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The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot- 3 of Cups-Abundance & Tarot of The Ages-Three of Cups

Western hermetic qabalah, Tantric, alchemical, astrological, and numerical Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 23, 2019

Thoth-3 of cups-abundance

The Thoth 3 of Cups, is also called the Lord of Abundance. Here Mercury is in Cancer, The Angels of the Decan Rachael and Yehomayah.

The 3 of Cups, signifies the influence of the Trinity Goddess of Qabalah- the 3rd Sephiroth -Binah in Briah, the mental World. Here Mercury is in Cancer, The Angels of the Decan Rachael and Yehomayah.

Cancer is a water sign, and is under the command of the Moon. Thus we have Cardinal Water, i.e. Consciousness. Therefore, The 3 of Cups is in perfect affinity with Binah, who is "Will to Form". Seen on the card is the Universal Element of Water, rushing,  swift and extravagant as it overflows the Pomegranate cups, represents the gifts of Mercury. The Water arises from a single cup which denotes the "dark calm Sea of Binah" a characteristic of the Unconscious from which all consciousness springs.

Binah, is also seen as Persephone (spring), to whom the Pomegranate is sacred. With the Plenty of Persephone as spring, this card represents plenty, hospitality, and abundance. Those who have been following this blog know by now that the Divine Feminine- Binah is "Will to Form", and underlying force that makes imagination (imagination means image making) a womb. She is the Will of the Abyssal Womb of all forms, not the Womb itself for that is reserved to the Action of the 4th Architecture Sephiroth- Chesed the Sphere of Mercy. Again the sexing of these Sephirotic forces is limiting and short on insight. Chesed may be Masculine in its expression of form, and yet it is feminine as it receives the Will of Binah.

What may surprise the observe in you, is that none of us are the sex of our bodies. We are Androgynous Souls, in that we are both receptive (female) and expressive (male); both magnetic (female) and electric (male). Being Electromagnetic entity, our brains are left side- Male and right side-Female, hence, we have great power, "to be or not to be" any sex or manifestation of Self. The body is a tool, powered by the Electromagnetic Entity that you are. For as a power tool the human body is unexcelled, but as its operator, you are beyond the reason of bodies for you are the True Psyche. You are obviously a "Will to be" which is very much a combination of “Will to Force” and "Will to Form", so here is a kicker, YOU ARE THE IMAGINATION and the Imagined.

Remember, before the Military Industrial Complex, used Latin as definition, Hu is Mandarin for God and Man is from the Hindu word for mind-Mannas; Thus once you were are called a God Mind and/or a Psyche! The body is not described in the world human, for it is a homo sapiens sapiens. So you are a Hu-Man ( the Qabalistic -Horus), who owns and operates a Organic living organism in your "Image"/Name. That Name is I AM...

Now you can see that Image-maker, is what the Imagination means, and that dear soul, is the Divine Creative's Power. So get off of your patriarchy's butt kicking-and/or suffering identity and stand up and Yell-----I AM Me!

And get over yourself and get on with You, for self- impeccability is what we came to do! Remember, what we command in this Universe is our own image/information (in-form-action). Take charge of yourself and stop blaming environment, or person or thing. Sure they may influence, but they only have the power you give them. What you are is up to your Passionate use of Imagination!

The 3 of Cups abundance, is about the Trinity of Abundance, the Great Maid, Mother and Crone and the 3 states of love, Eros-love of flesh, Philo-love of family and/or brotherly love, and Agapé, love of Spirit. Hence, abundant love. The Maid, is a manifestation of the Goddess's love of Flesh, for she "married" Eros (cupid) in the Greek myth*. She represents the Anima of the Soul.

*Cupid and Psyche

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For other uses, see Cupid and Psyche (disambiguation).

