Above all things know thyself!

The Thoth Tarot: ACE OF WANDS
With Aces we venture into understanding the Minor Arcana/Pips/Small cards of the tarot deck. The Major Arcana/Atu or Trump/Keys (Panoramic map) and the Court Cards which are the Archetype personalities lead us now into the Four elements of Alchemy, the minor cards (Terraine on the map), which are objective and therefore, personal---now and watch where you step.
The Thoth Minor Arcana consists of Forty cards. Each of the four suites is numbered 1-10: wands, cups, swords, and discs. These four suites show us the four ways that we perceive anything. All human awareness is filtered either through our:
(1) Wands: Plasma, Vital Fecund life force/Motion/ Sexual Energy/Will.
(2) Cups: Intuition, emotions/consciousness/subconscious.
(3) Swords: Intelligence/Rational Mind/idea.
(4) Disks/Pentacles: The mundane five physical senses (and the twenty-eight more subtle).
Without a stimulus being received through one or more of these four perceptive mechanisms we remain unaware of its presence.

The Tarot Ace of Wands is the essence of the Spirit World of Creativity, the time of Spring and the space of South. The Ace of Wands represents Spiritual self-realization, awakening and is known as the symbol of the yet uncontainable flow of life-force that is with-in and all around us; it is called "Male Electric"/Plasma and yet is shaped and formed into measurement by the Abyssal Womb who is Female/Magnetism/enclosure and when balanced in Communion, forms the Cosmic Fire that is all Life.

The Thoth Torch of Life is accompanied by lightning bolts that represent the awakening to spiritual truth and authenticity to the Celestial solar-self which is who you are; for you are the Plasmic Prana that flows through brain and body. It is the Will of Spirit that makes Truth of Self manifest and who you are physically is the simulation of the Divine Self as Spirit- Fire/Water/Earth and Air coagulated into a spiral form of Life and/or Self-Awareness: A "solar logos" and/or a Soul.
The 1st Sephiroth-Kether and the 4 Aces: THE CROWN, OF THE HERMETIC QABALAH.

Western Hermetic Qabalah-Tree of Life

Buddhist symbol for (Kether)-the First Swirling of Energy.
As with all the Sephiroth, Kether must be approached intellectually just to form an intuitive concept of the Source. For instance, we say that Kether is the point and as a symbol that it is true, but the Point is not Kether. Just as the Divine Creative built us in Its own image, is true, but the Image is not the Divine Creative Itself which is the Universal Collective Unconscious (C. Jung), "Will-to-Force" and the "Will-to-Form" in which all image exists. Hence, Universal Collective Unconscious is likened to the Ocean, who builds fish entirely out of Ocean and solar energy, as a simulation of Ocean self-identity, yet the fish is not the Ocean; However, the Ocean can be the fish! This we have found out, when we denude the Living Ocean of fish, the Living Ocean becomes the dying Ocean and will no longer support the Alive on land or in the water.

Remembering such a scenario of degradation, what will happen when we profane the Self-Image of Spirit that is Humankind? You will find the dim outlook by looking around you, a world of war, of ignorance, of hatred, bigotry, slave religions, fascism, and separation exists. Only the individual who stands as Spirit knows we all belong to each other, and that every person is a Spiritual Self-Expression of the One Source who is a fractal of many selves. Only those who know can stop the disease of divisionism in themselves and by doing so influence others to do so as well. One person in the power of Self-Presence and/or Spiritual Identity can change their environment and that of others.
I AM the Power Trinity of Spirit-Mind-Body!

Before you get all hot and bothered, and/or emotionally wobbly while eating your sardines, I am not on an "apple box" in the park, expounding upon the dangers of overfishing, oceanographers have well covered that subject. instead, I am just establishing some principles with symbols and associations as does the Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot.

- The first principal symbol is the crown (preferably diamond). We may think because of our anthropomorphic perspective that this Force of Motion lies somewhere in our head, as a spacial yet un-awakened part of our brain; However, this is not the case, as the brain is a "copy" of the Mind (Artificial mind). The Crown represents the Holy Guiding Spirit of the God Name of Kether-Eheieh- "I Will BE", the True Being that is the crowning glory that we all aspire to.
- Because of George Lucas and his marvelous creation of modern myth, known as the Star Wars series of movies and books; The Force has been described as the personal Aspiration of all Jhedi (Djedhi), an Arabic word which is a cross of Magi and Djinn (master of Djinn). As archeologists have discovered the symbols for the Holy Guiding Spirit are everywhere. The Soul that is you, is a Solar force of life.
- The ancient Egyptians called the Three Magi, the Three Stars in Orion's belt that pointed to Osiris's star Sothis (Sirius), which "rose in the East". These belt stars were still called the Magi in the Middle Ages (See the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets- by Barbara G. Walker. (Page 565). The Egyptians and all Mesopotamian cultures believed the "gods" that created homo sapiens came from the Orion section of the sky. These "gods"/ETs created the species Homo Sapien by genetic splicing of their DNA with that of Home Erectis.


Kether is understood as the Crown from which all creation springs. Each of us has a "seed" of Kether in our brains (the eye/I of Horus), as by our observation in our mundane world, we change the action of things (Simulation Hypothesis of Quantum Physics). Observation begins creation and transformation. Therefore, we have the second principle- the Point.
The Point is complete unto itself with neither dimensions nor external definition. This could be called a "Singularity" in Astrophysics. The Seed from which the Universe (and you) has grown. The Big Bang, the outward expression of this Seed (orphic egg) that has been caused by a Force called Will (Eheieh-"I Will Be"), that becomes, 0=2, "Will- to- Force" - Plasma/Electric (Chokmah) that impregnates "Will-to-Form" (Binah) and/or Water/Magnetism, which is shown as the Divine Feminine-Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Each Sephira is a crystallization of the latent aspects of Kether. In Physics, a point is an entity. In engineering, a point is where two lines cross.

