Thoth-Princess of Cups
Princess of the Waters; Lotus of the Palace of Floods; Princess and Empress of the Nymphs or Undines; Throne of the Ace of Cups.
The Thoth Princess of Cups represents mastery of emotional objectivity achieved by working through manipulation, jealousy, possessiveness and seduction.
- The turtle in the sea shell symbolizes the capacity to offer emotional loyalty and longevity to others by being objective and non-possessive.
- The Swan coming out of her head, represents emotional security and the ability to communicate her feelings, desires and concerns in realistic and meaningful ways (the dolphin emphasizes this ability).
- The crystals on her gown, show a crystal clear ability to look at things as they are instead of what see wants to see.
- The free floating lotus blossom shows her trusting heart. She is devoid of a possessive and controlling heart. This is Elaine the Virgin Moon-goddess of Arthurian legend, who was the keeper pf the Grail in the Grail temple, where she wove the tapestries of life, death, and fate. She is the "Dispenser of Joy" but also a source of hidden knowledge, bestower of mystical insight and the gift of wisdom.
- The Ace of Cups, is the root of the powers of Water and the Princess is the Personification of those powers.. This is Water, in its most arcane form, Life-Fluid, (Dew of the Mother) symbolically represented as Water, Blood or Wine.

Thoth-Ace of Cups

Spider woman
The throne of the Princess is the Ace of Cups which is the compliment to the Ace of Wands, as is the Sun to the Moon and the Lingam to the Yoni and represents the essential form of the Holy Grail (The Womb with a view). The Princess and the Ace of an element are inseparable.
The Great Mother, Binah, is often symbolized as the Dark Sea and in the Thoth Ace of Cups, she is both the Sea and the Lotus: The Lotus (two in one) being the fertile expression of the Great Mother.
Descending from above the Ace of Cups is a ray of light representing the Holy Spirit and beneath the Grail we have the Moon. The Waves of Life-Fluid, are shown as a web of fluid energy that what the tapestry of Creation is woven from. To many Native Nations, this would symbolize the Work of the Great Spider Woman,

THE PRINCESS OF CUPS, represents the Earthly part of Water (Life-Fluid), in particular, the faculty of crystallization. The Princess of Cups, represents the Grail's power of manifestation, she is the power of water that gives substance to idea, to support life and to form the basis for chemical combination that is often called solution.

Again, the Princess of Cups in the Thoth Deck is represented as a dancing figure robbed in a flowing, crystal edged garment, all of which indicates her flowing and crystallizing abilities. Therefore, we can determine that she is an active rather than passive force from the Great Mother. This determination if continued in the imagery of the Swan taking wing.

The Swan is the symbol of AUM (of oriental philosophy) that is the vibratory harmonic of Universal Creation. The Princess of Cups, also bears a covered cup from which s Tortoise is issued. Here, once again, Lady Frieda Harris represents Hindu Philosophy, as the Tortoise is symbolic of a steadily moving platform supporting the Elephants " that holds the world on their backs”. In other words, represents the foundation of Life-Force for the Earth which may seem slow in evolutionary terms, but is persistent and undaunted.

The Avant Garde Dolphin that is disporting in a foamy- sea, symbolizes the power of creation known as the Royal Fish, which is also known as the first matter in alchemy.

The Princess of Wands, Cups, Swords and Disks, all give a persona to the Root Power they are associated to. The Princesses are called the Thrones of the Great Mother, as they represent on Earth, Mother's rule. Root powers are without will and thus not focused. Hence, the Princesses are the Intelligently Focused Energy of a Root Power and are thus aware and more personalized intelligences with conscious characteristics.
These Great Daughters of the Great Mother, have their own peccadillos, and it behooves the practitioner of magick to know them. For instance, the Princess of Cups has an infinitely gracious character that is voluptuous, sweet, gentle, and kind making romance, and the perpetual dream of rapture are her very nature. Unlike the Volcanic nature of the Princess of Wands. To the shallow thinker, the Princess of Cups may seem indolent and selfish, but that fact that she goes about her work silently and effortlessly dispels such interpretations.

These Princesses Are Elemental Intelligence, and can be communicated with as natural archetypes: However, their nature is in direct union with a Force beyond the practitioner’s control. Tried and true rituals of magick are recommended so that these forces can be contained before there is too much overwhelming flow. In the Case of the Princess of Cups, the magic practitioner’s personality could be overwhelmed by the extreme dreamy rapture of her nature and become unable to operate in the day-to-day world, much like the ancient *Welsh myth of a fairy ring.
Welsh tradition’s dire tale varies slightly in that the unfortunate consequences of a human’s arrival into a fairy ring are not brought about by the fairies themselves, but by the nature of their world. According to the legend of Llewellyn and Rhys, the pace of the fairy world differs from that of the human one; a person could dance for minutes in a fairy ring only to discover that it has been days or weeks in the human one. And if one manages to make it back into the human realm, the shock could easily kill them. *

