Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-ATU XV-The Devil
The Lord of the Gates of Matter; The child of the Forces of Time.

The Mystic Palette-Key 15-The Devil.

On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, The Devil- ATU/Key 15, is the Tree of Life-Path of Ayin (Eye), and it connects the 6th Sephiroth of the Solar Logos, Tiphareth-Beauty with the 8th Sephiroth-Hod-Splendor which is the sphere of Mercury and the intellect. The Path of Ayin is the Twenty-sixth Tree of Life Path and is formative. In terms of Self structure, it is the bridge between The Personality and Psyche; the false- ego and the Soul, in that order.

The solar Self
As I have stated so often before, the Solar Self and/or the Soul, is the Original Individual of the Divine Child of The Divine Creative, i.e. the Sun (Plasmic Solar Self) of the Divine Creative. Note: Although often called the Son of God, this is not a gender description of a species, rather it is an "Energetic one", For the Sun of God is a Celestial Being that sends "solar flares" (Divine Energy and Data) outward as individual expressions of Its own Collective- Self (individuality) throughout the multiverse; from Self into selves (personalities) that circumnavigate as Lifetimes, through the experiences of self-awareness back to Self, i.e. from Tiphareth to Malkuth and back up the Tree to Tiphareth again. Which all works simply fine, if uncorrupted.

We are born Stars in this Universe. Our personal Merkabah (Plasma bodies) becomes our chariot through the invisible planes on "the other side of the Mirror" of reflected light. However, most of us are corrupted by indoctrination, words, and dogma., by the evil of the Military Industrial Complex (from now on the MIC) that creates in us a parasite-mimic we call the "false ego" and/or the "devil within". The Sun of God became the dream of the misogynistic bid for power over woman's ability to create life and later became the popular indoctrination of the dying god, and/or Son of God. This changed the Christian Perspective of the divine female to that of both angel and devil.

The Hebrew letter Ayin Means-Eye (I) and is a simple letter that also Means-Mirth and is shown on the bottom of the Thoth Tarot Devil Card. This letter's double meaning may invite confusion; However, rest assured, that this Path of Ayin is one of the most difficult for western people to understand, for interpretation flies in the face of Dogmatic Christian and/or fundamental cultural definitions that have been applied to the Devil which is another form of corrupted "eye-denity".

There is a division in our I-dentity. When one has been "Pleasure/Pain" trained (indoctrinated) from childhood onward with social pressure, one has developed a weak and/or slave identity of self-victimizing that becomes the "false ego" mind virus, and/or a false identity made for them by some outside "authority". That faux ego is the devil within who is created out of the definition manipulation of the fear-based imagination that is the subconscious/survival ego mind of the body collective.

With the false concept of the Devil the awake consciousness is given surcease for it now can blame all its self-absorbed suffering on some god-like deity that is out to get it; after all the ego is so self- important that it believes the gods fight over it! There is much mirth in this thought. However, this suffering is also supposed to make us holy in the world of Patriarchy/MIC.
Qabalist, Kabbalists, Gnostics, Shamans, Western Magick practitioners and the Thoth Tarot readers know this is bunk. The Devil is just a Patriarchal play on superstitious fear used to control mankind, so they "toe the line" and/or definitions/commands written by "the few who wish to rule the many". That way your hunger, poverty, illnesses, lack of housing can be blamed on a deity rather than the greedy who rule from the shadows of created evil.
To live is to move forward, evolving mentally, emotionally, and physically, to move backwards is a process of devolution called "evil" and/or live spelled backwards.

In Barbra G. Walker's Book [ THE WOMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS] which has been honored by the London Times Educational supplement as 1986 "Book of the Year", the provenance of the word devil is noted as Persian. She states." The Words "devil" and "divinity" grew from the same root, Indo-European devi (Goddess) or deva (God), which became daeva (devil) in Persian. Old English divell (devil) can be traced to the Roman derivative divus, divi, meaning "gods".

Thus, it seems that, from the beginning, gods and devils were often confused with one another. She goes onto explain such enlightening scholarship that I highly recommend this book to anyone who seeks an honest education as opposed to a dishonest indoctrination.

This confusion of gods and devils is also why the Devil card, ATU /Key 15 is a gematria 1+5=6; which is the Christ-Buddha consciousness the 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth. Hence, it is the "unseen" or shadow side of the Sun of God/ Child of the Divine Creative that mimics life in the subconscious and/or instinctual planetary mind.

It is well noted in Hermetic Qabalah, Gnosticism, and metaphysics, that the Gods are creations of the Created and so are the Devils. In other words, they are Imagined as are the boogey man of many cultures. The I AM, imagines the ME. The Consciousness of I AM, is what we call our "waking consciousness" which many people call the "personality" which is an error, for the personality is created by the combination of subconscious reactionary programing and indoctrinated waking consciousness. The ego is the Subconscious. This is easily understood if you know that the word personality came from the Greek root of "persona" which means "mask".

