
running press tarot-7 of cups
The Running Press Tarot- 7 of Cups, seems to be implying a kind of emotional balancing act. The Implications being that this is no time to lose your cool. Here, the clown is walking a tight-rope and needs to keep cool and relaxed as the 6 cups are oddly stacked and look to be very shaky. The 7th Cup is held out as a counter-balance. The truth shall be revealed soon as one is half way there.

The #7 of Cups may seem a large jump from the Inner Pleasure of the 6. However, both are astrologically Scorpio, but instead of Scorpio exalted in the Sun as in the 6, the 7 of Cups places Scorpio with the planet Venus and Venus is ill dignified in the sign.

Venus is the planet of Copper, she is all “external splendor and internal corruption", such superficiality in a martial and watery sign as Scorpio destroys any altruistic tenancies, turning the amiability of Venus into a grosser sensuality. Thus in the 7 of Cups, the influence of Venus is violent, and becomes intense physical passion which unless gratified, will become hatred. This passion is so unbalanced that even when such intense physical passion is reciprocated, it will be stormy to the extreme. It may also end in tragedies and treacheries.

Such extreme violence of feelings, may also end in poor health, since no matter the physical strength of the person, the emotional strength of greedy desires is even stronger and may eventually lead to dangerous excess. Therefore, Indolence is an appropriate title for the 7 of Cups.
The number 7 refers to Netzach (Victory) and is the number of the Goddess (Water), Venus is the Goddess of Love, redoubling the influence of the number 7. As most of us know by experience, when loving desire goes into physical overload, excessive passion becomes dangerous excess, from which some never recover.
In the Human case, Passion must belong to the Higher States of Conscious rather than physical bodies as is explained by the very word Human; the word Human Means God-Mind and the High Vibrational Desires of the Divine Creative, burn away the lowly desires of the animal-Homo Sapient body.This expansion of mundane senses beyond the body is temporary unless the flesh is trained in the tempering heat of Tantric, or Gnostic rituals. The Passion that Created a Universe of Self, is too much intensity for the self-absorbed brain, whose universe is all about "my feelings"!

Thoth-7 of cups-debauch
To carry forth this idea of excess, the Thoth Tarot- 7 of Cups displays poisoned lotuses that have become tiger lilies. The cups are iridescent, (dissolving in the indolence), and are arranged into two descending triangles, interlaced with the larger lower cup-showing a greater lower influence on the emotions, as it floats in a slime covered morass of putrefaction.
The Thoth Tarot 7 of Cups, is almost an "evil reverse" image of the 7 in the reflective world of matter; Zealotry, fanaticism are such evils.

The 7 of Cups, is a wholesome reminder of the fatal ease with which a Sacrament, such as the "Flesh", may be profaned and prostituted simply by losing one’s balance with Kether (Higher Mind), and straying ever so slightly from the middle pillar (Balance of Masculine and Feminine), thereby making the holiest mysteries of Nature become the obscene and shameful secrets of a guilt ridden consciousness. Netzach, is that green Sephiroth on the lower illustrated Tree of Life.
Green is the color attributed to Venus, the planet of Netzach. Love, feelings and instinct, the Group Mind, Nature, and the Arts, all radiate from this Sephiroth. The Symbols for Netzach are The Girdle, The Rose and the Lamp.
Netzach is the first Sephiroth of the astral triangle and is the first energy intelligence to make up the personality of the individual.

You may remember that I stated that the Personality is made up of the Four Alchemical Elements, each of which are represented by the lower Sephira, in the familiar sequence of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Netzach is Fire, Hod is Water, Yesod is Air and Malkuth is Earth.
Netzach is the lower form of the fiery Yod of Chokmah that is r effected from Geburah through Tiphareth. This is the formula for Yod Heh Vau Heh, Malkuth being the final Heh, because of the "fall" which is really a condensing or "downsizing" of self. Heh, is a Hebrew letter meaning "Window or Sight", therefore, the last window of "Psyche/Mind" is on Malkuth.
In Netzach, normal waking consciousness of the student, must deal with the Astral Triangle and the component parts of the Personality, after all, we are not of the Personality, it is of Our Spiritual Nature! Personalities are software programs that are created to operate Hardware, and are supplanted in the brain to manipulate the physical body properly. However, if your personality was made for you out of the illusions, delusions, and ambitions of another "Authority", then you haven't a clue who is operating the body, as you don't know the code and language that went into making the software your body is operating from! Yet again the axiom of Qaballah: "Above all things, know thyself!" rings true!

The most important part of initiation is to observe the layers of lies, that your personality is constructed from, removing layer after layer of false you, until the real you is shining true. This "Garbage in" is called man-made persona and the "Garbage out" is the dysfunctional action of "seeking yourself" in the eyes of your peers, or of authority. You are already Divine Creative approved----you exist, and your Software for operating the Hardware, was already created by the Higher Self, you call this "the Soul" and/or Psyche.

Often, Mystery schools use a set of Tattva exercises as a type of "controlled day dream" (guided meditations), intended to bring the student into direct contact with the subtle Elemental realms immediately underlying the material sphere of sensation.
It should be understood, that the astral realm beginning with Netzach, is a fluidized, non-solid realm where everything begins in illusion/dream. It is the place, where our Formative consciousness can experiment with image, such as children role-playing, in order to comprehend in a later stage of growth, the actual manifestation of being "that". If done with controlled will, this is a boon to any creative endeavor on Earth; if taken as rote, all hell will break loose on earth!
The Astral is not a Master of your personality! Nor is anything that you contact in it! The Astral is Your Malleable substance to create with, not be created by! Most " Medium-Channels" just channel astral persona's, and live in an illusion of devotional thought, not allowing them to see "holy" delusions.

Let me explain what few wish you to know: A god is a dominate Consciousness on its Plane of Dominion. Every one of the Ten Sephiroth, is a Demi-god.Hence, you are composed of the United cooperation of these energy intelligences we call "gods", which contribute to the make up the One God-Image. On Malkuth, you are one better, because you have also composed a body of the "god", Top Mammal Predator", ruler of its domain, the Homo Sapient body! So, you, are a Great Group of Ten gods, who should be working as One Group Soul of your individual Tree of Life...A Composite God-Self. The fact that you are not, is because you've been mentally separated from the reality of your divinity! This was done by the manipulation of your imagination, (auto-suggestion) by "The few who wish to rule the many", in your daily life!

The Astral domains are the beginning of formation, on earth and by giving you "nightmare" stories of how bad your natural body is ..........you forgot it is a "god" of its domain!
We all must return consciously to the Astral and clean up our software!
When we are dealing with Netzach, we are dealing with understanding a particularly difficult State of energy conscious. Netzach is where both the Macrocosm and Microcosm meet. Thus we are dealing with the understanding of the entire race patterns of human kind, and patterns of individual persona. But if that isn't enough, we must understand that this dichotomy is in itself an illusion!
When the 7/Seven of Cups is thrown during a divination:
- The querent is being cautioned about the apparent Victory of Denial.
- There is a suggestion of deceit, promises unfulfilled, illusion, and error.
- Slight success may be experienced, a minor victory so to speak, but not enough energy to retain it.
- The querent may be experiencing drunkenness, wrath, vanity, lust and promiscuity or even violence against women; a violence which is not limited to the male sex.
- This card bespeaks of selfish dissipation. Deception in love and friendship. Let it be said, this is a card of passions run afoul because of too much fantasy and denial while wallowing in prognosticating swamps of past fear of pain.
When ill defined by the surrounding negative cards, it implies:
- Lust.
- Addiction.
- Lapsing into the swamp of false pleasures.
- Lies.
- Error.
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