Tarot personality birth-wheel
Many of us don't realize that the Archetypes of the basic 16 types of personalities, as represented in the Court Cards and seen in our world, are Elemental Forces. Because of the thinking of "Divide and Conquer" we have forgotten that our human bodies, are Elemental Beings and that we are the *Elohim Malakhim that rule all elementals! In fact, during our youthful indoctrination, we've had so many identities thrown at us that we are unable to form a single identity of ourselves, let alone forgotten who we are. We are a Spiral Entity (Spirit) and not of the Elements and as Spirit we are not seeking to become more Spiritual, for that would be like a fish in the Ocean, looking for water! Spirit is Spiritual and to a being of infinite and eternal potential ---more or less is a ridiculous concept. We all have succeeded in becoming a united Life Force like the mycelium of a forest, a giant hidden collective of connected selves that make One Great Self; each of us united with that which activates organic matter. We are attempting the Whole Union of Master (Spirit) and Masterpiece (Form) which is often called "As above, so below". As Elohim (a name for God used frequently in the Hebrew Bible) Malakhim (messengers/Mercury), we are the "messengers of the I AM" to the material world of elements and/or Souls (suns of the I AM).

In all parts of the Tanakh, every act of Elohim is described as being performed by malakhim. "Malakh" means" messenger", hence everyone who is entrusted with a certain mission [from Elohim] is a malakh. Even the movements of the natural world are sometimes due to the action of
beshalach - How to define the Malach YHVH - Mi Yodeya*
The Human Merkaba- (Malakim)

Fish-image of the First Matter.
The New Age concept of "Enlightenment" is a misconception, we are I AM (Force of existence) who builds a Me (Manifested Awareness) and the knowledge of the Universe is already achieved----obviously, since information becomes form! The “Me” needs to seek nothing, it must operate only by the Will of the “I AM”, The Macrocosmic Self, that seeks microcosmic awareness through the process of Self-Thought made manifest as “Me”; this is a process that not only allows one to examine thought though intense sensually but also allows intimacy with Self, through the union of Selves! Isn't that what "Sensors" are for... up close examination? The Body is a "Sense of Spiritual Presence" as the fish is a Sense of Ocean. As a fellow I AM, I did not come to seek spirituality (I Am That), I have come to seek a sense of presence so that I can examined my self-knowledge (imagination) for errors that may impeded the Great Work which is As above so Below! I am a Qabalist, because that philosophy is about "receiving" our Divine Inheritance, plus knowing of myself, aids me in the purpose that I AM Me which is the purpose of us all ; TO BE! I find knowledge through being! As a Soul, I have also married the Four Daughters of the Queens, which is to say, as a Psyche that manipulates matter through the paradigm of thought, I have become united with the 4 elements, of Fire, Water, Air and Earth.
You may think that I am over emphasizing the Princess that represents the end product of a root force (Ace of Cups), the crystallization and materialization of what was potential in the Ace. I think that Crowley may have overemphasized the Princess of Cups dreaminess, for as earth water, she literally can ground vaporous and romantic ideas into manifestation, and provide a fixed and fertile medium where the water-nourished life of ideas can flourish (liquid light of the Astral plane/Yesod foundation). She is the muse for every intuitional creative effort.

As a proven and very successful "water Witcher", I have always had a great relationship with the "earth water" that is the Princess of Cups. She not only tells me where water, is under the earth and how deep down it is, but also if I witch a flowing river, pool, or stream, she'll even let me know 100% of the time, if it is drinkable "living water" or non-drinkable "dead water" that is poisoned by industry or natural causes. Hence, the Queen Gaia (Teutonic Erda), has princess daughters who enforce her Natural Law on the Earthly Organics. Above all things, know thyself!

Tarot Illuminati-Princess of Cups
The muse within the dream.
The Tarot Illuminati-Princess of Cups, is an extravagant rendition of this "dreamy" lady of earth water. She is complete, with fish, water and cup and moon-light on the ocean. All symbols of this vivacious Princess. I find that I am unable to describe this card any better than than the author of the Tarot Illuminati Tarot book; Kim Huggens as she describes Eric C. Dunne's art:
"I am that which you seek. I am the muse every artist, and poet, every dancer, and writer, every lover and musician awaits. I am the inspiration and the goal. I bring you vision and the nascent thrill of love, the intuitive state in which you might crystalize beauty, fantasy, and imagination that knows no bounds and forms the kingdom and throne of your creative yearning. But seek me not in action, nor in the learning of words, but only in the depths of your own soul and heart, in your half-dreams, and waking-dreams, and the countless dreams of your night-time mind."
The Princess of Cups may represent both genders, and a person in their life who is one's own age or younger and who may be teaching one lessons about emotionally letting go and trust the intuition.
When the Princess of Cups is thrown during a reading, the querent is often experiencing:
- Emotional detachment that is free of jealousy.
- Being rapturous and gentle, kind and tender.
- A personality full of romance, dreams and loving vision but also a dispenser of hidden insight and wisdom (see Elaine the Moon Goddess).
- The muse.
- Creative inspiration.
- Signals the awakening creative impulse.
- The beginnings of love.
- A daydreamer or artist.
- Awakening the intuition.
- Reweaving of one's emotional persona.
Ill defined, the Princess of Cups, suggests;
- Flightiness, shallowness, and inability to accept reality.
- Misuse of love.
- Deception.
- Seductive spells.
- Bubbles in the air.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.