Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-3 of Cups-Abundance
"...the fulfillment of the Will of Love in abounding joy. It is the spiritual basis of fertility"
- [Crowley-Book of Thoth, pg.,196]
#3. Filled with understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.
(The Pattern on the Trestle board.)

Mercury-messenger of the Gods
The Thoth 3 of Cups is also called the Lord of Abundance. Here Mercury is in Cancer, The Angels of the Decan are Rachael and Yehomayah. With Mercury in the house of Cancer there is an abundant communication of nurturing emotions. The 3 of Cups signifies the influence of Binah in Briah, the Mental/Creative World of Qabalah.

Cancer is the most sensitive of water signs and is under the command of the Moon. Therefore, we have represented Cardinal Water, i.e., Supportive Emotional/Intuitive Consciousness. The 3 of Cups is perfect affinity with Binah, who is Mother of the Waters, Trinity Goddess, of Nurturing emotion, intuition, Imagination, and the "Will to Form" life.

The scene of rushing water, swift and extravagant as it overflows the Pomegranate cups, represents the gifts of Mercury, the pomegranate cups represent the Goddess of Spring, Persephone, as they are considered her sacred fruit. The Water arises from a single cup which denotes the "dark calm Sea of Binah" a characteristic of the Universal Collective Unconscious from which all consciousness springs. She is also seen as Persephone (spring) to whom the Pomegranate is sacred, the seeds representing the many souls of the Universal Collective Unconscious. With the Plenty of Persephone as spring, this card also represents plenty, hospitality, and abundance of Love.

Those who have been following this blog know by now that Binah who is "Will-to-Form", and called Understanding is the fulcrum force that makes imagination a "womb with a view". She is the Will of the Womb of all forms, not the material Womb itself for that is reserved to the action of Chesed the Sphere of Mercy.
Again, the sexing of these forces is limiting and short on insight as they are genderless. Chesed may be Masculine in its expression of force, and yet it is feminine as it receives the Will of Binah and is the architect of her understood creations.
However, here we have the Trinity Goddess and 3 states of Love, Eros (love of flesh), Philos (love of family/brotherly love), and Agapé (Spiritual Unconditional Love) and the only masculine suggestion is Mercury. Therefore, this card can be seen as a menage â trois (3 in a house), with abundant overflowing love.

What may surprise you, is that none of us are the sexual gender of our bodies. We are androgynous Celestial Souls/Psyches, in that we are both receptive (female) and expressive (male); both magnetic (female) and electric (male) and therefore, not looking for a Union as one sexual gender. Hence, our brain, which is a copy of our psyche, is also Hermaphrodite (Hermes, Aphrodite), left side being male and rights side being female. Being a Solar-Psyche (Golden Sun of the Divine Creative) entity, we have inherited great power, "to be or not to be" any gender at all.

However, the body lives in a different dimension (Malkuth the 10th Sephiroth) than Tiphareth (6th Sephiroth-Soul-Psyche) and is an Organic tool, powered by the Electro (male) Magnetic (female)Being who operates and avatar/body in the name of I AM and driven by the DNA/RNA chain of Earth and ET genetic manipulation (Earth is 4.6 billion years old-our DNA/ RNA is being argued scientifically to be over Trillions of years old: Hence much older than earth). The necessity for distinct genders is for diversity, a paradigm that powers evolution.

DNA-The Divine Molecule.
On Earth, diversity must be made manifest for life to move forward, necessitating the "Splitting" up of the Soul into Anima (feminine) and Animus (Masculine), 0=2. Now this splitting up of genders may cause some psychic trauma, for as a spiritually powered Prana animated- DNA/RNA driven tool, the human body is unexcelled in its seeking of companionship and yet still not always successful in filling the hole: A hole that can only be fulfilled when the Anima and Animus of the Soul unite in the human body. Even more tragic for the psyche is the division of your Will to Be One—a force typically beyond the physical and rooted in the unseen functions of the psyche. This division creates confusion in gender and fragments your wholeness, driving you to reunite the anima and animus within yourself (Binah and Chokmah). This inner splitting often manifests as an unnecessary preoccupation with searching for a 'soul mate.

