Above all things, know Yourself!

Thoth- 7 of Wands-Valour
#7. Living from that Will supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the victorious life.

The Mystic Palette Tarot- 7 of Wands
"But I had to remind myself that neither our passing nor that of an era is a tragedy, no matter how much we would like to think it is. If there is any human tragedy, there is only one and it occurs when we forget who we are and remain silent while a stranger takes up residence inside our skin."
From the Novel-- The Glass Rainbow by James Lee Burke

The 7 of Wands, Valour (Lord of Valour) is attributed to Mars in Leo. The Angels of this Decan are: Mahashiah and Lelahel. Netzach, the 7th Sephiroth and ruler of the Tarot 7's on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, is ruled by Venus and therefore, is the conscious vital life force-energy of Love; as relating to the often-misunderstood concept of "God is Love and/or God is Sex." Our misunderstanding of love and sex has to do with the very nature of our indoctrinated culture, profaned subconscious images, and that of the errant concepts of the "gods" themselves.
In the Western Mysteries, it is said that "The Gods are the Creations of the Created...the Gods are the emanations of the Group Mind of Races, they are not emanations of Eheieh, the One and the Eternal." {Quoted from the: Qabalistic Tarot, by Robert Wang, page 99).Eheieh is the God name of the 1st Sephiroth-Kether and means "I Will Be". Hence, you are the Will of The Divine Creative made manifest as "I AM Being"! The "group mind", is called an egregore in the Western Mysteries. An egregore is a false soul created by group emotional cooperation.

Eheieh, the God Name of Kether, means "I Will Be" and therefore, the Primal Will of I AM. The " gods are creations of the created" quote is also a reference to the Group Mind (Group Soul), that the gods are of Netzach- Victory; a Victory that is about the media controlled social mind of a ruling body victorious over the subconscious mind of the people.
Graphically, the diagram of the sign of Venus superimposed over the Tree of Life, displays the influence the Divine Feminine has over/in us as the aspect of Imagination-The Divine Creatrix of the One Hermaphroditical Mind. For she is the Receptive part of every Sephiroth and therefore, the one that receives your/ dreams/ prayers/ Wants/ Meditations, etc. She is receptive water while the Creator aspect of mind is expressive energy/Fire. This fire is invokable, but the invoker must have a strong focus on the goal, for as fire is none to do, without a strong control, it will consume you.

Venus covers the Tree of Life

This insight aims to illuminate the potency within you, akin to the living plasma of a Sun (errantly referred to as Son but is without gender) emanating from the One Eheieh ("I Will Be"), known as The I AM. You wield the power to mold formidable forces in your likeness, serving your unique needs.

Originating in the Realm of the Gods (Netzach), your Personality designates you as a Personal God (Demiurge), and adhering to the dictum "Above all things, know thyself" is paramount for functioning as the I AM. Additionally, your sexual self-embodies your Spiritual Nature, constituting a natural conduit for robust and vital life force, forming a trinity of Spirit-Mind-Body.

In essence, your body embodies the Animal God of Earth, symbolized by the sign of Venus in shape. The fate of every living creature on Earth is influenced by human actions. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, mankind holds the responsibility to sustain or destroy species. Our collective ignorance can lead to the annihilation of species, the depletion of their habitats, and even the degradation of the planet itself. As the Earth's apex predator, Homo Sapiens Sapiens holds dominion in the air, on land, and in the seas, and soon extending into space.

Adam Khadmon (Heavenly Human)
The Adam Khadmon, or "Heavenly Human" in Qabalah, represents the Cosmic Apex Predator Archetype, showcasing the inherent ability of the human hermaphrodite brain, a result of the "cross breeding" of Anunnaki ("Those who from the sky came") and Homo Erectus. It's time to embrace and domesticate our inner predator with love, recognizing that we need not prey on each other, as we are all interconnected.
Recent discoveries propose that our DNA is more than a Trillion-year-old, a concept which highlights our celestial origins, predating the Earth itself (which is only 4.6 billion years old). According to the latest research, our DNA's age far predates the planet, suggesting extraterrestrial origins. In fact, many anthropologists have translated the Sumerian clay tablets that have stated just that. Get the books by Zecharia Sitchin, an anthropologist who has translated the Sumerian tablets and find out for yourself.

