
running press tarot-ace of wands
Each Ace is unique and is distinct in its degree of density and in its ability to do work as a specific function in the One Energy. Thus, each Ace is the Seed of an Alchemical Element. Hence, the Ace of Wands is a seed of the Universal Element of Fire. We think we know what seeds are, but when we look at one, we don't see the Tree it represents. We just "kind of" know by experience, the pattern of the Tree is in there. That is also our conceptions of Kether, we just "kind of Know" that it is infinite, because of our experience with the unmeasurable, but then infinite is a human concept and Kether can't be known by measurement...so this gets a bit tricky. Obviously open mindedness is required and the courage to keep asking questions until answers emerge. The Influence of Kether is all around us, we just have to trust it knows us even if we know it or not. Obviously we exist, and we are a combination of many factors, some if not most, unknown to us, so it is easy to trust the subtle. All in all, Knowledge built us, and that knowledge is ours to understand.
The Running Press Tarot- Ace of Wands, shows its understanding of this principle of "seed". Here we have an example of a blank scroll, the "Yod" or Hand of God, holding the fruitful Wand-Pencil, as if about to write. The red corners on the fun and fanciful card, signify the Universal element of fire.

Thoth-Ace of Wands
In Western Qabalistic Tarot, The Ace of Wands represents the Force of Spirit as the Element of Fire. It is the Radical or Root Force of the Fiery Motion that Moves and is the essence of energy in/as all things. To those of us who need a pattern, the Four Aces are said to be placed at the North Pole of the Universe, where they revolve and govern the revolution of the Universe. To a Qabalist the Four Aces are the connecting link between Yetzirah (Formative World) and the Material plane.

The Ace of Wands represents the outpouring of energy in the Universe, It is the root of the Powers of Fire and is the influence of Kether (Dark energy) on the level of pure Spirit. It is represented as the Hebrew letter Yod-meaning "hand". Yod is related to Kether, not only is it isolated and self-contained but it is also the formative graphic root for all other letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Moreover, the Yod is Phallic. It is the Male-Fire (electric) that rushes out toward the Female-Water (Magnetic). In fact, the Abyssal Womb, a "magnetic vessel" of Dark Matter, compressed Dark Energy into the "big bang" of the electromagnetic spectrum of light. The released energy is the One Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed and transmitted.

Kether and the Four Aces.
Kether, is ....and that is about all that can be realized. It is the Breath of all that is not. It is the Dark Fire/Dark Energy that is unlimited and unseen yet is the Source of Energy from the Infinite unmanifested. It is the Pusher of all the Universe, a Motion within all Movement. It is the all-seeing, observer, who only observes. All that is comes from there, all that is returns to there. Only to cycle again. Kether is a mystery, and in the Ace of Swords, Kether is depicted as the Diamond Crown, the Primary symbol of Kether; the other symbols attributed to Kether are the Point and the Swastika. Thus Kether is often displayed as a Pure-Diamond- white circle with a dark point in the center.
As with all the Sephiroth, Kether must be approached intellectually just to form an intuitive concept of the Source. For instance, we say that Kether is the point and as a symbol that is true, but the Point in not Kether. Just as the Divine Creative built us in its own image, is true, but the Image is not the Divine Creative.
We are establishing some principles with symbols; the first principle symbol is the crown. We may think because of our anthropomorphic perspective that this Force of Motion lies somewhere in our head, as a spacial as yet unawakened part of our brain; however, this is not the case.
The Crown represents the Holy Guiding Spirit (Supreme Spiritual Self), the crowning glory that we all aspire to even though it is a Force our brain is subordinate to. Because of George Lucas and his marvelous creation of modern myth, known as the Star Wars series of movies and books; The Force has been described as the personal Aspiration of all Jedi; Jedi seems to be a word cross of Magi, Djinn and genius. Genius being a personal spirit guide or angle of Ancient Rome. The ancient Egyptians called the Three Magi, the Three Stars in Orion's belt that pointed to Osiris's star Sothis (Sirius), which "rose in the East". These belt stars were still called the Magi in the middle ages (See the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets- by Barbara G. Walker. Page 565). The Word Djinn is Arabian, and originally refereed to Ancestor Souls. Now this is all very interesting and we have a new word for Ancestor Souls whose power comes from the Three Sephiroth that make the Supernal Triangle, with Kether as the Crown, i.e., The Force. Again Myth is a story about a Truth.

