
new Orleans voodoo tarot-7 of petro-fire-erzulie la flambeau
The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot- 7 of Petro-Fire- Erzulie La Flambeau, is attributed to the 7th Sephiroth-Netzach, on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The power of the 7's lies in Venus-emotions. Netzach, is the vessel of the elements, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth and therefore, the 7's are the emotions/feelings through their elemental manifestation. Much like Chinese medicine, the terms "hot" and "cool" are used in Voodoo to describe the essential nature of states and happenings. One may consider emotions to be "hot", as they are energy-in-motion, while the intellect and its pursuits are viewed as cool. The vessel of intellect is Hod, the 8th Sephiroth and is directly linked to Netzack by the path of the Tower-ATU 16, where one begins "overcoming the small self". As value statements go, hot or cool have no greater value than the other. For spiritual and physical health depend on a balance of hot and cool influences in one's life.

The word "emotion" comes from the Latin-emovere-meaning to "stir up" or "move out". Hence, energy-in-motion. Energy is light, and the full spectrum of energy-in-motion, emotions, finds expression in the 7's; they point in a powerful manner, in the direction of movement, particularly of an internal nature.
Therefore, the loa Erzulie La Flambeau, burns with the fires of overwhelming passion. One can call it rage, as she rips at the fabric of existence. Being the torch that lights the way, she burns through all resistance. In Voodoo, she is considered the final resting place of all such emotions as in her heart they flower and in her actions they are spent. Sometimes grain must be ground to make bread, so must the World and its things be ground into fragments of destruction for new construction to proceed. Such is the grinding dance of Erzulie La Flambeau. This grinding is share with Erzulie of the Red Eyes/ Erzulie ge Rouge. Hence, the burning eyes that look like La Flambeau. It has been speculated by Maya Deren, author of Divine Horsemen, that Erzulie ge Rouge share attributes with the Carib corn deity, who is wrathful and apt to grind people as she is to grind corn.
Therefore, we see a woman holding knives and dancing on ears of corn, and thereby, grinding them. Creating food from agricultural products in her wild dance, she is naturally considered the Corn Mother and as such she is capable of creating the energy necessary to manufacture these agricultural products. As if a factory, where raw product goes in and out comes food, she is swiftly and violently effective. Hence, we see the air around her churning with the movement of her legs and knives. Making the primary attribute of this card- fury.
When thrown in divination, the 7 of Petro card implies:
- Forceful and decisive action in the matter at hand.
- Bringing to bear the full force of emotional involvement in the situation.
- Swift emotional ordeals leading to a refinement of personality or spiritual essence.
- Rage.
- Persons united in anger.

Netzach, the 7th Sephiroth, on the Qabalistic Tree of Life is the conscious energy of emotion and love; as relating to the often misunderstood concept of "God is Love or God is Sex." This misunderstanding of love and sex has to do with the very nature of our culture and that of the gods themselves.
In the Western Mysteries, it is said that, "The Gods are the Creations of the Created...the Gods are the emanations of the Group Mind of Races, they are not emanations of Eheieh, the One and the Eternal." {Quoted from the: Qabalistic Tarot, by Robert Wang, page 100)

In essence, this reference to the Group Mind- the Collective Unconscious of species or races, and that the gods are of Netzach- Victory. Graphically, the diagram of the sign of Venus superimposed over the Tree of Life, shows us that not only is Venus the only planetary influence over the whole tree, but that Energy-in-motion, is how the One Energy is communicated from Kether to all of the Tree of Life. It all begins with the internal shout of "Eheieh" (I Will Be) and then it explodes outward into variations of Self-Identity.
This should open your eyes to your power, as the living Suns (Sons and Daughters) of the One Eheieh- "I Will Be" and/or The I AM. You have the power to form potent forces into your own image to serve your needs, beginning with the emoting of I AM! Because your Personality begins in the Realm of the gods, you are a Personal God in your own right! And again; your sexual self is your Spiritual Nature of "I Will Be"! But then most of us don't know that, as we have been divided against ourselves, and thus our emotions are conquered. Again the Qabalistic axiom of "Above all things know thyself", comes into play here.
Look, your homo sapiens sapiens body is the Animal God of Earth (and the symbol of Venus in shape). Every single living creature on earth, depends on what manind does! If mankind decides that a species does not or no longer can serve them----------mankind destroys them, grinding them up as if we are Erzulie La Flambeau. Even in our ignorance, we are responsible for our actions, as our ignorance alone will annihilate species and even the World we live on! Only Gods have such power in their domains!