In the context of psychology and metaphysics, both the personality and the ego are significant concepts, but they refer to different aspects of an individual.
- In psychology, personality encompasses a set of enduring traits, patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make each person unique. It's the way an individual consistently interacts with the world.
- Personality is shaped by a combination of genetic factors, experiences, and environmental influences. Psychologists often use various theories, such as the Big Five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism), to understand and categorize personality characteristics.
- In psychology, particularly in psychoanalytic theory developed by Sigmund Freud, the ego is one of the three parts of the mind, alongside the id and superego. The ego is responsible for mediating between the instinctual, impulsive desires of the id and the moral and social constraints of the superego.
- The ego operates based on the reality principle, seeking to satisfy the id's desires in a way that is realistic and socially acceptable. It helps individuals navigate the external world and make decisions that balance their internal needs with external demands.
In summary, while personality refers to the overall pattern of characteristics that define an individual, the ego is a specific part of the mind responsible for managing conflicts between internal drives and external demands. The ego is a component of the broader personality structure. Understanding both concepts can provide insights into human behavior and thought processes.
The idea of ego, id, and the super-ego are not new concepts. The Ancient Egyptian philosophy of the triple soul (Pysche) has been known for thousands of years.
In ancient Egyptian philosophy, the soul is viewed as comprising several aspects, each with a distinct function or role in the spiritual life of a person. While there are variations in interpretations over time, the three most commonly cited aspects of the soul in Egyptian thought are:
Ka: The Ka represents the life force or vital essence of a person. It is often described as the spiritual double of the individual, present from birth and continuing after death. The Ka requires sustenance, which is why offerings were made to it in the afterlife. The Ka is often seen as the essence that gives life and needs to be preserved for the individual to continue to exist beyond death.
Ba: The Ba is the personality or individual character of a person. It is often depicted as a human-headed bird, symbolizing its ability to move freely between the earthly and spiritual realms. The Ba is associated with the soul's ability to retain its individuality and is believed to travel between the body and the afterlife, sometimes needing to return to the tomb to reunite with the Ka.
Akh: The Akh represents the transformed, immortal aspect of the soul after death. It is the "effective spirit" or the "shining one" that results from the successful judgment in the afterlife. The Akh is the result of the union between the Ka and the Ba, and it represents the person's continued existence in the afterlife, often as an enlightened, powerful spirit who can influence the world of the living.
These three aspects—Ka, Ba, and Akh—work together to maintain a person's existence, both in life and after death. The Egyptians believed that the balance and harmony between these aspects were essential for achieving immortality and peace in the afterlife. The "divide and conquer" deception of the Patriarchy, completely divides communication between these triple aspects of self and thereby, weaken the individual "will to be" and become the weakness of " I seek to be".

There is another fact here that may hide from reason, and that is the combination of the words Devi (Goddess)and Lingam (Male phallus), is Divya Linga (Sanskrit word for Divine- lingam) and has also been interpreted by propagandists of Christian past, as the word Devil, which bespeaks of the "Son of God" (Apollo son of Zeus) as the Solar Phallus.

Hence, the Christian Devil is always shown with a metaphoric erect phallic tail and often female breasts to become a besmirched image of the Divine Androgyne. However, becoming the Divine Androgyne manifested is the goal to achieve for the enlighten aspirant. There is also an accompaning Trident, which is a symbol of the "3" aspects of the Soul, and/or Spirit-Mind-Body, Also Shiva the Hindu destroyer god is often shown with a Trident. Much to study here as most of our "knowledge" is propaganda-based misconstructions!

I Am 2 who equal 1

Imagination is the True Mind of Formation. When your Imagination is under the control of outside authority, due to fear of punishment and/or fear of death (fear of sensation), you are bedeviled throughout life and become a "Mind divided", which is a living hell that invites evil and is too weak to fight off the parasitic false ego.

Hence, most of our personalities are profaned by a "mind virus" that stays hidden in our subconsciousness as a false ego and is a kind of "anti- motion". Therefore, if you want to get anything done for yourself, your "I GO", must belong to the True Self, the original I AM, not the trained " I Want to Be" and/or false Identity/Ego.
The Military Industrial Complex/Patriarchy knows that the Personality is imagined, it isn't you, its secret is that the devilish-Wetiko (native American concept) ego has you thinking it is you, for it is a "trickster", mimic, and/or deceiver, viral mental parasite! Making this one even harder to observe in our subconsciousness, is the fact that you can't see yourself through the masks of culture and words. We are all lost in a forest full of words and can't see our own I-dentity through the clutter of false "ME's".

