
The witches tarot-four of wands
The bright art of the Witches Tarot-Four of Wands, displays four large, blooming Hawthorne wands posted into the ground forming a square, with a bower of overhead flowers and red ribbons snapping in the breeze. Each of the dancing ladies, represent an element:
- The red haired lady in red, holding a bouquet of red roses, obviously represents the element of fire. Red roses symbolize passion and energy.
- The dancing blond haired lady in blue, who holds a bouquet of white roses, and symbolizes the element of Water. White roses, represent loving emotions.
- The lady of brown hair, dressed in a saffron yellow dress, holding a bouquet of yellow roses, represents the element of Air. Yellow roses represent, friendship and happiness.
- The dancing lady of golden- brown hair and green dress, carrying a posy of greenery and daisies, symbolizes the element of Earth. The posy of greenery and daisies, signifies growth and affection.
All the flowers above the dancers, represent the card's element of Fire. Sunflowers represent fame and success, while the marigolds, symbolize affection and the Sun and the red carnations, represent fascination, healing and love.
In the sunny background of a new day, rises a castle. Castles represent security and goals that are achieved. While in the foreground, as if being a sentinel watching over the festivities, sits a serious orange and white cat. Cats are also linked to the element of fire. This is most assuredly a time of celebration with another or others.
The Witches Tarot- Four of Wands, represents celebrations, such as baby and bridal showers, or birthdays. This celebrating could be done with family members, or even a coven celebrating the sabbat of Beltane. Therefore, the Four Wands is also linked with fertility. Now is the time of creativity and expression.

Thoth-4 of wands-completion
The Thoth Tarot-4 of Wands is Called-Completion.
For those who aren't familiar with spirit, and the Sexual Self, they are one and the same. Spirit is the fiery creative energy of Sex, passion, ardor, assertiveness etc. It is the Will to Be. Thus all being comes from a sexual act as even male-positive poled electrons mate with female negative-poled electrons. The union of atoms comes from force and form getting together as Electric male energy and Magnetic female energy. Also the wholeness, health and wealth of being comes from the union of male and female, Will to Force and Will to Form.
To separate spirit from sexuality is pure ignorance based on fear producing divisionism by profaning the sacrament of physical form and falsehoods that create dysfunction and greatly confused and thus docile slaves.

To repeat, the 4th Sephiroth is Chesed - Mercy, and is known in Qabalah as the Demiurge or "Lesser Creator" and gives rise to "form and light". This also makes Chesed both masculine and feminine, as Light is the expression of masculine and form is the receptivity of the Feminine. Thus, Chesed and Geburah are really "two sides to one coin". So here we compare Chesed -Mercy and the 5th Sephiroth-Geburah-Severity or Strength, to the two arms of a human, as one gives and one takes away.

The 4- Fours all bring perfection, realization, completion, and making a matter settled and fixed.
The four/4 of Wands is no exception, for here is the Lord of Perfected Work. Attributed to the 4 of Wands-Completion, is the planet Venus in the sign of Aries. The angels of the Decan are Nanael and Nithal.

The 4 of Wands is Chesed influencing the realm of Atziluth; the Realm of Pure Spirit.
The swift active force of Aries- Mars, is activating the Love and Luxury of Venus. This placement in an astrological reading would be implying a warm, brief romance, or warm fleeting feelings. But in Tarot, we must be aware of the Placement on the Tree of Life. There is a combination of the zodiacal and the Sephirotic meanings to consider.
First and foremost is to realize that the zodiac is the mundane or root Chakra of Chokma, as it appears in the lowest of the Qabalistic 4 Worlds; Assiah-the active world. Thus, the 4's represent the Totality of that which the planetary signs refer.

Venus in Aries, being the outer attribute of the card while the inner attribute is Chesed forces, the pure 4 (Fire, Air, Water, Earth), in the world of Yod-Fire. So what we have in the 4 of Wands is Completion of the process initiated by the Upper Trinity, or Supernal Triangle. Here, the manifestation promised by "Will to Form" (Binah) has taken place in Jupiter-Chesed; The Father who resides below the Abyss. As it is the highest idea that can be understood intellectually of the element it represents, this is a dominating influence on all the following cards
Chesed is the Demiurge, who is the First Sephiroth below the Abyss, making him the Lord of all Manifested Active Power. The original will of Chokmah- Wisdom and Binah-Understanding is now manifest in the 4th Serphiroth, Chesed- Mercy and is now a solid system such as ; Order, Law and Government.
Venus in Aries, also removes some of the volcanism of Aries-Mars, and indicates that one can't establish one's work without tact and gentleness.
When examining the 4 of Wands-Completion, we see the wands headed by Rams, both signs of Chesed (Father-God Amoun-Ra) and Aries, ending in the Dove of Venus. The completed and limitation of the original work is shown by the yellow rimed circle. To show balance, the 4 flames are doubled, suggesting the feminine and masculine balance of the 4's. Also being #4, there is no attempt to expand, the original will is complete, and so entropy will soon begin as from order to disorder, is the flow of energy in this universe.
When the 4/Four of Wands is thrown during a reading:
- It is the key to spiritual and holistic completion.
- It suggests that the querent is experiencing the completion of something and experiencing the desire to begin something new.
- The 4 of Wands also implies that ideas are firmly established and proved by their flourishing and it is time to move forward.
- The querent is manifesting a new destiny by acting on a sense of direction, supplied by inner Self Knowledge that is forming a new identity.
- Here we see celebration and reward after laborious completion of an enterprise.
- But in this dignity, the celebration will come as a big surprise.
- Senselessness.
- Over estimation of one's self.
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