Ancient God Molecule
Only Gods have such power over everything in their Domains/Dimensional Planes! Forget the drama of fearing animal predators, for one 90 lb. weakling-homo sapiens sapiens with a rifle, and a lot of ammunition, can annihilate any species, predator, or non-predators on this planet. That is why Governments who rule over an armed people, can't thoroughly oppress them.

It's time we accept our inherent responsibility for the lives of all things and ourselves. Courage is a spiritual act of responsibility. It takes a special courage to be a "free people", for as history has proven over and over again, that if you give a government an "inch it will take a mile" unless the people make them keep to the "proverbial inch" and sadly that means to "keep and bear" arms, under discernment, even if some will misuse them because of malformed egos. To give up just one right to the government is to give them all up for they will take that mile. To keep a country free, the government must fear the people; oppressed people fear the government and their Police Forces and become compliant manikins. For those who seek authority over others, can never have enough authority as they are severely infected by the "mind virus" that promotes insatiable greed which is powered by fear. Only the courage of the populace can control a government and itself!

Love is the highest form of Valor.
Again, Valour is needed. There is always someone who will find a way to blame others for their own thoughts that created their "emotional pain" and will always find a way to commit violence with sharp sticks, rocks, hammers, knives, or guns "to make others feel their pain".
The bright mind does not play the "blame game", for that is a game of ignorance. Powerful Valour, comes from Knowing Oneself, not just believing in one's- self. Hence, the act of a Chinese man stopping a tank sent to further oppress the people, with nothing but his passion, while others run in fear. I wonder, do we have such courageous people in our social mass, who can vote to control government, or will we all become so pacified by lies and media word hypnosis propaganda that we find voting to be too much effort?
There is no courage in such people who expect others to do Valorous acts for them.


The Qabalistic Tree of Life illustrates that you are really the Psyche composed of 10 demi-gods and/or archetypal intelligences, in a collective of loving cooperation that is "The Mind". You are Adam Kadmon (Divine Archetypal Heavenly Human.), the entire Tree of Life. Each of us are an aspect of the "god mind" on every plane of intelligent energy, by inheritance; However, inheritance must be claimed.
The "false ego" who has profaned Self-Conscious has not earned such status, but your true identity of the Soul/Solar Self has and that Celestial Psyche, (represented on the Tree of Life as the 6th Sephiroth-Beauty) is connected to every part of the Tree. Mastery is also called "As above, so below", in such a state the Self-Conscious is a Mercury like messenger of the Soul and the Higher Self to the worlds of matter and the subconscious mind. We didn't come to "ascend" for we are from the Ascension to the Manifestation. Hence, we came to "ground" and/or coagulate the Divine Energy of I Am.

" Now the order of the Paths. The Tenth Aleph (the fool) brings Wisdom into activity; the Twelfth- Beth (Magus) brings Understanding; The Thirteenth-Gimel (High Priestess) brings in Beauty (sixth Sephiroth-Tiphareth), and thus Beauty begins to be active before Mercy (fourth Sephiroth-Chesed) and Severity (Fifth Sephiroth-Geburah), as in creation the beauty of visible nature was manifest before creatures to whom mercy or severity could be shown, was brought forth."
"Beauty being established in the Fourteenth Path-Daleth (Empress) unites WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING; and the central point of this path, where crosses the thirteenth (Da'ath-the invisible Sephiroth) a word in Hebrew that means Knowledge, for all knowledge has its root in the Divine Contemplation of the perfect primal Beauty."
.... From the Book of Tokens-by Paul Foster Case.


Military Industrial Complex- (The few who wish to rule the many)
We are not in a world built by the Beautiful Soul/Psyche. We are in a world controlled by the Patriarchy /Military Industrial Complex (useless old men whose wealth is built on the dead bodies of the young) and their "divide and conquer" indoctrination and their propaganda imposed by the rule over definition while also profaning our own fear of pain and predation.

