
The Babylonian tarot- 10 of disks-completion
The Babylonian Tarot-10 of Disks-Completion, portrays and early scene in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Here, a serpent is curled around a blooming tree, with an eagle atop its branches. These 2 creatures have declared mutual cooperation with each other. Serpents were often portrayed as magical protective devices in statues and murals. Ninurta, the agricultural-warrior god, was portrayed as an eagle. In modern Hermetic tradition, the Eagle serves as a symbol of the human Soul, that flies high above in spiritual ascent.The Serpent serves as a symbol of Wisdom that winds itself through the Tree of Life.

In this Babylonian card, the serpent curled at the base of the tree and the eagle at the top, symbolizes the Tree of Life as well as the winged Caduceus, which is an expression of equilibrium where opposing forces balance one another to create a higher more creative whole.

Thoth- 10 of disks-wealth
10 of Disks-Wealth:
Prosperity, wealth, success in the world of finances and physical health. The 10 of Disks card is the sum total of the other 35 minor arcana since wealth is a synchronicity of mind, body and soul. This card indicates that by using your communication skills (Mercury symbols on top three coins) and linking them with your healing abilities (the caduceus on the bottom coin) while listening to your inspiration (the star coins) you will be able to manifest abundance (the three Hebrew symbols for abundance coins-bottom center).

The Astrological sign for this card is Mercury in Virgo. Mercury is the representative planet for communication and organizational skills. Virgo is the sign of prosperity and abundance manifested in a tangible way.

The 10 of Disks card indicates that all 10 of your conscious states of energy (The 10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life) contribute to a balanced flow of healing, communication, and organizational skills all accumulating to active function on the physical plane. Your Spirit and body are manifesting abundance. Obviously this is a card of prosperity and also obviously, it will change, but for now eat, drink and be merry. We should also understand that Wealth becomes prosperity when we spend it as our wealth prospers others and thus ourselves which is a form of communication. To reiterate, MALKUTH is Earth that is also called the Active Word and/or Assiah.

It is the lone Sephiroth of this World. In the other Worlds of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, there are 3 Sephiroth composing a Triangle, but Assiah/Malkuth stands alone, for it is the completion of all the other States of Energy Conscious. It is the Only Sensual Activity, of Creation, which is the goal of I AM. Now this may seem otherwise to the Initiate who sensually experiences the "Inner Worlds" of the Tree of Life, as they often forget, that they are still "attached" to a sensual body, and thus feel the Conscious experiences. But to travel, the other Sephiroth without a body is to feel nothing at all! There is only One Sense to Consciousness, and that is the sense of "I" sight, and all the "Five Senses" of the mundane body, are just Concentrated Transformations of that One Sense of "I". To those who practice the Mysteries, there are considerably more senses "felt" than five...as many as 33, but all of them is not for this blog to describe, so if you are interested in a greater Wealth of Sensuality....start your journey up the Tree while you still support a physical body. For example, you have a sense of balance, a sense of direction, a sense of right and wrong, a sense of intuition etc. .

The Thoth Deck 10 OF DISKS, is called the 10 of Pentacles or 10 of Coins, in other decks. Crowley wished to show the stable motion that is required in a "Solid" world...the Spinning of a Disk. Where the Stability of a Discus is in its spin. I find this to be a brilliant insight (of which he had many) and agree with his philosophy. It is indeed the spiral "E-Motion" of our conscious self that balances our "Crystalline" outer Self; our life motion.

THE 10 OF DISKS, is called the Lord of Wealth and is Mercury in Virgo. The Angels associated with this Decan are Hahaayah and Laviah. Again, this is MALKUTH in ASSIAH which is the influence of Malkuth in the Material world.
The Astrologers assign Mercury the God of commerce, as the ruler of the sign Virgo. Thus this placement is often called an embarras de richesses, as material gain here is so vast, that it often loses importance. This vast materiality is shown on the Thoth Deck Ten of Disks, as the whole Tree of Life, of Ten Sephira, as Disks decorated with the various symbols of Mercury.

Truth, being, that the Whole Tree of Life is dedicated to this Manifested world; it is the Goal Achieved, by the Conscious of the Divine Creative. Our purpose as physical Spirits and or operators of the Master Power Tools, the Human body, is to establish, the "As above, so below”, i.e. The Great Work. For this requires "sensors".
As energy that is Spiral (spirit), we are "everywhere and nowhere" at the very moment of "I"; a kind of diffusion into eternity. But with a "God-Mind" body (Hu-Man) I am the ability to focus on one "moment" in the Time Space continuum, giving me not only the "sense of presence" but the ability to immediately discriminate my motion! In other words----"freedom of Choice" which simply means free to move by perspective chosen and not by much slower “natural evolution”.
This Rocks! I find it very fulfilling to be able to have a "sense of presence", and move about sensually while also evolving via perspective. To be able to do so is indeed a gift, an inheritance, and a Wealth which mere Ideas do not receive in the vast Mind of the Divine Collective, until now!
It's time we realize that we are the "Sacred Place in Time Space"! We, as Spiral Entity (Spirits) have inherited the Earth, not because we are bad or lustful (The Lust cloud of Goddess- God-bio-protons built us after all!) We are the accumulated Wealth of Creation--made alive and sensual! The Divine Creative’s Self Experience (Self Awareness) built us as a Solution not a problem! We solve the problem of how to focus intense energy (motion) to a point in time space, to nullify entropy and be able to deconstruct and reconstruct right at the time and place of "seeing an error"! We Rock Dudes and Dudesses! The “I am” is the Image maker, who can recreate image by using our "Child of God" union card, I-Magi-Nation number "10"!

For those who don't know, 10 is 1+0=1, in Qabalistic gematria which simply means The First Sephira - Kether, The Above, that we bring to the below! In other words, we don't have a goal, we are the Goal; a bridge between the Creator and Creation! Therefore, we are Lust without the Need of result; being is the result of our Lust, i.e., love of vigor! Lust being the Divine Frenzy that is the rhythmic vibration in all things! Like I said, "We Rock"! We, each alone, are our very own Tree of Life!
When the 10 of Disks is thrown during a reading, the querent:
- Is assured of physical prosperity and abundance. But being a Ten, the end of a cycle, means it may be short lived.
- Is at a physical cross road where supply is stable but boredom has set in and perspective is not stimulating.
- Should be patient for the time for taking security risks is approaching and will soon arrive.
- It suggests that in the next 10 weeks or 10 months you will experience opportunities for abundance by utilizing communication, organizational and intuitive skills.
- It also indicates that during this period you will experience a better alignment of abundance on the physical plane where things seem to "go your way".
- This may also indicate that setting up good communication with the Virgo people in your life will profit you (August 21 to September21) add to your abundance emotionally, physically and mentally.
When ill defined by the surrounding negative cards in a reading, it implies:
- Greed.
- Avarice.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.