When the soul/solar self divides its androgynous self into two genders, manifesting as either the masculine or feminine aspect, it creates a psychic injury. To enliven the physical form with its pranic life force, the soul requires an energy flow from the 6th Sephirah to the 10th Sephirah, as energy depends on polarity—female (negative) and male (positive)—to move. This flow creates the Divine Lemniscate, representing a whole and unified psyche. However, if the body-soul personality becomes blocked from receiving this flow of informative energy by submitting to an external authority, the resulting void in the heart can never be truly filled. Hence the evil ruling strategy of divide and conquer perpetrated by the Patriarchy/Military Industrial Complex.

However, this "splitting" is an illusion made of "word hypnosis", for we are all quantumly entangled with our opposite. Hence the lemniscate as an image of 0=2 which is also the symbol magicians use for infinity. Since energy flows from positive pole to negative pole, your soul sends life giving energy from itself to the body. So, if your body is male, your soul presents itself as female and vice versa. As a Psyche we are all really both genders and creators of all genders as gender is a mental concept and not limited to physical body organs.


You are obviously a "Will to be" (I AM ME) which is very much a combination of “Will-to-Force” and "Will-to- Form", combined with "knowledge" (I Am-is the Truth of Existence, but what I AM, is always an assumption). So here is a kicker, YOU ARE THE IMAGINATION (I-Magi-Nation), and the Imagined identity of sexuality is totally yours to be. Hence, all of us are Bi-Sexual by inheritance, even our brains are hermaphrodites, and we can become any sexual expression we feel the need to be or are indoctrinated into being, despite the body gender which only identifies the Avatar and not the Real Solar Self!

As you can see in this world of manifestation (manifestation= illusion) this can get overly complicated, as the "splitting" up of the soul anima and animus creates a fantasy that may not match the sex of the body. Also, the sex of the body, and the conditioning of indoctrinated identity, can cause one to be more "rational" (Animus) or more "imaginative" (Anima), causing an imbalance in emoted energy and/or emotions. The Male "will-to-force" energy-in-motion is fiery passions, anger, ambition, aggression etc., while the Female emotions are nurturing, supportive, empathy, caring etc. If balance, the energy-in-motion is a harmonious mix of fire-male and water-female. That balance is what I call the Divine Creative.
However, the divide and conquer strategy of the misogynistic Patriarchy uses media-controlled word hypnosis and slave-religions to install the bigoted racial/social egregore as a faux identity that obfuscates the body-mind-spirit connection so that one can't hear their soul's communication through the noise in their brains.

Identity Imbalance/ a manmade man.

"Image-maker," is what the word Imagination describes, and that dear soul, is the Divine's and your inherited Power as an active Divine Creative. Get out of your identity straight-jacket of words and controlled definition and yell, "I AM Me!" And get on with you, for self- impeccability is what you came to do!

Remember, what we command in this Universe is our own image, making self-identity an assumption that produces our perspectives of the world. Take charge of yourself and stop blaming the environment, or person or thing as blame only gives falsehood your emotional power.
YOU ARE THE WILL and THE WAY OF YOUR WILL (Life Motion/Manifestation). Sure, environment, peers, or issues, may influence, but they only have the fantasy power you give them. What you are is up to your Passionate use of Will, Imagination and your life-motion is merely mental boundary setting (rationale/measurement)! You are an abundance of Will and the Dreamer of Self. The Divine Creative dreams it is you as its active corrective of the Cosmic dream! You are Eros (Flesh), Philos (Mind), and Agape' (spirit). However, Spirit came first and started the whole process.

"The only important thing about importance, is that it isn't important."

Hades abducting Persephone.
Abundant love seems a wonderful thing! However, there is always a shadow (false ego/Self-reflection) cast by the Sun and one must remember the legend of Persephone (one aspect of the Trinity Goddess of Maid, Mother, and Crone) whose sacred fruit was the Pomegranate.