Psyche and Amor, also known as Psyche Receiving Cupid's First Kiss (1798), by François Gérard: a symbolic butterfly hovers over Psyche in a moment of innocence poised before sexual awakening.[1]

Cupid and Psyche is a story originally from Metamorphoses (also called The Golden Ass), written in the 2nd century AD by Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis (or Platonicus).[2] The tale concerns the overcoming of obstacles to the love between Psyche (/ˈsaɪkiː/, Greek: Ψυχή [pʰsyː.kʰɛ᷄ː], "Soul" or "Breath of Life") and Cupid (Latin Cupido, "Desire") or Amor ("Love", Greek Eros ’′Ερως), and their ultimate union in a sacred marriage. Although the only extended narrative from antiquity is that of Apuleius, Eros and Psyche appear in Greek art as early as the 4th century BC. The story's Neoplatonic elements and allusions to mystery religions accommodate multiple interpretations,[3] and it has been analyzed as an allegory and in light of folktale, Märchen or fairy tale, and myth.[4]

Since the rediscovery of Apuleius's novel in the Renaissance, the reception of Cupid and Psyche in the classical tradition has been extensive. The story has been retold in poetry, drama, and opera, and depicted widely in painting, sculpture, and even wallpaper.[5] Though Psyche is usually referred to in Roman mythology by her Greek name, her Roman name through direct translation is Anima.


Philo is also a Greek name for a Hebrew Philosopher (trained in Greek Philosophy) who represented his people in protest against the inhuman acts of the Roman Emperor Caligula. To access this story, just click on the Link-

Because of his prudence and selfless acts as a Philosopher, his name, Philo, became associated with "Brotherly love and/or Family love", and as such represents the Mother aspect of the Trinity Goddess.

Then there is *Agapé ( is usually associated with the Love of the Son/Sun of God for mankind. However, this is a Christianized form of understanding. In Western Qabalistic philosophy, all of us are seen as a individual Horus, and/or the Sun god , i.e., the Psyche of the Higher Self. We all are Solar entities of the Photon world of Light (we are stars), often called the "golden Child" and/or Sun god. Myogenic societies created the "son of god" out of the ancient "dying god" religions and myths which we know today as the DNA molecule**. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, is the architect of all forms of life and since it is the "dying god", its love for being-every living thing, is commonly considered unconditional love. It dies, and reincarnates, in cycles often seen to be controlled by the Moon. Hence, our Souls are Prometheans.**

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Within Christianity, agape is considered to be the love originating from God or Christ for humankind [3] In the New Testament, it refers to the covenant love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God; the term necessarily extends to the love of one's fellow man.[4] Some contemporary writers have sought to extend the use of agape into non-religious contexts.[5][6]

The concept of agape has been widely examined within its Christian context.[7] It has also been considered in the contexts of other religions,[8] religious ethics,[9] and science.[10]


What may shock the well propagandized believer, is that all religions are a mythology. What can be more shocking, is that we are all individual "dying gods", who have complete freedom over our image and information of self (self-awareness) and since we are of the One Energy, our Souls/Psyche can't be created nor destroyed, only transformed. That information of the Golden Psyche is transformed as in-form-action, in this universe of "Will to Form". Hence, I AM a Me...the in-form-action of the Self/I AM. The Soul/Psyche that I Am who created Me as its messenger/mercury, loves me without condition for even when I make mistakes in the name of I AM, for those mistakes teach me on what not to do as an intimate Self-Experience of the I AM. Wisdom comes only from making errors, and correcting those errors; we also call that evolution. To believe the propaganda of Theologians, Governments, and/or Rulers, is an error. I have corrected that error, by loving my fellow man/woman as HuMans, who operate a homo sapiens sapiens in the name of I AM. Each and everyone, no matter the creed, culture and/or language are another way to be me. Therefore, we all supply intimacy with Self-Creation, that the I Am is unable to have without a "Me".