Chinese idiom- yin-yang-0=2
As stated, The Qabalistic God name of Kether is "I Will Be" or the God name Eheieh in Hebrew, which is likened to the sound of breath (Spirit comes from the Greek Spiro-Breath). Because all Work begins and ends with Kether, all ritualistic, or meditative work must begin with the invocation of the Highest; such invocations begin with breath: Spirit is breath. In yoga, these expanded breath exercises are call Prana Yama's (Life-Death). Spirit is an English word that comes from the Greek Word, Spiro, which means "breath". All that is of Spirit-Breathes. This idea alone, causes subtle changes and activity on the Inner Planes of our Psyche. For when the Unconscious guides and directs us toward our Higher and/or Whole Self, we begin to imagine the Universal "Breath above" and the physical "Breath below" are the same.

To the Qabalist, consciousness guides, motivates, transforms, and even translates the Energy of the Divine Unconscious but does not create that energy, nor can it destroy it. Again, Imagination (Creatrix) is the Womb, but Kether is the Source of All frequency and vibration (microwaves) including Imagination, as the "I". The "Will to Force" that is Chokmah, the 2nd Sephiroth, is not the same as the 1st Sephiroth of "I Will Be", for the 2nd Sephiroth- Chokmah, is individual and idealize, while the 1st Sephiroth-Kether, is without idea; the ideas of being came later in the conception of Time -Space (measurement), and therefore, as another latent aspect of Kether.
The One Will becomes three identity aspects. The I Will Be, first entity/point, becomes Will-to-Force-second entity/wisdom and Will-to-Form, third entity-Understanding, undivided and united becomes, Will-to-be, which is the Wholly Spirit; or better yet, I AM ME. a plane/trinity of Whole Self-the Archetypal Plane of Azziluth.

Everything I see is another way to be Me.
Number One is attributed to Kether, as 1 is the seed of all numbers, and as shown on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, by simple addition, 1+1=2 and 2+1=3, etc. Then we have the 3 returning to the 1 as male (2) and female (3) become one, thus, 3-2=1, which is the " Metaphysical Paradigm of Sexual Communion".
All this may seem amazingly simple until we begin to meditate on simple numbers and simple geometry. The symbol 1 could be pure 1 which is indivisible, so what do we really know? Symbols such as numbers, are themselves not what they represent. Thus, Kether is …but we really don't know What it is; for it is just as "Dark Energy", an unmeasurable light that some call Aether. We know it is here and there, pushing along the Universal expansion, but not of what it is composed of. However, all is Mind.
I Am is existence, but what I AM is an assumption.

However, we do know that Kether is not static, for the "First Swirling's" of manifestation are also in Assiah, the Qabalistic Material World. That is why the symbol of the *Swirling Buddhist Swastika, which rotates around a point, is another symbol for Kether. The Nazi's had high ideas for their Patriarchal perversions and have taken an ancient Buddhist symbol for the "First Swirling's" reversed the image and as in all Military Complex rulers manipulated propaganda, changed the meaning of the symbol to suit their vision of Narcissism: However, to the perspicacious that profaning doesn't change the original meaning of the symbol.

*Actually, the swastika symbol for the "first Swirling's", was also a symbol found in Norse, Native American, Sumerian, Aryan, Persian, and many other cultures. The Aryan's were never a "people", it was first considered to be a language that spread throughout India but somehow became a "people" due to misinformation and propaganda. To advance your knowledge and relieve you of some media controlled propaganda, i will elucidate.

The term Aryan has a complex history rooted in linguistics, ancient texts, and later political ideologies. Originally, it was a linguistic term, but over time, it was co-opted and transformed into a racial and cultural concept due to misinterpretations and deliberate distortions. Here’s a breakdown of how this transformation occurred:
Linguistic Origins
Indo-Iranian Roots: The word Aryan derives from the Sanskrit word Ārya, meaning "noble" or "honorable," and the Old Persian Ariya. These terms were used in ancient texts like the Rigveda and inscriptions of the Achaemenid Empire to denote cultural or social qualities, not race or ethnicity. For example:
- In Sanskrit, Ārya referred to people who followed certain cultural and spiritual practices.
- In Old Persian, Ariya signified the ruling class or those associated with the Persian Empire.
Linguistic Studies: In the 18th and 19th centuries, European scholars studying the similarities between Sanskrit, Persian, and European languages proposed the existence of a Proto-Indo-European language family. The term Aryan was initially used to describe this hypothetical ancient language and its speakers in a linguistic sense, not a biological or racial one.
Transition to a "People"
19th-Century Misinterpretations:
- Early scholars like Max Müller used Aryan to describe the linguistic group but explicitly rejected its use as a racial term. However, others misinterpreted or exaggerated this, conflating linguistic and cultural classifications with racial ideas.
- European colonialists found the idea of a noble Aryan heritage attractive, often associating it with superiority. This fed into narratives of cultural dominance.
Nationalism and Race Science:
- In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, European racial theorists began to use Aryan to describe a supposed ancient "race" of white people who were believed to have originated in Northern Europe and spread superior culture to India and elsewhere. This pseudoscientific racial theory gained traction as a justification for colonialism and Eurocentric views of history.
- The term was increasingly tied to notions of purity, nobility, and superiority, particularly in Germanic and Nordic cultural contexts.
Political Co-Option
Nazi Ideology:
- The Nazis appropriated the term Aryan to define their idealized racial archetype, equating it with a "pure" Germanic or Nordic race. This was a deliberate distortion of the linguistic and historical origins of the term.
- Nazi propaganda used Aryan to exclude and persecute non-Aryans, particularly Jews, Roma, and other marginalized groups.
Global Impact:
- The Nazi misuse of Aryan as a racial term became widely associated with racial purity and white supremacy, overshadowing its linguistic and cultural origins.
Reassessment in Modern Scholarship
Modern scholars emphasize that Aryan should only be used in its historical and linguistic context, referring to:
- Ancient Indo-Iranian languages and their speakers.
- Cultural and religious practices described in ancient texts.
The racialization of the term is now considered a distortion rooted in colonial and nationalist ideologies. Linguists and historians are careful to separate the linguistic heritage of the term from its later misuses.

