
running press tarot-5 of pentacles
The Running Press Tarot- 5 of Pentacles, interestingly displays an alligator and/or a crocodile, guarding its pentacled eggs. Because one pentacle is this critter's eye, the other 4 are copies of the identity of the mother. Hence, eggs. Because she is on guard and showing a aggressive defense, one can assume that this card means temporary health and financial problems are on the way. The green corners of this card link it to the earth element.

Thoth- 5 of Disks-Worry
5 of Disks-Worry:
Since Disks are cards that represent the physical, this card represents physical worry, concerns, and rumination. It is a state of being conscious that dwells in the past and goes forward fearing the future and therefore doesn't live in the now. By not living in the now, we are not present today, which doesn't allow new perspectives or thoughts to change our mental emotional direction. This is a general effect of a long strain without action; a general state of inaction. Health, finances, work, relationships and/or creativity are the concerns here.

Astrologically this card represents Mercury in Taurus, also symbolizing communication worries. Worrying about whether your communication efforts are coming across correctly or if you even have the ability to communicate at all. By now we are familiar with Geburah, a state of energy that is severe in its function. Geburah is a corrective state of intelligence, whose severity is an action towards self-assessment, rather than anything karmic.
Hence,the Thoth Tarot- 5 of Disks, is called Worry, but also often called the Lord of Material Trouble. Here Mercury is in Taurus. The angels of the Decan are Mibahiah and Pooyal.

In the 5 of Disks, we have Geburah-Severity, influencing the Material World (Assiah).
"To Worry" something, is translated to English as Anglo-Saxon shepherds use the word, which is a type of strangulation a sheep dog does to a sheep. This strangulating is a biting and holding on to the Sheep's throat, which stops it in its tracks and is just for that purpose. Thus we understand that the five of disks is so named because it stops all material events, such as profession or monetary gain, dead in its tracks.

Again, Crowley shapes this card as an inverted pentagram, which implies difficulties. He also placed the geometric figures of the Hindu five Tattvas in the individual disks, each symbolizing a Alchemical element of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit. In the Hindu system these are the underlying currents of matter.

Mercurial energy is opposed in Taurian earth, simply because earth has a natural tendency to be stationary while Mercury is swift motion. Granted it takes a strong Mercury to influence and unbalance Taurus but Geburah is just that strength. In fact, instead of Severity, she is sometimes called Strength and causes instability in the 5 states of matter, known as Tattvas. This instability is vibrational, much like and earthquake, yet the 5 states of energy (Five Tattvas) have enough attraction necessary to hold together on the lover planes forestalling complete disruption. So this is more like the dog holding the sheep at a standstill, a kind of intelligence applied to labor. The 5 of Disks thus implies intense strain with long moments of inaction.The 5 of Disks also implies that perspective makes our present state of being, and if our perspectives dwell in the past we are “up-side-down” ---we aren't living today. This 5 of Disks card reminds us that we are presently inanimate, which is dead to action. We can change directions, be they physical, emotional or mental only by acting--moving! Begin with what you have even if your only action to hold out your hand for assistance, now and what-ifs are unimportant to motion as they only excuse inaction. It's time to break worry patterns by actively pursuing changes in communication patterns, financial, health, and in relationships with the Taurus people in your life. Worry is a type of mental lethargy whose chains are easily broken by activity. Live the now, you are not "a past person" you are an I AM Now person---an active and unique expression of alive motion.

When the Divination brings up the Five of Disks, the querent is going through a period:
- Of rumination, anxiety or concern...maybe all.
- Feeling left out of social events because of lack of money.
- Of challenges concerning insecurity, deprivation, and even exclusion.
- Where the mind is focused on survival issues and thus stopping creativity dead in its tracks as a feeling of helplessness and inertia takes over.
- There is a foretelling of material trouble for the next 5 weeks or 5 months.
- Of the next 5 weeks or 5 months, opportunities are presented to you for the release of worry about health, finances, relationships, productivity and to improve on your communication skills.
- The past, let's say when you were five years old, is what produces worry.
- Of intending to want to avoid discomfort, and try to compare present day events, to past ones.
- Locked into past pain----does not help us live in the present and this card reminds us to forget the what-ifs of yesterday, or tomorrow and to be the I Am of now.
- Failure.
- Collapse.
- Despair.
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