Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-3 of Cups-Abundance
"...the fulfillment of the Will of Love in abounding joy. It is the spiritual basis of fertility"
- [Crowley-Book of Thoth, pg.,196]
#3. Filled with understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.

The Declarative Tarot-Layers of Heart-No.3-Self-Fulfillment. (3 of cups)

Mercury-messenger of the Gods
The Thoth 3 of Cups is also called the Lord of Abundance. Here Mercury is in Cancer, The Angels of the Decan are Rachael and Yehomayah. With Mercury in the house of Cancer there is an abundant communication of emotions. The 3 of Cups signifies the influence of Binah in Briah, the 2nd Mental/Creative World of Qabalah.
Cancer is the most sensitive of water signs and is under the command of the Moon. Therefore, we have represented Cardinal Water, i.e., Emotional/Intuitive Consciousness. The 3 of Cups is perfect affinity with Binah, who is Mother of the Waters, Trinity Goddess, Imagination and "Will to Form".

The 4 worlds of Qabalah

The scene of rushing water, swift and extravagant as it overflows the Pomegranate cups, represents the gifts of Mercury, the pomegranate cups represent the Goddess of Spring, Persephone, as they are considered her sacred fruit. The Water arises from a single cup which denotes the "dark calm Sea of Binah" a characteristic of the Universal Collective Unconscious from which all consciousness springs. She is also seen as Persephone (spring) to whom the Pomegranate is sacred, the seeds representing the many souls of the Universal Collective Unconscious. With the Plenty of Persephone as spring, this card also represents plenty, hospitality, and abundance of Love.

Those who have been following this blog know by now that Binah is "will to form", and underlying force that makes imagination a "womb with a view". She is the Will of the Womb of all forms, not the material Womb itself for that is reserved to the Action of Chesed the Sphere of Mercy. Again, the sexing of these forces is limiting and short on insight. Chesed may be Masculine in its expression of force, and yet it is feminine as it receives the Will of Binah. However, here we have the Trinity Goddess and 3 states of Love, Eros (love of flesh), Philos (love of family/brotherly love), and Agapé (Spiritual Unconditional Love) and the only masculine suggestion is Mercury. Therefore, this card can be seen as a menage â trois (3 in a house), with abundant overflowing love from Spirit-Mind-Body.

What may surprise you, is that none of us are the sex of our bodies. We are androgynous Souls, in that we are both receptive (female) and expressive (male); both magnetic (female) and electric (male) and therefore, not looking for a Union as one sexual gender. Hence, our brain, which is a copy of our psyche, is also Hermaphrodite, left side being male and rights side being female. Each of us being a Solar-Psyche (Golden Sun of God) entity, we have inherited great power, "to be or not to be" any gender at all. However, the body lives in a different dimension (Malkuth the 10th Sephiroth) than Tiphareth (6th Sephiroth-Soul) and is an Organic tool, powered by the Electro (male) Magnetic (female) entity that you operate in the name of I AM and driven by the DNA/RNA chain of Earth and ET combination (Earth is 4.6 billion years old-our DNA/ RNA is scientifically proven to be 9.8 billion years old: Hence older than earth) that employs sexuality separation in a species in order to diversify. On Earth, diversity must be made manifest for life to move forward, necessitating the "Splitting" up of the Soul into Anima (feminine) and Animus (Masculine), 0=2. Now this splitting up may cause some trauma, for as a spiritually powered/Life Wave animated- DNA/RNA driven tool, the human body is unexcelled in its seeking of union and yet still not always successful. But even more tragic, as its Solar/Psyche/Life Wave operator, your Will To Be one which is usually beyond the reason of bodies but is the function the psyche is now divided and confused as the "splitting" of your wholeness has also made you driven to reunite the anima and animus of Self (Binah and Chokmah), making the search for a "soul mate" a preoccupation. However, you contact with the Solar Anima or Animus is in your brain. The left side is masculine/animus, and the right side is feminine/anima. By meditation, we can link up with our Solar Self and/or "Holy Guardian Angel" as it is called in metaphysical circles and it will present itself as the opposite sex to our body gender (energy flows from polarity to polarity), so that energy will flow from above to below.

You are obviously a "Will to be" (I AM ME) which is very much a combination of “Will to Force” and "Will to Form", combined with "knowledge"- (I Am-is the Truth of Existence, but what I AM, is always an assumption). So here is a kicker, YOU ARE THE IMAGINATION (I-Magi-Nation), and the Imagined identity of sexuality is totally yours to be. Hence, all of us are Bi-Sexual by inheritance, even our brains are hermaphrodites, and we can become any sexual expression we feel the need to be or are indoctrinated into being., despite the body gender. As you can see in this world of manifestation (manifestation= illusion) this can get overly complicated, as the "splitting" up of the soul anima and animus creates a fantasy that may not match the sex of the body. Also, the sex of the body, and the conditioning of indoctrinated identity, can cause one to be more "rational" (Animus) or more "imaginative" (Anima), causing an imbalance in life motions.