"As above, so Below", states that the 10th Sephiroth of Malkuth, the visible color spectrum of the Physical world, is equally as Holy/Sacred as the Source. The Creatrix and her Images are undivided and inseparable. Therefore, our cultural concepts of separation are just basically denial of our wholeness as Suns of the Divine Creative and/or Nephilim Humans (That's right out there in the vastness of space, is your True Mother-Father Star who gave birth to your soul). There is an errant belief that separateness makes us special; yet like all the fish in the Ocean, we are all connected by the Ocean of the Collective "I AM". I AM Spirit-Mind-Body, a complete Divine Creative.
We all belong to each other!

The Ace of Wands reminds us that thinking we are separate from the whole and somehow better than others, is much like the city person who insists that farmers are "red neck" hicks, a form of lower life than themselves; even though their whole life 's food is dependent on the good, intelligent, and diligent work of the farmer whose neck burns as their hard labor is done under the sun. Such ignorant people are indeed in denial, the propaganda of divisionism, and base their whole life on fear of rejection.

Much like a parasite, thinking it is more important than the host, looking for superiority is a mind virus that plagues us all. Such is the ignorance of believing that we are separate from each other. In truth, the city human depends on the rural human and vise verse. It is indeed time to expand our perspectives and "above all things, know thyself". How about declaring:
"I Am a collective called Life"!

Finally, we must come to understand that Kether as Source of All is a quality unknown to us, but one which we can symbolize to some extent. Thus, when an Ace appears in a reading, it implies great power that is beyond our perceptions. Yet, when we perceive ourselves, we are the One looking at itself as you. Here the seeker becomes the sought.
The Essence of a Thing; the Idea of Seed and/or egg.

You are not the person; you are the Orphic Egg of Plasmic Energy (Aura) that surrounds it and supports it as a flow of Prana and/or Life Breath.

THE THOTH ACE OF WANDS, of the Qabalistic Tarot, shows a flaming club/Wand with flaming Yods (Hebrew letter-meaning hand) going in the direction of the individual Sephira on the Tree of Life. The All-Powerful name of the Androgynous Divine Creative First Expression of Energy in the Qabalah is Tetragrammaton and the Yod is the first Hebrew letter, of the Hebrew spelling of that name.... (You get to look all this up in Crowley's book-777)! Thus, Yod is associated with the English word, "Father".

When you look upon the Ace of Wands, you are viewing the Plasmic Star Fire (Father) aspect of the One Energy that is in all things and formed into all things (as a catalysis of motion), as well as, in all Sephira on the Tree of Life. The Fire, also represents Spirit (Frequency) which "Knows Itself through Form", and thus is loosely explained as the underlying Fire in all things, and/or Serpent force, but in no way is this a complete understanding of the Spiral Energy {Spirit} that is all around you, in you, below you and above you, and as you, but unseen by your avatar/body, whose job is to view and/or be intimate with the reflections of Self in a crystalline world of coagulated Plasma.
The spirit understands itself by manifesting assumptions and examining them as "alive".

In gematria, the numerical sequence 777 is often associated with mystical and spiritual significance. In the context of Western Hermetic Qabalah and related esoteric traditions, 777 is closely connected to the Tree of Life. Each of the three sevens represents a different pillar on the Tree of Life:
Macrocosm (Archetypal World/Supernal Triangle): The first seven represents the divine world, the realm of archetypes, and the macrocosm.
Microcosm (Psychological World-Ethical Triangle): The second seven represents the human psyche, the microcosm, and the interplay between the divine and the individual.
Merging of Macrocosm and Microcosm (Astral Triangle): The third seven signifies the merging of the divine and human, the union of macrocosm and microcosm, often considered a state of spiritual attainment or enlightenment.
In numerology and mysticism, 777 is also seen as a powerful and positive number, symbolizing divine intervention, protection, and completeness.
It's important to note that interpretations may vary among different mystical and esoteric traditions.

The Ace of Wands is the "movement within all Motion", which is about as clear an understanding as we can get. The Qabalah calls it, ".... the primordial Energy of the Divine manifesting in and as Matter", yet it is at so early a stage that it is not definitely formulated as Willed form (Spirit-I AM Me). It is the fiery plasmic force, the Dragon within, that many of us know as Kundalini.

