Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- Ace of Swords
The Truth About Self.
#1. I am the center of expression for the Primal Will-to-Good which creates and sustains the Universe.

Kether- the 22 Diadem crown

Kether-The First Whirling of Energy
The Thoth Ace of Swords, represents the Unknowable Kether, whose God name is Eheieh (I Will Be) the 1st Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, which is often depicted as the Point, the Diamond Crown, and the Buddhist Swastika (the first swirling) as explained in past blogs; However, these symbols only direct us into a journey of understanding that has no goal. We may say the goal is to understand the Infinite, but the word infinite, even if we think we understand it, is a human invention and understanding requires measurement and there is no measure of infinite. Therefore, words are an inadequate medium when trying to explain the "No-Thing" before Time-Space (Time Space is Measurement). The point that is Kether, is the Singularity of Energy that was before the Big Bang theory but as the words may imply some vast understanding, this explanation is empty of experience and incomprehensible as it implies "non-space".
Yet, we are also potentially anything, which makes us individually not as comfortably understood as one would like to think.

Qabalistic Tree of Life.

It Seems that the Divine Collective Unconscious, and/or the I AM wishes us to be as mentally vast as our forms seem to be limited. This is seen by the Imagination's ability to expand concepts so far beyond reality that reality is just an imagined collection of “comfortable limits”, as is our own forms (All form is a "thought form" using thought to enclose Plasma/Light).
One moment we are the Human dreaming of being Spiral Energy (Spirit) the next we are Spiral Energy dreaming we are a human. Much like that old Chinese tale of Chuang Tzu dreaming he was a butterfly, then upon awakening he wondered if he was a butterfly dreaming, he is a man.

Chuang Tzu
For those who don't know the tale, Chuang Tzu was a philosopher in ancient China who one night went to sleep and dreamt that he was a butterfly. He dreamt that he was flying around from flower to flower and noticed while he was dreaming, he felt free, blown about by the breeze hither and thither. He was quite sure that he was a butterfly. Considering Kether, it is much the same.
Am I energy who dreams it is a Homo Sapien Sapien, or am I a Homo Sapien Sapien dreaming I am energy?

The Qabalist knows that All is Mind, and we are not talking about just the Ternary human consciousness, but the Mind that the Dream of the Universe floats in. All is mind!
Hence, we are a Mind dreaming we are human.

The Ace of Swords is a "seed or essence of Mind". The Root Powers of Air symbolize the influence of Kether in the formative World of Yetzirah and/or Astral Formative World. This may be understood as the motion in the Currents of Astral Fluid; However, that is just the unknown "footprint in the snow" whose melting shape is almost indecipherable and not the Powerful Being itself.

The Astral realms are the realms of Fleeting Dream Forms...nothing solid. Thus, the Ace of Swords is a potent card which can be extremely good or extremely evil. Evil is live spelled backwards, and basically implies devolution rather than evolution. To move forward progressively, is Living, to Move backward, is "living in the past" and/or "anti-life" which is a form of "living dead. Since the past isn't the present now the one whose emotional focus is there isn't here either: they are dead to the now. Thus, we have philosopher's saying. “Let the dead bury the dead...". In such a saying one remembers that the suit of Swords is the official tarot death suit.
Am I a man dreaming I am alive or am I life dreaming I am a man?

I AM-The Magus
The Mind/Intellect is called the Pythagorean Element of Air, for it is often associated with Pythagoras and is heated by Passions, as Air is heated by Sun/Fire, and thus it can become violent and life threatening while still being rational. However, this is avoided if the Will of Spirit ( The trinity of Will combined is considered Spirit; I will be, will-to-force and will-to-form) is the controller of Passion and/or vigorous energy, then the Mind's rational (or irrational) self-concepts becomes Life Expanding and Liberating; the Mind is of Spiritual Will which is the Supernal Will Trinity of Kether-"I Will Be", Chokmah "Will-to-Force", and Binah-"Will-to-Form" (the One Mind is the entire tree of life and composed of Spirit-Consciousness-and Body).
The Ace of Wands represents a natural force, while the Ace of Swords represents that which is invoked; a force called upon. Hence, I AM, is the Ace of Swords; for I AM invokes existence, yet what I am is totally dreamt of and/or assumed.
There are many rituals for mental clarity, invoking the Ace of Swords is one of them. Below is one I use that successfully dispels obfuscation.