Only by acts of individual Valour can we claim our Divine Inheritance and enjoy Victory over indoctrination and dogma of the Military Industrial Complex...in other words, rid ourselves of the false identity and the nightmares that it produces to control our thinking. We start by first cleansing our profaned ego of Patriarchal programing. These actions of Valour require the Will that is Spirit and the fiery sexual energy of Spirit that drives passion through the body to succeed in the deed.

You may note in the people around you, those of low sexual energy, do not perform well in the challenges of life. Most often they blame others for lack of performance. It is time to realize that the Sexual-Self is the Spiritual Self, the Solar Fiery Will that makes you alive---a type of Martial Solar force that shapes and forms Time-Space. Hence, the need for the Patriarchy to profane its identity. Before it was profaned by indoctrination this Plasmic Sexual-Self is as Leo and Mars together; A Solar Warrior that is Life itself, and who is not afraid of Love nor afraid to fight for the right of every living thing to be.

In each of us is the Anima (Soul) and Animus (Spirit), a divine marriage that has been divided by the divide and conquer paradigm of the Patriarchy controlled dogma. Once divided from our wholeness we lose mental and emotional power and are easily manipulated. Our brain is a perfect copy of our Psyche/Soul that is both female (anima) and male (animus) and in this misogynistic world of the Patriarch, both sides of our brain are indoctrinated to disagree with each other, i.e., we are made to believe in the "battle of the sexes", a battle that is a media illusion made to manipulate our brains. We are also made to believe that the female aspect is weak and "just your imagination" which profanes the very act of creation itself.
All things are a illusion and fantasy before they are created. All things begin in Imagination, before coagulation as a "thing". This egregore profaning is the programing of divisionism. Hence, another example of "divide and conquer."
There is no he without she and no she without he....this is the divine couple! The Electric He and the Magnetic She!

Like a molecule we are all quantumly connected, both Earthly and Celestial, creating "One Beautiful Mind".
To make the "Above as the Below", i.e., The Great Work is to realize yourself as sole owner and spiritual-ruler of your own animal- ego-body and Mind as a Solar psyche- (Sun of the Divine Creative) and claim it as your "Sacred Place" in Time. Being Divine Energy, you are infinite Non-Space, and within your Divine Unconscious, are the courageous dreams of being.
Life is the Lucid Dream of the Divine Creative and therefore, of the Soul. Time/Space is the stuff you create forms from, by mixing beginning and end- time- in a cauldron of Self Thoughts/Ideas (Images) heated by the vibrations of Lust/Passion (light) and shaped by the imagination of I AM ME; you transform the illusion of being into a sensual reality, the sensual reality of I Am Me; Me being the assumption of I AM. Only courageous souls can create a manifested wholeness.

The point here is that there are no "gods" save those potent intelligent forces that create the "Kingdom of Spirit" and/or Assiah-the material world known as Malkuth-"the kingdom" that we use to form in our own image--- images that are serving our Will "to be".
This, of course, is a simplistic representation, which is why the Tree of Life is so important to Know. The Tree of Life represents the multi-dimensional complexity of how this Created Living Universe is done and is a model of the Universal DNA, which creates Stars and impregnates planets (planets are made of dead stars/Hence Isis creating Horus out of dead Osiris)! By knowing yourself, you can then realize the original data you set aside in downsizing/condensing plasmic energy and know how to proceed with the Great Work of I AM Me! There is only "I" energy, "AM", together the whole mind in communion making I AM who is many selves as individual divine creative Souls/Psyches. I AM is your Truth, "Me" are your assumptions.

The Mystic PaletteTarot-7 of Wands
The Mystic Palette Tarot-7 of Wands depicts a powerful man who has become "king of the mountain". Albeit the mountain is made of old and cracked concrete slabs implying his achieved dominance is precarious in the least. This precariousness is further shown as the six challenging wands grouped together at the base of his victorious ascent. It is easily seen here that once one has achieved a victory, and/or prominent position it is inevitable that challengers will come sniffing around for a piece of the action.
Therefore, the wheel of fortune turns what was once a secure prominent position, seems to be a bit shaky at the moment. Here one must create strategies to defend it or decide if it is worth defending.
The Mystic Palette-7 of Wands also displays golden sigils of Mars and the astrological sign of Leo on either side of the victorious warrior.

