
Thoth-knight of cups
In the Thoth Egyptian Tarot- Kings are called Knights, who are armored sitting astride their powerful "Spirit Force" steeds. Crowley didn't want a passive image of a king sitting on his royal throne for he called them active forces of Chokmah. Therefore, dressed as Battle Kings/Royal Knights who are in aggressive action. The Knight of Cups is the fiery part of water, this may sound strange to the neophyte; However, the fiery part of water is the Power of Solution.

The Knight of Cups is not unlike the fiery attack of rain or springs. He rules the Zodiac from 21st degree of Aquarius to the 20th degree of Pisces.
- The Armor, bright wings, and the leaping white charger, all represent the most active aspects of water.
- The crab represents the aggressive nature of water and its regenerative state, as crabs individually regenerate by shedding their hard outer shell.
- The Knight of Wands totem is the Peacock, as the very nature of active water is its brilliance. The Peacock is also the totem of the Peacock God Myths *.
of Yezidi and Hindu Lore & Legends Ancient and Modern "Say then, Let the Light of Knowledge flash forth from the ziarahs,
Flash forth from the river of Euphrates to the hiddenness of Shambhala!
Let My sanjak be carried from its safe place into the Temple,
And let all the clans of Yezid know of My Manifestation!"
- Revelation of Tawûsê Melek (Qu'ret al-Yezid)
Śrī Jñāna Pandita: Lord Skanda-Murugan as Expositor of Gnosis with His symbols the Vēl Āyudha or Spear of Wisdom and His vehicle/totem the Peacock or Phoenix. Behind Him shines the brilliance of the rising sun representing the brilliantly awakened state (bodhi) of the Jñāni or Comprehensor. |

Tawûsê Melek, the 'Peacock Angel' is the core manifestation of divinity on earth for the Yezidi people. The Peacock Angel, however, is not just God's Regent for the Yezidis alone, but belongs to the entire world.
The Yezidis believe that they preserve the oldest religion on earth, the primeval faith taught by Tawûsê Melek himself, and that all other traditions are related through the Peacock Angel's various manifestations.
As God's Regent on earth, the Peacock Angel is at the heart of all spiritual traditions. He does not, however, always manifest as a peacock, for across time and space he appears in many garbs.
The Peacock Angel is familiar to South Asia's Hindus and Buddhists alike, who recognize him as Lord Skanda or Murugan, the wily and compassionate god of war, love, and spiritual mysteries, who in Vedic times was known as the youthful sage Sanat Kumāra or 'Eternal Youth' personified. Like the Yezidis Tawsi Melek, Skanda-Murugan is the King of the World and moves through his domain as a young boy astride a peacock, or simply as a peacock. Similar to the Peacock Angel, his sacred animals include not only the peacock but also the snake and the rooster, the herald of the dawn and the awakening (Skt. bodhi) of the slumbering mind into full ecstatic awareness or gnosis.
To Muslims, he is al-Khidr, the 'Green Man' of Islamic and pre-Islamic lore, the Mentor of Moses in Quraan, Hadith, and Sufi Tafsirs, and in the lore associated with Alexander the Great's Quest for the Water of Eternal Life.
In tantric lore, he is the King of Shambhala, a spiritual centre where the governing deity of earth, Sanat Kumāra, dwells as the highest avatar of the planetary Logos of earth, a manifestation of the Will of God.
This site explores living traditions concerning the Peacock Angel, who is honored as Ta'us Malik in the ancient Yazidi faith, as Skanda or Murugan in South Asia among Hindus and Buddhists, and in a variety of other manifestations across Asia and the world.
For more information click on the orange link below.
The fluorescence characteristics of the person signified by this card are surprisingly passive, as dictated by the Zodiacal attribution. With the qualities of Venus, he is a graceful dilettante (a weak Jupiter). Passively amiable and quick to respond to attraction but the stimulation fades away as he is not very enduring. Emotionally triggered by outside influence, this person has no real material depth of character. The Knight of Cups has an undeniable innocence and purity that is hardly clouded by his ill dignified sensuality, idleness, and untruthful nature. In fact, he may seem so superficial that it is hard to reach any depth in him, yet he is a romantic whose very nature is to protect the less fortunate.

