Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- ATU XI-Lust
To those of magic, lust is not obsession with the opposite sex. It is obsession with being complete. It is the luster of Will- that ejaculated this universe of I AM Energy into Self- manifestation in the womb of “To Be”. It is the indivisible creative strength of I Am The Divine Image/Child that radiates through us, outward, as a Sun of creative passion that restores life in the dead. Therefore, even in the most imposed mundane indolence, we can dance!
-1988 speech on "enfleshenment"-Eli

The dark santa muerte Tarot- Key 8-Strength

The Chakra-Tree of Life

In this world of the Military Industrial Empire, which dominates by indoctrination, by propaganda and dividing and conquering through dogma and media, we have forgotten our Lust for being by dividing our spirit and mind from our bodies; as if spirit was an achievement rather than the harmonic spiral of energy animating us and/or our higher mental-nature into a material masterpiece. Because of this divisionism we have become automatons of our environment who are reaction instead of the powerful positive active expression of I AM ME. (whole spirit)who changes environment by the strength of Will and the powerful Lust of Being that began with Kether-Eheieh (I Will Be!). This card represents the powerful purpose of the Divine Hermaphrodite-Immortal Being that is our Soul, before our identity was lost in the a Paper Mache' mask of pasted on words.

Thoth- atu 11-lust
On the Thoth Card, the Scarlet woman and/or Red Goddess is shown with the Grail held high, filled with the "Scarlett womb" energy that is the primal force of Life and/or "The Cleansing/Purifying Blood of The Great Mother". The High Priestess (key 2) is seen riding the Lust for life that is all around us, through us and is us. The anima, (female) and animus(Male) of Earth species, that are assumed as separate, are the many sainted faces of life that all are under the leadership of the Active Goddess. The Lust Card represents the Universal Principle of Passion, awareness and aliveness! This is the powerful self-esteem, with the strength and the courage, necessary to acknowledge the inner convictions of the Inner I AM, so necessary to manifest as the Passionate Creative-Self. Deep In all of us is this irresistible strength of Spiritual Will ; this Divine Frenzy of I Am Me!

The Sufi Whirling Dervish
The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot -Key 8-Strength, is done in a similar style, yet very different than the Thoth Lust Card. The Scarlet Woman is still there, entwined with a serpentine being of eternal flame (Kundalini), that metamorphose into Lord Python, the First Husband of Greek Myth. However, instead of prying open the mouth of a lion, as in the tradition of Tarot, such as, the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot -Key 8-Strength card, she is the First Wife image of Lilith, in vigorous dancing which creates frequency/vibration (serpent) in the Mind Stuff of Time-Space (Vigorous dance is an essential part of Voodoo and Sufi rituals). The Power of this card comes from Courage (from the Latin-cor-meaning "heart") that comes from the Soul and/or "heart" to tame the predator in mankind with the love of vigorous motion. We are beasts of our own passion, She comes to us so that we become Saints of Divine's Passion, which is fulfillment of the Universal "I Will Be' (Eheieh)! Here the Sun of God, is Christened in the Homo Sapien Sapien by the inheritance of Greater Self as vigorous Life throughout the Cosmos. Here, Strength speaks of moral superiority, complete confidence in self, vigorous energy, spiritual independence, and determination.

The Strength/Lust-Key speaks to us of the power of Love and how the impulsive, animal self is embraced and soothed in the softness of the feminine Yin, and/or Anima-Spirit. Hence, inner strength is much more about empathy, gentleness and grace than brute force and ferocity. The Sexual nature of Spirit is not the fierce and aggressive sexual nature of the animal. Rather it is the loving union of all as One I AM. Spirit intercourses with us as Love, for it is Above, Below,In and Outside , AS US.

