Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-4 of Disks-Power
#4. From the exhaustless riches of its limitless substance, I draw all things needful both spiritual and material.
I Am Power!

The Notoria Tarot in Light- 4 of Pentacles
4 OF DISKS=Power.…condition of assured material gain, and earthly power completed but nothing beyond (Waite).

The 4 of Disks -Power, is also called the Lord of Earthly Power. The Angels of the Decan are Keveqiah and Mendial. The planet is the Sun and here it is in Capricorn. Depicted on the Thoth Card is a fortress made by the grounding of Chesed (mercy) in Assiah, the Material world. Held by constant authority and vigilance, a type of Law and order holds the 4 Alchemical Elements in balance. Fire (Spirit/Will), Air (mind/Intellect), Water (intuition/emotions), and Earth, are all centered on material security. Material security, once established and hoarded, often means "nothing ventured nothing gained" and becomes a problem of stasis that will be removed by the Greater Spiritual Self (A Tower Moment) to keep things moving. However, for now things look under control and sitting back and enjoying material security seems justified. Here we also have gifts, legacy, and inheritance. With this card, there is also a caveat that is to keep things moving in our favor, we must show gratitude for what we have now, as gratitude opens more doors of opportunity and new abilities.

Astrologically we have the Sun in Capricorn which assures the light and warmth of success but nothing beyond the moment. With Sol in Capricorn, the ancients believed this is the greatest display of solar power that occurred each year as the Sun seemed to conquer death by reversing the southward plunge into darkness.

Western Hermetic Qabalah-Tree of Life-
(The God Molecule)
"Chessed shows the establishment of the Universe in 3 dimensions that are below the Abyss."[Book of Thoth-pg. 213]. Crowley calls this card, "In the Rite of Saturn" and "The Fortress that is upon the Frontier of the Abyss."[See "The Rites of Eleusis, The Equinox (6), Supplement-p.10]

The Sun in Capricorn is also representative of the Rational part of our Psyche now being in total control of creative energy for material wealth; boundaries against change are erected and the illusion of security is enjoyed. Now this feeling of benevolent strength is indeed wonderful, but we must also invest in the motion of wealth into prosperity---so being flexible with your wealth is recommended. The 4 of Disks card reminds us that damming a river can secure water, but if we don't leave room for overflow, we stifle the prosperity all around us for a false sense of security. This easily becomes avarice- blockages of thought and action which naturally follow from excessive devotion to materialistic rewards. However, if the drawbridge of mind is open for "outside" traffic we can do something tangible and take concrete steps towards creating security in the physical world that enhances that security for others as well.
Therefore, when all is examined, this card represents a positive with a caution; a kind of “good for you", that can only keep being good if you expand it to "good for others" as well. That is why the draw bridge is down and the gate open on the Thoth illustration of the 4-of Disks, we must allow flowing change to really stay Secure in our power.

The 4 square disks each contain one of the symbols for the four elements and the walls are strong and immobile. Yet we have the Sun reborn in Capricorn and therefore, a promise of new powerful activity is present, and is best shown as the Dancing Skeleton of ATU/ Key 13 (1 +3=4). What hints at underlying power in the 4 of disks Tarot Card; a power depicted as the orange-yellow color of the card.

Like the eye of a hurricane, the 4 of Disks is the "Dead Center" of the Engineer of all manifestation-Chessed. Here at the center, everything looks quiet and stable, but violent activity is making it so and soon, that stability will "fly to the winds". Capricorn is the center "where the Sun turns Northward." So, the turning is happening in what looks to be stable.

The patient God.
Invocation of Omael: Quoniam tu es patientia mea, Domine: Domine, spes mea juventute mea.
The Notoria Tarot in Light-4 of Pentacles illustrates a wealth of 4 golden circles/ pentacles, each printed with the invocation of this Angel Omael, who sits comfortably in the Tree of Life. The Angel holds a hand up in greeting while transmitting the forces that enable one to harvest the fruits of their labors by exponentially multiply all those seeds consisting of ideas, desires, and feelings, that we have implanted in our carefully analyzed fertile inner soil/self. This fruitful expansion contributes to the Universal Collective Unconscious and thereby, the rest of Humanity. However, material expansion must be controlled, or one may become suffocated by it, with no possibility of further growth or expansion.
Therefore, this image also displays a tight hold on one's belongings, usually because of fear of loss. It's time to ask oneself, "Does this wealth bring a sense of security, of liberty, and achievement or does it bring the thoughts of losing it, to theft or even inflation?" This is something all of us must learn. Here is a test of what the true values of life are. Is it about s/he who possesses the most or is the true value of life that the wisdom learned by in-form-action? knowing that nothing is permanent. Security is not earned; it is an inheritance of the Powerful intellect. Again "Above all things, know thyself" rains true. Hence, "Your presence is enough". But few are truly present as they hide behind a mask of words and false identity while believing that money gives them value. The Truth is money needs us to use it to trade for food, vehicles, houses, and the daily "stuff" of life. Otherwise, money is of no value at all, unless we all cooperate in the illusion. So instead of the poverty thinking of a weak personality, who thinks it "needs money", one should use the powerful intellect given to them by the Creatrix and know that "I AM Wealth"! Those who know that I Am, declares their presence and know that "money needs me to have value". Hence, to seek it is to declare lack, while declaring it as "I AM Wealth", is to enact the Law of Attraction. Therefore, "I AM the Power of Creation"! It's time we allow the Soul/The Solar Self- to have power on earth!
The attributes of this card are listed on the left facing sideboard:
- Angelic seal.
- The original number assigned by the Shem ha-Mephorash: 30; Chorus: Dominations.
- Angelic name.
- Tarot card number and name used in divination: 4 of Pentacles.
- Planet: Venus.
- Zodiac sign: Leo.
- Esoterica as assigned by Eliphas Levi and Alister Crowley: 4 of Disks-Power.
- The Element sign of Earth.
When the 4 of Disks/Pentacles is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is owning their own personal energy, physical potency, and vitality; the very act of which proceeds change.
- There may be a feeling of holding on tightly to what one has, emotionally or physically.
- The enfoldment of Power, here the Ability to Do Work (Power) is unfettered, and the engineer is active.
- The querent is taking solid steps towards creating material security in the physical world.
- Here, "nothing ventured nothing gained" is also the axiom of the 4.
- Imperturbability.
- Creativity and innovative ideas.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Holding too tightly to what you have, and not taking risks of change.
- Blockage of creative thought due to avarice, or excessive devotion to material things.
- Compulsivity.
- Stubbornness.
- Stagnation.
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