
troth- 6 of disks-success
The Tarot 6's are about a balance of trinities which makes them powerful and stable in dynamic movement. This card represents physical attainment, accomplishment and success. This is the harmonious energy of Earth, the balance of polarities have made fruitful the Son, Father, and Grandfather aspects of electric force and the Maid, Mother, and Crone aspects of magnetic force. The creation is born! It is important to remember that this is earth, and gravitational forces will pull this successful creation down into itself, where everything becomes slow and heavy, so this success is temporary but enjoyable just the same. There is a great beauty here that comes from the balances of mental, emotional, and physical energy enhanced by the higher conscious states of self. Being Beauty, the 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth, this is our Soul that has succeeded in Spirit-Body-Mind union. Beauty is not determined by fashion, nor culture, this is the Beauty that created me so it could be me! The great inner beauty of synchronicity.

Generosity is shown here, as you now have enough success in physical health, finances, and emotional balance to assist others in their success. Astrologically, this card is Moon in Taurus, which suggests productivity (Taurus) and a deep inner satisfaction (The Moon) or a deep desire on the ***subconscious level. The foundation of creation vibrates from the deep passion and desire of Will-to-Be and the deep satisfaction of I AM! This being so, often to achieve success in any endeavor means that we must be in union with our inner master who built us as its masterpiece. There is only diligence and doing indicated here. This is where the axiom, " Above all things know thyself" really comes into its own.
The formula for success is indicated in the 6 planetary circles shown on this card:
- Saturn represents success through discipline.
- Jupiter reminds us that success is achieve by being open and flexible to options that may present themselves.
- Venus reminds us of our beautiful heart and follow what has heartfelt meaning in our life.
- The Moon indicates success attainable through following the truth of ourselves, by being authentic.
- Mercury reminds us about how important organized well timed communication is important to success.
- Mars reminds us to express continually steady energy into our professional or personal issues in order to achieve success...The Tortoise vs the Hare scenario, where rapid spurts of energy do not achieve success whereas steady on does. Success comes from deep within rather than the superficial without, which is symbolize in this card as the joining of the Western Cross (deep inner self integration) and the opening and blooming of successful achievement ( the Eastern symbol of success- the lotus).
However, 6 is not only a number of accomplishment, but also that of Christ, Buddha consciousness and/or the Solar Self that is called the Soul. Thus, a certain sacrifice is made for the Number of the Dying gods; a sacrificethat brings a definite personality deconstruction in order for reconstruction that brings success.
The 6 of Disks-Success, is aptly named The Lord of success, as the Moon is exalted in Taurus. Here the charm, subtleties, ebb and flow of the Moon are merging with the hard work and deliberate earth qualities of Taurus, ensuring success in business and other earthly matters.

The colors on the Thoth Card, are somewhat muted in this rendition; However, the center glows in dawn's light of rose-madder, surrounded by three concentric circles of golden yellow, salmon-pink and amber. Suggesting Tiphareth fully realized on earth. Here is represented the harmony between the Soul and the body. The usual arrangement of the Planets, as disks, are being irradiated by the Sun at the center. Again, Tiphareth is the Sun/Son and is here, idolized as the Rose and Cross. This is a forty nine petaled Rose, implying the interplay of the Seven with the Seven...The Feminine is never separate from the Masculine, it is their interplay that makes Life.
The main difference between the subconscious and the unconscious mind lies in accessibility. Meaning, that whatever gets stored in the subconscious mind can be recalled as and when you intently bring your attention to it.
In the case of the unconscious mind, summoning up memories requires specific techniques. To effectuate a repressed memory from the unconscious mind, certain psychoanalytical methods are needed to be employed as one can’t just retrieve memories from the unconscious that easily.
Behavioral influenceAnother difference between the two lies in the behavioral influence that they both wield on us. The mechanism of the subconscious mind is simple―it will merely enact the script you have fed it with; if you have embedded false ideas about something or someone, it will act so. It doesn’t have a mind of its own and is purely instinctual. Memories associated with traumatic events, which are buried deep away in the unconscious mind too, influence us.
But, you don’t feed your unconscious with anything; depressing and threatening thoughts automatically store themselves up in your unconscious mind, thus, controlling your behaviors and decisions.
For much more information about the differences between the subconscious and unconscious click on the link:

the tarot of the spirit- six of earth-beauty
The Tarot of The Spirit-Six of Earth-Beauty, represents the great fortune that comes one's way when they speak and do their greatest convictions; the ones from the heart/soul. As a mandala, the more you look at the center of the Six of Earth, the more you are drawn into the rainbow core. This reminds us of the *Rainbow Covenant. Here, is also represented the beauty of the Soul, which is our body's central Sun and the 6th Sephira on the Tree of Life.
The Covenant of the Rainbow
…12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between Me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come": Genesis 9-13.

The Yellow diamond with its six upright pentagrams, signifies all that is positive, aligned and moving in the same direction and floats before a black and green square. All is inside a cube. The Cube of Space, where all is synchronicity and/or beauty as the One I AM.
When thrown during a reading, the 6 of Disks or the Six of Earth implies:
- Material attainment and accomplishment, but with a caveat dealt out by the law of Karma; you'll have to put out effort, to receive back success.
- The successful cycle of income or security is steady and predictable.
- That the querent is also generous, sharing the wealth, giving people what they are willing to receive.
- The 6 of Disks also suggests that money owed will be paid and the querent shall receive what is rightfully theirs.
- That in the next 6 weeks or 6 months, you have the opportunity for success if you follow the formula for success as represented by the six planets presented in this card.
- That in the next 6 weeks or months, you will experience being successful in producing something deeply satisfying and important to you.
- That success is only temporary moment of repose and we must be flexible to new options to keep on succeeding in our life motion.
When ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Dissipation.
- Purse proud.
- Insolent because of riches.
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