity.
- Stubbornness.
- Stagnation.
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