Above all things, Know thyself!

Thoth-4 of Wands-Completion
#4. From the exhaustless riches of its limitless substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.

The Mystic tarot-4 of Wands


The four- 4's all bring perfection, realization, completion, and making a matter settled and fixed.
Hence the 4's are the first manifestation of their suits. The 4 of Wands is no exception, for here is the Lord of Perfected Work. Attributed to the Thoth- 4 of Wands-Completion, representing the planet Venus in the sign of Aries. The angels of the Decan are Nanael and Nithal.

The Thoth 4 of Wands symbolizes completion on a scale of male (Aries) and female (Venus) forces united. For those unfamiliar with the fertile vital life force energy of Spirit, which is represented as Fire and linked with the Sexual-Self, it's essential to recognize their interconnected nature. Spirit embodies the fiery, vital, creative energy of sex, passion, ardor, and assertiveness. It is the Will in motion, the essence of "I Am," that begins all the assumptions within that declaration. Consequently, all creation stems from a sexual act and/or the communion of opposites. There is no completion without the 2 who equal 1.

The union of atoms occurs through the collaboration of the Male Will-to-Force and the Female Will-to-Form, manifesting as the Electric male-aspect of energy and the Magnetic female aspect of energy. Wholeness, health, and wealth result from the union of male and female, Force and Form. Separating spirit from sexuality is rooted in ignorance fueled by fear, leading to divisionism and falsehoods that foster "flesh-0-phobia" that confuse by divisionism docile souls influenced by dogma and indoctrination. This should be no surprise as "divide and conquer" is the foundation of all indoctrination,

Military Industrial Complex-The pirates of your Identity.
The Patriarchy, its institutions, and/or Military Industrial Complex (multi-national corporations) media sought to strip the sacredness from the sexual union of male and female, redirecting it into a sterile ritual known as Organized Religion. Sexual acts are intrinsically linked to life, a creation belonging to Woman. Unfortunately, Woman became an object of debasement for the Patriarchy's deceptive rule to "divide and conquer" life.
The imposition of Patriarchal misogyny perpetuates the false notion that males control birth and life. In reality, Life is a Feminine Creation; she doesn't bow to males but created them as her consorts and therefore, not need to bear children until she wishes. The diversity of "other" was crafted by Life to ensure perpetual existence for eternity but only under the device of freedom of choice. Therefore, Venus, the goddess of Love, created her Husband-Mars/Aries as a consort! And as a male, I know that I can't know myself unless I give my ego and personality to her. For She only knows what and why of Maleness.

Qabalistic Tree of Life Represents the Divine Creative/God Molecule of DNA

DNA, is the Creatrix's Creation.

The 4th Sephiroth is Chesed, Mercy, and is known in Qabalah as the Demiurge or "Lesser Creator" and gives rise to "form and light" as the Divine Architect. This also makes Chesed both masculine and feminine as they are connected and unite on the path of Strength.

United they are the Greater Creator and/or the Divine Creative. Plasmic Energy and/or Light is the electric expression of masculine, and all form is of the light carrying the data and forming into idea by her understanding.
On the Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tree of Life the Divine Feminine Binah is shown as a black Sephiroth. This is because she is the Womb that light is born from.
All image is created by the receptivity of the Magnetic Feminine. Since, light is only .4% of the electromagnetic spectrum, she is the vastness of the unseen space of the atomic spectrum. Thus, Chesed (male) and Geburah (female) are really "two sides to one coin". Both are represented here as Mars (Aries) and Venus, the married couple of mythology. So here we compare Chesed -Mercy and Geburah-Severity or Strength, likened to the 2 arms of a human, as one gives and one takes away.

Adam Khadmon-The Heavenly Human (Hermaphrodite)

The 4 of Wands represents Chesed influencing the realm of Atziluth; the Realm of Pure Spirit. The swift active force of Aries- Mars, is activating the Love and Luxury of Venus and the benevolence of Jupiter. This placement in an astrological reading would be implying a warm, brief apex of romance, or warm fleeting feelings. In Tarot, we must also be aware of the placement on the Tree of Life.

There is a combination of the zodiacal and the Sephirotic meanings to consider. Primarily one is to realize that the zodiac is the mundane or root Chakra of Chokma (2nd Sephiroth), as it appears in the lowest of Four Worlds: Assiah-the active world. Thus, the 4's represent the totality of that which the planetary signs refer.

Venus in Aries, being the outer attribute of the card, constitutes a marriage that balances through passionate love, while the inner attribute is Chesed forces of Jupiter, the pure 4 (Fire, Air, Water, Earth), in the world of Yod-Fire. So, what we have in the 4 of Wands is Completion of the process initiated by the Upper Trinity, or Supernal Triangle. Here, the manifestation promised by "Will -to -Form" (Binah) has taken place in Jupiter-Chesed; The Architect Father who resides below the Abyss.
Thus, this is a dominating influence on all the following cards as it is the highest idea that can be understood intellectually of the element it represents; Hence, completion.
This apex also makes it hard to hold for we have reached the pinnacle of perfection, we can easily fail. Now even the smallest mistake can harbor major changes, as in the world of order from chaos, the need for constant transformation is paramount for it is known that all things proceed from order to disorder in the material world of Malkuth.

Adam Khadmon-The Heavenly Human (Hermaphrodite)

Chesed , the 4th Sephira, is the Qabalistic Demiurge, who is the First Sephira below the Abyss (Abyssal womb), making him the Lord of all Manifested Active Power. The original will of Chokmah- Wisdom and Binah-Understanding is now manifest in the Sephiroth Chesed- Mercy and is now a solid system such as Order, Law, Measurement, and Government. Therefore, Chesed sets up "measurement", and/or order from which all form is bound, keeping order in nature. However, being that Chesed is represented by Jupiter, he is a benevolent/merciful ruler of law, measurement, and government and this is the authority granted him by The Divine Feminine as the Empress. Hence, the Empress and Emperor in the Thoth Tarot, are shown face to face (Tibetan-Yab Yum).