A mind divided
The "Shadow side" of our mind, is the survival mind -virus greed and its fear-based perspectives. It is always telling us, "You need this, or you won't survive" and/or "happiness depends on getting this, that or the other thing"...greed/fear of not surviving, is its fertile ground for this special and most destructive pandemic... an infection that is millennia's old and non-local. Hence, it is not of "time/space" for it is a copy of universal entropy and/or chaos.

The Pattern on the Trestle board

To the Qabalist, the Devil is not viewed as an evil entity (lived spelled backward) and having its own god-like existence. Instead, it represents a special mystery of "anti-life" that must be experienced and understood before we can hope to personally know the Higher Self within our Physical bodies. The Devil is the intelligence that is Master of Manifest form (the Instinctual-Subconscious Mind) that has been corrupted by "Those who rule definition" (media-controlled word hypnosis) and a manifestation of our own fear-based imagination that we meet on the Path of Ayin. Each of us must face and conquer indoctrinated ignorance and fear with Love, thereby turning a fear motivated wolf into an obedient dog of a strong spirit-based ego.

From wolf to dog
The Path of Ayin (Path of "I"), takes the traveler into an understanding that we are entering a transition between the intellect of self-consciousness (individual awake conscious) observing the subconscious and thereby making it more conscious, creating the ability to approach True Spiritual Consciousness (Superconscious). In other words, our Brain, a copy of our Soul (I call the brain an artificial intelligence), is our Devil not by design, but by the very act of indoctrination and fear-based dogma programing that stimulates a dormant "macrocosmic mind virus".
Hence, the devil is always linked with illusion and the moon for the moon has no light of its own but reflects that of the Sun---an outside authority; The Sun being the Christ or Buddha Mind. Therefore, the Child of Goddess/God (Divine Androgyne) of Creation. You began as a Star, your body is your first Pet and how you communicate with a Planetary Mind! Treat it with love, patience and respect.

Trinity Goddess-Maid-Mother-Crone
Because of "fear of death", the Crone (Wise Woman), who is the one that "cuts" the cord of time, and/or ends the measure of form, is often seen as the "devil. Woman is one of the first "Devils" of the Patriarchy and/or Military Industrial Complex (MIC). This is easily seen, in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim Misogynistic Religions (Narcissism), where Woman (Eve) is painted with the "downfall" of man. This is done merely because the Patriarchy (useless old men who rule by subterfuge) wish to control the Womb of Life, i.e., Imagination and your "time" on earth and thereby, control your life as a form of their wealth.

Healing the Mind Virus-by Paul Levy
This is the action of true Evil in this world. However, this "mind virus" of the "false ego", is easily dissolved under observation. When you observe this mimic in your subconsciousness, by "lucid dreaming" and/or meditation, you can simply weaken its hold on you by observation. When light looks at shadow, shadow is gone! The True Light of Your Solar Self will banish the "false ego" just by knowing it exists and observing its operation in the brain.
Remember, a virus has no life of its own, it "multiplies" and mimics life by attaching to a living cell, in the case, of the "devil within"- a living being's subconsciousness. Then your own emotional-mental forces, multiply the "anti-life" within. This amplification shows up as addiction, (smoking, alcoholism, drug use etc..) emotional dysfunction, phobias, psychosis, and all self-destructive behavior---even self-harming. This means we are being "evil" to the very body we cause to be alive as our "self-awareness".
You are Life/Breath, and you create lifetimes by manifesting dreams of Self!

Military Industrial Complex (MIC)

Three Paths lead directly into Tiphareth (your Solar Psyche): THE DEVIL (ATU/Key 15), ART (ATU/Key 14 called Temperance in Traditional Medieval Tarot decks), and DEATH (ATU/Key 13). Now each of these paths represents a special trial for the aspirant; However, each person is not required to travel all three inner Paths.
One way to experience Path Travel is the Devotional Path of the Middle Pillar or Pillar of Mildness, where one need only experience the Path of Samekh (meaning- Prop) or the Art Card-Key14 (Temperance in other decks), leading from Yesod (Foundation) to Tiphareth (Beauty). This is more of a gentle path of the Mystics and demands less mental and emotional introspection from the aspirant.

The Lightning Path of the Divine Creative down the Tree to Malkuth-Manifestation.

The Serpent Path-Aspirant's climb up the Tree of Life towards Divinity.
The Magi's way of following each and every Inner-Path; The Serpentine Path-means, a process of condensing our light that has come down by the Lightning path and/or the I AM going down the Tree of Life, (alchemical-coagulation). The Serpent path is going back up the Tree of Life (Alchemical dissolution); Hence, the acquisition of control over Intelligent Forces which each Path symbolizes, as every Path confers a unique power/ability ("magical abilities" that are Alchemical solution).

Magus and his Muse.