Rider-Waite-Smith, Key 8- Strength

However, in most of us, the Divine-frenzy is suppressed as we are divided against ourselves and devote the creative power of lust to good and bad emotional Patriarchy-indoctrinated-creativity or lack thereof, resulting in division of forces and unable to call upon the inner power that cleaves us from our chains of fear based reactions. Therefore, creating indoctrinated self-imposed slavery which creates maddened animals that strike out at each other. We are born to be the Children of Divinity dancing as the active images of Goddess and God and/or The Divine Creative, whose self-expression is "Being"-I AM ME! To Crowley, the Lust card replaces Strength, for it is more about the Love of Vigor, rather than suppressing the vigorous courage of the predator to move forward, a motion stopped by indoctrinated passivity. Here passion is presented as the Love of Being, not "trying to be" and/or "wanting to be",in a world of words and illusion.
When this card falls in a reading, it means that you are in union with or you should be listening to, the passionate roar of I Am that resides in your very essence of soul in order to find the bliss within that radiates you as it’s very creative and unashamed material representation of the Greater Self. We live now! We are not to be "wanna-be's" who are the faux life of the past, hoping for a pretend future, therefore, not living the truth of today's passionate expression of I Am Me! Our definition belongs to no one, not our environment, not our parents, not our rulers, and not our theologians –our definition belongs only to our passionate creative self as the Divine grant of “freedom of choice”. Divinity, not a mask of "Words", gave you the right to define yourself as an image of the Supreme Being (Qabalah tree of life). Peer pressure, culture and language is not your definition!

We see in the Thoth Tarot card the universal myth known as "beauty and the beast". This key and/or the 19th Path of Teth, represents the Beauty (Tiphareth The 6th Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life) that is represented in all of us a Soul built of combinations of talent, gifts, and creative resources from inherited Divinity, which can quell our body's bestial natures. When our Spirit, Mind, and Body are in a balanced combination of movement and repose--we manifest Divine Beauty. While the divided, play only a tune of discord, the undivided are a melody of Creative joy. The Spirit, I AM, daily kisses the body awake with the Divine Love of Being. This is Lust as Crowley states: "Lust through the joy of Strength exercised".

The multi-headed lion represents the beasts within which Beauty has tamed to do her creative biding, thus transforming the lion head into "the heads of the Saints" (Crowley). She expands and liberates the living from their past bonds of survival thinking onward to greater achievements of courageous and vigorous creation. Our word Lust comes from the root word Lustre which is radiance. We cannot shine if we are not in our strength which becomes divide and therefore weak because of our ignorant fear of the survival mind of the "beast within". Inner Strength is steadily weaken by daily divisionism, as we keep chopping pieces of ourselves to "fit in" until we are unable to radiate our purpose on this earth. Beauty (The Sun/Son of the Divine Creative) created the Soul that is our true "us" to radiate ourselves into the movement of vigorous life! We all have much more purpose than we can see in a world of slaves and masters! The Qabalist knows that Strength and Lustre are inseparable partners in creation.

This lust to be; this strength, can easily demonstrated as the inner power of a soft and spongy mushroom as it pushes through hard concrete as if this hard surface was mere soggy tissue paper. In all of us lives this quiet manifestation of strength that can push through what seems to be imposing hard blockages to a "fleshy being". It's time to recognize that the body isn't your strength, it is your Soul who like a roaring star, transforms material worlds by making a manifestation present. You are the Light that operates the Organic material you "think" you are.

The Thoth Deck LUST card, ATU-11, replaces the traditional STRENGTH, card which is Key-8 in the old Tarot Decks. Strength is key 8 in the Triple Goddess Tarot, Golden Dawn, Rider-Waite-Smith, Spiral Tarot, Haindl Tarot and Manara Tarot Decks, to name a few. So it may be confusing when I place it in the Path of Teth (path of the serpent), which is normally called STRENGTH-Key 8 (The Golden Tarot, goes along with Crowley's numbering as Key-11). As I stated, I agree with Aleister Crowley's expansion of the STRENGTH card, into the LUST card, because it is the Passionate Vital Force of Universal Self-Construction, "the motion within the movement" of everything and the indivisible strength of I AM. Lust is the Passionate expression of the- I AM as Two (0=2), the I-phallus and the Am-womb, who then Join to become One Passion that creates all, and is in all of us, i.e., The Active and Passive force of Kundalini, and/or of the Lion-Serpent 11=1+1 and/or 2). This lion serpent is shown as the "Holy Serpent" tail of the beast on the Thoth Card. It can also be called "Serpent theory" instead of the Quantum Physics "String Theory", where every particle has a serpentine string of active, vigorous energy with in it. In other words, there is within all, vibratory strings of Vital Fiery strong atomic Will to Force manifestation. The Hindus call it the sound/vibration of Aum or OM.