Here’s a ritual to invoke the mental force of the Ace of Swords, aligning your mind with clarity, truth, and intellectual power. This ritual draws on elements of Western Hermetic Qabalah and ceremonial magick.
Ritual of the Invoked Mind: The Ace of Swords
To invoke the mental clarity, sharpness, and decisive force represented by the Ace of Swords into your consciousness.
Materials Needed:
- A sword, dagger, or symbolic blade (if unavailable, use an image of the Ace of Swords).
- A white or silver candle (symbolizing purity and the clarity of mind).
- Frankincense or sandalwood incense.
- A piece of paper and pen for post-ritual insights.
- A bell or chime (optional).
Sacred Space:
- Set up an altar facing East (the direction of Air, which corresponds to Swords in Tarot).
- Place the candle in the center, with the incense to its right and the symbolic blade to its left.
- Perform this ritual during the waxing Moon or on a Wednesday (Mercury’s day, ruler of intellect).
The Ritual
Ground and Center: Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Visualize roots growing from your body into the earth, grounding you. With each exhalation, release distractions and mental clutter.
Light the Candle and Incense: As you light the candle, say:
"I call upon the power of Air,
The force of thought, sharp and fair.
With clarity and truth, come near,
Ace of Swords, your essence I revere."

Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Air: Use the sword or your finger to trace the invoking pentagram of Air in the air before you. Begin at the top point and move clockwise:
- Say as you draw:
"I invoke the mental force,
The Ace of Swords, the intellect's source."
- Say as you draw:
Invocation of the Ace of Swords: Hold the blade-Athame (or the card/image) upright in your dominant hand. Focus on its power as a symbol of clarity, truth, and cutting through illusion.
Chant three times:"By the point of clarity,
By the edge of truth,
I summon the Ace of Swords,
To guide my thoughts and light my path."Visualize a radiant white light descending from above, enveloping you and the blade. This light sharpens your mind, filling you with insight and the ability to make decisive, truthful judgments.
Meditation: Sit quietly, holding the blade or keeping your focus on the flame of the candle. Visualize the Ace of Swords as a glowing force within your mind, cutting away confusion and bringing clarity. Allow any thoughts or insights to arise naturally.
Affirmation: Stand and declare:
"Clarity fills my mind, truth guides my path.
With the power of the Ace of Swords, I see and act with precision.
So mote it be."Closing:
- Extinguish the candle and incense respectfully.
- Ring the bell or chime to signal the closing of the ritual.
- Bow to the East and thank the energies of Air and the Ace of Swords for their presence.
Post-Ritual Reflection
After the ritual, write down any thoughts, insights, or feelings that came to you. The Ace of Swords often brings revelations and new perspectives—be open to sudden ideas or solutions.
Additional Notes
- Perform this ritual when seeking clarity on decisions, studying, or preparing for important intellectual tasks.
- Revisit this ritual whenever your mind feels clouded or you seek deeper truths.

The currents generated by Kether on the Astral mindscapes are both dynamic and erratic, having the potential to be applied at will to different situations. Thus, we have the description of a "whirling force" that gains strength through trouble. To Qabalists, this is an affirmation of Divine authority and may become the Sword of Wrath, punishment, and affliction.
The pure mind has no conscience; it is up to us who are intimate with life (or us who are life being intimate with the alive), to supply discernment to thought. Zoroaster, called this No-thing/Kether a "whirling force crying out loud---I AM!"