Therefore, a Magus is an active Force of Creation, one who masters Time/Space, the Alpha and Omega, rather than a Passive one who fears its end by trying to avoid thinking about it. The difference here, is that the Traveler of the Middle Path does learn to balance and understand within the Self, the forces of the Thirty-Two Paths, but understanding these conceptual states of conscious energy does not necessarily develop the ability to manipulate them, which is an art necessary in the development of a "discerning Personality of Mercury" by intimate experience of each and every path and Sephiroth. Intimate experience is the Spiritual purpose for the human body that is made in the form of Time/Space measurement and connected to the Inventor of Time....the Imagination!
For it is certain, that data is information, and the only way to enjoy the "idea of Self" and/or Self-Information is to sensualize it and thereby, become intimate with one's own creation of identity. This intimacy is called "experience", and when one experiences information, it becomes knowledge. Knowledge is true mental "power" and is not "good nor bad". There is no other way for the infinite One, who is the Divine Collective of All, to experience individual data as in-form-action. When the Spirit inherits a body, it has its Party On!
Hence, your purpose in life is to be Life and not seek it but rather to create it in measured form as a lifetime of ideas.

Patriarchy's devil (Creating Male Narcissistic behavior)
Now I know that some students of the Occult (hidden mysteries) enter the studies seeking a type of "Raw Power/Authority", hoping to control others by fear and intimidation (Just as the Patriarchy) thereby creating circumstances to falsely avoid personal pain and "doing unto others before they can do unto them" (a Military Industrial Complex moto), to such there is a special place in the Patriarch's deserved hell (hell is a mindscape as is heaven).
Plus, evil doesn't present itself as "looking evil", it is seductive and beautiful. No one would make a deal with a monstrous looking devil. How stupid would that be? Rather, evil comes in a beautiful seductive package, so one doesn't see capitulation as a dreadful thing.

True Evil is a trickster and would come in dazzling beauty.
Such misinformed and seduced aspirants soon learn that if such "False Power Authority" is acquired and then misused there is a devastating price to pay...as the darkness of entropy sucks away your vital life force.
So, there is no question that for the timid, who are controlled by the false ego, the Path of Adoration (religion) is much safer than facing and conquering the temptations of the Magical Path: a path that builds an unconquerable Soul of Solar Power and makes one immune to the "mind virus". A true measure of a person's character is not found in adversity, for most people can handle adversity.
The True Measure of Character happens when one acquires power.

Narcissism is a term used to describe a personality trait or disorder characterized by excessive self-centeredness, an inflated sense of self-importance, and a lack of empathy for others. The concept of narcissism has evolved over time, especially in psychology, where it is understood in both a general and clinical context. Here’s a breakdown of the concept:
1. Narcissistic Personality Trait (Normal Narcissism):
- Self-focus and self-admiration: People with narcissistic traits may display a strong sense of self-importance, enjoy admiration, and often seek validation and recognition from others. This can be seen in a healthy, non-pathological form in people who are confident and value their achievements but still maintain a sense of empathy and connection with others.
- Healthy narcissism: A certain level of self-esteem and self-love is important for mental well-being. In this case, narcissism can help a person set boundaries, maintain their self-worth, and assert their needs in a balanced way.
2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) (Divide and conquer-Profaned Narcissistic persona):
- This is a more extreme and pathological form of narcissism that is classified as a personality disorder in psychology. Narcissistic Personality Disorder involves pervasive patterns of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, which significantly impair a person's relationships and social functioning.
- Key characteristics of NPD include:
- Grandiose sense of self-importance: Exaggerating achievements and talents, believing they are superior or unique and should only associate with other special or high-status people.
- Need for excessive admiration: Constantly seeking praise and validation, feeling entitled to special treatment.
- Lack of empathy: Struggling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
- Exploitation of others: Using others to achieve their own goals or desires, without regard for the harm caused.
- Envy and arrogance: Feeling envious of others or believing that others are envious of them.
- Interpersonal difficulties: Often having troubled or shallow relationships because they fail to empathize and are overly self-centered.
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder often have fragile self-esteem, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and vulnerability despite outward appearances of confidence. They may react with rage or withdrawal when their ego is threatened or when they don't receive the admiration they believe they deserve.
3. Cultural and Social Factors:
- In modern society, narcissism is often linked to social media culture, where there is a constant need for validation through likes, shares, and comments. People may become more self-focused, seeking attention and approval, and less concerned with the well-being of others.
- In popular culture, the term "narcissist" is often used more casually to describe someone who is overly self-centered or self-absorbed, though this doesn’t necessarily mean they have the clinical disorder.
4. Origins of Narcissism:
- The term "narcissism" comes from the Greek myth of Narcissus, a young man who became infatuated with his own reflection in a pool of water, eventually losing his life because he could not stop staring at it. This myth illustrates the dangers of excessive self-love and obsession with one's own image.
- Psychologically, narcissism is thought to develop from a combination of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, such as childhood experiences, parenting styles, and societal influences.
Narcissism is a complex and multifaceted concept. In its mildest form, it refers to healthy self-esteem and confidence, but in its extreme form, it can lead to significant interpersonal and emotional challenges. When it becomes a personality disorder (NPD), it can cause profound difficulties for both the individual and those around them. Treatment, such as psychotherapy, can help those with NPD develop more empathy and healthier relationships.
NPD is another example of the "devil within" and/or mind virus that is a destructive plaque infecting humankind.


