Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-5 of Swords-Defeat
#5. I recognize the manifestation of undeviating justice in all the circumstances of my life.

The Lost Soul Tarot-5 of Swords

Thoth Tarot- 5 of Swords-Defeat.
The Thoth- 5 of Swords-Defeat occupies the position of Geburah, the 5th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life named SEVERITY. Although Geburah is an aspect of the All Mother Binah, albeit lower down the Tree, this severity is easily explained as cutting away the unworthy bits so that you are the original form she has understood into existence; the Original You; Her Golden Child.

What many fail to understand is that all the definitions given to you, by your society, belief systems and cultures are not you, because YOU HAVE TO BE KNOWN INTO EXISTENCE AS SELF-INFORMATION BY YOUR DIVINE CREATIVE! In other words, you have already been made to be you and have become complete in manifestation., which is Understanding the last step in "TRUE KNOWING".

Wholeness is Spirit-Mind-Body as One Being, not a personal ego or a indoctrinated personality looking for approval. Your destiny is done, YOU ARE TO BE!
From the beginning of Time, the One Energy, whose God name is Eheieh (I Will Be), shouted aloud "I Will Be", and from that came I AM... which is 0=2; Male electric and Female- Magnetic, Polar- opposites who simultaneously became into I Dea (Greek goddess name). However, two become equalized and a static point is reached but the energy they created by the action of interfacing Understanding and Wisdom, expands outward into the ethers as movement: a movement we call Love. Love is Energy flow and requires opposites to completely interface and/or act in communion.

I Dea
Since truth is made manifest, you never came seeking your truth, nor did you come to find out who you are, the Soul (your Solar Self) already Knows that and built you as its representative in the material world. By turning "Understanding and Wisdom" into in-form-action, the Divine Creatrix made you manifest! Therefore, you are already Defined into being, not a being who seeks definition; for this planet and this cosmos are not a courtroom. They are a mirrored workplace whereby the use of in-form-action turns information into knowledge by experience! Therefore, you are an image of Goddess/God---The I AM, who proves definition by making it manifest! Hence, the 5 of Swords shows the upside-down pentagram which declares that self-knowledge is defeated by your indoctrination and dogma.

You also give definition to things, so that they may be cataloged and used as communicated information; in the Mind things must be identified to become "Understood". Ideas, are what you build into things by naming them and then emoting them as in-form-action, thereby allowing the ideas, to be experienced and proven as Knowledge. Knowledge is different than information, as it must be intimately experienced by what is commonly called a "life motion". If an idea manifests and expands the intent of I Will Be, as it was destined to do; that's knowledge. If it doesn't succeed in that intent; that is also knowledge. Hence, knowledge is neither good nor bad. It is an experiment and experiments are all failures until they aren't.

You are the fulfillment of that command of "I Will Be" and therefore, fulfilled destiny. However, your fate is up to you, and you may know this as "freedom of choice", as your choices make your assumed Life journey. Because our choices are often made by our social egregore (false soul identity) they are programmed responses and not choices at all. Hence, we are defeated in our goals by programed automatic behavior. Self is a combination of "I's"; fractals of Mindscapes created by progressive One Self-awareness when it created the idea of "other". I Am is the union of I and other which forms the Alchemy of all creation.

The Alchemy of True Self
Alchemy, often regarded as the precursor to modern chemistry, is both a spiritual and philosophical tradition that seeks to transform the base or mundane into the exalted or divine. In its most literal sense, alchemy is known for its pursuit of transmuting base metals into gold. However, this physical transformation is symbolic of a deeper, spiritual process. Alchemy is concerned with the transmutation of the soul, aiming to perfect, purify, and achieve enlightenment.
Core Concepts in Alchemy:
The Philosopher’s Stone: This legendary substance is said to have the ability to transform base metals into gold and grant immortality. Symbolically, it represents the ultimate goal of spiritual transformation and enlightenment.
Prima Materia: This is the original, formless substance from which all matter is believed to originate. In a spiritual sense, it represents the raw, chaotic state of the soul before it undergoes purification and transformation.
The Four Elements: Alchemy traditionally recognizes four fundamental elements—earth, water, air, and fire—each corresponding to different aspects of existence and the human psyche. These elements must be balanced and harmonized in the alchemical process.
The Three Essentials: These are sulfur, mercury, and salt, representing the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of existence. Their balance and purification are key to the alchemical process.
The Magnum Opus: This is the "Great Work," the process of spiritual transformation. It typically involves several stages, often described as nigredo (blackening or decomposition), albedo (whitening or purification), citrinitas (yellowing or awakening), and rubedo (reddening or enlightenment).
Alchemy in Western Hermetic Magic
In Western Hermetic Magic, alchemy is seen not just as a literal process of transforming materials but as an allegory for the transformation of the self. The principles and practices of alchemy are deeply intertwined with the spiritual practices of Hermeticism, where the alchemist seeks to achieve personal enlightenment, spiritual rebirth, and ultimately, union with the divine.
Spiritual Transformation: The Hermetic practitioner views the alchemical process as a metaphor for spiritual refinement. The alchemist's goal is to transmute the "base" aspects of their personality—ignorance, ego, and materialism—into "gold," or a state of spiritual purity and enlightenment.
Inner Alchemy: This involves the use of meditation, visualization, ritual, and other practices to achieve personal transformation. The stages of the alchemical process are mirrored in the initiate's journey through the mysteries of the self, leading to a deeper understanding of the divine nature of the universe and one's place within it.
Symbolic Language: The symbols and language of alchemy are often employed in Western Hermetic rituals and texts. These symbols serve as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind, allowing the practitioner to access deeper levels of understanding and wisdom.
Theurgy: In the context of Hermetic Magic, alchemy is also linked to the practice of theurgy—rituals aimed at invoking the presence of divine beings and energies. The alchemist seeks to align themselves with these higher forces, furthering their spiritual evolution.
Alchemy, in essence, provides a framework for the Hermetic practitioner to understand and navigate the complexities of the material and spiritual worlds, offering a path toward achieving the highest potential of the human soul.

