
Thoth-10 of wands-oppression
In the Thoth Tarot, the 10 of Wands, is called Lord of Oppression, and is Saturn in Sagittarius. There are Angels attributed to the Decan, Reyayel and Avamel. Rather than an Egyptian theme common to the Thoth Tarot (Thoth being the Greek Hermes, who was the Egyptian God who created Hieroglyphs) we have a Tibetan theme. The main 2 wands are images of Tibetan Dorjes (Thunderbolts). Dorjes are attributed to the Kha Dro Ma who are "Tibetan Angels and/or demons" depending on whom you talk to. Nothing new there as the Christians mix up angels and demons as a dogma. However, I personally had a Kha Dro Ma visit me, and she was a very exciting image. These are "serpent headed" women, in other words, the highest state of Feminine Creatrix that controls the spiral frequencies of life/light (energy microwaves that cause forms to live). I hurriedly sketched a picture of her (see below) so I could find out who or what she was. Later I found out she was a Kha Dro Ma, who told me that I had always been "their husband", which means I had to be a Tibetan Tantric in the distant past. She told me it was in the 3rd Century B.C.E.

The Whole of us (the invisible 99.6% and the Visible.4%) is called the "Divine Child" and/or Son (Sun) of God/Divine Creative. The Angels are servants to the Laws of their structure; their motion has been decided for them, while we can break or change the laws of self-identity. We are endowed with freedom of choice or as quantum physicist state, by observation. We are as free as the Divine Creative.
Since in terms of singularity the Law is Love....we can "fall" out of love by our choices. Therefore, angels are ruled by a system, mankind is ruled by his/her own freedom to choose which is a very painful burden to those who don't rule or "Above all things”, know themselves. Hence, oppression of self, starts in the mind of the beholder of self.
The ancient Greeks called us Daemons, (God Men- the Children of Angel and human mating). Daemonic, because like a god, by our own perspectives and observation, we can change reality. The word Human is a combination of the Mandarin word for god-Hu and the Hindu word for mind-Manas. Hence, "god-mind" is the meaning of the word Human.
So, when the inner Soul says to you,"If you wish to speak to me, you must stand." This is not just stating "tough love", it is also a statement of equality for we are made of all the mental, emotional, and spiritual power that ever was or will be-now! After all, we are a Trinity of Spirit-Mind-Body!

In Western Qabalistic philosophy, we are to be the Adam Khadmon, (meaning "Heavenly Human") by inheritance. The only reason you are unhappy or miserable is because you have created for yourself, an unhappy or miserable perspective. You are oppressing your creative power, not on purpose, but because you are using a manmade personality to guide your "heavenly man" rather than the Psyche/Soul made persona, that you came in as a child. But as a child, you were made to reject yourself, by "pleasure-pain" training and therefore, allowing the Patriarchy to build your self-identity for you. It is the identity of a slave. The identity of one who looks outside themselves for happiness as they are taught to "pursue" happiness. To pursue, is to not catch it. The Soul knows happiness, to be you. For you are how the Divine Self can be intimate with creation. I AM Happiness, is the truth of Self. To pursue what you are, is a "fish in the ocean, looking for water". I AM Love, again a Truth of Self. Looking for love, creates a very dizzy fish, swimming around in circles, looking for water.

Once, a long time ago, I was a 12 year old Tibetan child who was standing on a rickety bamboo pier, build on a very muddy river, where I spied a fish's dorsal fin going around and around in circles. I finally realized it was attached to a fish who seemed to be lost. I ask my master, Yo Chen (sounds like) what was wrong with the fish and he replied: "Nothing really, he is just imitating you."
I keep remembering this piece of wisdom, everytime I find myself "going in circles" by expecting different results from the same past thinking and/or perspective. First, declare yourself- as the Change, before you seek to change. To release myself from past oppressive thinking I just repeat: I AM The Will, I AM the Way, I Am the Wealth, I Am the Day! I find I no longer swim in circles.

The 10 OF WANDS-Oppression; is Malkuth in Aziluth and is the influence of Malkuth in the world of Pure Spirit. Where upon the destructive powers of Saturn (Geburah-Severity) are amplified by the swiftness of Sagittarius, leading to selfishly applied material force, and often cruelly. On the Thoth 10 of Wands, the suggestion of the crude club like wands, and the Dorjes (Tibetan spear- like symbols of Thunderbolts) suggests, cruelty, malice, overbearing force and energy that can be injustice.
However, one must understand that a certain amount of energy must be oppressed at all times, for form to exist. Energy must be contained in a "Thought Form" and/or vessel before it can become manifest. Then again, too much oppression of energy-in-motion (emotion) leads to disaster Like electricity, Water or Fire, energy resists this oppression, and will "slip its bonds" at any sign of weakening. Sometimes destructively so.

