
The Starman Tarot-10 of Cups
I experience the joy of loving connection.
The Starman Tarot-10 of Cups, depicts a happy family scene where the bejeweled cups seem to burst with light. Since we are the evolution of light, and the fact that our brains, heart and gut produce bio-photons (bio-light) and that through Quantum Entanglement our light communicates to the Universal light called Spirit, we can all feel this loving connection, not only with family, friends and other beings, but also with the Universal Light of Spirit. The idea of loneliness, is a real "buzz kill", and the only way to get over this is go out into the world and observe the many forms of light, that we are all connected to. None of us are alone. Sure, we can pretend to be, for we can hide in darkened rooms, playing an imagined Life-Solitary, but the "butcher, baker and candlestick maker", are all busy supporting the life you lead. You are not alone. In fact, the bio-photons of your brain, heart and gut, are linked to the Star your mind's light comes from, the earth and all her beings, and the entire human race. Hence, the shining sacred geometry above the family, in the shape of a golden star and the cat and hawk at their feet. The Thoth and Starman card share the same definitions, so apply the meaning to both as One .

MALKUTH, Earth, is the 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, and is the placement of the 4 Tens.
The Thoth- 10 OF CUPS is known as SATIETY, and is attributed to Mars in Pisces. Crowley calls this card, The Lord of Perfected Success, as this is the influence of MALKUTH in the unconscious Mental World known as Briah. Satiety, is a word meaning, filled to the point of excess, though it is hard to argue that excessive happiness is a negative thing; However, it could be distracting.

What is exceptional about this Tarot-10 card, is that the general astrological meaning of Mars in Pisces doesn't apply. Pisces is a watery sign, and Mars would signify a dispersal of energy to a point of frustration.
However, the meaning here is that fiery Mars causes the Waters of Pisces to rush furiously into Briah, bringing great success on the Material plane of Malkuth.

Thoth- 10 of cups- satiety
The imagery of the Thoth- 10 of cups and the Starman card expresses the opinion that all happiness is inspired from above, i.e. comes from the Divine. One could say that Happiness, is a higher-inner state of energy/light consciousness,i.e., One's brain produces more bio photons. Scientist have recently discovered what metaphysics have known for thousands of years, that the brain produces light. Saints, Buddha, Suns/Sons of God, etc. have always been drawn with halos of light around their heads. This light is now called bio-photons, and they are used by neurons in the brain to communicate data. Through the process of Quantum entanglement, which means that two photons can communicate data anywhere in the universe, instantaneously, Spirit can communicate to the body. Hence, the En-light- en- ment potential of our consciousness residing outside our bodies in the world of Spirit that is now being researched by scientist. In other words the world of Spirit is the Universe of Light, both dark (Ultra violet and infrared) and visible. As I have said, and many other enlightened beings, you are Stars, and the body is but and avatar, connected by bio-photons/light to the world of Spirit. That is also true for all of us human beings, as we are all connected by bio-photons in their Quantum Entanglement; each of us connected to all of us. As Mother Teresa said, " We all belong to each other". Therefore, when we interact with another, we are also interacting with the Divine Creative.

According to a recent study, in a couple of experiments scientist discovered that rat brains can pass just one bio-photon per neuron a minute, but human brains could convey more than a billion bio-photons per second.That is why you, a psyche of light, can use the Homo Sapiens Sapiens. You as a Star, is communicating to a Homo Sapiens Sapiens body on earth , via quantum entanglement for your own intimate self-awareness. Intimate as in Sensual, which means the latest evolution of light/spirit is to be Sensual Light! Spirit's love for the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, is long understood and you are now a Spirit, Mind and Body, a trinity who is three and therefore, not alone. When one's brain is saturated with bio-photons, one is in a state of happiness that is undisturbed by outside events. Meditation and divination are proven ways to stimulate the production of more bio-photons.