The concept of the "dragon within" or the Solar Kundalini force refers to the powerful, dormant spiritual energy believed to reside at the base of the spine. This energy, often symbolized as a coiled serpent or dragon, is integral to various esoteric traditions, including the Western Hermetic Qabalah, Hindu Tantra, and Taoist alchemy. Here’s an exploration of its significance:
The Solar Kundalini Force
Kundalini is a Sanskrit term meaning "coiled" or "circular," symbolizing latent spiritual energy. The "Solar" aspect aligns this energy with the sun, emphasizing its fiery, transformative, and life-giving nature.
Key Attributes:
- Resides at the base of the spine, within the Muladhara (root) chakra.
- In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, it corresponds to Malkuth, the Kingdom, which serves as the foundation of manifestation.
- The energy is often likened to a coiled serpent or dragon, a symbol of raw, untapped power and wisdom.
- Solar energy suggests vitality, illumination, and the dynamic creative force of the cosmos.
Dormancy and Activation:
- In its dormant state, it is the potential energy of the soul.
- When awakened through spiritual practices (e.g., meditation, yoga, ritual magick), it rises through the spine, activating the chakras or sephiroth on its path.

The Dragon Symbolism
The dragon represents primordial power, spiritual awakening, and transformation. In Hermetic and alchemical traditions, it is also associated with the Solar Logos, a spiritual principle of divine will and illumination.
Western Hermetic Qabalah:
- The dragon is a guardian of secret wisdom, analogous to the serpent of Eden, which offers the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
- As the Solar Kundalini ascends, it moves through the middle pillar, linking Malkuth (earth) to Kether (divine source), completing the Great Work.
Eastern Esotericism:
- In Kundalini Yoga, the dragon or serpent energy is awakened and travels through the Ida (lunar), Pingala (solar), and Sushumna (central) nadis, corresponding to the balancing of polarities and the central axis of energy.
Alchemy and Transformation:
- The dragon represents both the prima materia (unrefined potential) and its sublimation into the philosopher’s stone.
- This aligns with the alchemical axiom: "As above, so below," where the awakening of inner energy mirrors cosmic creation.
Solar Kundalini and the Spine
The spine serves as the central channel for this force, often referred to as the Sushumna Nadi or the Middle Pillar. The energy moves through energy centers (chakras or sephiroth), each corresponding to specific spiritual and psychological states.
Stages of Ascent:
- At each stage, the dragon awakens latent abilities, clears blockages, and integrates aspects of the self.
- The ultimate goal is to merge the Solar Kundalini with the Crown (Kether or Sahasrara), achieving enlightenment or union with the divine.
Fiery Nature:
- The energy is likened to fire or the sun, representing purification, transformation, and the activation of latent divinity.
Practices to Awaken the Solar Kundalini
- Breathwork: Pranayama and specific breath techniques ignite and guide the energy upward.
- Meditation and Visualization: Focused meditation on the solar or serpentine energy can facilitate activation.
- Ritual Magick: Practices in High Magick, such as the Middle Pillar exercise, align and awaken the flow of this energy.
- Mantras and Invocations: Vibrations of sacred sounds can resonate with the dragon force, encouraging its rise.
Warnings and Insights: Beware for here be dragons!
The awakening of the Solar Kundalini is a profound process that can lead to intense physical, emotional, and spiritual transformations. It requires preparation, balance, and guidance, as premature or unbalanced activation can lead to what some traditions describe as a "Kundalini crisis."
The "dragon within" or Solar Kundalini is the primal creative force that lies dormant at the base of the spine. Awakening it represents the journey of transformation, enlightenment, and union with the divine. Whether viewed through the lens of the Qabalah, Hermeticism, or Eastern traditions, this energy is a bridge between the physical and spiritual, embodying the alchemical process of ascending from the material to the celestial.

In both Western Hermetic Mysteries and Chinese theology, dragons are powerful and multifaceted symbols, but their interpretations differ due to cultural, philosophical, and spiritual contexts.
Dragons in Western Hermetic Mysteries
In Western Hermeticism, dragons carry a complex, often ambivalent symbolism:
1. Primordial Power and Chaos
- Dragons in Hermetic traditions often symbolize the prima materia (the primordial substance of creation), representing raw, untamed power and the chaotic forces of nature that must be harnessed in the alchemical process.
- The dragon is a symbol of dormant potential, waiting to be transformed into spiritual gold through inner work.
2. Guardians of Wisdom
- Dragons are often seen as guardians of treasure or secret knowledge (e.g., the dragon guarding a hoard of gold or an ancient scroll).
- In this context, the treasure is symbolic of spiritual enlightenment, and confronting or "slaying" the dragon represents overcoming inner fears or lower instincts to access divine wisdom.
3. The Serpent Aspect
- Dragons in Hermeticism are linked to the serpent, often appearing in the Ouroboros (a serpent or dragon eating its tail), which symbolizes eternity, the cyclical nature of existence, and the unity of opposites.
- This reflects the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below," where the dragon unites the heavens (spiritual realm) and the earth (material realm).
4. Transformation and Alchemy
- Alchemically, the dragon represents the nigredo stage (blackness), the initial phase of spiritual transformation where the alchemist must confront the "shadow" aspects of the self.
- Slaying or taming the dragon is a metaphor for transmuting base instincts into higher consciousness.