The personality as a child/messenger of the Soul/Psyche, is supposed to walk all the paths of the Tree of Life (Mind of Self) unhindered, carrying the Sephirotic message as "in-form-action" which is to expand and liberate the alive. The Qabalistic "Adam Khadmond" (Heavenly Human) is not a product of the Ruler's who control definition (propaganda) and supply "words" as identity. We are of the many Solar Evolutions of the One Macrocosmic Self, and are not identified by words, let alone made by any man or woman; our Soul's Anima, created us as her "most beloved". Only our actions are our "information", a Power of Limitation, that comes from "Will to Form", the Great Creatrix of all being. This Abundance of Creation and Supply for the living is also often shown as the Cornucopia.

**In Greek mythology, Prometheus (/ p r ə ˈ m iː θ iː ə s / ; Greek : Προμηθεύς, pronounced [promɛːtʰéu̯s], possibly meaning "forethought") is a Titan, culture hero, and trickster figure who is credited with the creation of humanity from clay, and who defies the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity as civilization.

Prometheus - Wikipedia



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For a non-technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. For other uses, see DNA (disambiguation).

The structure of the DNA double helix. The atoms in the structure are colour-coded by element and the detailed structures of two base pairs are shown in the bottom right.

The structure of part of a DNA double helix

Deoxyribonucleic acid (/diːˈɒksɪˌraɪboʊnjuːˌkliːɪk, -ˌkleɪ-/ (listen);[1] DNA) is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses. DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are nucleic acids; alongside proteins, lipids and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), nucleic acids are one of the four major types of macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life.

For further information click on this link-

tarot of the ages- three of cups

The Tarot of The Ages, Three of Cups, depicts 3 vivacious dancing mayan maidens/priestesses, holding high 3 great Cups, being filled with the "milk of life" from the lush and fertile tropical flowers growing above them. Here again, is a representation of the Trinity Goddess of Maid, Mother and Crone while also representing the three states of love. The Three nourishing cups can be associated with our own trinity of Spirit-Mind-Body. Spirit is Agapé-Mind is Philo and body, is Eros. This card also symbolizes the cornucopia that is the Great Gia, another name for the Great Mother of living forms. Every explanation in this blog that pertains to the Thoth Tarot - 3 of Cups-Abundance, pertains to this Tarot of The Ages card.

From wikipedia the free encyclopedia:

Within Christianity, agape is considered to be the love originating from God or Christ for humankind [3] In the New Testament, it refers to the covenant love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God; the term necessarily extends to the love of one's fellow man.[4] Some contemporary writers have sought to extend the use of agape into non-religious contexts.[5][6]

The concept of agape has been widely examined within its Christian context.[7] It has also been considered in the contexts of other religions,[8] religious ethics,[9] and science.[10]

When the 3/ Three of Cups is thrown during a reading:

  • The querent may have an outpouring of love and positive emotion toward three very significant people in their life An overwhelming desire to communicate such to them,
  • Happiness and a full life.
  • May become clearer about what the querent's feelings and emotion are saying.
  • Letting the spirit come through and expressing the joy of being with others.
  • A steady and timeless affection is being felt by the querent that is unconditional and thus more powerful and more deeply felt than romantic love.
  • Feeling the dance of love, often called the Three Graces. A very exuberant joyful feeling of being.The querent may have an outpouring of love and positive emotion toward three very significant people in their life an overwhelming desire to communicate such to them.
  • Happiness and a full life.
  • Clarity about what the querent’s feelings and emotion are saying.
  • Letting the spirit come through and expressing the joy of being with others.
  • A steady and timeless affection is being felt by the querent that is unconditional and thus more powerful and more deeply felt than romantic love.
  • Feeling the dance of love, often called the Three Graces. A very exuberant joyful feeling of being.
  • Solace
  • Fulfillment.

If ill defined by surrounding cards:

  • Excessive pleasures.
  • Overabundance.
  • Superfluity.
  • Loss of prestige. 
  • Delays. 
  • Lack of appreciation. 

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