In astrology, the characteristics of a planet in a particular house are influenced by the traits associated with both the planet and the house. Mars, being the planet of energy, action, and assertion, in the house of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun and associated with creativity, self-expression, and confidence, creates a dynamic combination. Here are some key characteristics:
Passionate Expression: Mars in Leo brings a passionate and fiery energy to self-expression. Individuals with this placement are likely to assert themselves with enthusiasm and drama, seeking attention and recognition for their efforts.
Creative Drive: Leo is a creative and theatrical sign, and Mars here adds a strong drive for creative pursuits. People may feel a strong desire to express themselves through art, performance, or any other form of creative endeavor.
Confident Action: Mars in Leo individuals tend to take bold and confident actions. They approach challenges with courage and a strong sense of self-belief, often enjoying the spotlight and taking on leadership roles.
Determination and Ambition: There is a determined and ambitious quality to Mars in Leo. These individuals set their sights high, driven by a desire for personal achievement and recognition. They are willing to work hard to attain their goals.
Charismatic Leadership: Leo is associated with leadership, and Mars in Leo individuals often possess charismatic qualities that attract others. They can inspire and motivate, leading with flair and a strong sense of purpose.
Dramatic Expression of Anger: Mars is the planet of anger, and in Leo, this anger may be expressed in a dramatic or attention-grabbing manner. However, it's important for individuals with this placement to be mindful of ego-driven conflicts.
Generosity and Warmth: Leo is a warm and generous sign, and Mars here can contribute to a generous and open-hearted approach to life. These individuals may be willing to share their resources and talents generously.
It's essential to consider the entire birth chart for a comprehensive understanding of an individual's astrological profile. Other aspects, such as the aspects Mars makes with other planets and its overall placement in the natal chart, will provide additional insights into how this energy manifests in a person's life.

The inner Valour (English spelling) of the Spirit brings forth the light that purifies our inner and outer self. Since the inner world creates the outer world for every individual our presence alone will continue this action of purification in the outer world. This "light" is such a dynamic action that it gives protection and harmony, so that inspiration under the command of our self-consciousness, will find a way to materialize in our life-motion.
We are Life and when we realize the work of Divine Art, our living becomes a panorama of wealth, health, and well-being. However, if this inner- harmony of Energy and Intelligence finds no creative outlet, the "mind virus" that infests our subconscious turns this action into delirious frustrations, unhealthy habits and in the worst case so self-destructive it can lead to suicide: a venomous serpent.
Above all things, know thyself! You are the manifestation of the Will of the One--- To Be! Hence, you are a Divine Being, and your presence is under your very own authority. You are the Author of your life story.

If those who lead you say, "the kingdom of Heaven is in the sky", then the birds shall surely precede you. If they say, "Look the Kingdom is in the sea", then the fish shall precede you. Rather, the Kingdom of Heaven is in you, and outside of you for if you truly know yourself and remove the Patriarchy build personality from your inside your skin, you need not find your kingdom, for it was always hidden by the false mask of words. You are the Divine Energy that makes your body Alive, and you enter it through the Breath as Pranic Energy (Plasmic) and through the Chakras (Spinning wheels) attached to the Spine. This animation of the Avatar human, sensualizes your mind and thereby, fools you into thinking you are the sensation your body provide. However, the flesh is your kingdom and your control it!