Dragons in Chinese Theology
In Chinese tradition, dragons (龙, Lóng) are predominantly benevolent and represent cosmic harmony:
1. Cosmic Energy and Creation
- Dragons are associated with Qi (vital energy/Hindu Prana) and the forces of nature. They control the elements, particularly water, rain, rivers, and seas, making them symbols of life-giving energy.
- They represent the balance of the cosmos, embodying the creative and nurturing aspects of the universe.
2. Power and Authority
- The dragon is a symbol of imperial power and was historically reserved for the emperor, who was considered the "Son of Heaven."
- The emperor's connection to the dragon reflected his role as the mediator between heaven and earth, ensuring cosmic order.
3. Wisdom and Spiritual Ascension
- Unlike the Western view of dragons as chaotic or dangerous, the Chinese dragon symbolizes enlightenment, strength, and divine wisdom.
- Dragons are often depicted ascending to the heavens, symbolizing the journey of spiritual elevation and the attainment of immortality.
4. The Five-Clawed Dragon
- A specific symbol of imperial power, the five-clawed dragon represents the unity of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water), which underpins Chinese cosmology and the balance of nature.
5. Harmony and Prosperity
- In Chinese feng shui, dragons are associated with good fortune, protection, and auspicious energy, often paired with the phoenix to symbolize harmony between yin (feminine) and yang (masculine).
Commonalities and Differences
- In both traditions, dragons symbolize cosmic power and wisdom, but their expression differs.
- They are associated with the balance of forces, whether it's the Hermetic balance of opposites or the Chinese balance of yin and yang.
- Both see dragons as mediators between higher realms (spiritual) and lower realms (material).
- Western Hermetic Mysteries often depict dragons as challenges to be overcome or forces to be tamed, emphasizing the duality of chaos and order.
- Chinese Theology reveres dragons as inherently benevolent and harmonious beings, focusing on their role in maintaining universal order and prosperity.
Synthesis of Meaning
The dragon, as a universal archetype, embodies the primordial creative power of the universe. Whether feared or revered, it invites individuals to recognize and engage with the forces of transformation, balance, and enlightenment within themselves and the cosmos.

The traditional Phallic shape of the Tarot Wands implies the Source- Kether, the "first ejaculation" and/or "first star seed", and that ejaculation is energy held in an enclosure (magnetic womb) being expressed as Self. Hence, the Suns/Stars are seen as a first form of Mind.

The Ace of Wands reminds you that it behooves you to pay attention to your actions and the emotions (Energy-in-Motion) that fires impassioned ideas. For these are the sparks that kindle a desire, an action, or an empire. Hence, with diligent analysis, when you know yourself, passion and/or emotion/energy-in-motion can be expressed with diligence and patience and not the chaos of spontaneous ejaculation.

I AM Energy-In-Motion.
The Aces are considered seeds of the element they represent. Hence, we are to realize that all seeds hold the holographic knowing from the first patterning to the one we are consuming or planting now both in our brain and emotions. That patterning is released as the adult creation of the seed which is a condensed patterning of, I AM Me. When we consume the seeds of "I Will Be", our presence becomes the original archetype of Spirit that began the Universal Self-Images of I AM. Being Self is a Gnosis (knowledge) of Celestial Presence and the knowing that each man and woman is a Star.

I AM Spirit!

Native American images of the Trickster
The Ace of wands indicates energy as related to the powerful energy one can infuse by igniting our subconsciousness, propelling us toward action, leadership, career advancement, imagination, new beginnings, and total assertion of the Primal Will; Thereby cleaning out the parasitic "mind virus" that is known as the deceiver, the trickster, the Wetiko (also wentiko) of the Native American Nations, the Satan of the Christians, or the Archon of the Gnostics. We can go on with many names of many cultures for this infection of evil (Antilife is Live spelled backwards: Evil) that is a plaque that infects the subconscious of man, causing indolence, drug abuse, escapism, depression, denial, lies, deceit, helplessness, and even suicide.

The "false ego" remains powerful in the subconscious of humankind as it runs the Military Industrial Complex, and its billionaire media propagandized word hypnosis. It is hidden because observation brings it into the light of our consciousness thereby eliminating its false authority. Hiding is this deceivers only true power, and we then think it is "us". I call it the "false ego", and like most of us, it had a heyday, in my subconscious, causing all kinds of dysfunction that I thought was "myself". Thanks to Qabalah and my twin Soul/ Anima Elizabeth, I found it out and thereby denuded it of any kind of power just by observation and knowing I was Divine and all that isn't Prosperity, Love, Wealth, Health, and Well Being, is not what "I AM": "Get thee behind me false ego"!
Our True Ego is our Soul/Psyche known as the "Sun/Son of the Divine Creative" and has never been a subconscious project of survival thinking. Before you deny you are infected, just get and read the book: WETIKO By Paul Levy. You may be incredibly surprised!

Please note that small cards, known as Minor Arcana, are not Divine Persons as are the Atu (Major Arcana). Rather, they are sub-elements and/or "blind forces" and/or Terraine on our life-path under the Demiourgeos (Divine Creative Intelligence) Tetragrammaton. These "blind forces" are ruled by the Intelligence, in the Yetziratic World, who go forth from the Shemhamphorasch (Lord of the Universe). Lord being Husbandry, he is "keeper of Her Forms/Shepard". As it is quoted as saying in the Gnostic Texts of the Nag Hammadi Library, "...There was no Father 'till she Named Him Father", which means this is a subjective he rather than an objective he.

Now the Element of Spirit (Fire) has its own Lords of the Atu (Magus, Emperor, Hermit etc.) and each Atu possesses its own private, personal, and peculiar Universe, with all Demiourgeos completed, just as EVERY MAN AND WOMAN is complete as a Divine Hermaphrodite Left brain is male and right brain is female-0=2)!