The Mystic Palette Tarot-key 15-The Devil.

Rider-Waite-Smith- Tarot-Key 15-The Devil
The Mystic Palette Tarot-Key 15-the Devil displays an image of the devil that is influenced by the RWS Key 15 but leaving out the chained couple. The similarities are the boogeyman image and the fiery somewhat silly horned being that is the devil complete with the apple of temptation attributed to the serpent in the tree of the Garden of Eden.
. However, there are interesting comparisons to the Thoth Tarot as well. This image also shows the Goat of Capricorn, the wings of Chaos, and the Hebrew letter Ain. There are reasons for the lack of "others" in the image. That is because this card emphasizes that the querent is being seduced by the material world. fear of rejection, and physical pleasures and is a personality suffering from NPD. This card implies that we are our own "devil". Even our relationships are based on exploitation of others through emotional manipulation, a personality product of the Patriarchy.

This being seduced by pleasures is a Christian concept of another "god" that just isn't true. We, Spirits, are the ones who wish to experience intimacy with creation and the senses are the pleasures we have incorporated as a Trinity of Self, we are now Spirit-Mind-Body. To an enlightened Spirit, the body is the greatest wealth we can achieve...we Were Plasmic Energy/ Spirit First!
How, silly can you be, believing that a mortal self-absorbed survival thinking thing, can create an immortal impeccable Spiritual Being! The upside-down pentagram on the Rider-Waite-Smith Devil card emphasizes this, for it means "upside down thinking".
Mind is everything, all the rest is just stuff, and of no real consequence. Hence, we don't fear materiality, it is what we play/experiment with. We came down the Tree of Life to be the Sephirotic Demiurge of Malkuth and to experience "Being" as an awake and intimate Divine Creative!

The whole image of body ascending is a false story we tell ourselves, usually as a ploy to keep others at bay, or call others to outside to support our concept of reality. We are taught to endure and suffer through the changes in life and except our plight as just compliant slaves. However, this card tells us to rethink ourselves, relinquish past habitual behavior, and acknowledge you need to make changes and those changes are:
Eros, Philos, and Agape. Love of flesh, love of family or brotherly love, and love of spirit.

We are ignorant of the fact that we began as the Sun-a celestial psyche, and all observing "I", observing these things, i.e. the "sleeping Divine creative" and/or the Universal Collective Unconscious. The Awake-Consciousness is now our domain; a domain of the Awake Divine Creative who can stand outside the dream of self and thereby, analyze and transform it.
We are the maker of choices, not some outside authority although we often feel sorry for ourselves and transfer the responsibility for choosing to another person, place, or thing as a scape goat (Goat like image of the Thoth Card, and Mystical Palette Devil Card or the goat horns applied to devil images), which allows us to avoid our responsibility for the choices we make.

The chains around the neck of both Rider-Waite-Smith card images represents how easy it is to find blame outside of ourselves, forming crutches that hobble our forward journey into self-awareness. The false ego demands that you look outward, not inward where all reality is created. Therefore, the devil represents a false ego tossing away manifested opportunities that are veiled by blind denial of self-responsibility. The False ego depends on you not observing it as a parasite built by your own profaned creative power.

Ignorance, falsely touted as knowledge, is the only way for an outside ruler to rule your inner awareness. For example, it happens that before propagandic dogma, "Witches" was an old English term for "wise woman", which the myogenic Christian church's propaganda change to condemned woman who weren't compliant and dared to read books/seek knowledge. Remember, in Christian/Jewish/Muslim fundamentalism, we are told a story of woman as the temptress that caused the fall of man by eating a "fruit from the Tree of Knowledge" and seducing Adam into eating it with her. Besides simply being blamed for the narcissistic behavior of men, she now became evil because she sought knowledge; woman was not allowed to think for herself.

Wise women usually were the mid-wives, herbalists, healers, and woman emancipators of their time. However, one must remember that according to biblical Christian Genisis, woman's eating of the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEGE caused human- kind's sinning downfall. Hence, knowledge was seen as evil and "outside" of Christian dogma. Ironically, this makes ignorance good and produces only bigots and fools. Dogma is not, nor ever has it been truth nor knowledge. and Lilith, the first wife before Eve, didn't suffer fools. Eve is the compliant and/or fallen woman that lets fools rule her womb (the apple is a western symbol for the vulva---cut it in half and see why)!