Word of Law-Achath Rauch Elohim Chiim.
If we are finding the fact that we are both the dream and the dreamer who is the dream of Spirit confusing let us not despair, for the Ace of Swords represents the Sword of the Magus crowned in the twenty-two diadem of light (22 ATU-referring to the 0-Fool). To those of magic, the number 22 refers to Atu known as 22=2+11, the Magical manifestation of Chokmah, Wisdom, and the Logos. In Hebrew letters, which are numbers, is the Word of Law-Achath Rauch Elohim Chiim- that blazes forth (Shown on Thoth Sword) clearing the dark clouds of a Personal Mind based on confusion, fear, or survival thinking.
Certainly! The Hebrew words "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" (אַחַת רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים חַיִּים) appear on the Thoth Ace of Swords and hold profound esoteric meaning. These words can be translated as:
"One is the Spirit of the Gods of the Living" or "One is the Spirit of the Elohim of Life."
Let’s break it down and explore its deeper implications:
Word-by-Word Analysis
Achath (אַחַת) – One (feminine)
- This word denotes unity and singularity but is expressed in its feminine form. The choice of the feminine emphasizes the receptive and generative aspects of unity, aligning with the idea that all forms and diversity emerge from a singular, unified source.
- In Kabbalah/Qabalah, "One" represents Kether, the Crown, the highest Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Kether is the source of all creation, undivided and infinite.
Ruach (רוּחַ) – Spirit, Wind, or Breath
- This term represents the animating force, the vital breath that moves through all creation. In Kabbalistic/Qabalistic terms, Ruach corresponds to the middle level of the soul, the intellect or consciousness that bridges the spiritual and physical realms.
- It also resonates with Air, the elemental force associated with the suit of Swords in Tarot.
Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) – Gods or Divine Powers
- Elohim is a plural form often interpreted as "Gods" but also denotes the multiplicity within the unity of the Divine. It reflects the manifestation of divine power in the act of creation, as seen in Genesis: "Bereshit bara Elohim..." (In the beginning, God created...).
- In the Thoth system, Elohim symbolizes the dynamic interplay of forces within the universe, harmonized by the singular source.
Chiim (חַיִּים) – Life, Living
- This word signifies vitality, movement, and the essence of existence. Chiim is plural, implying the abundant and manifold nature of life.
- In the context of the Ace of Swords, it represents the living, active quality of divine thought and its power to create, sustain, and transform.

Esoteric Meaning in the Thoth Tarot
The inscription on the Ace of Swords encapsulates the concept of the One Spirit that animates all living things through divine intelligence and unity. It ties directly to the suit of Swords, which symbolizes thought, intellect, and communication. The sword is both a tool of clarity and a weapon of discernment, reflecting the divine capacity to cut through illusion and reveal truth.
Kether and the Crown:
- The Ace of Swords corresponds to Kether, the purest source of power, which contains the potential of all intellectual and spiritual force.
- The inscription reminds us that all mental clarity and decisive action arise from a unified source of divine inspiration.
Unity in Multiplicity:
- The juxtaposition of "One" (Achath) with the plural "Elohim" and "Chiim" expresses the Hermetic axiom: "As above, so below." The unity of the Divine permeates all levels of existence, manifesting as diverse forms of life and consciousness.
The Sword as Logos:
- The Ace of Swords is a symbol of Logos, the divine word or reason. The words "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" can be understood as an affirmation of the creative power of thought, aligning it with divine will.
Dynamic Life Force:
- The invocation of Chiim highlights the living, breathing force of divine intellect (Spiritual will). This suggests that the power of the mind is not static but alive, flowing, and constantly evolving.
Practical Application
- Meditation on Unity: Reflect on the inscription as a mantra to align your thoughts with divine clarity. Focus on the idea that your mind is a microcosmic reflection of the universal mind.
- Use in Rituals: When invoking clarity or divine inspiration, recite the phrase "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" to center your intentions and connect with the source of mental power.
- Symbol of Truth: The Ace of Swords teaches that truth, like a sharp blade, cuts through illusion. The Hebrew words remind us that such discernment stems from unity and the divine life force.
Integration with the Thoth Deck
Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris carefully chose this phrase to emphasize the profound link between the intellect, divine creation, and the animating spirit of life. The Ace of Swords is not just a tool of reason but a bridge between the infinite and the finite, between thought and reality.