Man made self

Therefore, Geburah helps us remember who we really are and not what we pretend or believe ourselves to be. This is necessary as we all wear a mask, or masks created of words that fulfill today's military industrial complex media-controlled word hypnosis propaganda and are unable to see our true reflection in the mirror of the Unconscious. Our goals and self-harmony are defeated by the words in our brains. Hence, we can't see ourselves, let alone know ourselves and often go about blaming everyone else for our word created anxiety.

Military Industrial Complex (Patriarchy).

The Thoth 5 of Swords, known as "Defeat" or the "Lord of Defeat," represents the challenges of intellectual conflict and ideological struggle, often rooted in self-doubt or the fear of "losing face," particularly in the workplace. The Lost Soul Tarot's 5 of Swords focuses on these mental duels in the workplace where rational and methodical forces clash with more fluid, emotional, or creative ones. When these forces are harmonized, they generate a third, transformative energy. This process mirrors the way water boils in a cauldron, producing vapor that ascends to higher levels—much like the ascent of consciousness in the Qabalistic Geburah (5th Sephiroth - Severity). Geburah directs this ascent by encouraging us to embrace necessary, yet frightening, changes, guiding us to retain the higher qualities of our Soul's true personality, rather than the man-made one. This includes overcoming obstacles like past mistakes, rigid doctrines, prejudices, or the inability to express feelings to a loved one.
The Lost Soul 5 of Swords shows the sorrow pattern of the 3 of Swords with two opposing swords on either side. Hence, the meaning of a demanding time of win-lose conflicts in the workplace or your relationships. These conflicts generate a sense of defeat, surrender, competition, hostility, and self-sabotage. Rather than walking away (sabotaging self) you need to stand up for yourself and overcome the challenge.

Thoth- 5 of swords-defeat
The 5 of Swords is assigned the Astrological sign of Venus in Aquarius. Therefore, the normal disruption of Geburah's strength is not the cause of disaster! This is because weakness is the cause of the 5 of Swords disaster! A weakness brought on by pacifism, and enfeebling sentiment, even treachery. However, it is also a weakness a child feels when he or she isn't allowed to be themselves but must reject themselves to fulfill a doctrine or dogma as their identity. This defeated feeling begins by rejecting the very body that they have come to claim in their name.

In our society created by the divide and conquer doctrine of the Military Industrial Complex, the body is "bad" and Unclean when naked and must be an object of shame and to enjoy it and the sensations it gives us, is a "sin" and a mode of embarrassment and humiliation.
This attitude defeats the whole purpose of sensual being!
We are Celestial Beings who are not seeking Light, for Light is what we are. We do not "fuck", "screw", or have profaned sexual intercourse, we interface! Where one becomes two, the two interface to become One again. When they interface, they change the surrounding environment with fecundating frequencies of growth, expansion and/or becoming. This interfacing is also known as "Wholey Communion".

Seeking "Enfleshenment".
We are Spirits and/or vibrational harmonics of light that are seeking "enfleshenment"!
For Joy, Happiness, Pleasure, Excitement, Love (intimacy) cannot be felt or known without a sensual body! Of course, this also brings the "shadow side" of these sensations, "sadness", "sorrow", "Pain", " Boredom", "loneliness" profaned concepts of union etc. All of which is data turned into "knowledge". You are Spirit (another word for Willed Energy) and Energy is not sensual. Your immortal self (True Self) is "Pure Energy" and/or a Sun of the Divine Creative.
Hence, we are Celestial Photonic Beings (photons/light have no mass) who need bio-protonic bodies to "Above all things, Know thyself"!
Without mass/matter, there is no sense of self and the intimacy with creation that we often call "joy".