Because she swallowed a few seeds of the pomegranate, Persephone was sentenced to spend a few months in Hades, with her Husband Pluto/Hades, God of the underworld and because of a deal/compromise between Pluto and Demeter/Artemis (her mother who threatened to destroy him) she was allowed to spend the spring months above ground in the world of light.
There seems to be a implied suggestion that no matter how good the things in life which are to be enjoyed, they should also be mistrusted and/or seen with cautionary expectation. Therefore, the caveat here is enjoy the abundance, but don't try to hold onto it. Overflowing abundance can be too much of a good thing.

The myth of Hades and Persephone is one of the most famous stories in Greek mythology, explaining the changing of the seasons. Here's a summary of the myth:
Persephone, the daughter of the harvest goddess Demeter, was picking flowers in a meadow when Hades, the god of the underworld, saw her and fell in love with her. In some versions of the myth, Hades then opened up the earth and abducted Persephone, taking her down to the underworld to be his wife without her consent.
Demeter, devastated by the disappearance of her daughter, searched frantically for her, causing a great famine as she neglected her duties as the goddess of agriculture. Eventually, Demeter learned from Helios, the sun god, that Hades had taken Persephone to the underworld.
In her grief and anger, Demeter refused to allow the earth to bear fruit until her daughter was returned to her. Zeus, the king of the gods and father of both Persephone and Hades, intervened and demanded that Hades release Persephone.
However, before Persephone could be freed, Hades tricked her into eating pomegranate seeds, which bound her to the underworld. Persephone was allowed to return to the surface world, but because she had eaten food from the underworld, she was compelled to spend a portion of each year in the underworld with Hades.
During Persephone's time in the underworld, Demeter mourns her absence, causing winter to fall upon the earth. When Persephone returns to the surface world in spring, Demeter rejoices, and the earth once again becomes fertile, bringing about the rebirth of vegetation and the start of the growing season.
This cycle of Persephone spending part of the year in the underworld with Hades and part of the year on earth with her mother is believed to be the ancient Greeks' way of explaining the changing seasons, with winter representing Persephone's absence and spring symbolizing her return. However, it is also a very good interpretation of part of our soul being manifested as 4th dimensional awake consciousness and 6th dimensional celestial psyche in the "life-death-life" cycle of existence.

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-3 of cups illustrates the 3 graces.
The 3 cups also represent the trinity goddess of maid-mother-crone, celebrating the ecstatic life. *For the participants of the festivals of Dionysus, the god was a liberator. Some even have compared these ladies to the three graces of ancient Greece.

The Three Graces, or Charites (in Greek mythology), were goddesses representing beauty, charm, and grace. They were daughters of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Eurynome, an Oceanid (a daughter of Oceanus, the primordial god of the sea). The Graces were often depicted as three young, beautiful women, usually shown dancing or holding hands in a circle, symbolizing the harmonious and joyful aspects of life.
Their Names and Symbolism:
- Aglaea (Splendor): She represents brightness, radiance, and magnificence, embodying the uplifting beauty in nature and art.
- Euphrosyne (Mirth): She personifies joy, cheerfulness, and merriment, reflecting the delight found in social gatherings and festivities.
- Thalia (Good Cheer): She symbolizes abundance, festivity, and blooming nature, often associated with banquets and theatrical arts.
Role in Greek Mythology:
The Three Graces were attendants of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and they played a role in spreading her charm and allure. They were also closely linked to other deities like Apollo, the god of music and poetry, and Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry, indicating their connection to creativity, pleasure, and celebration.
Artistic Representations:
The Graces were a popular subject in ancient Greek art and later European Renaissance art. In sculptures and paintings, they were typically shown nude or lightly draped, emphasizing their idealized beauty and harmonious forms. Their interlocked poses often represent unity, the cyclical nature of life, and the interconnection of joy, beauty, and creativity.
Cultural Significance:
The Graces encapsulate the idea of balanced elegance and charm, vital to both personal and communal happiness. They remind us of the importance of beauty, joy, and festivity in enriching human experience, while their harmonious nature inspires unity and connection.
The 3 of Cups can also represent the abundance and overindulgence of the Dionysus festival in ancient Greece. For the brief duration of the festival, women, slaves, and even prisoners could experience liberation and freedom, which were usually reserved exclusively for Athenian male citizens. This is what made Dionysus such a popular god in Athens and, also, the reason people worshipped him so extravagantly. Not only did the god give them the pain-ending gift of wine, but he also gave them freedom from societal constraints.
Therefore, the 3 of Cups is also a dance of sensuality, abundance and "party on dude"!

