Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- 4 of Cups-Luxury
#4. From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.

Mystic Palette Tarot- 4 of Cups

From the Golden Dawn Texts:
“In Chokmah is the Radix of blue and thence is there a blue color pure and primitive, and glistening, with a spiritual Light which is reflected into Chesed. And the Sphere of its Operation is called Zedekiah or Justice and it fashionith the images of material things, bestowing peace and mercy: and it ruleth the sphere of the action of the planet Jupiter. And all is the title of a God strong and mighty, ruling in Glory, Magnificence and Grace. And the Archangel of Chesed is Tsadkiel, the Prince of Mercy and Beneficence, and the Name of the order of Angels is Chasmalim, Brilliant Ones, who are also called the Order of Dominions. The Sephira Chesed is also called Gedulah or Magnificent and Glory."

The Heavenly Human-Adam Khadmon
With such flowery words of Golden Dawn ritual adoration, it is often difficult to realize that Chokmah/Wisdom is part of Your Inner Inheritance as a Divine Image of the Supernal Triangle (in the upper Trinity of the Tree of Life). The Tree of Life, known as the "God Molecule", looks like externalized Beings and/or Sephiroth Beings. Your body is your True luxury, and the 4's represent the 4 Universal Elements combined and/or the Physical world.

The God Molecule- Individual Tree of Life
However, inside of you, and outside of you there is the Plasmic Soul, which is infinitely deep and timeless (nonlocal), you are composed of these 10 Sephirotic "states of energy consciousness". You are your own Tree of Life and therefore, the value of inner-self-meditation and scrying of the tarot cards should be apparent to one who is interested in knowing The Self, who is both Above (Macrocosm) and Below (Microcosm).

You feel like a body, but you are not., the body is meant to feel you, the infinite frequency of Life Energy. You are from the Stars as a being of infinite frequencies of light (Prana in Hindu) that radiate from the Central Sun of the Galaxy; The Light that is Self that runs through the body's nervous system which is designed to feel light/Prana/Chi as sensation.
The body is a sensing device which is necessary for you/energy to operate it in "your name" (I AM-is Your name in the Spirit/ Mind) animating celestial-self in this 4-dimensional world of Time-Space.
Your Psyche/Soul is in the 6th dimension of Tiphareth, and it transmits through time-space to the realm of sensation in which we all have animated installed Avatars. Hence, we have an avatar "sense of self" and are intimate with all that the One Mind and our own fractal copy of Consciousness- Image making ability and/or Imagination.
Flesh is Light's true luxury.

THE 4 OF CUPS-Luxury, in the Thoth Tarot, is called Luxury or Lord of Blended Pleasure. The Planet is the Moon, and the sign is Cancer. The Angels of the Decan are: Hayayel and Mevamayah.

The 4 of Cups is Chesed in Briah, here Chesed, the 4th Sephiroth, often called the Architect, is influencing the unconscious mental realm of Yetzirah. The alternate flow of the Moon is mitigated in Cancer, as the Moon naturally rules in this sign. Changing cycles are still there, but passive, and slow.
With the Moon in Cancer, you are in a state of flux where you are likely to be influenced by the moods and feelings of those around you, and can be deeply affected by whatever environment you are in. It is especially important for those born with the Moon in Cancer to learn to take responsibility for how sensitive and emotional they are and thereby act in rather than react to the environment.

To take this understanding further:
In astrology, when the Moon is in the house of Cancer, it is considered to be in its home sign, as Cancer is ruled by the Moon. This placement is quite significant and brings forth certain characteristics and influences.
Emotional Sensitivity: The Moon represents emotions, and in Cancer, it enhances emotional sensitivity. Individuals with the Moon in Cancer are deeply connected to their feelings and those of others. They are intuitive and often rely on their emotions to guide them.
Nurturing Instincts: Cancer is associated with the archetype of the nurturer and caregiver. When the Moon is in Cancer, there is a strong instinct to nurture and protect. These individuals find fulfillment in taking care of others and creating a secure and comfortable environment.
Home and Family Focus: The Cancer Moon places a significant emphasis on home and family life. These individuals may have a strong attachment to their roots, finding comfort and security within their family and domestic surroundings.
Mood Swings: The Moon is known for its cyclical phases, and in Cancer, there can be noticeable mood swings. Emotions ebb and flow like the tides, making individuals with this placement sometimes appear moody or changeable.
Intuitive Decision-Making: Trusting their intuition, those with the Moon in Cancer often make decisions based on their gut feelings. Their instincts serve as a valuable guide in navigating life's challenges.
Empathy and Compassion: Cancer is a compassionate sign, and with the Moon here, there is a natural empathy towards others. These individuals are often understanding and supportive, making them reliable friends and confidants.
Creativity and Imagination: The Moon in Cancer enhances creativity, especially in areas related to the home and emotions. These individuals may have a flair for artistic expression and enjoy creative pursuits that allow them to channel their feelings.
Understanding the Moon's placement in a specific house provides insights into an individual's emotional landscape and their approach to nurturing and connecting with others. It's important to consider the overall birth chart for a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's astrological profile.