For those who don't know what ATU signifies:
Aleister Crowley uses the term ATU in his tarot system, particularly in The Book of Thoth, to refer to the Major Arcana cards. The term "ATU" is derived from the Latin word atus, meaning "a wheel" or "cycle." This aligns with the concept of the tarot as a representation of universal cycles, spiritual processes, and cosmic principles.
Significance of "ATU" in Crowley's Tarot
Wheel Symbolism:
- The word atu emphasizes the cyclic nature of existence, symbolized by the turning of a wheel.
- This is particularly relevant to the tarot, which maps the soul's journey through repeated cycles of spiritual growth and transformation.
Connection to the Tarot's Structure:
- In Crowley’s Thoth Tarot, the Major Arcana (or ATU) represent archetypal forces, universal laws, and the major turning points in spiritual evolution.
- Each ATU corresponds to one of the 22 Hebrew letters, linking it to the Qabalistic Tree of Life and its paths.
The Cosmic Dance:
- Crowley viewed the ATU as stations or stages in the great "Dance of the Universe." These cards are symbolic keys that unlock aspects of human consciousness and spiritual potential.
Practical Interpretation
When referring to the Major Arcana as ATU, Crowley emphasizes:
- The cyclic and transformative nature of the cards.
- Their connection to the eternal, repeating patterns of the cosmos.
- The alignment of the cards with deep metaphysical principles, particularly through their association with the Qabalistic paths, astrology, and Hermetic wisdom.
In essence, ATU reinforces the tarot’s role as a tool for understanding and navigating the cycles of life and spiritual evolution.

A house divided.... built by a nutcase.
Now all of you that are taught that you are built "incomplete" and must seek Goodness (God-ness and/or Demiurgeous-ness) to "make it to heaven"(heaven and hell are fear inspired egregore mindscapes); Therefore, you are taught a lie.
Most people believe they are in the image of God, and/or made by a Divine Creative complete with the Divine Creative mind of Imagination (making you a Demiurge); However, this Divine All Knowing, all building, all Creating Power has somehow failed you, even though you are It's precious and Divine image! To think you are "incomplete" is to state that the Divine Creative is a mad god and/or delirious architect who creates what it doesn't want or can't complete a design! OH, COME ON! You are the image of the Divine Creative Energy reflected in the mirror of matter (Mater-Divine Mother); Therefore, by not knowing yourself as whole Spirit, you can never "know" the Divine Creative for it is now calling itself-Spirit-Mind-Body: which is whole Spirit!

You are made in a completeness of a Collective Self Awareness of Transformative Idea, a Wholeness of the One Energy, which has taken Trillions of years to produce and that must always identify Itself, by ever changing "being". Therefore, you are granted "freedom of choice"(You decide your own destiny) by inheritance of the image-making mind, i.e., imagination; that alone, says you are a completed mechanism for continual change! Hence, you are a Soul/Solar Self that is the Universal Constant of Transformation! Transformation is your Life Path.

Be thankful that because you belittle your own identity, doesn't mean the Divine Creative does! "ABOVE ALL THINGS, KNOW THYSELF".... YOU ARE A Demiourgeos OF YOUR OWN UNIVERSE; an I AM- universe of that manifests a "Me"; identity that never ends by continually transforming!
However, being "complete" doesn't mean you've reached an end of any kind. For the infinite, cannot know itself, being endless it has nothing to examine; therefore, unless it simulates self as "being", there is no self-awareness/no Self-reflection and the I AM is existence but knows not what that existence is. Therefore, we will never end, but only transform Self through constant experimentation and always converting information into in-form-action. Thereby, turning information into experienced self-knowledge.
The Hindu philosophy of the "sleeping/dreaming divine" and the "dancing/active divine" also explains this concept of Kether and you.

The concept of Vishnu as both the sleeping/dreaming Vishnu (known as Yoga-Nidra Vishnu) and the active, dancing Vishnu reflects the dual aspects of cosmic existence and creation in Hindu philosophy. Here's an elucidation of these two manifestations:
Sleeping/Dreaming Vishnu (Yoga-Nidra Vishnu)
- State: Vishnu is depicted reclining on the cosmic serpent Shesha (also called Ananta), floating on the Kshira Sagara (the Ocean of Milk).
- Symbolism:
- This form represents cosmic rest and potential energy. Vishnu is in a meditative state, maintaining the balance of the universe.
- His sleep (Yoga Nidra) is not ordinary but a state of divine contemplation (meditation), where the potential for creation resides in his dreams.
- From his navel emerges a lotus, upon which Brahma, the creator, sits. This signifies that the act of creation originates from the cosmic dream of Vishnu.
- Mythological Importance:
- Vishnu’s Yoga-Nidra represents the unmanifested potential of the universe, a state before active creation or manifestation.
- It is the interval between cycles of creation (kalpas) when Vishnu preserves the cosmic order (Dharma).

Active/Dancing Vishnu/Your Soul:
- State: Vishnu is also depicted in dynamic, active forms, such as his avatars (e.g., Krishna, Rama) or as Nritya Vishnu (the dancing Vishnu).
- Symbolism:
- The dance or active form of Vishnu represents the manifestation of energy and the action required to sustain and protect the cosmos.
- His movements symbolize the flow of life, creation, and destruction—a balance maintained through his divine interventions.
- In his role as a preserver, Vishnu actively engages with the world to restore harmony, as seen in the various Dashavatara (ten avatars).
- Mythological Importance:
- The dancing Vishnu can also be linked to his cosmic play (Lila), emphasizing that the universe is a divine performance enacted by the supreme being.
- It contrasts with the stillness of Yoga-Nidra, highlighting the dynamic nature of existence in contrast to its latent, potential state.
Integration of the Two Aspects
- Cosmic Cycle: The sleeping Vishnu represents the in-breath (contraction or dissolution of the universe, Pralaya), while the active Vishnu represents the out-breath (expansion or creation, Srishti).
- Philosophical Duality:
- The dreaming Vishnu corresponds to stillness and potential, a meditative state where the seeds of reality are formed.
- The dancing Vishnu embodies motion and realization, the energy that brings these dreams into action.
Broader Implications
These two aspects reflect the cyclical nature of existence central to Hindu thought—creation, preservation, dissolution, and re-creation. They teach that rest and action are both integral to cosmic balance, much like the interplay of silence and sound in music.
Through this duality, Vishnu embodies the cosmic balance between inertia and dynamism, showing that the universe is sustained through both contemplation and action. Your Solar Self is Action!