Information is data understood, and the body is data understood, as it is a form of evolved light. Therefore, due to Quantum Entanglement, your brain bio-photons are connected to the World of Spirit. The fact that you have an extensive bio-photon field around your body called a Human Aura, is a fact known and seen by many enlightened people throughout history. You are the Spirit, who is of the One Mind, and owns a body of information we have named a Homo Sapiens Sapiens, who is a harmony of light frequencies that have evolved over millennium. Truth is that the Word Hu-Man, is two syllables, for Hu is Mandarin for God, and the Man comes from the Hindu word for mind, Manas. Hence, you are not a body, but a God-Mind, which is the Divine Creative to whom your self-consciousness is Quantum Entangled. What is even more mysterious, is that the brain is not the only producer of bio-photons, the heart and gut also have neurons (Solar plexus)in them, and since neurons communicate data via bio-photons, they are part of your "inner-mind and/or Soul". Hence, your consciousness is also a trinity, of Brain, Heart, and Gut.
A recent article in the Western Indian Times, goes on to state: (click on above button for more info)
Similarly, the stimulation of the vagus improves the cleaning process of the colon. For example, the ancient Indian custom of applying pressure on the cheeks with fists while sitting on the toilet seat helps in bowel movement. Pressure on the cheeks stimulates the vagus nerve since its branches pass through the face. Scientists have also discovered that the heart is involved in the processing and decoding of ‘intuitive information’. Tests on subjects showed that the heart appeared to receive intuitive information before the brain. This could be the basis for — ‘Follow your heart; you will never go wrong’.
The ancients were aware of the heart interaction. Patanjali Yoga says that by sanyam on the heart, a yogi acquires the complete knowledge of his mind.
To produce deep thought which helps in improving the well-being of a person, the gut and heart brains must work together with the main brain. When all work harmoniously, it creates a healthy body and a powerful mind.
To be sure, when Tarot is used for public Divination, it stimulates bio-photon communication with the Universal Collective Unconscious and/or the Divine Creative. To be sure, the data received is best applied to mundane matters, whereas the meaning may be different if applied to a more spiritual plane. The Placement of the cards, in the reading will clarify this statement.

However, being a 10, this is a short duration card, as 10's are a union of 1 and 0, so from one to zero is the flow of this cards influence coming to an end of a cycle. So often one is only satiated for a short period of time, with change around the corner. The 10 of Cups, although in the seemingly stable form of the Tree of Life, has a conflicting element that causes a tilting of the Cups, spilling water from the Great Lotus that overhangs the whole system. This conflict is from Mars in Pisces. Mars is a noted gross, violent force, depicted in Myth as the God of War who attacks any noted perfection. Pisces, is notably peaceful, spiritual, sensitive, psychic, and receptive. Mars is brutal, fiery and dominant.
This combination means that the proper work of Water/emotional self-conscious, is done, and a substantial change is due. In fact, Mars in Pisces, is considered by many astrologers to be the worst position of the 12 signs.
Yet, through all this supposed zodiacal doom and gloom, when this card is thrown during a reading, it means that emotional matters are definitely arranged and settled...for the moment. Pleasure proceeds, to dissipation and debauchery, as energy-in-motion follows the second law of thermodynamics. The message here is," Enjoy the moment of completion, all is done. Sit back, have a "dram", but avoid debauch, as soon you'll be called on to perform at your best."

10 is a number that when added together [1+0 =1), you end up at the beginning. It is the "up the down staircase" number that places us on top of one flight of stairs, only to find out that we are at the bottom of another flight. There are some Tarot readers that forgot this part of the Arcana, and call the 10 of Cups, permanent success, but Qabalists know that the only permanency in this One Energy Universe, is change/transformation. Yet here dances the "Lord of Material Happiness", the 10th Sephiroth, Malkuth and all seems well...but then we know how long happiness in material things lasts in a “not this, not that” world!
As stated: The 10 OF CUPS is known as SATIETY, and is attributed to Mars in Pisces. Crowley calls this card, The Lord of Perfected Success, as this is the influence of MALKUTH in the unconscious Mental World known as Briah. Satiety, is word meaning, filled to the point of excess, though it is hard to argue that excessive happiness is a negative thing; However, it could be distracting one from their responsibilities.
What is exceptional about this card, is that the general astrological meaning of Mars in Pisces doesn't apply. Pisces is a watery sign, and Mars would signify a dispersal of energy to a point of frustration. However, the meaning here is that fiery Mars causes the Waters of Pisces to rush furiously into Briah bringing great success on the Material plane of Malkuth. The imagery of this card expresses the opinion that all happiness is inspired from above, i.e. comes from the Divine. One could say that Happiness, is a higher-inner state of energy consciousness where one produces more bio-photons forming an inner melody.
In ordinary matters, the divined meaning is:
- Matters definitely arranged as wished, permanent and lasting emotional success on one issue.
- Optimism.
- Self-Confidence.
- Emotional warmth.
- Emotional fulfillment in intellectual ideas.
If ill defined:
- Sentimentality.
- Bathos.
- Inner emptiness.
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