The Hebrew phrase "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" on the Ace of Swords is not just symbolic but serves as a key to deeper spiritual practices and applications. Here's an explanation of how to integrate its profound meaning into Tarot readings, meditations, and rituals, as well as how it interacts with other cards in the Thoth deck.
Practical Applications in Meditation and Ritual
1. Mantric Meditation
- Mantra: Use the phrase "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" as a mantra to focus the mind and connect with higher consciousness. Chant it aloud or silently during meditation.
- Visualization: While chanting, visualize a brilliant white sword descending from above, piercing through clouds or darkness. This sword represents the unifying force of divine intellect, cutting through confusion and revealing clarity.
- Breathing Exercise: Synchronize the chant with your breath: inhale on Achath Ruach, and exhale on Elohim Chiim. This aligns your inner life force (breath) with the universal spirit.
2. Pathworking on the Tree of Life
- The Ace of Swords corresponds to Kether (the Crown), the highest Sephirah on the Tree of Life.
- In a meditative state, visualize yourself ascending the Tree, starting from Malkuth (the physical world). As you rise, let the words Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim guide you to Kether, where unity and divine clarity reside.
- When you reach Kether, imagine the Ace of Swords hovering above your crown, infusing you with divine inspiration and truth.
3. Ritual Use for Mental Clarity
- Before an important decision or mental task, light a white candle and place the Ace of Swords card on your altar.
- Hold a ceremonial blade or symbolic sword while reciting "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim."
- Declare your intent: "May the One Spirit of the Living Elohim guide my thoughts and illuminate the path of truth."
- Meditate on the sword’s power to cut through illusion and doubt, allowing clarity to emerge.
Integration in Tarot Readings
The Ace of Swords represents mental clarity, decisive action, and divine insight. The phrase "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" can deepen your interpretation of this card, especially when paired with other cards:
1. Ace of Swords + The Magus (Magician)
- Message: The power of thought and communication (Ace of Swords) aligns with the creative potential of the Magus. Together, they suggest mastery over the mind and the ability to manifest intentions through will and skill.
- Practical Use: Meditate on the mantra while holding these cards to focus your mental powers for creative or intellectual work.
2. Ace of Swords + The High Priestess
- Message: The Ace’s clarity combines with the intuitive wisdom of the High Priestess, representing the balance between logic and intuition. This pairing encourages the seeker to trust both the intellect and the subconscious.
- Practical Use: Visualize the Ace of Swords piercing through a veil (symbolizing the High Priestess’s mysteries). Chant the mantra to reveal hidden truths.
3. Ace of Swords + The Tower
- Message: The cutting force of the Ace of Swords combined with the upheaval of the Tower indicates sudden realizations or truths that dismantle illusions. This pairing can signify a painful but necessary awakening.
- Practical Use: Use the mantra to find strength and clarity during challenging times, trusting that truth and insight will emerge from the chaos.
4. Ace of Swords + The Sun
- Message: The clarity of the Ace of Swords merges with the illuminating power of the Sun, symbolizing triumph, truth, and enlightenment.
- Practical Use: Visualize the sword’s light merging with the Sun’s rays, amplifying your sense of purpose and understanding. Chant the mantra to affirm your connection to universal truth.
Connecting to the Element of Air
The Ace of Swords embodies the element of Air, which governs intellect, communication, and inspiration. To deepen this connection:
- Nature Work: Perform the mantra outdoors, particularly in a windy area, to align with Air’s dynamic qualities.
- Breathwork: Focus on your breath while meditating with the card. Imagine each breath as the Ruach, the spirit animating your mind and body.
Higher Symbolism in the Thoth Deck
Unity and the Elohim:
- The plural nature of Elohim reminds us that divine unity expresses itself in multiplicity. This reflects the Ace’s potential as the seed of all intellectual and communicative expression.
- Consider how this unifying principle can guide your decisions: Are your actions and thoughts aligned with the greater good, or are they fragmented by ego?
Sword as Logos:
- The sword is a symbol of Logos, the divine word and reason. When interpreting the Ace of Swords, recognize it as a channel for the higher mind to bring order and truth to chaotic situations.
Chiim (Life):
- The inclusion of Chiim (Life) emphasizes that mental clarity is not a cold, detached force but one that animates and sustains. This aligns the Ace of Swords with dynamic, life-affirming action.
Key Takeaways
- The Hebrew phrase "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" reminds us that all thought, clarity, and mental power originate from the One Spirit animating all life.
- Use this understanding to align your mental energy with divine will, focusing on clarity, truth, and intellectual integrity.
- Incorporate the Ace of Swords into your spiritual practice to invoke divine inspiration, enhance mental clarity, or cut through confusion in your life.