The festival of Dionysus, known as the Dionysia, was one of the most important religious festivals in ancient Greece dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, and ecstasy. The Dionysia consisted of various celebrations and rituals, with the most famous being the City Dionysia held in Athens.
Here's an overview of the City Dionysia:
Theater Performances: The highlight of the City Dionysia was the theatrical performances, which included both tragedy and comedy competitions. Playwrights would compete for prestigious prizes, and the performances were attended by thousands of spectators. Prominent playwrights such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes showcased their works during these festivals.
Chorus and Actors: Each playwright would submit three tragedies and a satyr play (a comedic play with a chorus of satyrs) or a comedy. The performances featured a chorus, which sang and danced between the acts, providing commentary on the themes of the play. Actors wore elaborate masks and costumes to portray the characters.
Religious Observances: The Dionysia was also a time for religious rituals honoring Dionysus. Processions, sacrifices, and libations were offered to the god, and priests and priestesses conducted ceremonies to invoke his blessings. Dionysian cult practices often involved ecstatic revelry, including dancing, singing, and drinking.
Civic Importance: The City Dionysia was not only a religious event but also a significant civic occasion in Athens. It provided an opportunity for citizens to come together, celebrate their cultural heritage, and reinforce civic identity. The festival also served as a platform for political and social commentary, as playwrights often used their works to address contemporary issues and criticize authority.
Social Dynamics: During the Dionysia, social norms were temporarily relaxed, and people from all walks of life participated in the festivities. Slaves were granted temporary freedom to attend the performances, and women were allowed to be present in the theater—a rare occurrence in ancient Greek society.
Overall, the festival of Dionysus was a multifaceted celebration that combined religious devotion, artistic expression, and communal bonding. It played a crucial role in the cultural and spiritual life of ancient Greece, leaving a lasting legacy on theater, literature, and religious practice.

The number 3 carries rich symbolism in both gematria (Hebrew mysticism) and numerology (Western esotericism) and Tarot. Though these systems differ in methodology, the characteristics of 3 in both reveal underlying universal themes of harmony, creativity, and spiritual growth. Here's an in-depth look at the number 3 in each system:
Number 3 in Gematria
In Hebrew gematria, numbers correspond to letters of the Hebrew alphabet, imbuing them with symbolic meaning. The number 3 is represented by the Hebrew letter Gimel (ג), which brings with it unique associations:
Key Characteristics in Gematria:
Movement and Progress:
- The shape of Gimel resembles a person walking or running, symbolizing action, movement, and the pursuit of something higher. This indicates dynamic energy and progress in spiritual or worldly quests.
Kindness and Giving:
- In Kabbalistic/Qabalistic tradition, Gimel is linked to the word "gomel", meaning to give or bestow. This reflects the idea of generosity, kindness, and compassion, as well as the pursuit of justice.
- The letter Gimel sits between Bet (2), symbolizing duality, and Dalet (4), which represents the physical world or a state of poverty. As the intermediary, 3 is the number that bridges these opposites, balancing the spiritual and material realms.
The Triadic Structure:
- The number 3 also refers to the Jewish triads, such as the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) or the three pilgrimage festivals (Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot), emphasizing balance, completeness, and sacred unity.
Creation and Manifestation:
- The number 3 is considered a foundational number for creation, as it combines two elements (duality) and forms a third, thereby symbolizing the manifestation of an idea or entity.
Number 3 in Numerology
In Western numerology, each number from 1 to 9 carries its own vibrational essence, and 3 is a number of creativity, communication, and joy.
Key Characteristics in Numerology:
Creativity and Expression:
- Number 3 is often associated with artistic expression, creativity, and the ability to communicate ideas with enthusiasm. It’s the number of writers, artists, performers, and those whose lives are enriched by their imagination and vision.
Optimism and Joy:
- This number is infused with a sense of joy, spontaneity, and optimism. Those aligned with the energy of 3 tend to be lighthearted, sociable, and able to bring positivity to situations.
Trinity and Balance:
- The number 3 symbolizes the union of body, mind, and spirit. It represents balance in life and the harmony that arises from the interaction of these three fundamental aspects.
Sociability and Communication:
- People influenced by the number 3 often excel in communication, whether through spoken word, writing, or artistic expression. They have a natural charisma that helps them connect easily with others.
Growth and Expansion:
- Numerologically, 3 is about growth. Just as a plant starts as a seed and grows into something new, 3 carries the energy of expansion, both physically and spiritually.
- In numerology, 3 is a number of manifestation, representing the moment when something imagined or thought about becomes real. This aligns with the creative impulse to bring ideas into reality.
Common Themes Between Gematria and Numerology
While gematria focuses more on the spiritual and symbolic aspects rooted in Hebrew tradition, and numerology deals with the vibrational and energetic qualities of numbers, several key themes overlap in their treatment of 3:
- Creativity and Manifestation: Both systems emphasize the role of 3 in bringing ideas or energies into reality, whether it's through artistic creation, spiritual growth, or divine manifestation.
- Balance and Harmony: In gematria, 3 acts as a bridge or intermediary, and in numerology, it symbolizes the balance between different aspects of life (body, mind, spirit). Both see 3 as a harmonizing force.
- Communication and Sociability: Numerology’s association of 3 with communication aligns with gematria’s connection between Gimel and the act of giving or bestowing, suggesting that 3 is a number about connection and interaction.
The number 3, therefore, is a symbol of dynamic balance, growth, and creative potential in both gematria and numerology, expressing themes of harmony, manifestation, and spiritual progress.
Western Hermetic Abundance Ritual.

