
The Starman Tarot- Key 17- The Star,
I Beam You Light.
The Starman Tarot- Key 17- The Star, depicts an extraordinary female figure in a graceful dance reminiscent of the Dancing women of Bali. With graceful arms above her head and wearing an exquisite head peace that reminds me of the Cobra head dressed-Tibetan Kha Dro Ma, the "highest forms of Female" in the Tibetan angelic litany. The head dress of the Starman's Star is one reminiscent of both serpents and the lemnistrate of the traditional magician/Magus.

Above the Starman dancer's head is a sacred geometry artwork of a Star.

Tibetan Kha-Dro- MA
( as one appeared to me)
With her fingers conducting the fine energy of the Divine, and her feet standing in an ocean resplendent with fish, we see hands reaching out to her from below as her starlight nourishes them while raising them out of the sea of overwhelming emotion known as the Universal Collective Unconscious. The alien calligraphy of Davide De Angelis, is always in his cards, and this Star Card is no exception.
The Starman Tarot's Lady Star, is dressed upon lower torso, in something suggesting a stage star or burlesque dancer's costume, implying that out of the ordinary comes something extraordinary. She is a powerful symbol of Divine Radiance, and the "Star within" each of us, that moves from the personal to the trans-personal realms of the One Mind/One Energy. Fully cognoscente, this anima of Divine Energy, is not only a vehicle for this energy but also a catalyst for the star energy in others.

Her entire body is filled with magnificent energy, as the Kundalini -serpentine motive star fire that resides in all of us and is known as the "inner soul". However, in most of us it is curled up in the lower spine, sleeping not dancing up the spine and into the brain, where it normally takes the brain into the trans-personal aspects of the Tree of Life. Rather, our star fire awaits the moment we decide to stop being ordinary, and become the extraordinary soul personality that we are. Again, the Qabalistic axiom of "Above all things know thyself", explodes out of the rhythm of " I AM Me", each of us a star in our own right. All of us are another way to be each other, but none of us is doing "other" in the same frequency of light, time or space. Each of Star of their own caliber. We are approved into being by the Dancing Lady Star, not by any man, nor outside mechanism. We are the Children of the Stars, who have came to Earth to clothe ourselves in the sensual material of condensed light, called organic matter. For now we can be intimate with creation and fulfill the dream of Eheieh, "I Will Be"!

ATU 17 or Key 17-The Star- as shown in both cards, is the personification of the Goddess Principle rather than the pure philosophical idea, continuous and omni-form.

Thoth- atu 17-the star
The zodiacal attribution to this card is the sign of Aquarius and the element of Air.
As I have said before, the Traditional Tarot conceals certain arcane ideas while the Thoth Tarot delves more deeply into the occult or arcane nature of the Qabalistic imagery. Even though this blog can't teach all that there is to assimilate, I teach on-line classes that go much deeper into the personal and trans personal nature of each of us. However, I'll do my best to "open your I's" to another possible you in these blogs.
In the Thoth Tarot, the Star-Lady is pouring her *Ambrosia on both herself and earth. Hence she is a pipeline that nourishes and vitalizing both. The pouring on the land, implies vitalizing and nourishing of the conscious awareness while the pouring into herself is like the river estuary flowing into the Sea; a simile for the nourishing of the intuitive unconscious. *(The liquor of Amrita of the Tantric and Hindu philosophers, the Nepenthe and Ambrosia of the Greeks, the Alkahest and Universal medicine of the Alchemists, The Nectar which is the mother of the Blood of the Grail) *
You may remember, that the river of Life/conscious, started in the Priestess Card, but now in the Star Card, is flowing into the Sea of Mind that is the Great Mother where all form has originated (The Universal Divine Collective Unconscious).

The Tarot-Key/ATU 17- The Star, traditionally represents Isis unveiled, revealing the secret wisdom of the Priestess, who is Isis veiled in light and the Empress veiled in the ripeness of Nature. Her affiliation with the Temperance/Art figure is also suggested, as her optimism involves the fruitful interplay of the the senses, ego-consciousness and intuition as She links the worlds of Spirit and matter.
This Occult link, is also associated with the Egyptian Goddess- Sopdet and/or the Dog Star Sirius, whose helical rising on July 19th marked the Festival of Opet, the annual Egyptian festival that celebrated the fertilization of the Nile Valley. The message here is that of new life with greater understanding and insight where the light of the Soul is allowed to shine through the body as vital flowing Life force.

Also represents another Egyptian Goddess, Nuit, our lady of the Stars. Here, she is definite in manifestation as well. She is holding two cups, one golden, held high above her head, pouring what represents the ethereal water[ which is also known as the milk, blood or oil depending on the ritual] upon her head; indicating the eternal renewal of the inexhaustible possibilities of existence. The cups represent breasts, as the "milk of the Stars", the nurturing agent for conscious life in the Universe. We know this ancient "milk of the Stars" as the Milky Way Galaxy.

Behind her is the celestial globe with the prominent 7 pointed star of Venus. High in the night sky; is the spinning seven pointed Star of Babalon (Crowley spelling) implying the further explanation of the Goddess Nuit and her principle nature that is Love. Further in depth explanation of Nuit/Babalon is in the Book of Thoth by Crowley.
Her whirling cloud like hair represents the veils of light that cover the "Abyss", which lies between the sea and the land implying the veil between the Collective Unconscious and the self- conscious, that can be bridged by her intuitive spirit and/or "spiral"- flowing -consciousness".

Every form of energy in this Thoth Tarot card is spiral. Spiral and Spirit come from the same Greek Word-Spiro, meaning "Breath" or "to breathe". The spiral shape is also in Einstein's mathematical conception of the Universe; Energy Swirls in spirals of motion that animate all life. The straight line is an illusion of mankind's need for order and rule and this doctrine of blindness to the beauty of the Universe, is shown by the rectilinear flow from the lower silver cup of the Thoth Star Lady. The straight line is no more than the limit of any curve; We often call this "shortsightedness". The Parallel, Postulate, the foundation of straight line in Euclidean geometry, has long been proven incapable of proof and mathematicians now conceive that the straight line has no true correspondence with reality. The Qabalist always knew that this is a Spiral (Spiritual) Universe. She spins and dances within us, filling us with Her Lively- fluid-motion. Dare to be you and shed the illusions of man-made identity.
In the First chapter of The Book of Law, A. Crowley postulates, “the definite formula for the attainment of truth". Studying this book will expand your awareness of the "Star within".
- Hope
- Faith
- Realization and Spiritual illumination.
- Truth unveiled.
- Psychic or Spiritual abilities.
- The potential to have hopes fulfilled.
- Harmony.
- Self-esteem and confidence
- Balance being maintained by giving out in a controlled manner, that which is received
- The courage to be yourself.
- A peaceful restful period of spiritual connection to the Universe and others.
- Also the mystics "Star body" and/or Astral body flowing with the Great Love of the Mother of Life.
- Hope, immortality, inner light, truth unveiled.
Ill-definition of this card:
- Disappointment.
- Unfulfilled hopes.
- Disharmony,
- A narrow or closed minded attitude.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper!
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010