I Am the universal constant of transformation.
The Western Hermetic Mysteries actually link our Souls as the Exhalation of the Universal Breath. Hence, you are the "active Vishnu/Mind" and therefore, within and dancing outside the Universal dream of "I AM". By be "self-aware" we are able to view the dream of Self, as an individual active perspective. This allows each of us to transform the images of the dream as we see ourselves! This constant transformation of self-awareness interferes with entropy by constant renewal of movement.
You are the fulfillment of the "I Will Be" the Divine Eheieh, to be! By being that awake consciousness, you can correct the errors in the dream, by being outside the Cosmic Dream (individual observations) and experience (knowledge) that many of us call a "life path" as an individualization (microcosm) of the Cosmic Dream.
I Am the Dance of Life!

The tarot of Marseilles
This last concept may take some meditation of thought, which is the "purpose" of the Tarot, Gnosticism, Hermetism, and the Qabalah. You are blinded by "man-made" definitions and the trickery of the Mind Virus and/or '"false ego" and the word hypnosis of media-controlled thinking. Hence, you are the still enacting the false- "yourself".
From ancient times to now, the Picture Language of the Tarot and the Qabalah, help us to "see again", as well as inoculate us against the effects of this mind virus. Our incompleteness is an illusion created by the Military Industrial Complex of Rulers/Billionaire's, who know the art of "divide and conquer" to get you to deny your divinity and become man-made, a slave to another's authority.
Their purpose of conquering your will to define yourself, so you may be ruled, is to become divided, spirit from body, mind from energy, and now you must purchase spirit, intelligence, and energy from the Military Industial Complex (Don't forget to give money to the church!) The Soul is now separated from purpose as it can be bought and sold. Weakness requires confusion, division, separation and "above all things, to not know thyself". Strength requires Union and/or a "wholeness" and "Above all things, Know thyself".

In the world made of seekers (Wanna-Be's), there aren't I AM's, there are Rulers and Slaves; Hence, there are "I Ain't s", whose identity is denial, and a media controlled continual mental lack of self-presence is supplied by rules/laws/definitions, that are enforced by the rulers' "minions" and/or witless sycophants who are now controlled by the programed "false ego".
Therefore, the mundane are those who must seek or pursue happiness, love, value, etc., all of which is supplied by "somebody else" (Saviors), because," God/The Divine Creative must have had a "bad day" when God the Divine Creative created you as Its own Image! How silly! Divine Creative wouldn't create what it doesn't want or identify as "itself"! The Whole Universe is but a "self-awareness" of One Energy Mind that is I AM!
Sorry people, but to seek value is to be thoughtless, the Divine Creative has day's only when the Divine has Form, and human form is the most "sensual" of Divine Creative-days! Remember, "Days" come from Time/Space and not from the Infinite and Endless! "I AM Divinity's Day" is a far more intelligent way to understand this! I Am the Love of You, is a far greater understanding of the simulation that is Me, for all that I see is another way to be Me.

As Stated, Kether, the First Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, is the Point, the Crown, the Observer, the Dark Energy, that is. It is the Unknowable Collective- Divine Creative or intelligent Energy that understands itself as many forms of in-form-action.

Religions are supposed to be explanations of this One and yet as many of us know, religion is not God, but the interpretation of Rule by those who enforce rule to build their "Vision" of rule over their concept of reality. By stimulating the survival mind of the mass with "fear of god", the Patriarchy (Military Industrial Complex of multinational corporations) have created a control mechanism of definition; a cultural egregore.

It is well known, that if you enforce and rule identity, you control the mind of the collective masses. Let me be a sphinx here, and ask you " How many minds are there in this Universe?" The proper answer is "ONE"! All is of One Mind, and most of us call it "god" or the Divine Creative; it is I AM.

To reiterate: The 4 Aces are related to Kether, thus they are representative of the Pure Forms of Energy that are elaborated by the other cards of the Tarot Deck and/or Sephiroth on the Hermetic Qabalah's Tree of Life. The consecutive elaboration of the Numbers, are Forces being woven together to Form the Harmonic that is the World of I Am Me. A World that is 99.6% invisible to us, making reality a falsehood based on belief.

However, by combining the colors/vibrations of the invisible and visible spectrum of electromagnetic light, we see that different objective combinations are created, making visible color and assorted color changes (communion), such as blue combined with red makes purple, etc. These combinations are the necessary diversity of creation and can be called selves, harmonies, and/or the Veils of light. We the Psyche, (Soul) know the coagulation of light as material bodies that are called soma.
Therefore, our world perspective is psychosomatic!

To a Qabalist, the numbered Sephiroth are either Force or Form and sometimes even both depending on the Masculine expressive and Female receptive aspects of a particular Sephira. And since we are both "Force" (Will) and "Form", we are called the "Children/Suns of The Divine Creative" and can set the rules for our own form, by individual identification and expression of vibrational forces, that we call, emotions (energy-in-motion) and/or Passion.