The very act of killing and torturing wise women for having or seeking knowledge proves this. The true Devil is a creation of fundamental dogma. The serpent in the Tree of Knowledge (that tempted Eve) is now obviously seen as the profaning of one seeking enlightenment rather than the serpent path of knowledge up the tree of life. The combined serpentine forces of feminine and masculine (frequencies) are easily seen as our DNA (God molecule). Hence, we are taught that we are seduced by the DNA molecule, and it has bound our spirit. We are of the Solar Source that created this molecule by the exhalation of thought, to establish life throughout the Universe.
The word spirit comes from the Greek Word Spiro meaning BREATH OR TO BREATH, because you are the breath of your body you are the Pranic (Hindu for breath)/Plasmic force that makes it live! You are the mighty Spirit that makes that being of organic manifestation Live! Hence, you job in the universe is to establish and expand life.... not fear it!

Both the Mystic Palette Tarot and Thoth Tarot Devil let us know that the "gods" are a creation of the created; as are the "boogey man." The Chains on the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) Tarot and the Serpent on the Mystic Palette Tarot images also implies that we are all quantumly connected in the timelines of Universal Energy and radio frequency of "thought", and the Universal Collective Unconscious, not to any authority we fear the most. When one has cut the "chains" of cultural egregore-controlled fear and/or racial fear, they are released to a world of "I AM Love". For behind the razzle dazzle of forms, is the Great Creatrix who fully loves, without condition, her Children/Forms. But blinded by fear, a child can never see its mother and a person can never see their Divinity.

Key 15-Devil -Mystic Palette Tarot

THE DEVIL represents Raw Power/Passion (Mars/Aries) without empathy, it is the Force that brings about the transmutation of THE TOWER (key16) and is in the sign of Capricorn also shown as the Goat or Goat like image on the Thoth Tarot, Mystic Palette, and Traditional Tarot like-Rider-Waite-Smith. Also, the symbol of Capricorn is where Mars is exalted. Capricorn is a weighty, even blind sign of earth and symbolizes the highest and lowest states of individual personality.

Yet it is considered a sign of initiation, or release from matter-formed limitations. These material limitations are suggested by the astrological rulership of Capricorn by Saturn, the Planet of Binah (Cronos), The Great Maid- Mother-Crone, which governs the limitations of form, produced by the measurement of Time/Space. These limitations are of the enclosure of matter and/or timed by using the artificial system by which we meter and enclose all activities. Here it is known that one must know darkness, to know light. By observing our inner darkness, we become the Solar-Spotlight of Observation, which banishes darkness just by focusing on it.

Thus, THE DEVIL also represents the average person's misconception of "reality"; a perceptive belief that the material eyesight and/or the sensual condition is "Real". The Qabalist knows the physical-material world as the "1%" world and realizes that the other invisible ”99%” (often called "the other side of the Mirror") is the unseen Real, for it is in the invisible realms of mind that all is created; All is Mind. This misconception of reality is symbolized on the head of the Horned Mystic Palette Tarot as cataract covered eyes and RWS Devil, by the upside-down pentagram on the entities head. The upside-down pentagram indicates delusion as our ideas of spirituality and reality are upside down as it is positioned over the "Third Eye" of Inner Sight/the One I-sight of the Soul that becomes divided into body senses. For "to hear," is another way to see, "to smell", is yet another way to see, as "to feel" is yet another way to see and this also holds true for "to taste".

The "third eye", the True I-denity, is shown on the smirking Goat image of the Thoth Card. The goat smiles because he knows a hidden truth. That truth being, he is yet another Identity of Self, imagined and created out of your inherited wealth, healthy or profaned i.e., the Imagination/image-making power of the "Inner-Womb with a view".
Hence, the total misconceptions of Life based on fear, is what card implies. The Subconscious fear of Death, which has been profaned by indoctrination, generates the dark evil boogeyman that lurks in the labyrinth of our subordinated minds. Here is presented the profaned belief that death is a punishment, when in all reality it is merely a transition from one state of energy to another and/or Transformation and holds no fear for the immortal Self/Soul.

If there is a punishment in the Universe, it is from our own thinking. Being punished holds no fear for the non-sensual Soul, only the assumed intimacy of senses can fear pain and punishment. In other words, justice as "punishment", a profane belief, is not dealt out by the supernatural, but us. As a divine creative with a body Avatar, we become sensual and/or are intimate with our own thinking and find the Lord of Mater, is the subconscious animal mind; something of whom we were never intimate with before we made one live.
Now we have intense intimacy with thought and think we have become bound by sensation, yet another new experience, and find that sensation clutters up the "self-awareness" with fantasies of fear and pain, this is even more so with the presence of the "false ego" mind virus. Those who think they rule identity by controlling definition, take great advantage of this "fear of death" and hold a faux authority over the fearful stimulated by media sponsored emotional/mental enslavement of threats, of loss, of discomfort, poverty, and death. Hence, only the enslaved fear punishment from their dark masters and seek a "savior".