As stated, the 4th Sephiroth, Chesed, is called The Architect; Hence, in this energy state of intelligence, you can design your personality and life as you wish. However, luxury states that you have become "common" to yourself and find mediocrity in your environment.
Being grateful for what you have and what you are, will help change that mediocre feeling and allow you to enjoy your established plenty; thereby, becoming "open-minded", allowing future growth.

Thoth- 4 of Cups-Luxury
When looking at the Crowley/Harris Card, we see the Upper Golden Solar cups overflowing but not the lower, implying that the Pleasure is real but with reservations. The caveat being pleasure but not without some anxiety and discomfort. Here the Luxurious feeling of pleasure is short, and indifference soon takes over and as the multiple stems of the one lotus show, the energy of luxury is divided amongst multiple flows, implying too many diverse issues involved to stay stable.
Since 4 is a "dead end"(matter is also crystalized Plasma) number ending is the only place to go, and action must be taken soon.
Here daily life has become a "common" luxury and therefore, not really appreciated. This 4 of Cups card represents the axiom of " familiarity breeds contempt." Therefore, this card warns of mediocrity.
This is living in apathy is a widespread problem in the United States, where the luxuries of hot and cold running water, pure drinking water, shelters made of the finest materials, plenty of food along with central heating and even central cooling, with 2 cars in the garage, are so common that they are expected as the necessities of life.

Many of us forget or don't even know that 80% of the people on earth don't have hot and cold water, let alone pure drinking water, and a well-built house and let alone a car in which they can snack in all day; 80% can't even snack let alone find 3 square meals a day! We even forget to be grateful for the Earth and her ability to feed us and to provide the organic material that we need to operate bodies in our name as Souls who animate a living form in our own name of "I AM".

Today is the day to thank Gaia, and the Divine Creative for all that you have and all that you are. Gratitude unlocks the doors to creativity and action. So instead of the mediocre and false idea of it being "just another day, like any other", it's time to think "Today, is a great day to be Me!"

Being grateful for the little things makes a great life.

Each of us a Trinity of Wholeness, called- Spirit-Mind-Body. First and foremost, as a Spirit-Mind be grateful for the Body you have!

The Mystic Palette Tarot-4 of cups
The Mystic Palette Tarot-4 of Cups depicts a goddess/creatrix image admiring the plenty around her while lounging in the fertility and luxury of living things. She is holding a universal goddess symbol of the crescent moon, and the swan seems to be holding the astrological sign of Cancer, placing her emotions in safe harbor. Water is also associated with the Divine Feminine and in this image, there is sunlight (fire, Air (sky), Water (pool), and earth (landscape) represented.
A stack of books is placed next to her signifying the eternal wisdom and knowledge of the Divine Feminine. The cups are glass goblets which is also an ancient symbol of luxury, which we moderns take for granted; However, it wasn't very long ago that only the very rich could even afford glass in 19th century Europe.

The Tree looks to be a flowering apple tree, the apple also being associated with the divine feminine.
In the language of plants, a flowering apple tree symbolizes themes of love, fertility, renewal, and prosperity. This meaning is deeply rooted in cultural, mythological, and symbolic traditions:
Love and Fertility: The apple tree has long been associated with love and fertility due to its connection to the myth of the Garden of Eden and its representation of temptation and passion. The blossoms, with their delicate beauty, further emphasize romance and the budding of new relationships.
Renewal and Growth: The flowering apple tree signifies the cycle of life and renewal. Its blossoms herald the arrival of spring, a time of new beginnings, hope, and growth.
Abundance and Prosperity: As the tree matures into fruit-bearing, it symbolizes abundance and the rewards of patience and care.
Spiritual Insight: In esoteric traditions, the apple often represents hidden wisdom or the pursuit of divine understanding, and the flowering tree can symbolize the awakening of such knowledge.
A flowering apple tree conveys messages of potential, beauty, and the promise of fulfillment, making it a rich and multifaceted symbol in the language of plants.

She knows the fix to all this self-absorbed drama of mediocrity is to understand how much luxury life has given us. We are Soul's/Psyches who can dictate any identity of I AM, as ourselves as Life. Then we can "live" that assumed identity and call it "life motion", while still being a Buddha-Soul celestial immortal even while forever emoting energy in our name as a mortal "Personification". Now not only can we dream universes, but we can also "live" (animate an avatar) in that dream as a lucid sensual and therefore, intimate expression of the Psyche and/or the Divine Creative.
As a mind/psyche being able to be intimate with your dream is pure luxury!

All is Mind-I Am. All can be transformed as all is assumed. That is why when we observe a thing, we change a thing to what we "think" it is; not what it really is. We are indeed the most luxurious of creators as we can be and sensate whatever we "think we are" into in-form-action!