Often the oppression of our own ability to act, is because of our own self-perspective, most of us tend to be crueler to ourselves than to others, because we often fear ourselves more than others. We can escape this cycle of destruction if we understand that the oppression we feel, is often the Mind being told by the Inner Self, to change perspectives. We feel oppression so we can identify it and act. So let's remember that it's better to pop a small balloon, than an over pressurized air tank and stop oppressing our emotional energy. We are Energy-in-Motion! For that is how the Alive operate. Life is animation; an animation of the Psyche's own self-understanding. It is the Soul's in-form-action!
Therefore, by Often, taking things too seriously, we fail to use the power of mirth that cracks the veneer of perspective, so that we can see beyond our self-made prison of "I can't" or "I have lost". Truth being, "I can’t", usually means "I am afraid to" and/or "I don't want to” and if you have a past, you have loss; however, "I Can't" becomes a statement of low self-value when believed and "I have lost", which we know as sorrow, is because we have motion and therefore, transformation. In our world of measurement, to have is to lose and to lose is to gain anew.....but "anew" only if we let go of the past. So just say," I don't want to" instead of "I can't" and let go of past emotional attachments and get on with your free-motion. Remember, you are not a fish in a muddy river, swimming around in circles, going nowhere because you can't break the emotional attachments of the past.
For as we all know, with impassioned focus, we can accomplish anything. That's the beautiful side of "freedom of choice". So remember to be more magic and less tragic, we are a divine creative, who uses"thought" to oppress energy into form, for creation's sake----including our own, but eventually, because change is the only constant in this energy Universe, that oppression will end whether voluntarily or by emotional-explosion.
Energy will free itself, and move forward.
I Am all the Energy that ever was or will be, and I Am here now!
Now you may challenge this declaration of self, but remember the Tao koan of: "If it is there, it is here and if it is here, it is there. For what is there is here and what is here is there. "
So all I can say to that is "Welcome Heavenly Human". For you are Kether (I will Be) on Malkuth (I AM Being).

Those who are freely changing their perspectives, will find that the once feared transformation we call death, is merely a movement towards another perspective and will experience what the Tibetans call "reincarnation", which is simply expanding and liberating one's personality by change of perspective. By fearing an end, you have one, by not fearing and end, you consciously experience transformation. For fear is oppression. Lucky for the one who this card is thrown for, it is a 10 which is the end of a cycle and the once oppressed energy, will soon be released for well or ill. That decision is up the personality.

tarot of the ages- ten of batons
The Tarot of The Ages-Ten of Batons, is a graphic image of oppression. This is what the Patriarchy wishes of us all, to be enslaved by Ruler controlled identity. This is done by "pleasure/pain" training. "Be what I call good, and I'll loosen your chains but be what I declare is bad, I will make the chains tighter and flay your skin off of your back", says the Patriarchy. "Be what I call good and I'll give you a cookie' But be what I call bad, and you can't have one". Says the parent. "Go against god's law, that those who rule created, and you are a sinner condemned to hell.' However, do as I say, and you are blessed", says the Theocrat. All are how your "brain is washed"of the Real you. In brain washing, (propaganda) the baby is thrown out with the bathwater.
Also, slaves are the only ones who need "saviors". Those who see that they are good enough for the Divine Creative to create in It's own name of I AM, know they are "good enough" to be themselves.

When the 10 of Wands or the Ten of Batons is thrown during a Divination, the Querent may experience:
- Cruelty and malice towards others.
- Oppression
- Injustice and over-bearing strength being applied for selfish and material ends.
- Sometimes shows failure in a matter, and opposition too strong to be controlled arising from the person's too great selfishness at the beginning.
- Ill will, envy, slander, obstinacy and swiftness in evil.
- The explosion of pent up emotions is on its way.
- Excessive pressure.
- Striving to meet a goal or maintain a certain level or position.
- Possibly using authority or power for selfish ends.
When the 10 of Wands or Ten of Batons, is surrounded by positive cards, it implies:
- The querent is being generous or experiencing generosity from another.
- Self-Sacrifice as in the form of oppressing one's wants for another's.
- Disinterestedness in a situation.
- Difficulties.
- Intrigue.
- Duplicity.
- Deceiver.
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helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010
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