
Babylonian tarot- 9 of wands-power
The Babylonian Tarot- 9 of Wands-Power, depicts the hero Gilgamesh, as described in table v of the epic of Gilgamesh. Here, Gilgamesh and Enkidu decide to kill a powerful monster, Humbaba, who is the guardian of the cedar forest. Not only was Humbaba a giant with lion's claws and a horrible face, he was also surrounded with 7 layers of fearful radiance. Aided by the sun god, Shamash, who assaults the monster with fierce winds, Gilgamesh, after an argument with Enkidu, cuts off the monster's head. The heroes then chop down the cedar trees, choosing one special one for lumber to build a door to Ellil's temple in Uruk.
The Babylonian Tarot Card, 9 of Wands, depicts the victorious Gilgamesh, bearing wounds of battle, holding the severed head of Humbaba. 9 wands are above him, 3 crossed in victory, and the other 6 upright. On the lower right of the card are the cuneiform letters for the number 9.
When thrown in divination, the Babylonian Tarot- 9 of Wands-Power implies:
- Unassailable strength and stability;
- Self-discipline.
- Daring in defense and victory in attack.
- Great success after a period of strife.
- Recovery from illness.
- Battle tested.
- Seeking justice and fairness.
If ill defined:
- Defensiveness.
- Battle-scarred.
- Adversity, obstacles and delay.
The Thoth Deck 9 of Wands is called, STRENGTH.

Thoth-9 of wands-strength

The 9 of Wands represents Yesod in Aziluth; it is The Lord of Great Strength. Its Planet is the Moon and the sign is Sagittarius.
Angels of the Decan are: Yirthiel, and Sahiah. The 9 of Wands-Strength, is the influence of Yesod in the World of pure spirit. The Lunar powers do acquire great strength in Sagittarius, but being the Moon, there are two sides to this "coin". Meaning, that successes are usually acquired by strife, apprehension and moments of insecurity. The 9 of Wands also emphasizes the influencing strength of Woman/ Moon in this card. The Thoth Deck Wand is a stylized Sun-phallus; the Womb wields the phallus. This is not a new concept as the ancient Egyptians believed that the Moon pulled the Sun across the sky.
The good health and strength of this card is certain, but it harbors doubt about the later course it may take. It is best to know the aphorism: "Change is Stability", when viewing this card.
The 9's may be considered the best that can be obtained from the type of forces involved, when regarded from a practical- material standpoint.
The Thoth Deck 9 of Wands, shows 8 background Wands as Arrows (Sagittarius influence) and one Master Arrow in the forefront, sporting a Sun at one end as a driving force, and a Moon at the other end as its point. This implies that Sagittarius joins the Sun and the Moon, and that the Greatest Strength is the Balance of this coupling flow. The flow of Electric Male and Magnetic Female receptivity. Together, all that is Living Form, is from this flow and reception. Here is the sexuality of Energy. Where 2 poles are needed for there to be a flow of energy.

When we, as personalities, hermetically marry both the Male-Will to Force and the Female-Will to Form within, it is called an "Oneness" and it reveals all the 4-worlds in a communion of the Sun (Father) and the Moon (Mother) that never ceases. The Tenfold flames of the card, imply that the Energy of the Solar Logos, is directed down ward into the "reflection of being". Therefore, the combination of Anima (Feminine-Spirit) and Animus (Masculine-Soul), which is seen as the Imagination and rationale thought,together create all that is in existence. Since 9 implies the perfection of the Suit, this is a perfect balanced rhythm of expressed energy to receptive understanding of measurement. It is the perfect communion of She and He.

When the 9 of Wands-Strength/Power is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- Internal strength, recovery from illness, potency and spiritual force.
- Yet, it is Moon in Yesod, so one may have to defend their ideas, but because of Sagittarius, will not lack the strength to do so.
- The 9 of Wands also implies that energy is brought back into balance, thus health restored.
- Creatively, this card implies a peek experience in ability were one sees clearly and accurately, leading to solid creations that will have the strength to endure over time.
- Here the Energy of the Spirit is rapid, interchanging both electric and magnetic energy, taking whatever action is necessary to restore balance and thus enable the Mind. (Moon is ruler of the Sub-conscious).
- Defensiveness.
- Delay.
- Adversity.
- Obstacles.
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