
Thoth-Prince of Wands

Tiphareth-the 6th Sephiroth-Beauty and the 4 Princes
The Princes are the Son of the Queen and King, thus they are governed by Tiphareth, The Son/Sun of The Divine Creative.The Princes are wholly activated by the Queen and King, adding to their complexity as they have no motive power of their own. They are force, but a stable one, as they are being pulled along in their elemental chariots.

The Figures of the Arch Fairies (Elementals) are the Lion, Eagle, Man and Bull. These are the 4 Kerubim of Qaballah. They are very ancient symbols for the elements of multiple religious belief systems. Not only appearing as Gods of the Assyrians, the 4 Animals in the Old Testament vision of Ezekiel, they also are the 4 symbols of the Christian Evangelists
In the vastness of the 1st Sephiroth Kether, the Primordial Elements radiate into the 6th Sephiroth Tiphareth, becoming the united rulers of the elements that are individually expressed into the 7th Sephiroth-Netzach . Anthropomorphically personified, The Princes are the balance of the 4 Elements in Tiphareth. Being the most refined aspects of the Solar- Personality, the 4 Princes are the Elemental Kings in ourselves, for we have inherited the power of the Queen and King as Souls, which are all from Tiphareth as collectives of Self-Awareness.
It should be no surprise then that the Princes, having no separate power of their own, can be taken in any direction by Divine Will. Thus, the forces of the Prince of Wands may be applied with Justice or cruelty;
- The unconscious flowing motion of the Prince of Cups may be subtle and artistic; or it may be evil.
- The rational mental activities of the Prince of Swords, may produce ideas that are either creative or destructive.
- The fiery sexuality and passion of the "risen" Prince of Wands, can be either the vital life force of creation for good or evil passions.
- The material qualities of the Prince of Disks, may cause growth for good or evil.
The Grounding Element for the Princes lessons, are the Princesses, who rule the earth from the Northern quadrants.

When thrown during Divination, the Princes often represent the coming and going of an event or person and the Princesses often represent the approval or disapproval of a matter.
The Prince of Wands represents-Air of Fireor Specific Air of Primal Fire. His power is tremendous, so Lady Frieda Harris appears to show the "flaming chariot", that is being pulled by Leo (the Sun) the Lion. All is flame here, even his head dress, because of his enormous sexual strength that can go any direction, even unto violence if angered. The Thoth card, shows the Marital-Solar- Prince holding the Phoenix Wand of Geburah, and thus wields the fiery Severity of Geburah.