Identity Imbalance caused by media-controlled Word hypnosis.

"Image-maker," is what the word Imagination describes, and that dear soul, is the Divine's and your inherited Power. Get out of your identity straight-jacket of words and controlled definition and yell, "I AM Energy!" And get on with you, for self- impeccability is what you came to do! Remember, what we command in this Universe is our own image, making self-identity an assumption that produces our perspectives of the world. Take charge of yourself and stop blaming the environment, or person or thing. YOU ARE THE WILL and THE WAY OF YOUR WILL (Life Motion/Manifestation). Sure, environment, peers, or issues, may influence, but they only have the fantasy power you give them. What you are is up to your Passionate use of Will, Imagination and Boundary setting (rationale/measurement)! You are an abundance of Will and the Dreamer of Self. The Divine Creative dreams it is you! There is only one Energy, and the All of things is Mind; Hence, you are the Energy-Mind that makes a body live in your name of I AM...! That Celestial Mind is called your Psyche, it is you- the Psyche that owns a human, not a human that owns a psyche.
"The only important thing about importance, is that it isn't important."

The Declarative Tarot-Layers of Heart-No. 3-Self-Fulfillment.
Abundant love seems a wonderful thing! However, there is always a shadow (false ego) cast by the Sun, and it might help one to remember the legend of Persephone (one aspect of the Trinity Goddess of Maid, Mother, and Crone) whose sacred fruit was the Pomegranate. Because she swallowed a few seeds of the pomegranate, Persephone was sentenced to spend a few months in Hades, with her Husband Pluto/Hades, God of the underworld and because of a deal/compromise between Pluto and Demeter/Artemis (her mother who threatened to destroy him) she was allowed to spend the spring months above ground in the world of light. There seems to be an implied suggestion that no matter how good the things in life which are to be enjoyed, they should also be mistrusted and/or seen with cautionary expectation. Therefore, the caveat here is enjoy the abundance, but don't try to hold onto it. Overflowing abundance can be too much of a good thing.

The Declarative Tarot-Layers of Heart-No.3-Self-Fulfillment represents the difference between "fulfillment" and "self-fulfillment". Illustrated here is how inner self-fulfillment brings confidence, abundance, energy, and self-trust. We are the Energy that is Life, inside, outside, above and below the body for we are the Celestial Soul/Solar Self. Inside we have unlimited depth, outside we are measurement of length and width.
In the forefront of this card rises a Poppy from the waters of life. The juices of this poppy can be a drug of lost potency or enhanced healing. Whether the poppy is of bright colors of red, orange, yellow, or the vibrant high mountain blues, it can either empower or distract. Therefore, the poppy represents how we must be cognizant of where we rest ourselves and how we snuggle with our inner sense of purpose and presence. Ask yourself, do I hide in the opiates of the masses through things, opinions, technology, programs, relationships, and activities? Or do I take the time to reflect on myself, viewing the inner reflections that dance on the inner sea of infinite self?
The 2 bees all snuggled up in the center of the main poppy reminds us that success and fulfillment doesn't come from doing everything yourself, they most often come from cooperation and collaboration.
The interesting fixture of a crescent moon with a pull-string decorated with an eye, a heart, and a light bulb. Here we have Spirit (I), Psyche/soul, and body (reflected image in light). Here we are shown how we reflect upon ourselves in our cyclic life journey. Wholeness is always being Willful Spirit (Spiral Energy), Mentally aware, and physically present as One Trinity that is bonded in mutual love.
" Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law; the law is love, love under will".
-Aleister Crowley.

The stars that are strung across the sky remind us that we are each Stars, Celestial Souls, that not only empower forms to live, but worlds to bloom! The ribbon is embroidered with your personal inner language. For the Self isn't hypnotized by words as is our brain, it is the maker of image, and communicates in images as our dreams tell us. Part of a successful life-journey is to become fluent in the language of images of the Solar Self (Soul-heart) which communicates to the Eternal Guardian Star of your cosmic inheritance. As Edward Alexander Crowley stated: "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law; the law is love, love under will". Hence, self-fulfillment is through your own efforts and self-focus.
When the 3 of Cups/ No.3-Self-Fulfillment is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- The querent may have an outpouring of love and positive emotion toward three incredibly significant people in their life. With an overwhelming desire to communicate such to them happiness and a full life.
- May become clearer about what the querent's feelings and emotion are saying.
- Let the spirit come through and express the joy of being with others.
- A steady and timeless affection is being felt by the querent that is unconditional and thus more powerful and more deeply felt than romantic love.
- Feeling the dance of love, often called the Three Graces.
- A very exuberant joyful feeling of being.
- Extreme joy that can turn to tears.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Harmony.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout:
- Lust.
- Hedonism.
- Raw Sensuality.
- Feelings damned up.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses your prosperity. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010
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Traditional tarot blog-Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A., etc.