The Sun of Goddess/God, the Divine Creative, knows there is only love in creation, and spirit is the Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed. Hence the identity of "ourselves " really lives in the splendor of light and knows the flesh as a partner in knowledge, not a profaned boogeyman- viral program.
The misconception of reality is symbolized in two ways on the Thoth Deck-THE DEVIL card; the smirking mouth and the Goat represents the humorous figure of the childhood nemesis the "Boogey Man". Rather than show the Devil as some demonic netherworld god like the medieval dogmatic belief, the Thoth Tarot cards emphasizes the knowledge that our belief in the illusion of matter (Matter is only .4% visible as our bodies are 99.6% space!) is laughable while also implying that laughter is a humorous approach to our lives making it less serious and/or Dramatic.
Whimsy and/or humor is a tool that will help our consciousness to transcend the illusion of "thinking it to believe it".

Mirth is the first great corrective and helps us not to take our perceptions of the material world seriously, which only means "fearfully". It is necessary to remember that all image is imagined for all is Mind. Truth is "I AM'" which denotes existence; what I AM is thought of and therefore, is assumption. Hence, The Devil Card cautions us not to believe everything we think, for thought is our invention, not our inventor! To laugh at bedeviling thoughts is to take away their power.

Shown on the forehead of the Thoth Goat, is a bunch of little blue flowers. These are called forget-me-nots, implying that the survival thinking of the physical body is based on "fear of rejection", i.e., forget-me-not! The Root and Trunk of all Fear is Fear of Death, fear of rejection or abandonment is a branch of that Tree. Fear of rejection produces all the "Drama Queens" that we see made famous by media, by cultural peer pressure, etc. Death is just "a concluded measurement", not an end to "making measure", for we are the Children of the Divine Hermaphrodite, and our inheritance is Creation itself!

It pays to note that the Survival Mind of the animal, is our subconscious Devilish tempter (faux ego) when infected by the "mind virus" that tricks us into believing we are as Moons who are at the mercy of Forces rather than the Magus (The Sun) who manipulates these forces.
The Wisdom of the ages tells one to not believe in the Christian Devil. That the darkness within is merely our fear-based thinking initiated by the survival mind of the biological brain that is stimulated by imaginary bogeymen created by those who wish to rule our imaginations. The Patriarchy/MIC knows that by ruling another's imagination, you rule another's identity and thereby, make it work for the Ruler's Creation Fantasy; to control your "ME" means to rule your I AM! "I" is identity, AM is mind, and ME is created as "self-expression" of the I AM. Hence, "what I Am" is always assumed, and therefore, a story we tell ourselves. Tell yourself a greater story: "I AM Life and all I see is another way to be Life!" This thought helps destroy the "mind virus's" influence on your subconsciousness.

The world is not all "about red in tooth and claw".

The Law is love-Love under Will!
These delusions of mental weakness are shown in Traditional Tarot, as a dark and unwholesome nightmare apparition of a predator, chaining (enslaving) us to Earth. Hence, the Shadow Side of our mind is our fear of fate, forces, and other states of enslaved thinking, brought on by our fear of pain, death, and rejection, all profaned by the "false ego". Also, the limited physical sight, rather than insight, can be the bogeyman creator that keeps us from exercising our free Will- Spiritual Power, as we constantly react to the environment as prey, rather than the spiritual act of acting in that environment as one in command of Self. This is the Trick of profaned sensuality, it makes us believe only in reaction as reality rather than the Willed Action, which makes the "Real of things".
Spirit is action, the body is reaction.
Our Action must control our reaction if we are to exercise our Divine Freedom of Choice. When reacting to others, we choose to be ruled by them and spend our lives trying to appease them or profane them as "enemies" while we are in a constant state of fear of rejection (as is the Virus). We become lost in the realm of being a victim (prey) of our environment, rather than the Emperor/Empress of command in our own physical environment.
There is a message here, all though subtle and that is to never reject the predator/ survival mind of yourself, know it and love it for its instinct is well developed after millions of years. By observing the "mind virus" that attacks your subconscious, you should willfully free yourself from fear. On earth, organic life eats itself to stay alive, this recycling is how it mimics immortality.

Love domesticates the "lion within" while banishing the "devil within", and that way your predatory nature becomes a loving and aware self-conscious mind, rather than a fear based devilish ego that strikes out in anger at the environment and at others because it only see's nightmares on a film of word hypnosis sponsored subconscious projection. We are the Sun/Son of the Divine Creative, we shine and radiate our presence no matter how many clouds are in the environment, "others" don't dictate to the Sun/Son how to shine...the Son/Sun decides that!