Jupiter-Lord of all Active Power.

Venus in Aries also removes some of the volcanism of Aries-Mars and indicates that one can't establish one's work without tact and gentleness. When examining the 4 of Wands-Completion, we see the wands headed by Rams, both signs of Chesed (Father-God Amoun-Ra) and Aries, ending in the Dove of Venus. The completed and active- limitation of the original work is shown by the solar yellow rimmed circle. To show balance, the 4 flames are doubled, suggesting the feminine and masculine balance of the 4's. This is also shown by the central double triangle figure (Shatkona) of the union of the divine feminine (Shakti) and divine masculine (Shiva) as one combined force of "As above, so below".


Certainly! The Shatkona is an important and sacred symbol in Hindu and Vedic traditions. It is often described as a six-pointed star, similar to the hexagram in other traditions, and is composed of two interlocking triangles:
An Upward Triangle (▲): Represents the male principle, Purusha, or the element of fire (Agni). This symbolizes spiritual aspiration, divine consciousness, and the ascent towards the higher realms.
A Downward Triangle (▼): Represents the female principle, Prakriti, or the element of water (Apas). It is a symbol of material manifestation, creative energy, and the descent of the divine into the physical world.
When these two triangles interlock, they form the Shatkona, a geometric representation of the union of Shiva and Shakti, or the cosmic interplay between the masculine and feminine energies. This union is a cornerstone of Hindu metaphysics, illustrating harmony, balance, and creation.
Symbolic Meaning of the Shatkona
- Shiva-Shakti Unity: The merging of consciousness (Shiva) with energy (Shakti), representing the eternal balance necessary for creation and dissolution in the universe.
- Macrocosm and Microcosm: It represents the divine in the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the self).
- Spirit and Matter: The upward triangle symbolizes spirit, while the downward triangle signifies matter. Their union signifies the realization that spirit and matter are inseparable.
- Anahata Chakra: In Yogic tradition, the Shatkona is often associated with the Anahata Chakra (the heart chakra), which is the center of love, harmony, and equilibrium.
Connection to the Sri Yantra
The Shatkona is also seen in the Sri Yantra, where it forms part of the intricate geometry symbolizing the cosmos. Here, the triangles represent the divine energies that interplay to create and sustain the universe.
Alchemical Parallels
In addition to its Hindu origins, the Shatkona has parallels with alchemical and Hermetic symbolism in Western esoteric traditions, where the upward triangle represents fire and the downward triangle represents water. The union of fire and water signifies balance and the alchemical Solve et Coagula process.
In summary, the Shatkona is a powerful symbol that conveys deep metaphysical concepts, emphasizing unity, balance, and the divine creative forces at work in the cosmos. It serves as a reminder of the harmony between opposites—spirit and matter, male and female, and the interplay of creation and dissolution.


The 4's are completion, there is no attempt to expand, the original will is completed. If the equilibrium of the 4's is left to stand energy eventually stops moving and becomes a stasis state; However, the "inhale-exhale" dance of Venus and Mars,(the universal breath) is like the dance of the Hindu, Shiva and Shakti (intercourse is also the rhythm of inhale/exhale), and therefore, the wheel spins in active harmony and making it the dominating influence of all the cards of every suit and all numbers that come after the 4. Therefore, instead of a straight-line connecting Aries and Venus, it should be seen as a horizonal figure eight (lemniscate), as the rhythm of this union is a continuous flow back and forth, like inhale/exhale. Here then, the O=2 and then 2=1., in whole matrimony.
Therefore, the Thoth Card often represents more than just a completed project. It represents the complete union of a rhythmic creative dance of the Left (male) and Right (female)Brain, which perfectly completes any project or cycle.

The Mystic Palette Tarot-4 of Wands
The Mystic Palette Tarot-4 of Wands shows four fiery dragon headed wands with spirally united wands of interwoven vines (serpent force-fire) in a paring of two. Two of the Dragons are facing each other as Empress and Emperor do in the Thoth Tarot. This paring indicates a community of support. Here is implied welcome and harmony which is also implied by the Fool and merry-go-round. Hence, it could be a time of family get togethers, celebrations, teamwork, and prosperity.
The other 2 dragons, one bearing the astrological sign of Mars and the other that of Venus, seem to be looking up at the fireworks. Here the gathering of energy united in a passionate focus is bursting forth here and therefore, completion is implied here also. Time to put your "party on" as a project is completed. The figure in red, may also represent the wild, primal sexual energy, is being harnessed at the present time. In otherwards, the Empress and Emperor are in united rhythm; inhale-exhale.
However, if reversed it is implied that you may lack community support and/or family support or that the primal energy of vitality, passion, and creativity is uncontrolled. Hence, lack of teamwork and delayed celebrations, or family reunions, or any type of relationship is incomplete or not even available due to mental and emotional chaos.
Above all things, Know thyself!
When the 4 of Wands is thrown during a reading:
- New life.
- Excitement and growth.
- It is the key to spiritual and holistic completion.
- It suggests that the querent is experiencing the completion of something and experiencing the desire to begin something new.
- The 4 of Wands also implies that ideas are firmly established and proved by their flourishing, and it is time to move forward.
- The querent is manifesting a new destiny by acting on a sense of direction, supplied by the inner Self Knowledge that is forming a new identity.
- Here we see celebration and reward after laborious completion of an enterprise.
- Inner fulfillment.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout, it implies:
- Overestimation of one's -self.
- Blasphemy.
- Senselessness.
- Impatience for a fresh start.
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