It pays to remember, we all belong to each other; Therefore, don't think you are smarter than others, because you "invent" a different world view than they do. If you do, your arrogance and selfish divisionism will turn against you. Each of us creates our own mindscape and call it "life'' yet we are all connected. Be grateful for each other and all that is created. Learn the power of dialectics!
We all belong to each other!

Ritual for Manifesting Luxury in Western Hermetic Tradition
This ritual combines elements of Western Hermeticism, planetary magic, and Qabalistic correspondences to align the practitioner with the energies of luxury, abundance, and refinement. The ritual focuses on invoking Venus (luxury, beauty, and wealth) and Jupiter (expansion and abundance) to harmonize material wealth with spiritual purpose.
- Time: Perform on a Friday (day of Venus) during the hour of Venus, or Thursday (day of Jupiter) during the hour of Jupiter.
- Space: Create a sacred space with luxurious elements—silks, fine candles, and pleasant fragrances (like rose or sandalwood).
- Attire: Wear clean, elegant clothing that makes you feel prosperous and confident.
- Altar Setup:
- Venusian Items: A green or pink cloth, roses, emerald or rose quartz.
- Jovian Items: A royal blue cloth, purple candles, and amethyst.
- Symbols: Sigils of Venus (✺) and Jupiter (♃), created on parchment.
- Offerings: Fine wine, honey, or fruits like pomegranates and figs.
Ritual Steps
1. Opening the Sacred Space
- Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) to cleanse the space.
- Call the four elemental quarters, invoking their harmony to balance the ritual.
2. Statement of Intent
- Stand before your altar, hands raised, and state: "I stand as a creator, weaving the threads of abundance, beauty, and refinement into my life. By the power of Venus and Jupiter, I manifest the luxury that aligns with my highest good and spiritual purpose."
3. Invocation of Venus and Jupiter
Light the green/pink candle (Venus) and chant: "Hail to Venus, Lady of Grace,
Who weaves beauty into every space.
Let your charm and splendor shine,
And make my life a work divine."Light the blue/purple candle (Jupiter) and chant: "Hail to Jupiter, King of Might,
Who brings abundance, wealth, and light.
Expand my reach and blessings true,
Align my path with wisdom too."
4. Creating the Talisman of Luxury
- On a piece of parchment or fine paper, inscribe a sigil combining the planetary symbols of Venus and Jupiter, alongside your name or a personal symbol of power.
- Place the parchment on the altar and sprinkle it with rose petals (Venus) and a pinch of cinnamon or cloves (Jupiter).
As you create the talisman, intone: "By Venus, I draw beauty to my soul.
By Jupiter, I expand abundance whole.
Together they weave, together they bind,
Luxury and grace, to body and mind."
5. Charging the Talisman
- Hold the talisman in your hands and visualize radiant green and golden light flowing into it, combining beauty, wealth, and divine harmony.
- Chant a mantra to seal the energy: "Zohar Venus, Tzadkiel Jupiter, Luxury manifests! Amen!"
6. Affirmation and Visualization
- Sit in meditation, holding the talisman, and visualize yourself living in luxury. See not only the material aspects (fine clothes, homes, travels) but also the feeling of refinement, joy, and gratitude.
Closing the Ritual
- Thank Venus and Jupiter for their presence:
- "Venus, Lady of Beauty, I honor you."
- "Jupiter, Lord of Abundance, I honor you."
- Perform the LBRP again to ground and close the sacred space.
- Place the talisman in a prominent or sacred place where it will remind you of your intent daily.
Post-Ritual Actions
- Align your actions with the vibration of luxury—surround yourself with beauty, act generously, and express gratitude for what you already have.
- Revisit the talisman regularly to recharge its energy.
By combining planetary energies, intention, and visualization, this ritual serves to create not just material luxury but also a life of refinement, gratitude, and spiritual richness.

When the 4 of Cups-Luxury or 4 of Cups card is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- For a time, say 4 wks or 4 months, the querent shall experience emotional luxury, which is the capacity to make other people feel emotionally satisfied, secure and peaceful.
- A period of contentment but this is the edge of completion, and a new vision of love is being seen.
- Thus, there is both the gift and challenge of a fallow period.
- There may be boredom, and apathy with a sprinkling of discontent as the querent awaits inspiration.
- Here there is a type of balance that is caught between the worlds of thought and action.
- Domestic ideals (security, prosperity, emotional wealth).
- Daydreaming.
- Resentment of the entire world leads you into apathy and isolation.
If ill defined by surrounding cards, it implies:
- Possessive inclinations.
- Restricting another person through an excess of affection.
- Loss of balance.
- Restricted emotions.
- New acquaintances and romantic relationships, ambition, and motivation for work, but be careful-this arcana is insidious, you can miss the chance because of self-pity.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you and your prosperity. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010
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Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons Blog.