In many traditions, prana refers to the life force or vital energy that animates the body, mind, and spirit. While often translated as "breath," prana is more encompassing than just physical respiration. It’s seen as a subtle energy or cosmic force that flows through the body, much like the concept of qi in Chinese philosophy.
Here’s a breakdown of prana's functions, particularly as they relate to physical, energetic, and spiritual levels:
1. Physical Function (Breath as a Life-Sustaining Force)
- Oxygen Supply: On the most basic level, prana is taken into the body through breath. By breathing, we take in oxygen, which is essential for cellular respiration, energy production, and general bodily functions.
- Detoxification: Exhaling releases carbon dioxide and toxins, which helps maintain a balanced internal environment.
- Nervous System Regulation: Conscious breathwork, or pranayama, can influence the nervous system. Techniques like deep breathing can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
2. Energetic Function (Prana as Vital Force)
- Energy Channels (Nadis): According to yogic philosophy, prana flows through channels called nadis, especially the central channels Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. This flow impacts physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional health.
- Balancing Energy Centers (Chakras): Prana plays a key role in balancing the chakras, which are considered energetic centers within the body. When chakras are balanced, prana can move freely, supporting physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
3. Mental and Emotional Functions
- Mental Clarity and Focus: Controlled breathing can calm the mind, clear mental fog, and sharpen focus. In meditation and pranayama, managing the breath is a pathway to reducing stress, increasing emotional resilience, and achieving mental equilibrium.
- Emotional Regulation: By calming the nervous system, prana also helps regulate emotional responses. Pranayama, for instance, can reduce the intensity of anxiety or anger by promoting a sense of groundedness and inner calm.
4. Spiritual Function (Prana as a Connection to Universal Energy)
- Inner Awakening and Higher States of Consciousness: Advanced breathwork techniques aim to increase pranic flow, which is thought to stimulate spiritual awakening. Practices like Kundalini Yoga use breath to awaken dormant energy and expand consciousness.
- Connection with the Divine or Universal Life Force: In spiritual practices, prana is seen as a bridge between the individual and the universal. It’s the means by which one feels connected to the greater cosmic energy, often experienced as a state of oneness or harmony with the universe.
Prana, then, is the conduit of life and spirit, flowing through and sustaining us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Cultivating awareness of prana, particularly through breathing practices, is a core element in many spiritual traditions aimed at achieving a harmonious balance between body, mind, and spirit.
Your victory over indoctrination and dogma belongs to you. You are the breath of the body, the celestial who has created an avatar to represent it on earth. Being you is your action alone.

Thoth- 7 of wands-Valour
Since I am trained in and receive the Western Hermetic Qabalah, I use the Thoth Tarot Deck in which Crowley/Harris, uses the 3 Adept Wands of the Golden Dawn Lodge in a fan of six, and crosses them with a crude fiery club, suggesting a disorganized and disordered battle...one of uncertain results. In short, the army is in disarray, a loss of confidence is implied, and only individual Valour (Spelled-v-a-l-o-u-r-The Queen's English) will save the day! However, because of the chaos all around you and in you, you may be uncertain of whom to smite with your misshaped club. Therefore, it may be a smite here or there and that mindless melee of wild smiting could connect and bring a victorious outcome, but more times than not, it's a waste of energy. In this state, Crowley sums it up as:
"Patriotism, so to speak, is not enough". The 4 sevens are not capable of bringing any comfort; each one represents the degeneration of the element. Its utmost weakness is exposed in every case.
[The Book of Thoth, Pg. 182]
The element in Wands is represented as Fire/Spiritual Will, and in this case "the Spiritual Will of the mass" is weakened by fear-based turmoil caused by divisionism, and only by individual Valour can the day be saved.

The Patriarchy.
Hence, only your individual courage can save the day. One might say, "roar like a lion and discern like the genius you are"! "Knee jerk" emotionalism, makes only preplanned jerks hanging from a master puppeteer's lines.
The body reacts, the Spirit acts.
When the 7 of Wands is thrown during a reading, it implies that:
- The querent is unsure of ideas and must summon personal bravery and courage to instigate them.
- Resistance against the external world.
- More confidence is needed to ensure victory.
- Here, responsibility must be taken up as the querent's standard, and they must stand alone, trusting their Greater Self to handle the most difficult of situations.
- Here mettle is being tested, and only the inner courage of spirit has the necessary acceleration to push the querent through the line of resistance.
- This card also shows how valuable you the querent are to spirit, for if you were "weak", spirit wouldn't be testing your mettle.
- Attack from a defensive position.
- Daring.
- Using one's power for transformation.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Indecisiveness.
- Ignorance.
- Discrepancy between instinct (courage) and Spirit (sense).
- Loss of nerve.
- Seek an alternative, reconciliation.
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