All fun aside, Kether is the Crown from which all creation springs...as is observation in our mundane world. Understanding, begins creation, thus the Point begins as a "singularity". The Point is complete unto itself with neither dimensions nor external definition. This would be called a "Singularity" in Quantum Physics or The Seed from which the Universe has grown. The Big Bang, the outward expression of this Seed that has been caused by a Force called Will, and given "form" by Understanding, are shown as the Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Each of the 10 Sephira, are a crystallization of the latent aspects of Kether.
The Qabalistic God name of Kether is "I Will Be" or Eheieh, likened to the sound of breath. Because all Work begins and ends with Kether, all ritualistic, or meditative work must begin with the invocation of the Highest Will and yoga breathing techniques. This idea alone, causes subtle changes and activity on the Inner Planes. The Collective Unconscious guides and directs us toward our Higher Self when we begin to imagine the "Light above".

To the Qabalist, Consciousness guides, motivates, transforms and even translates the Energy of the Divine Unconscious but does not create that energy, nor can it destroy it. Again Imagination is the Womb, but Kether is before Imagination, and is a force of parthenogenesis. The "Will to be" (us), is not the same as "I Will Be", for one is individual and idealize, while the latter is without idea...the ideas of being came later in the conception of Time (Mother Binah), as another latent aspect of Kether. The Will becomes three crystallized aspects. The I Will Be, Kether, becomes Will to Force- Chokmah and Will to Form- Binah, then Will to be- Daath, the "invisible" Sephiroth, who is the Abyssal Womb.
The Number One is attributed to Kether, as 1, the ace, which is the seed of all numbers, by simple addition, 1+1=2 and 2+1=3, etc.. Everything seeming very simple until we begin to meditate on simple numbers and simple geometry. The symbol 1 could be pure 1 which is indivisible, so what do we really know? Symbols such as numbers, are themselves not what they represent. Thus Kether is Energy.......but we really don't know what that energy is.

However, we do know that Kether is not static, for the "First Swirlings" of manifestation are in Assiah, the Qabalistic Material World. That is why the symbol of the Swirling Swastika, which rotates around a point, is another symbol for Kether. It seemed the Nazi's had high ideas for their perversions and have taken an ancient symbol for the "First Swirlings" that cause manifestation and as in all indoctrinated propaganda, changed the meaning of the symbol to suit their vision of self-importance, as do most governmental propagandists, but that doesn't change the original meaning of the symbol.
"As above, so below”, in essence states that the 10th Sephiroth of Malkuth, the Physical world, is equally as Holy as the Source. The Universal Collective Unconscious and its Images, are undivided and inseparable as a Collective of One- I AM. Our concepts of separation are just basically denial of our wholeness and errant belief that separateness makes us special. Much like the City Person who insists that farmers are "red neck" hicks, a form of lower life than themselves; even though their whole life is dependent on the good harvest work of the Farmer. Such people are indeed in denial. Much like a parasite, thinking it is more important than the host; such is believing that we are separate from each other. In truth, the City man depends on the rural man and vise verse; it is indeed time to expand our perspectives and "above all things, know thyself".
Finally, we must come to understand that Kether as Source of All is a quality unknown to us, but which we can symbolize to some extent. Thus when an Ace appears in a reading, it implies a great power that is beyond our perceptions. The Essence of a Thing, the idea of seed.

The Thoth Tarot- Ace of Wands shows 10 Yods emanating from a primitive burning club. This represents the Primal force behind the entire Qabalistic Tree of Life that is composed of 10 Sephiroth (numbered circles) and their connecting paths of energy transference. The entire Tree is a glyph of the Power of Fire, i.e. of Spirit. The scholarly student of Qabalah will find that the letter, Shin (Maternal Fire) and Yod are often used interchangeably when referring to the Qabalistic Tree of Life.