Word of Law-Achath Rauch Elohim Chiim.

I would suggest getting the Book 777 by Aleister Crowley to further study this, as the words "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" are the numbers 777 and means in English translation, “One is Spirit of the Gods of the Living" which implies that we are Spiritual life being intimate with the alive, using Avatars so that we are intimate with our own creations! The Ruach being the 6th Sephiroth- Tiphareth, the Solar Logos/Soul/Psyche----all of which I like to call the Solar or Celestial Self.

Babalon (Personification of the Original Will to Be)
There is a lot of investigative gematria to understand in Thoth Tarot so get the book 777 or The Book of Thoth, both written by Crowley. The Kether is God/Energy "not living", Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim, is the Spiral Energy that produces Living Creation (Sun/Son of God) only after the Will to Force (Chokmah) and the Will to Form (Binah) are applied. 777, is also the number of the Scarlet Woman, the Red Goddess of vigorous energy, the Lusty Blood of Life frequency that makes worlds live. Crowley named her Babalon (his spelling for gematria), another name for the Kundalini. So once again The Divine Creative is seen as God is Sex and/or 0=2 and the vigorous motion of the Universe is the 2 trying to come together as 1-----we call that "sex": However, it may be better known as "The Law of Attraction" and/or interfacing.

The Ace of Sword Tarot Card displays the One Mind's healing that instills in our subconscious mind a powerful creative and purifying energy that can heal our ills with its rational and analytical essence. However, there is a discipline of severe inner work required as this energy concedes nothing without personal introspection and discovery of the Archon (Native American Wetiko) implanted "mind virus" that infects our subconscious self-identity; hence some self-sacrifice is often required.

Adam Khadmon-The Heavenly Human (Divine Hermaphroditus)

We are all ET's (Heavenly Humans)!
Because we are of the Celestial (we are evolutionary intelligence of stars-the evolution of Light-Suns of the Divine Creative/Souls) we carry data that is new perspectives, that free the consciousness from the boundaries of flesh and sensuality while also bringing that knowledge to a state of intimacy.

As intellectual presence there are viewed unlimited potentials, where we begin to "remember" the Truth of Self and understand that all is Self, and Self is all we will ever know and all that we will ever be. That Self is the Cosmic I AM. Hence, the Truth of Existence, is I AM--- a truth we have all inherited as "selves of the One I AM". However, what we exist as, and/or present as "Self" is entirely up to our "knowing ourselves" and therefore, assumed potential that is not written in stone.
I AM is reality and what I Am is a dream of being a "Me".

The god Molecule (RNA/DNA)
Above all things, know thyself! Hence, we decide our own fate by our perspectives, but we are not in control of our Destiny, for that belongs to the DNA of the Stars, from which we are born and of which we are destined to explore. ALL OF US HAVE REACHED OUR DESTINY WHICH IS "I AM BEING!" However, when we reject the indolent programing and Archon-dogma profaning of our Self, we then can decide our own fate. Fate is a daily action that we control! By invoking our Higher Mind/Self, we become the Heavenly Human we are designed to be, and all things then belong to us. "

"Let the seeker seek, for they will become troubled. When they become troubled, they shall become astonished and when they become astonished, they shall know that they are the ruler over the All".
The Nag Hamadi Library-Gospel of Didymos Judas Thomas.
Specific Tarot Ritual for Invocation of Ace of Swords