A Hermetic Abundance Ritual, inspired by the principles of the Thoth Tarot and the Three of Cups (Abundance), would focus on harmonizing the energies of creation, gratitude, and manifestation through the lens of Hermetic Qabalah, elemental correspondences, and planetary influences. Below is an outline of a ritual designed to invoke abundance:
- Timing: Perform the ritual during a waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday (associated with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance).
- Tools:
- A chalice or cup filled with pure water (Note: Pomegranate juice or wine can be used, see below for ritual change)
- Three candles (green, gold, and blue) to represent the Three of Cups and their elemental energies.
- Symbols of abundance (coins, fruits, flowers, or crystals like citrine or pyrite).
- A sigil of abundance or a prepared talisman.
- Incense (sandalwood or frankincense for Jupiter and abundance).
- Sacred Space: Cleanse the space with a banishing ritual (such as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram).
Step-by-Step Ritual:
1. Opening the Space
- Light the incense and say:
“I purify this space in the name of the Divine, that all energies align with abundance and harmony.” - Perform the Qabalistic Cross to center yourself.
2. Invoking the Forces of Abundance
- Place the three candles in a triangle formation around the chalice, with the green candle at the top (active abundance), the gold candle to the left (spiritual abundance), and the blue candle to the right (emotional abundance).
- Light each candle while saying:
- “I call upon the forces of abundance in the Element of Earth (green).”
- “I call upon the forces of abundance in the Element of Fire (gold).”
- “I call upon the forces of abundance in the Element of Water (blue).”
3. Meditation on the Three of Cups
- Hold the Thoth 3 of Cups card or visualize it clearly in your mind. Focus on the overflowing cups, the flow of water (symbolizing abundance), and the harmonious energy of Binah (understanding) flowing into creation.
- Chant:
“Abundance flows from the Eternal Source, filling my vessel with harmony and joy.”
4. Charging the Chalice
- Hold the chalice in both hands and visualize a bright white light descending from Kether (Divine Source) into your crown chakra, flowing into your hands, and filling the cup.
- Say:
“By the power of the Three, the infinite flow of abundance fills this cup, as it shall fill my life. I drink of this blessing, and I share it with all.” - Drink a portion of the water, symbolizing the integration of abundance within you. Offer the remaining water to the Earth as a sign of gratitude.
5. Creating the Lemniscate
- Using your dominant hand, draw an invisible figure-eight (∞) in the air above the chalice while focusing on the balance and flow of abundance through all realms (spiritual, emotional, physical). Chant:
“Infinite abundance flows without end; as above, so below.”
6. Gratitude and Offering
- Place your symbols of abundance around the chalice. Speak aloud three things for which you are grateful. This reinforces the energy of receiving and sharing abundance.
- Offer the remaining incense or water to the Earth, saying:
“May this abundance flow freely to all who seek it, harming none and blessing all.”
7. Closing the Ritual
- Extinguish the candles in reverse order (blue, gold, green), thanking each element for its presence.
- Perform the Qabalistic Cross again and say:
“The circle is open, yet unbroken. Abundance flows with the eternal light. So mote it be.”
Post-Ritual Integration:
- Carry the talisman or sigil of abundance with you as a reminder of the ritual’s energy.
- Maintain a gratitude journal, writing daily entries to keep the abundance energy flowing.
This ritual aligns with Hermetic principles of polarity, energy flow (Lemniscate), and the transformative power of the Three of Cups.

