
running press tarot-king of cups
In the Thoth Tarot Kings are called Knights, who are armored sitting astride their powerful "Spirit Force" steeds and not the tradition enthroned king. The Knight of Cups is the fiery part of water, this may sound strange to the neophyte; however, the fiery part of water is the Power of Solution. The Running Press Tarot, shows a fanciful image of the Grail-keeper, the King of Cups as a kind of Jonah figure or maybe a fanciful merman. Jonah was the biblical version of the Babylonian god Oannes or Joannes, shown as a man reborn from a fish or whale, a symbol of the Goddess Derceto. Derceto, means "whale of Der", a title of the Babylonian Fish-goddess, said to be the Mother of Babylon's foundress, Queen Semiramis (Sammuramat). [Baring-Gould C.M.M.A.,497]

Thoth-knight of cups
The Knight of Cups is not unlike the fiery attack of rain or springs. He rules the Zodiac from 21st degree of Aquarius to the 20th degree of Pisces.
- The Armor, bright wings, and the leaping white charger, all represent the most active aspects of water.
- The crab represents the aggressive nature of water and its regenerative state, as crabs individually regenerate by shedding their hard outer shell.
- The Knight of Wands totem is the Peacock, as the very nature of active water is its brilliance. The Peacock is also the totem of the Peacock God Myths of which a greater amount of study is needed if you wish to understand the "Swirling Depths" of this card.
- The Grail/Cups is the symbol of the Divine Womb, of which he is the keeper and/or caretaker of her creations.
- Venus is represented in his green armor.

The fluorescence characteristics of the person signified by this card are surprisingly passive, as dictated by the Zodiacal attribution. With the qualities of Venus, he is a graceful dilettante (a weak Jupiter). Passively amiable and quick to respond to attraction but the stimulation fades away as he is not very enduring. Emotionally triggered by outside influence, this person has no real material depth of character. The Knight of Cups has an undeniable innocence and purity that is hardly clouded by his ill dignified sensuality, idleness, and untruthful nature. In fact he may be so superficial that it is hard to reach any depth in him.

Hence, this card represents Dewi, the ancient lord of the Abyss, who is also known as Bran/Bron the blessed who later became the Christianized Fisher King or Rich Fisher named Bron. He represents ageless power and strength, a reliable protector of the needy with a quality of irresistible force underlying a calm surface.

There is great difficulty in rightly mating Water with Fire, as the swift violent nature of fire (Knight of Wands) ill suits a character that is naturally as placid as water. It is a rare persona indeed that has mastered the balance, so most often we find the personality mismanaging his affairs and unless good fortune attend him, his career and life is littered with a trail of failure and disaster. There is a mental "civil war" here, and this can lead to depressions, and/or schizophrenia. The abuse of stimulants, alcohol, and narcotics is not uncommon with such a personality. As always the case, the surrounding cards will help the Reader decide the positive or ill dignified nature of this card and often within the Reading is recommended the nature of correcting the unwanted behavior of this ill dignity. All in all, a very fun bubbly, bright person to be around---as long as you show attraction, to stimulate his attention. Good fun for short visits!
- The optimist.
- Issues with family and/or relationships.
- The Spirit of Water. One has attained their position of authority by listening to their conscientious, by action and looking ahead into life.
- Becoming aware that a psychic process in one’s life has come to an end.
- Releasing and old emotion by realizing it has run its course and is no longer operative in one’s life.
- The ability to love. A counselor or caregiver who is creative and imaginative.
- A seductive personality that is good in the art of love.
When ill defined by the surrounding negative cards, it implies:
- Seductibility.
- Instability.
- Helper syndrome.
- Duplicity.
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