Thus, Lust, where active and passive forces come together, seems a more appropriate understanding of the underlying "motion" of Life. The Kundalini, or Fiery Lion Serpent is the vital aspect of Life Force, which in manifestation, is duality of passivity and activity. Kundalini is known as the Sacred Fire, when in its active phase, purposely unleashed by Willed dedication which is another way to say "courage". However, like a "wild beast" Kundalini is dangerous to the untempered and/or unprepared. Therefore, let your Soul decide when to trigger this "Hot Whirling Star/Serpent force" within and don't listen to those who say they can show you the way to "open' this Dragonish Dynamo. You, must have all your "ducks in a row", a total communion of Spirit-Mind-Body, before such Vigorous Motion can be applied to the form. Above all things, know YOURSELF!

The Thoth UNIVERSE -ATU 21, is the completion of the LUST CARD, and you'll see the Woman figure riding the Lion Serpent on the Lust card, dancing with the Serpent Force in the Universe card, as she is shown in the Dark Santa Muerte Tarot -Key 8 Card. Both illustrations are "veils", concealing creation principles, though at different ends of manifestation. LUST is the beginning of the Microcosm and THE UNIVERSE is the completion of it. Both of these cards are of that which is Womb, at the Highest Level, the womb-man who has tamed the Lion-Serpent and the womb-man who dances in space surrounded by the Cherubim of the four elements are both expressions of that which is the EMPRESS- Key 3. So once again, we are reminded that this is a very powerful path. Those of sensitive self-absorbed psyche, will be profoundly affected in the negative as they fear life's transformative motion must avoid exposure to this vigorous energy. One must appreciate the fact, that this Path of Teth (meaning- serpent), Lust Card, is a statement of methodology; whereby the Will controls the Vital Life Energy, not the ego, and if we are of divided will, this energy will empower what we "will the most" and if that is "emotional dysfunction" and/or fear based identity, we will crash and burn with vital energy going to "self-destruction".

We must also remember, that the word Power, means "the ability to do work" and our body. If the body is loved as a master Craftsman loves and adores one's favorite-tools, the body becomes the manifestation of the Souls- Will- to-Power- and/or be Present in this dimension of crystallized energy as a Master Craftsman; a power to weave our very own Vital Life Force into our own masterpieces of movement and repose! So let us all ride the “Lion Serpent” or Inner Dragon/Sun, with the powerful presence of loving companionship and control that promotes shameless presence! With this "fire within" we can resurrect our Divine Identity from the ashes of slavery. That is the power of TAROT.

Love your fiery wings!

This is the Divine Frenzy that obliterated "Alone" (0)and split into 2. It is an Self-annihilation, of 0 is also the process of becoming 2, Will to Force and Will to Form, the I and Am, who then become the Dragonish expression of Frenzy and Form, when the Red-Babalon (Crowley’s spelling for purposes of Gematria) unites with the Golden Fiery Force of the Solar Husband, the offspring are Beautiful Celestial Children.

