
Thoth-6 of cups-pleasure
[From the Sepher Yetzirah and the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom:]
In Kether is the Radix of a Golden Glory and thence is there a pure, primitive and sparkling, gleaming golden yellow which is reflected into Tiphareth. This is the first reflected Triad complete. And the sphere of its operation is that of Shemesh, the Solar Light, and bestoweth Life, Light and Brilliancy in metallic matter, and it rideth the sphere of action and of the Sun. And YHVH
Eloah va-Daath is a God of Knowledge and Wisdom, ruling over the Light of the Universe; and its Archangel is Raphael, the Prince of Brightness, Beauty and Life. And the Name of the Order of Angels is Melechim that is Kings or Angelic Kings, who are also called the Order of Virtues, Angels and Rulers.
The Thoth-Pleasure or Lord of Pleasure card represents the Sun in house of Scorpio. The Angels of the Decan are Nelokhiel and Yeyayel.

The influence of the Solar Logos-Tiphareth the 6th Sephiroth, in the Mental World known to Qabalist as Briah.
Already we know that Tiphareth in Atziluth (Beauty in Pure Spirit) means Victory after effort, shown as the 6 of Wands, thus we see the 6 of Cups as Tiphareth in the Watery World, (Mental Unconscious World) as the beginnings of Pleasure.

Noted to be a sign of discrimination, magnetism, sexuality and hidden qualities, Scorpio, in the 6 of Cups, is like activated Water by Solar influx. Here, Scorpio revels in the Sun, and is likened to a Fertile, warm, fruitful Sea--a Spa of Life generating qualities. This I know personally as being a Sun in Scorpio, and a Scorpio Natal, and having a Moon in Cancer, my inner self is a bright pleasure to my Watery World of emotions. Bacchus revels in my halls of hearth and heart as I live this card in a daily Glow of Bright Pleasure...thus I have no need to seek it-----I am pleasure! And pleasure is a state of daily being me.
Of course, Scorpio may sting where the Will directs, however, when the Will resides in Beauty-Tiphareth- the Sun of The Divine Creative and/or our Solar Self, Love is the Willful view of life and the scorpion's sting is reserved for those who would demean life with vial actions. So as the Sun activates the Forces of Scorpio, gain or pleasure commences. Implied, without assurance, is that pleasure and gain will build as shown by the partially filled cups that leave room for more experiences.

Pleasure, being the natural title of this card, is not that of the mundane pleasures of the pain fleeing populace, but of the highest sense as the "adorable fire"; implying well-being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain but with ease and satisfaction Yet it does emphatically represent the fulfillment of Sexual Will, as shown by the ruling Sephiroth, Tiphareth, sign of Scorpio, Planet Sun, and element of Water. A communion of fertile forces, that makes all life possible. The person who experiences this card in sensual being, knows this as the sexual ecstasy of the Solar Logos that blazes as a Sun in the "Sexual Chakra" or Swadhisthana chakra...the orgasmic ecstasy that never stops as the Kundalini has risen and stays connected. This is the state of the Highest of Sexual possibility, as in the union of Zeus Christos and the Mari, or of the Simon and the Helen, even of the Shakti and Shiva...where one knows God is Sex ; Sex is 6 in Latin and sexen in Egyptian, denoting copulation, therefore this card is the Sex of Cups. The perfect Pleasure of the synchronicity of communion, where the female and male blend as one Shining Star of Intelligent Vital Life Force and/or where 2=0.

Interested students, should begin studying Tantric practices for Tantra is Hindu for "to expand and liberate" and Qabalah, is Hebrew for "receiving". To receive what expands and liberates you from the identity slavery of indoctrination and man-made dogma, sounds very good to one who is looking to "Above all things, Know thyself". For Self is an androgyny.

Adam Khadmon (The Divine hermaphrodite)
This Adorable Fire, a term coined by Dr. Paul Foster Case, is the true union of the personality with the Soul/Solar Self. When the Soul, who is 0 and/or infinite pi becomes 2-anima and animus, and/or female and male, 0=2 when creating a union with a body on this plane of Malkuth. If the body is of masculine sex, then the Soul is acting as the inner Female pole of energy. Therefore, if the body is that of a female sex, the soul is the Animus and/or male in polarity. When the Personality, the most beloved of the Soul, unites with the Soul, there is an inner surge of pleasure that can only be called "an orgasm" of adorable fire for we then are connected to our entire Self and/or Whole Self, which is called "Adam Khadmon" and/or The Heavenly Human, who knows Self as the Fiery Tree of Life.

tarot of the ages- six of cups
The Tarot of The Ages-Six of Cups, depicts a ritualized sexual symbology. Here a male and female, looking to be a Mayan couple, drink from the Cups of Pleasure, while holding the Caduceus wand, which is a symbol of DNA /RNA and the Wand of Mercury-the messenger of the gods. This messenger of the gods, is symbolized as the quetzal-bird of tropical Central America. The image of this card represents Creation itself.
The Quetzal is one of the most sacred animals for the Maya. Its iridescent feathers were used in royal and ceremonial garb for Mayan kings and priests. This resplendent bird symbolizes Creation itself; in fact, the famed Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, is a composite entity the Maya created by marrying the Quetzal and the Serpent.
Quetzal Lovebirds | The Mayan Calendar PortalHence the marriage of Goddess/God is represented as Quetzalcoatl. Serpentine forces are sexual forces that intertwine, which created the DNA symbol.

Here the union of Male and Female empowers the couple who then are brought into the abodes of the "Gods".
The divinatory meaning of the Thoth 6 of Cups and the Six of cups- Tarot of the Ages, are the same.
When the 6/Six of Cups-Pleasure, is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is experiencing emotional pleasure, in a period of 6 weeks or 6 months of giving to and receiving pleasure from others.
- A period of innocence and taking great pleasure in one's childlike qualities.
- They may be experiencing an orgasmic rush of feelings, a wave of ecstasy that makes even sad feelings being actively expressed, feel good in release.
- The querent may also be experiencing sweet memories of the past, as past efforts bring present rewards.
- The querent's sexual sun is fully shining, producing a summer crop of pleasure throughout the body.
- Time to satisfy your eyes, nose, mouth, ears and skin. Let no wish be hidden.
- Let the Anima and Animus bring you into their inner "Honeymoon suite".
When the 6 of cups is ill defined:
- Past influences.
- Pleasure only in things that have vanished.
- Nostalgia.
- Childhood memories.
- Plans that fail.
- Longing.
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