Each Ace is unique and is distinct in its degree of density/coagulation and in its ability to do work as a specific function in the One Energy. Thus, each Ace is the Seed/Egg of an Alchemical Element. We think we know what seeds are, but when we look at one, we don't see the future Form it represents, just as we look at one another and see not the Tree of Life, that we represent. We just "kind of" know from experience which we may call "hindsight", which is created by in-form-action, that a certain seed makes a certain tree. That is also our conceptions of Kether, we just "kind of Know" that it is infinite, but then infinite is a human concept and Kether can't be objectively known by objects, so this "knowing" gets a bit tricky. Obviously, open-mindedness is required and the courage to keep asking questions until answers emerge as "Self" for Kether is seen only in the form of willed being!

Hence, the Influence of Kether is all around us, we must trust that it Knows us into being even if we know it or not. Obviously, we exist (I AM), and we are a combination of many factors, some unknown to us, so it is easy to trust the subtle whose presence is breath. Knowledge built us, and that knowledge is ours to understand and experiment with as self-identity. The Truth is-I AM: What I AM is an assumed theory called a "Me"!

Me is a story of identities that I tell myself.

The four Princesses sit on the Thrones of the 4 Elements
The Ace of Wands represents the Force of Spirit as the Element of Fire. It is the Radical or Root Force of the Fiery Motion that Moves all things that are formed of it by the Divine Feminine. (Water). To those of us who need a pattern, the Four Aces are said to be placed at the North Pole of the Universe, where they revolve and govern the revolution of the Universe. To a Qabalist the Four Aces are the connecting link between Yetzirah (Formative World) and the Material plane.

Therefore, the Ace of Wandsrepresents the outpouring of energy in the Universe. It is the root of the Powers of Fire and is the influence of Kether (Dark energy) on the level of pure Spirit. It is represented as the Hebrew letter Yod-meaning Hand and is often depicted has the "hands of god-dess". Yod is related to Kether, not only is it isolated and self-contained but it is also the formative graphic root for all other letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Moreover, the Yod is Phallic, just as are our most intimate hands; Hands manipulate into the world the images of invisible mental creation.
Creation is the Male-Fire (electric) that rushes out toward the Female-Water (Magnetic), pushing the Universe of Galaxies along. Yet each of us is a Yodic force as well, for we too wield the material hands of a "god-dess mind", i.e.., Imagination (Hu- is the ancient Mandarin word for God and Man comes from the Hindu-Manas, meaning mind. Together, Hu-Man, means god-mind, all before Latin became the official language of propaganda of the Patriarchy sponsored sciences). It behooves us to remember that the Roman military complex, (who spoke Latin) started the nationalized conquest of free people as a way to supply the state with a monetary monopoly of land, material wealth and the slave labor needed to accumulate that wealth!

The Thoth Tarot Ace of Wands shows Ten Yods emanating from a primitive burning club. The yod represents the Primal force behind the entire Tree of Life, which is composed of 10 Sephiroth and their connecting paths of psychic energy transference. The entire Tree is a glyph of the Power of Fire, i.e., of Spirit. The scholarly student of Qabalah will find that the letter, Shin (Maternal Fire) and Yod are often used interchangeably when referring to the Tree of Life.
Since Crowley worked in magick, Lady Frieda Harris designed this card to symbolize his idea of the solar-phallic wand with electric-lightning spiking out in all directions. For those of us who practice the Gnosis of metaphysics, know the Solar semen as Plasma/electricity and the abyssal womb and Earth itself as Female womb/ magnetic vessel (for electricity cannot flow without polarity) which is formed by magnetism. So, to say that this seed of electricity male, is not exactly correct---as all seed have both properties of male and female (electromagnetic).

However, to fully understand a concept, we often must separate one from the other, such as an illusion of separating electric from magnetic, to better understand both as well as, the power of their union that builds an "electromagnetic" force, creating all living form and an electromagnetic universe.

Hence, The Ace of Wands/Flames represents the primordial energy of the Divine, manifesting in matter at an early stage of "I will be" and therefore not yet formulated into "willed being". Will being the Magus Card (Key-1), which is the Spirit (fiery will). In other words, energy before it became Conscious Energy (consciously formed energy is called "magick"). You may also be surprised that you create magick every day when you emote a thought as I AM.
When the Ace of Wands-card is drawn during a tarot divination:
- It promotes the concept of seed---of beginning accumulation of Fiery energy for the purpose of willful creation such as strength, force, and vigor.
- It is raw natural energy that is not invoked but occurs naturally all around us.
- This Seed of Fire is in all of us as well, as is the seed of electricity.
- Force and Form is what the Tree of Life and its Sephira are all about. The seed of force is the Ace of Wands.
- It also helps to remember that Electricity is seen as Male and Magnetism is seen as Female. For it is the magnetic that encloses the electric to make form possible. The womb is a magnetic vessel, while the phallus is an electric wand.
- It signifies a deep burning spiritual desire for self-discovery and realization.
- Trans-formative High Energy for new beginnings
- the first impulse and passion to begin.
- Creative energy and initiative, to begin new business ventures, new understandings, new foundations, where creative energy is flowing with plenty of potential and ambition to succeed.
- The burning flame of Dragon Power, A balancing and increasing in Potency of Inner Fire. The Souring of Kundalini energy, "the Dragon within".
- The dawn of desire, passion, enthusiasm, and creativity.
- The Power of Masculine fire, with its connotations of heat, vigor, contest, aspirations, enlightenment, and avidity to consume.
- The overwhelming power of "Lust to Be" that vibrates at the core of all manifestation. Pure Power to create.
When ill defined by the surrounding negative cards in a reading it implies:
- Destruction through exaggeration.
- Failure through arrogance.
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