Ruling from the 21st degree of Cancer to the 20th degree of Leo, he is endowed with a powerful faculty for expanding and volatilizing. His arms are free of armor and mail, as he is vigorous and active. As you can see, he is aflame in every way above, the rayed crown surrounded by a winged Lion head sending from his crown a curtain of flame, suggesting the Solar Logos. In his left hand (side of the Goddess) he holds the Phoenix Wand of Power and Energy, while the other is holding the reigns of the Lion. His sexual energy is renowned as the Universal Fecundity .
With wheels radiating flame, he rides on a sea of flame, both waves and salient. This card show Swiftness. vigor and Strength as his primary moral qualities.
The female aspect of the Prince of Wands is shown as the Chariot and wheels in the Red color of Mother Binah, who supports his stability, and motion. One must remember that the Magnetic Female invokes the Male force. When a world is run by the Phallus, all is ambition, patriotism, property and conquering, and war gets the most investment. When the Female takes her rightful place as the controller of the Male Phallic Forces, the world becomes a place of family and nurturing of children and where agriculture gets the most investment.
Therefore, the Prince of Wands represents a heroic youth, born out of the ashes of the Old Ways, complete with a fiery disposition who is vigorous, enterprising, venturesome, spontaneous, impulsive, and capable of great enthusiasm. Here is the Old dragon whose is consumed by fire and rises above his own ashes as a brillant glowing phoenix of solar light. Much like the death of Osiris who is made to resurrect by Isis, and is "born again" as Horus,
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A phoenix depicted in a book of legendary creatures by FJ Bertuch (1747–1822)
The phoenix on the gable roof of the baroque house Maison de la Louve in Brussels.
A phoenix (/ˈfiːnɪks/; Ancient Greek: φοῖνιξ, phoînix) is a mythological bird that is cyclically regenerated or is otherwise born again. Associated with fire and the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Some legends say it dies in a show of flames and combustion, others that it simply dies and decomposes before being born again.[1] Most accounts say that it lived for 500 years before rebirth.[2] Herodotus, Lucan, Pliny the Elder, Pope Clement I, Lactantius, Ovid, and Isidore of Seville are among those who have contributed to the retelling and transmission of the phoenix motif. The phoenix symbolized renewal in general, as well as entities and concepts such as the Sun, time, the Roman Empire, Christ, Mary, and virginity.[3]
Contents EtymologyThe modern phoenix comes from Latin phoenīx via Old English. The Latin word comes from Greek φοῖνιξ phoinīx.[4] The Greek word is first attested in the Mycenaean Greek po-ni-ke, which probably meant 'griffin', though it might have meant 'palm tree'. That word is probably a borrowing from a West Semitic word for madder, a red dye made from Rubia tinctorum. The word Phoenician appears to be from the same root, meaning 'those who work with red dyes'. So phoenix may mean 'the Phoenician bird' or 'the purplish-red bird'.[5]
The spellings phœnix and phenix are rare nowadays.
The phoenix is best known as a being of Greek mythology, but has analogues in other traditions: including the Hindu garuda (गरुड) and bherunda (भेरुण्ड), the Russian firebird, the Persian simorgh (سیمرغ), the Georgian paskunji, the Arabian anqa (عنقاء), the Turkic Konrul, also called Zümrüdü Anka ("emerald anqa"), the Tibetan Me byi karmo, the Chinese Fenghuang (鳳凰) and zhu que (朱雀), and the Japanese hō-ō (鳳凰).[6][7]
The phoenix myth is also part of early Christian traditions. Some scholars have speculated that these early phoenix legends may have their origins in the bennu of Egyptian mythology.[8] In the 19th century, scholastic suspicions appeared to be confirmed by the discovery that Egyptians in Heliopolis had venerated the bennu. However, the Egyptian sources regarding the bennu are often problematic and open to a variety of interpretations. Some of these sources may have actually been influenced by Greek notions of the phoenix, rather than the other way around.[9]
Classical discourse on the subject of the phoenix points to a potential origin of the phoenix in Ancient Egypt. Herodotus, writing in the 5th century BC, gives a somewhat skeptical account of the phoenix. For example:
[The Egyptians] have also another sacred bird called the phoenix which I myself have never seen, except in pictures. Indeed it is a great rarity, even in Egypt, only coming there (according to the accounts of the people of Heliopolis) once in five hundred years, when the old phoenix dies. Its size and appearance, if it is like the pictures, are as follow:– The plumage is partly red, partly golden, while the general make and size are almost exactly that of the eagle. They tell a story of what this bird does, which does not seem to me to be credible: that he comes all the way from Arabia, and brings the parent bird, all plastered over with myrrh, to the temple of the Sun, and there buries the body. In order to bring him, they say, he first forms a ball of myrrh as big as he finds that he can carry; then he hollows out the ball and puts his parent inside, after which he covers over the opening with fresh myrrh, and the ball is then of exactly the same weight as at first; so he brings it to Egypt, plastered over as I have said, and deposits it in the temple of the Sun. Such is the story they tell of the doings of this bird.[10]

Since, the human body has become profaned by the Patriarchy, for the purpose of controlling the individual as one society, the magician is shown with a wand, which is his "extended Phallus", and all the Queen cards and Princess cards are shown also holding a Phallic Wand, implying their control over the "Will to Force"/male phallus., as they create, nurture and expand and liberate form. Due to Victorian sensibilities, a woman shown "holding or controlling" a phallus is now taboo and called "pornography" which means the Union of Anima and Animus is profaned in our society. In fact, not long ago, a woman who dared honor her sex and control intercourse, was branded a heretic and/or a witch. This makes sexual activity a "dirty unnatural act" that will be naturally done by all, but now is subjected to more acts of violence and fear than love. The "shame of nudity", should not exist in any healthy society. The profaning of Sexual union that balances all vigorous life force, shows only fear of the body. Spirits don't fear the body, as Spirit makes it live in the name of I AM and/or "The Greater Self". How stupid are those who fear the Nature of the Divine Creative and its glorious forms of I AM.