In the Qaballah, you are composed of 10 Demigods, Selves of the One Self, in an Dionysian orgy of loving and/or passionate cooperation. You are Adam Kadmon, the supreme being who wears the triangular hat of the Supernal Triangle that is Kether-Chokmah-Binah. Hence, you have inherited the "I Will Be" of the One-Kether, and the "I Will Force" of the masculine essence of Chokmah and the "I Will Form" of the feminine essence of Binah. We are therefore, the "children" of Chokmah and Binah. Each of us are a Divine expression of Self/I AM, on every plane of intelligent energy, by the inheritance of Light's evolution. By acts of individual Valour, being energy-in-motion we claim our inheritance. These actions of Valour require the Will that is Spirit and the sexual energy of Spirit/Spirals of light frequencies called "energies" by some, that drives passion to succeed in the deed. You may note in the people around you, those of low sexual energy, do not perform well in the challenges of life. It is time to realize that the Sexual Self is the Spiritual Self, the Solar Fiery Will that makes you alive---a type of Martial Lion force driven by the "I Will Be" of the Original Will. This Sexual Self is as Leo and Mars together, a fiery lion of a particular valour to succeed come "hell or high water".

To make the "Above as the Below", i.e. the Great Work, is to realized yourself as sole owner and ruler of your own Animal god-body, and claim passion as your "Sacred Place" in Time. Being Divine Energy, You are infinite Space, and within your Divine Collective Unconscious, are the dreams of I AM ME. Life is the Lucid Dream of the Divine Creative! Time is the stuff you create forms from, by mixing beginning and end- time- in a cauldron of I AM "this or that; a furnace of idea (Mind) heated by the vibrations of Lust/Passion, and shaped by Will-to-Be; you transform the illusion of being into a sensual and therefore, intimate reality. This, of course, is a simplistic representation, that is why the Tree of Life is so important to Know. The Tree of Life represents the complexity of how this Created Living Universe is done! By knowing yourself, you can then realized the original data you set aside in downsizing/condensing, and know how to proceed with the Great Work of You!
Everything I see, is another way to be me!
The 7 of Wands, Valor (Lord of Valor) is attributed to Mars in Leo. The Angels of this Decan are: Mahashiah and Lelahel. Here, we have the influence of Netzach in the World of Pure Spirit (Atziluth).
Mars in Leo not only promotes courage and strength, but also a certainty of a fiery clash. However, victory in this fray is not certain. Thus, Crowley, using the 3 Adept Wands of the Golden Dawn, crosses them with a crude fiery club, suggesting a disorganized and disordered battle...one of uncertain results. In short, the army is in disarray, a loss of confidence is implied and only individual Valour (Spelled-v-a-l-o-u-r-The Queen's English) will save the day!
When the 7 of Wands-Valour is thrown during a reading, it implies that:
- The querent is unsure of ideas, and must summon personal bravery and courage to instigate them.
- More confidence is needed to ensure victory. Here, responsibility must be taken up as the querent's standard, and they must stand alone, trusting their greater self to handle the most difficult of situations as one takes action.
- Here mettle is being tested, and only the inner courage of spirit has the necessary acceleration to push the querent through the line of resistance.
- This card also shows how valuable you the querent, are to spirit, for if you were "weak" spirit wouldn't be testing your mettle.
If ill defined by surrounding cards:
- Indecisiveness.
- Ignorance.
- Discrepancy between instinct (courage) and Spirit (energy-in-motion).
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