Instead of pure water, pomegranate juice or even wine can be offered.
Using pomegranate juice or wine in place of pure water is highly appropriate and can add deeper symbolic meaning to the ritual, especially when working with the Thoth 3 of Cups (Abundance) and its ties to Qabalistic and Hermetic principles. Here’s why:
Pomegranate Juice:
- Symbolism: Pomegranates have long been associated with fertility, abundance, and the cycle of life and death. In Hermetic and Qabalistic contexts, they can symbolize the sephirah Malkuth (the physical world) enriched by the abundance of the higher sephiroth. The seeds of the pomegranate are a perfect metaphor for the infinite potential contained within the material realm.
- Mythological Resonance: Pomegranates are sacred in many traditions, particularly linked to Persephone and her journey between the underworld and the living world—a story of cycles, renewal, and prosperity.
- Energetic Role: Incorporating pomegranate juice aligns the ritual with themes of renewal and the manifestation of divine abundance into physical reality.
- Symbolism: Wine has a deeply spiritual resonance, often seen as a sacred drink in various traditions, including Hermeticism and alchemical practices. It represents transformation (from grape to wine) and the joyous flow of abundance and life.
- Connection to the Three of Cups: The overflowing chalices in the card can easily be visualized as cups of wine, symbolizing shared joy, celebration, and the divine nectar of life.
- Alchemical Context: Wine serves as a metaphor for spiritual refinement and abundance in Hermetic traditions, aligning with the alchemical process of transmutation.
Incorporating Pomegranate Juice or Wine:
Here’s how you can adapt the ritual with either:
- Charging the Chalice: When holding the chalice, visualize the juice or wine as the essence of abundance, enriched by the energies of the higher realms. Imagine it glowing with golden or radiant light.
- Invocation: Adjust the words to honor the symbolism of the chosen liquid:
- For pomegranate juice:
“By the seeds of life and the fruit of abundance, I call forth infinite blessings to flow through me.” - For wine:
“By the sacred nectar of transformation, I invoke the joyous flow of divine abundance.”
- For pomegranate juice:
- Offering: When pouring the remaining liquid to the Earth or sharing it with others, emphasize its symbolic role as a gift of abundance and unity.
Additional Notes:
- Ensure the choice of pomegranate juice or wine resonates with your intent. If the ritual is for personal abundance, pomegranate juice emphasizes renewal, while wine aligns with celebration and communal joy.
- If you prefer a more Dionysian or celebratory tone, wine would be ideal. For rituals that feel more grounded and deeply tied to the Earth, pomegranate juice is particularly powerful.
When the 3 of Cups is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- The querent may have an outpouring of love and positive emotion toward three incredibly significant people in their life. With an overwhelming desire to communicate such to them happiness and a full life.
- May become clearer about what the querent's feelings and emotion are saying.
- Let the spirit come through and express the joy of being with others.
- A steady and timeless affection is being felt by the querent that is unconditional and thus more powerful and more deeply felt than romantic love.
- Feeling the dance of love, often called the Three Graces.
- A very exuberant joyful feeling of being.
- Extreme joy that can turn to tears.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Harmony.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout:
- Lust.
- Hedonism.
- Raw Sensuality.
- Feelings damned up.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses your prosperity. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010
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Nontraditional tarot blog-Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A., etc.