All about us on Earth, in pictographs, statues, and written word do we have proof of being genetically modified Organisms derived from Galactic/ Angelic/DNA splicing from "Those who from the Sky came", known to Sumerian's as Annunaki. This Angel- hominid-interbreeding, creating the biblical Nephilim and/or children from Angel (all beings who came from the sky are given wings by artists) and hominid breeding. However, because of the well documented *"War of the Gods", we the "Meek" (slaves) have inherited the Earth. The Souls of the Creators, are Us and the body of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, is our new "will to form", form is our Merkabah, and/or our physical and intimate expression of "I AM Me"; a fiery Solar Body of light. Some of us have yet to "love" this beast-body we operate in our name of "I AM". However, to reject the body, is to divide the Spirit, Mind, Body connection that makes us a "Supreme Celestial Being", as we are all quantumly entangled and/or connected to the Universal Creative Being, the I AM. It also helps us to remember that "...the god's are a creation of the created"( A quote from the Emerald Tablet).
*(War of the Gods, documented in Vedic, Nordic, Greek, Sumerian, Jewish, and Assyrian literature, to name a few)

It can't be said enough: To be Whole requires a focused willful spiritual intelligence, and not some mad Hatter type of personality, that can't even control its own thought as it is told what to see by those who control worded identity. Skry the Lust card only after you are capable of holding one thought or image focus during an entire meditation! Any Psyche that Touches the Lust of The Great Father/Mother, will be profoundly charged, changed, and expanded beyond comfortable perspectives; all of which can be dangerous to our delicate denial based egos. In other words, one must be diligently trained in channeling higher and higher vibratory levels of Vital Life Force, before they "Ride the Lion-Serpent". That is why A. Crowley calls the Traditional Strength card Lust. For even the "little lust" of the manifested (Microcosm) seems to be beyond the cultural ego's control, as every politicians "secret life" of greed and sexual conquest will show. It is hard to imagine, what the Macrocosmic Lust would do to such a weak psyche... but then again, we have examples in Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc., where lust becomes a violent form of masturbation.

Lust represents a very important initiatory formula dealing with Serpent/Vital Solar Power. This Spiraling Power is the Force that opens, stimulates or spools up all the Chakras (energy centers) in the Human body. The Principles embedded in the Lust Card, tell us how to use this power. This is a "Divine Frenzy" which when stated alchemically becomes; “the heat of the furnace makes the Stone" or if religious; “inflame thyself with Prayer". The Heat applied, is the Great Passion at friction in the confines of a condensed magnetic field that is the human. This Heat or burning is experienced often in Tantric and Toaist exercises, or the exercise of the Middle Pillar (Aleister Crowley's book, 777), all of which I recommend to the interested party.

Crowley's imagery may shock some, as he presents the Whore of Babylon, taming the Lion-Serpent but then he understood that the epitome of virginity (sign of Virgo), was the Sacred Virgins of the Temples, before Christianity, made them "evil women", whores or Saints, of which all 3 perspectives were confusingly applied. The Christian word 'Whore" is a bastardization of the Greek word, Hetacrate, meaning female companion. Something more for the diligent student to investigate as the Goddess is the Mother of Form, and is indeed our Feminine Companion as the Highest Form of Mother!
When the Lust/Strength Card is thrown during a divination, it implies:
- The querent is relying on spiritual powers to manage the situation at hand and is receiving the strength to overcome.
- Following one’s own inner light, doing what their "heart of heart".
- Inner -self, says it is right.
- There can be an experiencing of a "gut level" driving force, instinctual and compelling for protection or survival.
- Also, possessing the courage of one's convictions.
- The strength of Passion, in the Higher Nature, which are dragon like power, courage, energy, action and magnanimity.
- One is experiencing the Law of Self-Domination, self-rule and self-control.
- This card represents the querent’s' passion, awareness, and aliveness.
- A symbol that you have a strong faith in your abilities.
- You have no qualms about relying on the spiritual powers within in order to handle the situation at hand.
- In other words you radiate your inner beauty and the ability to give love.
- Mind over matter.
- If ill defined by the surrounding cards (Thoth) or reversed (Dark Santa Muerte), it implies:
- Feeling blocked from one's power.
- Weak.
- Overwhelmed.
- You need some form of meditation or relaxation which may help restore strength.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you with prosperity. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.
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