Here’s a Tarot spread and a ritual that incorporate the Ace of Swords and the concept of "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" for clarity, divine inspiration, and cutting through illusions.
The Ace of Swords Clarity Spread
This spread is designed to help you achieve mental clarity, make decisions, and align your thoughts with higher wisdom.
- Place the Ace of Swords in the center as the focus card.
- Shuffle the deck while meditating on the phrase: "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" and your intention for clarity.
Card Positions:
- The Source of Confusion: What is clouding your thoughts or causing mental blockages?
- The Sword’s Edge: What truth or clarity needs to be revealed?
- The Illusion to Be Cut Away: What false belief, distraction, or illusion must be removed?
- The Guiding Light: What divine insight or inspiration can guide you?
- The Path Forward: How can you act with clarity and purpose?
Example Layout
[4] [2] [1] [3] [5]Interpreting the Spread:
- Use the central Ace of Swords as a lens for interpreting the other cards. Each card reveals an aspect of your current mental state and provides actionable insights.
- Focus on what the cards say about aligning your thoughts with truth and the spirit of life (Chiim).
Ritual for Invoking the Ace of Swords’ Energy
To invoke clarity, truth, and intellectual power while cutting through confusion or illusion.
Materials Needed:
- The Ace of Swords card from your Tarot deck.
- A white or silver candle.
- A small blade (ritual dagger or a symbolic blade like a letter opener).
- Frankincense or sandalwood incense.
- A journal and pen for recording insights.
Ritual Steps:
Create Sacred Space:
- Set up your altar facing East (Air’s direction). Place the candle in the center, the Ace of Swords card before it, and the blade beside it.
- Light the incense to purify the space.
Ground and Center:
- Sit comfortably and take deep breaths. Visualize yourself rooted to the Earth, stable and calm. As you exhale, release distractions and mental clutter.
Light the Candle:
- As you light the candle, say:
"I call upon the Spirit of Air,
The force of thought, sharp and fair.
By the Ace of Swords, I invoke clarity,
One is the Spirit of the Living Elohim."
- As you light the candle, say:
Trace the Pentagram of Air:
Using the blade or your finger, trace the invoking pentagram of Air in the air before you:
- Start at the top point and move clockwise (Top → Bottom Left → Top Right → Bottom Right → Top Left → Top).
"Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim.
By this divine spirit, I call upon the clarity of Kether,
The truth of the Ace of Swords."
Hold the Ace of Swords:
- Pick up the card and focus on its imagery. Visualize the sword as a glowing, radiant force, piercing through darkness and confusion. Feel its energy filling your mind with light.
- Chant:
"By the blade of truth, I cut through illusion.
By the spirit of Elohim, I align with clarity.
Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim—so mote it be."
- Place the card on the altar and sit in silence. Focus on your breath, imagining it as the Ruach (Spirit). Allow insights or clarity to emerge naturally. If a specific question is on your mind, hold it lightly in your awareness.
Journal Your Insights:
- After the meditation, write down any thoughts, feelings, or visions that came to you. The act of writing anchors the divine inspiration into the physical world.
- Thank the forces of Air and the Ace of Swords for their guidance. Extinguish the candle and incense.
- Ring a bell or clap your hands to seal the ritual and ground yourself.
Combining the Spread and Ritual
For deeper clarity, perform the ritual first and then immediately conduct the Clarity Spread. The ritual will open your mind to divine inspiration, and the spread will provide actionable insights for your situation.

When the Ace of Swords card is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- The Querent is experiencing mental clarity and inventiveness.
- Problems being overcome with original thinking.
- The dawning of a new intellectual process.
- Acting with logic discrimination and Strength in adversity.
- Out of evil some good will come.
- Something that looks bleak can surprisingly turn out to be promising Doom.
- This is also considered the card of Morgan the Fate and therefore, Finality, Tragedy, and ultimately- fate; However, it is release, freedom from past restraint and a new lightness and/or a kind of salvation.
- The beginning of an idea or information.
- The rise of Inner insight.
- This card depends on the surrounding cards to show whether it is fate or rebirth.
- Objectivity.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Restlessness.
- Premature and subjective thinking.
- Belligerence.
- Hard hearted.
- Weakness of will.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you. May you live long and prosper.
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Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons Blog.