How the Energy that is your I AM, enters and animates the body in your name of "I AM ".

In astrology, Venus represents love, relationships, beauty, and aesthetics, while Aquarius is associated with innovation, uniqueness, and a forward-thinking approach. When Venus is in the house of Aquarius, certain characteristics and dynamics come into play:
Unconventional Love: Venus in Aquarius tends to express love and affection in unconventional ways. This placement may bring a willingness to explore non-traditional relationship structures and values uniqueness in partnerships.
Intellectual Connection: Aquarius is an air sign known for its intellectual nature. With Venus in Aquarius, there's often a strong emphasis on mental stimulation in relationships. Intellectual conversations and shared ideas become significant elements of romantic connections.
Friendship in Love: Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, emphasizing the importance of friendship in relationships. Venus in Aquarius tends to approach love with a friendly attitude, valuing a deep connection at the intellectual and emotional levels.
Humanitarian Values: Aquarius is associated with humanitarian ideals and a concern for the collective. When Venus is in this sign, there may be a desire for relationships that contribute positively to society or involve shared goals for the greater good.
Independent Expression of Love: Individuals with Venus in Aquarius appreciate their independence and often give their partners the freedom to express themselves. They may resist traditional norms in relationships and seek out partners who embrace their uniqueness.
Embracing Change: Aquarius is open to change and innovation. In matters of the heart, Venus in Aquarius may be more adaptable to new ideas and approaches in relationships, welcoming evolution and growth over time.
Progressive Aesthetics: Venus also represents aesthetics, and in Aquarius, there's a preference for modern and progressive styles. This could manifest in a unique sense of fashion or an appreciation for avant-garde artistic expressions.
Remember, the characteristics of Venus in Aquarius can be influenced by other aspects in the birth chart, so individual experiences may vary. If you have specific details about your birth chart, a more personalized analysis could provide additional insights.

The hilts of the Thoth 5 of Swords form a sinister image of an inverted pentagram, symbolizing how the body's fears have overpowered the Will of intention through the treachery of division, shame, and embarrassment. Many of us recognize that feeling fearful often feels more visceral than being willful. This is due to the pervasive falsehood of fear and self-doubt, instilled by indoctrination, propaganda, and dogma that promote a sense of "badness." The subconscious, which is the bio-protonic intelligence of the physical body, naturally fears death. This "survival mind," also known as the fear-based brain, must be trained to become a faithful companion rather than an adversary. The antagonism between the subconscious and the Solar/Soul-built Awake Self-Conscious prevents the Will of I AM from coalescing into true force. In this state, knowing is replaced by "fear-based belief systems"—systems created by "the few who wish to rule the many" through their expertise in "word hypnosis," controlling how you perceive yourself.

The face of the social egregore.

Notice: that none of the sword hilts are the same, implying many different weak thoughts assaulting the blue Rose of Wisdom, which was at once whole in the 4 and is now all cut to pieces in the 5, implying that Wisdom is scattered to the winds of emotional/mental defeat. To emphasize this defeat of will, blood of self-torture and the poison of shame drips from the intellect/swords.

The 5 of Swords is Geburah in Yetzirah, a severe Mars influence, is now in the Astral-Formative World. Yet, Mars is the consort of Venus in mythology, whereby, mythology is not a story telling a lie, but rather a story relating a truth about rampaging emotions of a profaned brain. Hence, there is also a vulnerability of capitulation here as warlike Mars ravages the charms of Venus (Misogyny).

Mars assaulting Venus.
In an emotional sense, fear makes us think the same thoughts repeatedly, expecting different results. This is self-defeating, for the only result is inability to live in the moment. You become "yesterday's" dysfunction and not a "Today's" action. Hence, the image suggests anxiety, meanness, fear, humiliation, loss, collapse of plans. You now have a black streak in your life and are now unlucky in everything.

However, the querent may be the strong one or at least the one feeling strong who is fed up with the situation and is willing to stand and fight. The card implies that if you choose to fight, you will win but also there may be unforeseen circumstances. Stop and consider the situation for a moment, so that you don't do what you will regret.

The Lost Soul Tarot- 5 of Swords
When the 5 of Swords is thrown during a reading, the querent is:
- Usually caught in the fears of the past.
- They are experiencing a self-defined prison of negative, self-defeating beliefs.
- Here defeat on a mental level, bringing humiliation and weakness.
- The suggestion here is to give up fighting, swallow your pride and acknowledge your limitations, and then proceed in a new direction.
- We are only defeated when we stop seeking another way.
- So, there is no 5 week or 5-month period here, since it is the querent's own mental negativity that is involved here, and they could change perspective at any time.
- An overwhelming situation.
- Needing to hold onto principles until the time comes to make a change.
If the cards are ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- The situation is owing better with courage and persistence.
- Winning against the odds with all that one has.
- Testing one's prowess.
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