Besides being a practicing Qabalist, I am also a practicing Tantric in the techniques of Yoga. Qabalah means "receiving" or to receive and Tantra, means "to expand and liberate." To me and all those of a higher state of mind, the human body is a God body who is a Homo Sapient, while the word Hu-Man is a combination of the Mandarin word for God-Hu, and the word , Man, which is from the Sanskrit-Manas, meaning-Mind . The practice of Qabalah is to get the man-made personality of indoctrination, the lesser self, to receive the Higher Self intelligence that is its inheritance. To a Qabalist and Tantric the physical body is sacred and sanctified by the Creator and Creatrix and part of that sacredness is the sacrament of Holy Communion and/or sexual union which is an creation action of Spirit! It is Magic (k) in a living form of One (0) who becomes two (8), who must become one in interaction and understanding, to flow in transformational power. I am of the opinion, along with many other intelligentsia, that there is no shame in being a Human who owns its own Homo Sapient , or that a soul who owns one by giving it life, should not in any way be embarrassed for doing so!
To make alive such a being is a high honor to any Spiritual Being!

I've spent this life (and many others) learning the powerful purpose of having a Homo Sapient form as my power tool, not only because I was curious why those who rule us, wish us to reject its divinity (Divide and conquer) and persecute those who refuse to lessen themselves, but also because the God-Mind wants to Be Human! In fact, the very name of Kether, means Eheieh, which is translated in English to mean "I Will Be". Hence the Ace of Wands, as the ejaculated will of the One.
If you can imagine, you have a god mind!

The Pythagorean Universal Element of Fire controls creativity, desire, passion, ambition and the satisfaction there of. For it is the Fiery Spirit in all of us that we've inherited from the Solar Logos as "Divine Frenzy" or Lust of God to Be!
Fire as passion, can be ill defined and become that which seeks the perverse or transgressions.
On the Qabalistic Tree of: Life, Kether is the Crown, the Observer, the Dark Energy, that is. It is the Unknowable God of many religions, and yet as many of us know, religion is not God. Kether is the Idea of the Big Bang, the point, the Singularity.
The Aces are also essences, so they too are not easily explained.
The Four Aces are related to Kether, thus they are representative of the Pure Forms of Energy that are elaborated by the other cards of the Tarot Deck and the Sephiroth.
The consecutive elaboration of the Numbers, are Forces being woven together to form the Harmonic that is the 4 Worlds of Qabalah. Most of the Universe. 99%, is invisible to us. However, by combining the colors of the visible spectrum of electromagnetic light, we see that different combinations, make different color changes, such as blue combined with red makes purple, etc. These combinations are the necessary diversity of creation, as well as transformative and can be called harmonies or the “spiral Sex action of Spirit”. In Qaballah, the world we see as physical, is the 1% world.
The Ace of Wands represents the outpouring of energy in the Universe; It is the root of the Powers of Fire and is the influence of Kether (Dark fiery energy) on the level of pure Spirit. It is represented as the Hebrew letter Yod, meaning Hand. Yod is related to Kether, not only is it isolated and self-contained but it is also the formative graphic root for all other letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Moreover, the Yod is Phallic. It is the Male-Fire (electric) that rushes out toward the Female-Water (Magnetic)

The Thoth Tarot Ace of Wands shows 10 Yods emanating from a primitive burning club (fiery phallus). This represents the Primal force behind the entire Tree of Life that is composed of 10 Sephiroth and their connecting paths of energy transference. The entire Tree is a glyph of the Power of Fire, i.e. of Spirit. The scholarly student of Qabalah will find that the letter, Shin (Maternal Fire) and Yod are often used interchangeably when referring to the Tree of Life.
- It signifies a deep burning spiritual desire for self-discovery and realization.
- Trans-formative High Energy for new beginnings
- The first impulse and passion to begin.
- Creative energy and initiative, to begin new business ventures, new understandings, new foundations, where creative energy is flowing with plenty of potential and ambition to succeed.
- The burning flame of Dragon Power, a balancing and increasing in Potency of Inner Fire.
- The Soring of Kundalini energy, "the Dragon within".
- The dawning of desire, passion, enthusiasm and creativity.
- The Power of Masculine fire, with its connotations of heat, vigor, contest, aspirations, enlightenment, and avidity to consume.
- The overwhelming power of Lust to be that vibrates at the core of all manifestation.
- Pure Power to create.
When ill defined by the surrounding negative cards, it implies:
- Destruction through exaggeration.
- Failure through arrogance.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.