#TarotThothQabalah elitarotstrickingly.com

Thoth-Queen of Wands
Mother Goddess- Binah is the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life; she is called the Sanctifying Intelligence, Dr. Paul Foster Case and is known as Understanding. All the Queens are another aspect of this Sanctifying Intelligence that is the Qabalistic Binah.

Seated and enthroned, the Queens represent the forces of Heh (meaning window or sight) in the Divine Vibration of each suit. By bringing forth a material Force of each suit, the Queens, develop and realize the Force of the King. This is a steady, unshaken and enduring force that is not as rapid in motion, as are the Princes. For she is the Understanding that creates form and form involves the manipulation of measurement/Time.

The Queen of Wands is Queen of the Thrones of Flame. Queen of the Salamanders, or Slamandrines. The astrological attribution is the last Decan of Pisces--the first two Decans of Aries. Therefore, she is comparable to the Hawaiian Pelé.
Because the Queens are about Materialized Force, there are no Angels represented here, rather the Elementals are the conscious force being directed here.
The Queen of Wands is Water of Fire, which would seem rather silly to mundane understanding; However, if we understood Water to be consciousness and Fire to be Primal Spirit, than this is less counterintuitive.
This fire is Vital Life Force, passionate, extreme and often violent in Nature, as it is the Sexual vital Force and the Motion in the movement of all things of Water.

To show her great control over this Primeval Fire, the Queen of Wands of the Thoth Tarot, sits on a Throne of flames, one hand resting on a leopard and one hand holding the Wand of Fire. Here the leopard represents the ferocity of fire under the on-hands control of the Queen; as the leopard is symbolic combination of Dark fire and light fire, the dark fire (energy) showing through the light fire as dark spots and/or the subconscious-shadow side and the light-rational side of the Mind. The Wand, also a symbol of Phallic Will-to-Force, indicates that she is also able to direct the Masculine Primal Force that she has tamed with Understanding. This wand is also topped with a cone, hinting at the mysteries of Bacchus, whose staff was a reed wand topped with a pine cone and called a Thyrsus. The mysteries of Dionysus and/or Bacchus involve intoxication and the pineal gland. Those mysteries merit further study by the interested student.

This is the character and personlity core of a powerful, sexually attractive mature woman. Great Sexual energy, means great creative potential, so this person is best off, if she pores her passion into the arts and/or career. Devoting her life to bringing something of value into being.
As with Primordial Fire, this person must practice focus and willful control of her fiery nature, or all Hell will break lose! Oh, did I mention that the figure on the Throne is that of the Goddess Hel who rules the underworld of deep dark emotions? And in Mythology, the underworld is where mundane souls go to be cleansed of memories of past life and cleansed for a ritual rebirth...of course, on Hel's initiative.

As a persona, we can encounter the Goddess of (sexual) Love in the form of a temperamental, energetic, charismatic, but also egotistical and inconsiderate Woman, full of desire and a thirst for life whose internal heat inflames passion of her partners and even, her acquaintances. But most often she represents a mature, confident and self-determined woman. Where the Princess is immature sexuality, she is mature sexuality. She represents the feminine power of the universal fire element and is open minded, strong willed, and enterprising. Her pet peeve is interference. Being proud, she can react in an overly sensitive manner criticism, and denied recognition or admiration. She is known to seek social contacts that gives her a stimulating feeling for life.

Santa Muerte- Queen of Wands
The advice of the Dead:
- Concentrate your energies on the fundamental things in order to realize your projects, economizing and cutting off anything superfluous.
The Santa Muerte-Queen of Wands, depicts St. Death, holding a flame tipped candle and calling out. She represents a very dynamic person whose character is energetic, projected towards success, and capable of optimal and generous advice. Her mature experience will also bring protection, self-assurance, and professional objectives. She is comparable to the Thoth Queen of Wands, and all descriptions thereof, apply.
When the Queen of Wands is thrown during a reading, she represents:
- Adaptability
- Persistent energy
- Calm authority that she often uses to add to her attractiveness.
- Kind and generous to those who don't oppose her.
- Hates opposition.
- Powerfully gracious in love and friendship, all of which is on her own terms.
- Her passionate emotion creates a tendency to be sidetracked from goals and/or sidetrack others from theirs.
- A deep desire to understand the deeper aspects of herself.
- Hot passion and sharp wit.
- Sexually mature.
The negative characteristics of this Queen, as shown by accompanying cards:
- Vanity and snobbery
- A tendency to brood, thereby, making wrong decisions that promote acting in great violence.
- Her great passion makes her easy to deceive, causing her to react stupidly, tyrannically and obstinately.
- May be quick to take offense, harboring revenge without good cause.
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