Intellectually the "Devil " Tarot indicates a state of mind that is a source of forms, a mind of measurement and appearance of relative existence and is the necessary intellectual means of reaching the Christ-Buddha consciousness that is Tiphareth, the 6th Sephiroth-Beauty-The Divine Androgyny on the Tree of Life. For without measurement, there is no self-awareness and therefore, no discernment, and/or no space (space is a measurement in between point A to point B). That is why this necessary state of mind is also called the "Lord of the Gates of Matter and the Child of the forces of Time" (From the Emerald Tablet). The Devil/Subconsciousness then is both Tempter and Redeemer.

He is also described as the "Prince of the Powers of Air", indicating that this state of energy conscious is mediating in the flow of Astral currents; Air being understood here as being the whole of Yetzirah, the Astral Plane of Mind which controls the ebb and flow of Matter by the process of "rational" thought. Thought being the first material Imagination (Womb Intelligence of the Mind) uses to begin the process of "formation". Hence, in Yesod exists our Divine Hermaphrodite (Hermes and Aphrodite as one being) and/or Divine Androgyny before the illusion of separate sexes. Yes, illusion because our brains are both male and female, hence, hermaphroditic. Therefore, what we imagine to be separate, this isn't so in reality.

Therefore, the inner Path of Ayin (Path of I) confers the ability to bring the upside-down pentagram indicating "matter's rule over spirit", right side up. Right side up, the pentagram indicates the Spirit's rule over matter, which is another way of saying, the ability to reverse the currents of mental life. This process begins with the intellect of Hod (Splendor) and leads into the intuition of Tiphareth (Beauty).

Thus, Dr. Paul Foster Case in his text -The Thirty-Two Paths to Wisdom, calls the Devil the Renewing Intelligence. The Qabalist understands that only through the forces of the Devil/Profaned Imagination and our right understanding of them, can we come directly to the Higher Consciousness of the Son/Sun of The Divine Creative.

It behooves us to remember that the word manifestation means to create illusion, and while manifestation is the necessary means to create the illusion of earthly form and therefore, measurement for the infinite Soul/psyche to pursue its experiment of "Self-Awareness", it is the "dissolution" of these forms that is essential to the Path of Return. We don't come from earth; we have come to earth as a solar/heavenly being.
To the Qabalist, "dissolution" means analysis which is precisely what we apply when we intellectually separate the component forces and forms of the Universe and ourselves into 22 paths on the Tree of Life. By first conceptualizing these component parts and then reintegrating them through our understanding of their operation, we can Return to our Divine Inheritance and/or True Self in an intimate way and powerful way.
The Astral light (Akashic fluid, Odic force, etc.) is manipulated for whatever purpose, through an understanding of the Devil which is a "Great Magical Agent" (Eliphas Levi) for the processes of alchemical manipulation, as to dissolve, to consolidate, to quicken, and to moderate. This is dissolution, re-integration, activity, and grounding which can be described as Fire, Water, Air and Earth.

Letting some "outside authority" control your identity blocks your true sight.

The Thoth Tarot Card is more Arcanely complex than the traditional Tarot cards. This is because, as Crowley stated, Key 15 represents, "creative energy in its most material form", and as "Pan Pangenetor, the All-Begetter "rather than some child's bogeyman the "All begetters mimic".
Crowley's goat is Pan standing on the highest mountain-top on earth, against background of the exquisitely tenuous, complex, and fantastic forms of madness (mind virus). Between the legs of the Thoth Goat, is the wand of the Chief Adept and all is in front of a Phallus and two testicles, implying the Universal "All-Begetter" (The Divine Creative side of Imagination). On the Thoth Devil card, the tip of the male organ is outside of the card, implying it is in the "Greater Heavens" (Abyssal Womb), while the testes contain the bound-up forms of manifestation.

The Thoth and Mystic Palette Devil card asks us "Who controls your identity? The Useless Greedy Patriarchy of old Men, a "mind virus" parasite-mimic or your unprofaned Sun of Self as I AM?
- Materialism.
- Material Force.
- Sometimes obsession. (Especially if thrown with the Lovers card).
- Upside down thinking, where the illusion of fear rules your thought, and one thinks that "everything bad happens to me".
- Not seeing the forest through the trees.
- Living in your own illusion of suffering and being obsessed with pain or fear thereof. Such as a hypochondriac.
- Needing mirth in your understanding, as you are too serious. Time to laugh at your assumptions.
- Needing more action and less reaction in your life.
- Perception of the true, complete self.
- Suffering from the veils of word hypnosis.
- Having an emotional concept of a 9-year-old self-absorbed child.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Fateful entanglements.
- Self-destructive drives.
- Dark powers.
- Collective hysteria.
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