tarot personality birth wheel


Bran the blessed
This card represents Dewi, the ancient lord of the Abyss, who is also known as Bran the blessed who later became the Christianize Fisher King or Rich Fisher or Brân of the Celtic mythology who was the son of Llyr (Dewi) the Sea God. He represents ageless power and strength, a reliable protector of the needy with a quality of irresistible force underlying a calm surface.However, later in British mythology, he becomes Parcival, the wounded healer, who has learned knowledge through sympathy.
As anyone in a chemistry lab will testify, there is difficulty in rightly mating water with Fire. The same applies to the Fiery Will of Spirit mated to the placid and calm self-consciousness, for the swift and often violent nature of fire (Knight of Wands) ill suits a character that is naturally as placid as water. This Knight of Cups (Knight of the Graäl) is the personification of the fiery realm of water in our search for transcendental experience, redemption , and mystical union with the source, ; the Numen or whatever word we use to try to explain the inexplainable Source.**
It is a rare persona indeed that has mastered the balance fiery aggressiveness and placidity, so most often we find this core personality mismanaging his/her affairs and unless good fortune attends them, their career and life is littered with a trail of failure and disaster. There is a mental "civil war" here, and this can lead to depressions, and/or schizophrenia. The abuse of stimulants, alcohol, and narcotics is not uncommon with such a personality. As always the case, the surrounding cards will help the Reader decide the positive or ill dignified nature of this card and often within the Reading/Divination it is recommended the nature of correcting the unwanted behavior of this ill dignity. All in all, a very fun bubbly, bright person to be around---as long as you show attraction, to stimulate their attention. Good fun for short visits!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
JNumen, pl. numina, is a Latin term for "divinity", or a "divine presence", "divine will." The Latin authors defined it as follows.[1] Cicero writes of a "divine mind" (divina mens), a god "whose numen everything obeys," and a "divine power" (vis divina) "which pervades the lives of men." It causes the motions and cries of birds during augury.[2] In Virgil's recounting of the blinding of the one-eyed giant, Polyphemus, from the Odyssey, in his Aeneid, he has Odysseus and his men first "ask for the assistance of the great numina" (magna precati numina).[3] Reviewing public opinion of Augustus on the day of his funeral, the historian Tacitus reports that some thought "no honor was left to the gods" when he "established the cult of himself" (se ... coli vellet) "with temples and the effigies of numina" (effigie numinum).[4] Pliny the younger in a letter to Paternus raves about the "power," the "dignity," and "the majesty;" in short, the "numen of history."[5] Lucretius uses the expression numen mentis,[6] or "bidding of the mind,"[7] where "bidding" is numen, not, however, the divine numen, unless the mind is to be considered divine, but as simply human will.[1]
Since the early 20th century, numen has sometimes been treated in the history of religion as a pre-animistic phase; that is, a belief system inherited from an earlier time. Numen is also used by sociologists to refer to the idea of magical power residing in an object, particularly when writing about ideas in the western tradition. When used in this sense, numen is nearly synonymous with mana. However, some authors reserve use of mana for ideas about magic from Polynesia and southeast Asia.

the tarot of druids-king of chalices
The Tarot of Druids-King of Chalices, displays a Condottiere (a leader or member of a troop of mercenaries, especially in Italy) blessing the union of a Celtic couple, under the watchful eye of a Druid priest. The Early Celts had mercenary leaders, Condottiere, rather than "Kings". Battle Lords, or leaders of the "clan", who preformed the duties one would apply to a king or baron. Here he is holding the "Holy Chalice" just as the Thoth Knight of Cups does and is acting as if he was "Brân the Blessed", who also was a battle leader and protector of the vulnerable.
In Celtic mythology, Brân the Blessed is the son of the Sea God, Llyr. For some, he’s also the Celtic God of regeneration. His name means raven, which is also his symbol. For others, he’s a giant and a king in Welsh mythology.
- The optimist.
- Issues with family and/or relationships.
- The Spirit of Water.
- One has attained their position of authority by listening to their conscientious, by action and looking ahead into life.
- Becoming aware that a psychic process in one’s life has come to an end.
- Releasing and old emotion by realizing it has run its course and is no longer operative in one’s life.
- The ability to love.
- A counselor or caregiver who is creative and imaginative.
- A seductive personality that is good in the art of love.
- Self redemption through renunciation of instincts.
- Sympathy.
- Intuitive understanding.
If ill dignified by surrounding cards:
- Seductibility.
- Duplicity.
- Instability.
- Helper syndrome.
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