True and powerful magic is done only by the union of Female and Male forces, as lovers not as protagonists. To profane the body and the act of communion (union) is to profane the true living temples of the Divine Creative. The Prince of Wands knows this if he is in a loving matriarch setting, but again he is easily turned into a warmonger, rapist and sadist by the Military Industrial Empire of the Patriarchy. Passion, like fire, must be focused by the lenses of discernment, rather than the mad diffusion of indoctrination, dogma, and propaganda, the academia of war, hate, bigotry, and/or "fear". If such happens, only violence becomes an act of profaned communion. Vigorous life force is , "Sex force" and that must be kept sacred, like it is kept in Tantra Yoga, and Western Qabalah, or our most passionate acts of union become violence and destruction, instead of loving and living. Above all things, know thyself. Woman must remember that the Phallus is her creation, and is "another way" to be the 0=2. Fear it not, but do enclose it and use its Life agents to expand and liberate the living. It is time to be like the "firebird women" of the Native Americans, and "take the war from men". So be not afraid to invoke the male force and take in hand your "wand" and manipulate the male will to force, to aid in your matriarchal rite of Understanding and living creation. Woman, is the cauldron in which all Magic is Created.

Santa Muerte- Knight of Wands
The Advice of the Dead:
This is not the moment to have regrets. Take your will in hand with strength and begin following the road that will take you to the realization of your works.
--From the Santa Muerte- Book of the Dead-by Fabio Listrani
The Santa Muerte-Knight of Wands, is the traditional son of the Tarot Queen and King. and shows the Red clothed Knight of Wands, charging off with his "wand held high" as he departs with determination and strength on a trip that will allow him to attain what he desires and what he plans to achieve. Therefore, the Knight of Wands, represents an adventurous individual who is capable of channeling or efficiently moving their vigorous energy (sex energy)or instincts. If this energy is somehow sent off in a negative direction, this one is subject to symptoms of indecision, rupture, and even delays regarding transfers or movements.
The Divinatory meaning of The Prince of Wands is:
- Impulsive, often easily directed by outside influences, even trifling ones, he can be prey to indecision.
- His or her opinions are often violently expressed but being emphatic does not mean he'll hold the opinion long. He just loves vigorous statement just to feel the vigorous flow.
- The truth being, that he is often slow to make up his mind, and is essentially just and sees both sides of a question.
- Having a character noble and generous causes him to lean towards expressing extravagant hyperbole while secretly laughing at the boast and himself for making it.
- Being of fanatical courage linked with indefeasible endurance, he often chooses to fight against the odds and always wins in the very long run.
- The Passion radiating off of this person frightens most people because of the mystery it presents.
- He is of Dragon, and thus he strikes terror in the heart of the less inclined.
- His generosity and deeds maybe impeccable, but the heat of his passion scares the pale soul who avoids the Sun/son.
- His great pride, which is his main fault, makes him hold in contempt, meanness and pettiness and he is adept at wielding every weapon of ridicule, while still giving the shirt off of his back to the one so scorned.
- Without lust of result, he loves work and exercise for its own sake.
- Paradoxical is his contempt for the world at large, while holding ecstatic respect for every individual man and woman.
- The Mystery of such a one who is a Sun. This Sun Warrior is an aspect of the Solar Logos that puts ideas into action and will fight for their survival!
- There is a sense of Romantic Revolution with this one.
- Most people enjoy his passionate demeanor, but woe to the person that focuses his wrath.
- Because of this Swift and agile personality, many of his acquaintances are not committed to him as friends, for his swift mystery baffles most of them as he is all that is unexpected, startling, unpredictable, unconventional, but having a deep underlying consistency.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Unrest.
- Impatience.
- Destructiveness.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- Storm and stress.